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#1 2018-07-07 09:47:04 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Break Ins,Passing Thunderstorms, and Rainbows-Marek's Fate TP


Melantha-Leader of The Black Rose

Stormfang-Fighter in the Black Rose

Kakarauri- Head Assassin for Black Rose and now Ormaz's Horde

Texo- Architect of Ferravale

Darkshadow-Leader of The Shadow(spoofed)

A couple Ferravale guards(Spoofed)

Some horde beasts, a short group of 4-5(Spoofed)


Texo is busy looking over blueprints in his hut as he examines them and smiles "Yes yes that should help this gate" He lays them aside as he looks at the last finishing touches of the bell tower. The bell tower was almost complete but today the bell was fitted and was even already tested to work, a great day for Ferravale indeed. He grins "Blisa will be so very glad of all of this and the Bell Tower will help so very much"

Stormfang was outside the hut and looked over at a couple other beasts "Is this such a good idea?"

Melantha rolls her eyes "I have no clue, least his hut is on the furthest on the trail and close to the woods."

A tall ferret with a black cloak stays close by "They should fix that area of the wall, nothing like a small hole dug under an old wall gate...tisk"It was the beast simply know as DarkShadow, leader of The Shadow. "Orders are to take captive..alive..the Architect."

Kakarauri smirks as she gets a bottle of ale and sticks a rag in it, she lights it and throws it towards the window."SO lets do this before guards find us"

Stormfang looks around "Won

Stormfang looks around "Wont a loud noise like...attract..ya know..attention?"

Texo nods, as he hears glass break he looks over at that a flaming bottle of..his eyes widen as the bottle explodes and he barely manages to get out of the way and under a table, but the window and part of that side wall is gone! Also his hut is on fire as well as the small walnut tree he keeps by his hut.

Melantha tail puffs out "Oh yeah that was done so quietly" She hisses and points to the hut as 3 weasels with her go into the hut"Make sure he is alive!"

Darkshadow just stays where he is, he has a couple rats with him"If he was smart..he would move out of the way"

Kakarauri chuckles and grins when indeed a couple guards show up as she smiles coldly " have bad timing" She then flicks a poison dagger at one guard and it hits them in the neck and they die with a gurgle, the other she slices at with her twin swords, the battle last a little over a minute and then the guard is then beheaded as she cackles "Any more guards, I want to kill more please"

Stormfang just frowns as he keeps an eye out cutlass in paw.

Texo crawls out from the table and tries to get to the back door, but then he dashes back to grab the blueprints, slapping the corner of one that was on fire and then rushes to the back door just as the vermin troops enter his hut"Arghhhhh leave me alone."

The leader of The Shadow simply smiles coldly "Sorry ..orders" He motions for the troops to grab the weasel architect.

Melantha also blocks his path and looks at the fire "That fire and smoke is gonna attract more guards..."And there is thunder as it was cloudy and the rain starts to pour, well that will help get the fire out but part of his hut is ruined.

Kakarauri goes to grab Texo "Come get to meet the soon to be ruler of Mossflower Ormaz so no sad face now" And that laugh she has, its just not for the weak of heart.

Stormfang frowns "I don't like rain...why the rain" It would soon clear up as it was a passing storm and it would be a sunny day today .

Texo struggles as he is taken captive and led outside of his hut in a rush, he looks back" walnut tree!" In sure didn't feel like a soon to be sunny day as a small ray of sunshine seemed to mock him as it peaked threw the dark clouds.

Melantha looked at the blue prints the weasel dropped "These are interesting....Bell Tower...what ever boring, whats this..." She looks at the other blueprint that is part way burned on the top.

Darkshadow looked it over and grined "Part of their wall...not sure what side but a couple or least one weak area to fix, part of this is burnt but no matter"

Kakarauri grined as she helps make sure they are not followed "I like the rain and it washes away paw prints, not the two dead guards but hey, we left gifts."She grined "I am sure we can find a way to get him to discuss info..or Ormaz can"She smiled coldly at Texo."Your have a nice private little cell....slave"

Texo frowns and finds a little courage "I..I wont tell your stupid leader anything. You ruined..ruined my walnut tree~

Stormfang blinks "You ruined his walnut tree? Maybe that was like his favorite food you..think?"

Melantha looks ready to slap Stormfang as they get further into the woods "Please be quiet and move faster we need to get back and have to do it while its pouring rain still." The rain had indeed started pouring again and lasted a good 10 minutes before it slowed but by then the group of beasts were a good distance away, had made a small circle before they got on the needed trail to their base.

Darkshadow just listened quietly as he keep alert.

Kakarauri smiles "Today has been fun."

Texo stares at the ground, the bell tower celebration would in 2-3 hours, but he would not be there. He looked up as some dark clouds started to give way to the sun would be a sunny day and no clouds by then, he sighs as he sees a rainbow, normally he would be excited and overjoyed at the sight but this rainbow didn't help at all, its bright colors didn't cheer him, it just seemed to give a false since that this day would be the best ever.

Melantha sees the rainbow also but only looks at it briefly as they soon get to the base and she helps make sure the Architect is in a cell for later questioning. She was surpriseingly a fan of rainbows but she will keep that secret with her and take it to the grave one day

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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