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#1 2018-06-30 04:10:43 PM

Karth Riverbark
Registered: 2017-09-15
Posts: 400

A Small Break At The Tavern-Defenders Log

Karth enters the tavern, his cloak is missing for now but he seems fine without it as he sits down and orders a simple ale. He stays alert while he is here, just in case but is a bit more relaxed than elsewhere.

Ferro is already at the tavern finishing up some cheese and some wild greens as he glaces at the otter and nods a simple hello to him before taking a sip of some ale of his own.

Karth takes a sip of ale once he has it and nods after a moment "Hey" He says, the monitor is not bothering him, that and he knows who he is as he goes over and points to a chair in front of him "May I sit here?"

Ferro speaks in his gruff voice "Isssssssss fine with me."He finishes his ale and orders another"Thissssss weather issssss annoying too hot to ssssstay out long"

Karth says, "Well it may be hot but sometimes one has no choice than to be out in such weather as annoying as said weather is"

Ferro asks, "Do you require ssssssomething?" He sounds like he rather be alone right now, then many keep their distance"Well?"

Karth says, "Well some chain mail armor may be good to have made, maybe for any Defender beast that doesn't have any yet, I am sure some do but I am not sure whom.""

Ferro asks, "I can and will take a few dayssssss, if otherssssss want it may they can come tell me themsssssselves" He downs the 2nd ale" Not all fight in your group, do they?"

Karth shakes his head "Not all fight no, I mean healers..scouts and such. We had a cook but lost them but others can cook and there is here or the abbey for food"

Ferro nods "Yesssss, my daughter isssss not a fighter, but could be, I rather her not sssssssshe hasssssssss a child to care for, but I will not refussssse her a chance to fight if need be assssssss sssssshe is protective of loved ones, sssssssshe helped me once."

Karth listens "Yes I seen her and she helped you how if I can ask as most would not need to help a monitor lizard, least in a fight"

Ferro says, "I found her after sssssssshe been a captive of my tribe, most I fought off but the leader wasssssss ssssstill..alive, he had me down when ssssshe ssscaped and fought...killed him and got me ssssssome help, ssssshe talked a woodlander healer into helping me...sssssso sssssshe will fight if needed, I do sssstill worry for her, but not too much, ssssshe is at the abbey and hopefully ssssstaysssss put. I can go to her if ssssssssshe needs me to""

Karth says, "True but I believe she is fine, she is helping sir Xander recover. A slave was recruited from slavers but not all rescues go smoothly but there is always the could of been worse"

Ferro says, "I heard he wasssssssss injured and hope he recovers sssssoon. Maybe he needs chainmail made"

Karth shrugs "I could ask sir, I know he has some badger armor but it wouldn't be wise to wear that a lot unless a large battle was planed, then maybe but yes chain mail be good besides padded armor, if not for that padded armor its possible that marten would of slain him"

Ferro nods "Yesssssss that would of been very bad newsssss indeed"

Karth says, "I agree I do not want to lose a leader or any beast for that matter"

Ferro says, "Beasssssts sssssssadly come and go, weather casue of death or moving away. We gain and lossssse friendsssss in life."

Karth Riverbark-Me-Archer in Mossflower Defenders

Ferro- Blacksmith of Ferravale

====Ferravale Tavern =======

Karth sighs "Still. Then who wants to lose anyone to dead, moving or maybe just a friendship ending some other way"

Ferro tilts his head "Explain?"

Karth shakes his head but after a while "I ...had this friend. But he..some reason joined up to a stupid pirate ship..he joined vermin fer crying out loud and he was a fellow sea otter."

Ferro just watches the otter,"Soooo..where issssss he now?"

Karth asks, "How should I know, do I care? No...not really. We argued, he left end of story, not another word." He stands "I am going to Defenders base...I..I will check on the armor, when..few days?"

Ferro nods "Thissssss time next week isssss fine"

Karth nods and without another word he leaves the tavern.

My spoofs:Atvi...and Alts=
Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri- LP Hare Fighter/Private and Residential Redwall Abbey Hare
Dearil-Archer/Fighter/Assassin in Blackrose


#2 2018-07-07 01:42:10 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Re: A Small Break At The Tavern-Defenders Log

DoraRose has padded armour she adds when needed.  She won't ask for chain mail, but if it is made for her anyway, she will accept it smile

And cool; I like learning the backstory of characters big_smile

(Also, cheese and wild greens?  Ferro's lunch sounds delicious!)


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