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#1 2018-06-25 05:38:16 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Talk Of Recent Events Leads to Talk of Past Events-Redwall Log

*its long *

**icly the next day after this *


Oz- Badger Mother, AKA Papa Oz

Benar-Abbot of Redwall

Thomas-A visiting blind storyteller

Kishiko- A returning visitor

Krisha-Badger Mother in training

Ximena - Healer in Mossflower Defenders

-Some spoofs of dibbuns, novices, and some kitchen helpers


RW Abbey: Cavern Hole
This room is slightly smaller than Great Hall, but still of a size large enough to accomodate a great number of gathered beasts. A large fireplace is set into one of the walls, and there are a series of small tables and chairs near one end for beasts who are eating late, or simply prefer the smaller tables for their meals. Cushions and blankets have been set in one corner. A short flight of steps leads up to Great Hall, and along the walls of the stairs, going both ways, the word 'Redwall' has been carved into the stone.
Oz had his lesson in cavern Hole today as the group of dibbuns go to him one at a time to work on math skills of counting and taking away using some beads or seeds in his paws as he either nods or shakes his head to try again.

Krisha slowly comes down the steps and walks closer as she watches and smiles a little. She keeps quiet so the lesson can go on.

A young mouse sighs and finally gets a math problem right after a 5th try and smiles jumping up and down as he is excited. Oz smiles " not give up, always keep trying." A couple of the dibbuns notice the other badger and wave to her. Oz nods as he goes to put the beads and sunflower seeds away "Ok our lesson went a little over time but I am sure that is fine."

Krisha waves "Hey" She sighs and sits in a chair by the door, she just isn't into much helloing today

Oz stands and walks over to Krisha "How are you doing Krisha, its not good to keep one's worries to themselves" The dibbuns decide to sit down, a couple go hug the other badger.

Krisha shrugs and speaks "I...I know, it's just...I am worried about Xander and what happen, and why and...." She allows the dibbuns to hug her and then she hugs Oz"He is still unconscious"

Oz nods "I have not heard much myself or who the shrew is he helped. He was the only one there. I am only glad he got back to the abbey." He hugs her "Try to not worry as stress is not good, for anyone"

Krisha sighs softly and leans into the hug, Oz is really the only other one she can hug tighter and feel....well she can't explain it..safer, and her father is in Ferravale as she sniffs letting a couple tears fall.

Oz allows the hug and as he hears Sister Ginny come into the room he speaks "Sister Ginny, you can take the young ones for reading lesson if you want to now." He gets an "Alright'" And the dibbuns are lead out of the room leaving just him and Krisha, "Want to talk, it does help I have found out many times"

Krisha is quiet a long while and just stands there and then " How, you think it would make it worse" She frowns still looks at the steps "I would go to the infirm, but I cant just stay there"

Oz answers "No. I am sure he will be fine"

Krisha finally steps back as she nods quietly "Your right. so does anyone know what happen?"

Oz shakes his head "Not for certain, just he helped a shrew. Gorvenalus may of talked with the shrew but I was not there"

Krisha listens, she hates being stressed and being worried like this"Maybe we can...find out later." She would take a walk but its hot today...again. And it may rain later also, and why walk around inside she just end up checking on Xander again and sitting all day.

Oz nods "I could find out maybe, till then something to get your mind off things"

Benar walks down the stairs from the Hall, pausing on the bottom step to look around before heading toward the kitchens, he is frowning and carrying a whole bunch of scrolls in his arms.

Krisha shrugs, she is a bit quiet as not much in her mind is going to cause less worry or stress, or get her mind off much. Well maybe one thing,"Sometimes its silly, I mean it gets my mind off things sometimes..."She looks over at Benar as he walks in."Everything...alright?"

Oz knows all of the footsteps of beasts here, unless they have been away a long while or are visiting and he then tends to learn quickly if they stay around, he tilts his head "Greetings Benar."

Benar asks, "Hmm?" He looks around at the badgers and smiles, "As well as can be with a crazed mad-beast on the lose, a bunch of slavers moving in... I have been doing inventory of supplies and materials and such."

Krisha asks, "Did you need any help checking? I could help make a list or check supplies, and that would surely be a good way to destress myself."

Oz says, "Keeping stock will be good, I think we are fairly good on most things and there was a recent market trip, I am unsure of going on another trip though unless its really important."

Kishiko has not been here very long, and usually when she is she is heard coming as she is always talking to some beast, or trying to get away from watching her younger brother, no. She stops as she looks between the three beasts and sniffs a little rubbing her eyes and darts to the closest one, she is a teenager now but right now she feels very much younger again as she goes to hug tightly onto Oz and mutters something into his robes.

Benar smiles at Krisha, "If you could go down and talk to the cellar keeper and go over what drinks we have in stock that'd help. Lacota's beasts are going through the food stocks in the stores," He looks at his lists, "The Infirmary is well stocked on supplies and building materials we are ok with." He glances at Oz, "Also Oz just so you know I've ordered Dora Rose to seal all the side gates."

Krisha blinks at the sudden appearance of the young shrew and starts to ask what is wrong but maybe its best for Oz or Benar to handle this."oh..yes I could do that, of course"

Oz nods "I heard, no one outside unless they have your permission or are told to do so, though I do not thi....."And then the shrew as he frowns, he has his caught off guard moments and this is one of them but he listens trying to figure out who as he rubs her back and then hopefully figures it out correctly"Kishiko?"

Kishiko lets out a couple sobs before she finally speak. "Papa...Oz...."She sniffs, yeah his robes are most likely just a little wet from tears now. "T..They took mom and dad and....we were on our way here, but we stopped and I went to refill water canteens and....and they were at the campsite and I Ran and they almost got me, but..he and he is hurt cause..cause..cause of me"

Benar nods to Krisha in thanks then looks down at the small shrew, he frowns at their tail and glances at Oz, stepping back to let the badger do what he does best in comforting someone. The first report of slaver activity to be properly confirmed... it is worrying

Krisha frowns as she listens, well she has a little more worry now "A..Slaver stabbed him...."She clears her throat "I..I am gonna get on that..list checking right now, excused me. I should do that" She quickly heads off , just check the cellar supplies, that be best.

Oz frowns and kneels down to better help the shrew "Its not your fault. Its the vermin and he will be fine, he is recovering in the infirm and likely saved your life. And I did hear you got the guards attention at the gates when he passed out getting you here, that helped also." He listened as Krisha walks off and sighs a little. "And your safe here, we will have beasts try and find your family Kishiko, but know your safe now."

Kishiko slowly calms a little and nods "I...I sprang my wrist when I fell...there was a lot of rats and a rat and marten chased me and ..would of grabbed me had someone not jumped in front of me..they ran away."She coughs a little and rubs her eyes. "It was..was scary and I though they would follow us here."

Oz nods as he listens "No one can easily get inside the abbey and the gates were not to long again made stronger. I am sure it was scary."

Kishiko sniffs as she rubs her wrist a little, there is a brace on it for now, " the badger that helped me...he gonna be ok..he inst gonna die is he?" She is worried, she remembers the fight clearly as she watched it, "He..made them away..he hurt the marten like...a lot, but he was hurt too but he still carried me to the gates and...then he passed out"

Benar says, "Well indeed you are quite safe here Kishiko and our healers are quite sure nothing bad is going to happen to Xander, he just needs some rest"

Oz is quiet before answering as he has a passing novice get something to drink. "His name is Xander and he will be fine as Benar said. He is in the infirm recovering now. " He will have to check on him later also and check to make sure Krisha is doing ok. "Yes rest." He does offer a smile "You calling up to the guards also helped him, they knew to open the gates sooner."

Kishiko sniffs and looks to Benar and goes to hug him also. "O..ok." She is still a little upset, "Will my family be found and saved? I..I can help, I remember these tattoos the vermin had on their arms."

Benar says, "Of course they will be found Kishiko, we have the defenders and our Champion and all our friends in Ferravale, they'll help us find them I promise. but until then you can stay here with us”

Oz says, "Yes inside the abbey. As I was saying earlier Benar. I don't think it wise to go on any Trips to the market if something is needed maybe a message can be given for someone to bring it to the abbey if they are able, I am not sure. Or if there is even something we seriously need we may be low on, that's of major important ace anyways"

Kishiko sits down finally in a chair beside them as she listens to the two talk "No worries I don't want to go anywhere outside the abbey"

Benar says, "Then you must stay here, let us see about getting you a bath, something fresh to wear and something to eat"

Oz smiles "I am sure Friar Lacota would not mind making you something till dinner, and you can get that bath as well by dinner time."

Kishiko nods "T..Thanks..." She frowns "Visits are suppose to be...nice, this one hasn't so far." She looks at the floor "The vermin may of got me too if..if I didn't go to the creek to get water"

Benar says, "I am sorry this trip did not go as well as hoped Kishiko."

Oz speaks "Getting the water likely was a good thing then, I would not of liked hearing a friend was taken captive. As for doing something nice I am sure there can be something to find to do"

Kishiko sighs "Like...what?"

Benar says, "Now you wait here I will go get some food," The Abbot vanishes into the kitchen, no doubt having to navigate around a busy kitchen to get a tray"

Tap, tap, tap. The tapping of Thomas' staff can be heard on the steps before the mouse can be seen.

Oz says, "I am unsure what, maybe we can find Krisha later and cheer her up or...." He smiles "You know you are of novice age now, you could help me with the dibbuns or see if they need help in the kitchens one day"

Kishiko smiles a little and notices the mouse before she speaks "I..I remember Friar Lacota...but he is a little grumpy and never seemed to like me in the kitchens before" Then she did try and steal cookies and a tray of candy chestnuts one time.

Thomas descends the steps, using his staff to guide himself. "Are we discussing food?"

Oz chuckles "Well...he does dislike beasts just going into the kitchen...very few can without trouble" He nods "Somewhat, Kishiko is here for a few days..normally with family but its just her for now."

Kishiko frowns as family is mentioned and goes to hug Oz again, " was taken captive by slavers and I barely got away and only because a beast helped me to get here and they got hurt doing that and I feel bad someone is in the infirm "

Thomas frown. "Oh... Oh my. I am sorry to hear that."

Benar returns from the kitchen triumphantly! He has a tray and on it is a bowl of soup, a hazelnut muffing and a loaf of bread and a beaker of pear cordial, "Here we are Kishiko, something to eat, you must be starving, sorry I took so long the Friar's assistance were not  being helpful"

Oz says, "They will be found try to not worry too much though I do know it can be hard to worry when its for a loved one ."

Kishiko looks to the food and nods, she is fairly hungry and didn't eat yesterday when she got here. She sleep a lot and walked around a little. "Thank you" She manages to not eat too fast, the muffin is gone a bit quickly and she sips her drink slowing down for the soup and bread.

Thomas finds someplace to sit. "Ah, yes. Lacota must still be out in the garden picking vegetables."

Oz says, "As long as he stays inside the abbey. The gates have been sealed so no one can leave unless of major importance or has Benar's permission."

Kishiko just eats and listens, she is happy to stay inside. " others being told come to the abbey cause its..safer?"

Benar says, "I am sure Lacota will give me a lecture for asking for food outside of usual work hours in a bit" He watches Kishiko eat then moves to a chair and settles down, "It is ridiculous again the abbey is under threat...""

Oz says, "We will get threw this Benar, we always seem to. At Least we were given some clues and a warning of whats going on outside the gates. I am also sure Lacota is likely avoiding...well I am sure he will get over that as well." He sighs a little "The Mossflower Defenders are helping a little with guard duties since the abbey doesn't have many guards, as well as keeping an eye on the road and woodlands, besides Kishiko's family no other mentions of anyone missing or captured"

Kishiko frowns, "The..marten mentioned a squirrel...and someone named Ace as..being...sold. The marten seemed to think it was funny cause she laughed and seemed to like to anger..."Oh what was the name again "Anger the badger that helped me get away. She stabbed him but then he made her and the rat run away..something bout re...retreating or something she said and she was hurt a lot ."

Thomas hmms? "The gates are sealed? For what reason?"

Benar says, "Well... they are lucky to be alive if they tangled with Xander, but try not to think about it for now Kishiko, eat and then go rest"

Thomas taps his staff. "You could ask that otter, what was his name? Lee, was it? He's over in Camp Willow, I think."

Oz says, "Probably cause they ran, I am sure Xander may of chased after them but he wanted to make sure you got to the abbey safe Kishiko, he did what was more important at the time." He answers Thomas "There are slavers outside and also a threat from a beast named Ormaz, we were given a warning by another beast whom the abbey also"

Kishiko nods, she will wait on dinner before she eats again and yawns. She still does need a bath though as she looks to the stairs briefly.

Benar asks, "Thomas was with me when the warning was delivered Oz, I think he already knows," He looks at the other and smiles, "Did you find anything whilst scouting?"

Thomas nods. "Indeed, friend Oz. Though I was unaware the gates were sealed right now. This does put a damper in my plans for my daily constitutional in the forest.”

Kishiko frowns "The woods...are a bad place right now"

Benar says, "Sorry Thomas, it.. just isn't safe for me to leave the gates unlocked right now."

Ximena enters the room, right away pouting as her arms are crossed over her chest. She sees the abbot and walks over to him "Excuse...sir Abbot? Can you tell me why the guards seem so...unwilling to let me go home?"

Oz nods "Yes the woods are not very safe right now and I am unsure of the road......"He stops as the hamster enters the room and raises an eyebrow.

Kishiko frowns, she decides to slip off for that bath before dinner and maybe get some needed rest also.

Benar turns as Ximena comes up to him and sighs, "Oh Ximena, I am sorry I did not know you where visiting. I ordered the gates sealed because a Slaver group known as the Black Rose have moved into the Forest and are threatening beasts." He gestures at Kishiko as she heads for the stairs, "We already have confirmed reports of several beasts being snatched already, I would advise you to stay here for the time being if at all able."

Thomas taps his staff. "Indeed, I wouldn't advise traveling alone."

Ximena frowns "But I....."She sighs "Fine....but if a healer ends up being needed, then what? i also like to make sure any herbs are well stocked in my traveling bag"

Oz says, "We could use your healer skills here as well, in case anyone comes to the abbey injuries, and if one is needed outside we could send a guard along or least someone with fighter skills to be with you"

Benar says, "The infirmary is fully stocked, you can fill your bag from our supplies. But it really would not be safe to go back on your own. Perhaps if a party are heading out and are likely to pass near your home you can go with them?"

Thomas feels around for a cup of tea. "Surely you won't missed if you stay here a few days longer, Miss."

Ximena smirks "I have a sling and smooth river stones, do you know how deadly that is in the right paws, the right amount of speed and a smooth pebble can travel faster than one things and can do a lot more than simple give one a small pained bump, hit a vermin in just the right spot....." She listens "I live near the river...well lately anyways. And sort of travel alone usually anyways"

Oz frowns "Still....alone is not always good, you can still have beasts sneak up on you."

Benar shakes his head, "I know how deadly a sling is Miss Ximena, but how are you going to use if it six, twenty, or thirty vermin jump you? They are moving in a pack and they seem skilled at moving through the woods and ambushing people."

Ximena frowns " have a point, I most likely could handle 1-2...maybe 3 but not more than that" He sits down and just shakes her head "I.." She sighs "Ok I suppose I could offer any healing aid here while I am here, just in case any escaped slaves or beasts need one from...looking for slavers or whatever"

Oz says, "We sadly may end up having injuries beasts in need of help"

Thomas nods his head. "There, it's settled. I am inconvenienced, myself. I had plans to visit Ferravale this week. However, I'm smart enough to admit my own strengths and weaknesses, and a blind storyteller can't stand up against a whole band of slavers... I say, where can I find some tea? There doesn't seem to be any in here..."

Ximena says, "Well I will help where I can then, no sense in just sitting around"

Benar says, "I can order some tea in for everyone," He beckons to a passing novices and whispers to them to order refreshments and then sits back, "I am glad you are staying Ximena, that is one less beast I have to worry about."

Oz says, "Has anything been found in the old logs of the Black Rose as I know they were around before I came to the abbey and again maybe a season or two after I came they were around last. I don't think either time that they took over anything as they were stopped before that happen"

Ximena says, "Black Rose...they trying to sound all scary or something?"

Thomas waves a paw dismissively. "Pah, they're only trying to live up to a name. That older Black Rose gang is almost certainly all long dead by now. You mark my words, this current gang is just an imitation of the original."

Benar says, "I am afraid i am still waiting on the results of the recorders search. Something from so long ago Oz is probably in storage but it'll take time to pull it out of the files"

Ximena asks, "How far back does your abbey recorder stuff go? Couldn't possibly save it all.....could you?"

Oz nods "True and we should have them from when first started.....some are keep in a special place due to easy damage"

Benar says, "We actually have records from before the Abbey was built, recorded, transcribed and protected. In both the library and the store room in the old gate house library."

Ximena asks, "The abbey is fairly old, isn't it? No idea how old but my Grandpa mentioned a dibbun with his grandparents."

Oz says, "I have been here many seasons now, before that lived in the snowy northlands."

Benar says, "it has been since the time of Lord Brocktree of Salamdanstron," He stands up, "But for now you must all excuse me I need to take care of some work."

Ximena says, "So...what made you travel that far south?"

Oz leans back "My son....adopted son had heard of Redwall from a couple passing otters, ran away one day and ended up here and I followed, didn't plan to stay.....and well I did and I am still here many seasons later"

Ximena says, "Run away to Redwall....well that's new or maybe not so new, so why did he run away?"

Oz says, "I had on him going, dangers and all I figured as I was very over protective of the boy and he was only what would be seen as novice age here, well season or two more....still he got mad placed sleeping herbs in my tea and left. By the time I caught up to him here he got a 3 hour lecture, you can ask one of the elders about it if like I am sure one can remember and I think it was written down in the records"He chuckles"I can still give long lectures if needed at times." He smiles. "I got talked into staying by more than one beast here and..well"

Ximena blinks as she listened "Sleeping herb in.....I would of slapped him myself but that's me"

A novice comes into the room carrying a tray with tea and scones. Thomas feels about for one of the cups. "Regarding the Abbey's age, Miss, it is vastly ancient. It was already quite old when it was partially destroyed by an earthquake over 80 seasons ago."

Oz nods, he frowns a little as he remembers Maxtor and sighs "Well..."He smiles a little " Good memories still" He nods "I remember reading of the earthquake, before I was here that happen."

Ximena says, "Wow,,,long time and read.."She studies him "But...your blind"

Oz nods "Yes, I wasn't blind when I first came happen later on" Its clear he rather not go into that story right now.

Thomas nods, finally getting a sip of tea. "Yes. I believe your last abbot, before Benar... Lorimis, was it? He was apparently born only a few seasons after the earthquake. He was quite ancient when he died..."

Ximena says, "well and it still stands, then again its guarded by Martin the Warrior or so the stories say." She yawns and does get a scone and some tea."Most likely be beasts talking about events now in like another 100 seasons from now"

Oz says, "Yes...I miss Lorimis, then a lot do. He died in 2-3 seasons before....."

Ximena notes the sudden quiet "Before ... who?"

Oz stands and sits down his tea after he drinks it and nods "I..need to check on the dibbuns I am a little late and Sister Ginny will be....most upset if I stay away too much longer" He then heads off as it seems she wants an answer it will have to be later. He may or may not reply as it may well depend on his mood.

Last edited by oz (2018-06-27 11:22:09 AM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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