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#1 2018-06-19 06:16:16 PM

From: Somewhere by the Mountains
Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 416

A Very, Very Long Conversation after Lunch! Tuesday, 6/19/18

Anatole, an Otter,
John, a Squirrel,
Oz, a Badger,
and Xander, another Badger!

The Great Hall:

Xander makes his way inside the great hall, he seems slightly tried but not nearly as bad as he had been. He glaces around and soon finds a chair to sit in

In a chair nearby the light from the high windows a squirrel is sitting; reading some history book after the noon meal. The beast glances up at the sound of the badger, raising an eyebrow as he sees him - cogs turn in his head as some memories come back. "Hello there!" John says, closing the book, "I haven't really seen many badgers here besides ol' Oz and Zinna..." He offers a smile. "Forgive me- I haven't been here at the abbey for a while. Name's John."

Xander frowns at he name Zinnia and nods "Hello....Xander Winters..."He offers a weak smile and a paw to shake "And...Oz is still around, most likely with the dibbuns."

John notices the frown. "Er- Nice to meet you. Did I, well, say something wrong?" He asks, tilting his head to the side. After a moment, he adds, trying to break the ice, "As for Oz - I'm surprised, and glad. He was 'round here when I was about your age, methinks."

Xander shakes his head " didnt she...she died" He says quietly. He nods "But...not forgoten.There was this...insane squirel of all things, he was defeated though and is" He sighs "They do have a new Recorder..Brother Gorvenalus, a beaver."He decides to change the subject, least for now, "I am leader of a group called Mossflower Defenders, its a ...well fair sized group but slowly growing."

"Ah. I see. I'm sorry." John pinches the bridge of his snout, then, to himself, he mutters, "It seems every time I leave here, someone..." He looks at the badger, suddenly. "Explains the messy writing in the newer records." He makes no comment about the insane squirrel - that hit a bit too close for comfort - instead asking, "Defenders, eh? There used to be a group like that - a few, actually - but they never really lasted. To many beasts bumping heads." He looks down for a moment, then adds, "How's this one going, anyway?"

Xander says, "Going well and I am surprised on any messy writeing....hmmms maybe someone copying some notes. And hopeing the Defenders last...we even have a base near Ferravale.""

John nods. "Maybe copying..." setting the book to one side, he asks, "Been through any trouble yet?" He shifts in his seat, leaning to one side with his arm resting on the chair's. "Any real trouble? Find that's the make or break point for stuff like this."

Xander says, "Someone tried to break us up, but the group stayed together and thats good. We have helped Mossflower a couple times. " He sighs "There is some..possible slaver trouble, someone called Black Rose, not much info on it and I have yet to look at any old records, Uncle Oz said they use to be around when he first came to the abbey..seems the former daughter or something took over and reformed the Black Rose ""

"Black Rose?" John says, thinking for a moment, "I think I've heard of it before - though always seemed like ancient history, the way I heard it!" He says the last with a small chuckle, then suddenly sits upright. "Listen - possible trouble still is trouble. Do you have any idea if they've done anything?" He taps the chair arm with a paw. "I don't like really like slavers all that much." An understatement, if the cold tone of his voice is anything to go by. "The best way to deal with stuff like this is to rip it out before it grows any more."

Xander says, " They may of captured a couple friends. There is a rat in Ferravale who may know or an idea of...where they are, his name is Patch" He thinks "And no....he is not an enemy..he is annoying yes but, not evil....he is a ...a friend.""

Rather gravely, John responds, "May of? My suggestion would be to look for those friends until they are found - and if not, look for the slavers." After a moment, he adds, "As for the rat - how willing has he been to say things? The way you said friend doesn't seem all that convincing."

Xander speaks "Patch is...well he's Patch. I have not questioned him too much, he works at the tavern in Ferravale. He almost got me killed by a monitor lizard few days ago cause he didnt like it's name.." He stops as he remembers the name and chuckles slightly "It was  sort of funny name for a lizard....but still. I can try and talk to him again."

John says, "Hmm. Perhaps that would be best - for Mossflower and your group." He looks over at the fireplace, seemingly lost in thought. "Is there any other word about these slavers?" He asks, finally. "Even just the smallest rumors? To be frank," He looks directly at Xander now, "Anything can help - and I wouldn't sit twiddling my paws if I were you. If you and you group are serious about protecting Mossflower, I'd say it would be best to try everything that you can - have you sent out search parties, scouts? Asked the any locals or travelers about this?" He rubs his forehead. "My point is - don't waste any more time than you have to, mate."

Xander nods "I know...I have looked around. I know they leave a black rose as like a calling card, usually if the ykill a beast it seems. Their leader is a cat and they may be getting help from a stoat...forgot his name but I know who does know his name"

Anatole walks down the steps and stops at voices, seeing Xander he quickly goes over to him " fins her, please say you did...or maybe" He sounds hopefull"Please"

John gestures towards the newcomer, asking Xander, "This Tassel - she one of the friends missing?" He sinks back into his chair, shaking his head. "Who knows the stoat's name, anyway?"

Xander frowns "I...sorry Anatole I didnt....but that doesnt mean she is dead, keep hope she is alive somewhere and will be found." He looks back at John, seemly unsure of mentioning any names as..well depending on when John was last around "Before ya say anything..he's changed.....Marek."He watches for a reaction ready to say more if needed.

Anatole sinks into a chair and just nods "I..ok...just worried..." He frowns and sighs."She needs found"

A mirthless laugh comes from the squirrel, followed by a shake of his head. "Well, isn't that just grand? The world indeed is a funny place." John glances at Anatole, the look in his eyes one of empathy. "Look - we'll try to find this Tassel, mate." Turning back to the badger, his eyes harden. "I'm not interested in more arguments about that blasted creature or how he's changed - please, lad, don't try to convince me of anything - but the only thing that matters is if Marek-" The squirrel seemly can't help but say the name with venom, "-is willing to help. And if he actually is helpful."

Xander nods "Just...dont go trying to kill him, and he would be helpful, he wants to stop this beast as bad if not more so than anyone else." He looks at Anatole "She will be found, and so will Ace. I have a feeling, this...Black Rose may indeed have both of our friends"

Anatole nods "Tassel is my wife...and I know and will help look, best I can. I am not much of a fighter but I am getting better"

John asks, "Is Ace another missing friend? And-" The squirrel sighs, "Don't, don't worry. Though in all honesty I would like to avoid him. And should..." He glances over at the otter, merely grunts at the words. Xander is probably the one who should make any calls concerning Anatole. "If they have both..." Looking directly at the badger's eyes, John says, "Well, do you need any help from an ol'campaigner, Xander Winters? I'm willing to do what I can, if you want."

Xander nods "I know Anatole, just carefull...ok.And yeah Ace been missing longer and a beast saw him grabed when he was helping some beast not get caught, Tassel been missing couple days and any help would be great." He is quiet and adds "Yeah maybe best to avoid Marek, well if can. He does own the tavern, but think he is mostly in the back or in his office."

Anatole nods "I would be careful sir. I looked around but saw nothing and its not like her to go off and not say least something that she was going away awhile"

John laughs again, this time genuinely. "Oh, aye, know he owns the tavern up there - used to love that place!" He shakes his head. "Haven't been there since he got it, though." Tapping the chair again, he adds, "Well, we should get moving soon if we want to find the missing beasts." The squirrel sighs. "If the Blackrose does have them, we need to be quick - and cautious, of course. Slavers tend to be an unpredictable lot, and if they manage to move them or, well, sell..." He doesn't finish the sentence. The meaning is clear.

Xander frowns "May need to see if Patch has a better idea where that base may be and slavers are bad I know...I was a slave for almost 3 seasons..not of this Black Rose, some wild cat named Jedrick."

Rubbing his wrist, John nods, his expression dark. "Aye. Bad business, it all is." He seems to remember something from long ago - something terrible - but he says nothing of it, instead, "If Patch isn't helpful - I know how to get beasts to speak. More bad business, but - useful..." He sighs, again, glancing at the now sleeping otter. In a low voice, he says "On my last trip, bumped into a few slaves from around here. Couldn't do anything, of course, but I hope we can prevent anymore beasts ending up worlds away..."

Oz walks down the steps, stoping at the bottom as he listens to voices, " A voice I have not heard in a while seems to be back"

Xander says, "Yeah....more info is needed, been mostly quiet and was for weeks till couple days ago when Tassel went missing.""

John hmms, rubbing his forehead again. "Right - we should get moving soon, then. Tonight would be best - if any of your group is around, you should get them ready. As for m-" The squirrel stops, turning to the newly arrived badger mum - or badgerpa - he never really understood the title all that much. "Oz, you're still kicking?" There's genuine gladness in his voice as he says it, looking Oz up and down. "Look the same as ever..." There's also genuine surprise.

Oz smiles "I am alive yes, hope to be for many seasons."He smiles as he is sure of the voice now "John..been a while, you missed some things both good and bad...saddly not everyone is still around the abbey, but still some are."

Xander nods "I can get a few Mossflower Defenders..and an archer, least one I know when come. We look around carfully and try and find some clues, ask around if need be." He smiles as Oz enters  but also a small frown "Yeah...."

John sighs, once more. "Aye- so I've been told." His expression is now one of regret. "I'm surprised, honestly... was only a couple winters...A lot can happen in that time, I suppose." Another sigh. "But so is life!" Glancing back to Xander, he says, "I do have a crossbow - and a decent shot with it. I guess I should start scouting, being a squirrel." He laughs. "Though, as much as I love the frier's cooking, " Here, he taps his stomach, "I think I gained a few pounds since I got back! Might be good for my health to go out into the treetops for a bit."

Oz chuckles "I have yet to meet anyone who dislikes the Frair's cooking." He is quiet as he listens "Best be careful out there, dont need any reports off more missing beasts or..worse"

Xander nods "I will be careful Uncle Oz, promise. And I wont be by myself. I could wear my armor if it makes you feel better"

"I certainly am going to wear my own armor." John says, ruefully. "Probably will have to go barepawed, though - can't really climb trees all that well in these boots!" He stands. "Right then. I will say this, Oz - if the worst happens, I think we can at least take them with us." A rather morbid thing to say, to be sure, but the squirrel is serious. "Honestly, I don't think myself or Xander would let slavers be the end of us, right, mate?"

Oz frowns but nods

Oz frowns but nods" Up to you, I know your have the blade, up to you on the armor or not. " He quietly smiles "You got a warriors sprit, thats for sure."

Xander smiles "Maybe light armor and we will be back by breakfast, if not before with hopfully some news."

Nodding, John responds, "I can cover some distance through the treetops. If you want, Xander, I can start after dinner - I'd like a warm meal before starting..." He pauses, adding, "And maybe visit the graveyard." Another sigh. "I would suggest gathering your group together first before moving out - I'm rather decent at moving without being noticed in the ol' woods. I'll check back with you - or DoraRose or Lee, depending on whose around - sometime tomorrow afternoon. If needed, I can go back out after resting a bit." He shrugs. "Perhaps if you know any other beasts good at scouting they can help."

Oz says, "Xander would be best to ask on who could scout.....a good archer would likely be maybe Zolomon and he is a fast runner""

Xander nods "True, I have to see who is close to the abbey....and rather Anatole not go really he should stay here. Yeah after dinner be best true."

Xander says, "In fact....going to find some beats now, meet up after dinner at gates John"

John exclaims, "Right then! Sounds like a plan!" He glances down at the book he was reading. "It might take a while to find this group..." He says, to himself. "Say, Oz, when is dinner anyway? I am a bit peckish...And I do have rations if the initial search is longer than I expect, but- well, er, lets just say the food here is more pleasant." "

Oz chuckles "Its soon I believe" He sighs as he listens to Xander head off "I worry about him sometimes....he has the warrior sprit like my brother did. Zork was always going off to help someone before he had to step away from it, surprise everyone and become a brother in the order." He frowns "I miss him...." But he still smiles, good memories still to think on, not any sad ones " I am not sure whats for dinner but i do know Lacota dislikes it whne one is late, but the abbey bells will let us k now when dinner is"

John nods. "To be frank, I came here with the intention of settling down - maybe even joining the order here." Once again, a sigh. "But it seems life has no rest for the wicked. Why can't beasts just leave Mossflower alone?" The squirrel shakes his head. "Oh well. We must do what we can, eh?"

Oz says, "evil dislikes peace, thats why and maybe one day you can join the order John, you never know"

"Perhaps after this." John smiles. "Blackrose, they call themselves? Never seen a black rose out in the wild." Sitting, he continues. "Honestly, sounds like some sort of weed - and I would say we treat it like one. Rip it out at the roots." He shrugs again, falling silent. After a while, he says, "Perhaps I could be a gardener here, who knows? I've done that before..."

Oz says, "Gardens are always needed as well. The Black rose was around before, long time agao thier leader was named Blackfur at the time. He  had one of his beasts poison my tea, luckly only drank like barely a sip of it, still had me in the infirm think couple weeks...if I had drank more I..well wouldnt be here now, I got lucky. Who ever is in charge of the Black Rose now could be just as dangerous""

John says, "I see...Even if they are not -" He twiddles his fingers against the chair arm, "-We should still treat them as such. The worst mistakes are those that come from being reckless and underestimating the enemy." The squirrel leans back in his chair. "Better safe than sorry, as the ol' phrase goes..."

Oz says, "Yes always be careful and alert. I know a couple beasts are missing"

Nodding again, John says, "So I've been told...Hopefully, they'll be back and safe within the week." Something seems to occur to him suddenly, and he looks at the old badger intently, asking, "Say...You don't happen to know anything of the beast - or beasts- now running the Blackrose, do you?" 

Oz says, "Blackfur's daughter....she runs it. I also know they had tatoos on thier arms, I remember that and guessing they still do. Where they are...these beasts dont know, woods most likely somewhere. May be some who have more info or the abbey logs of...well former histiry anyways""

"Do you remember anything about Blackfur?" The squirrel asks, leaning forward towards Oz. "Anything significant? I mean, like father like daughter. There might be something that can help our guesses about what they - she - will do next." John's tail swishes back and forth, and he seems almost excited for the answer. "I mean, if he was showy - or vicious, or calm and collected. Personally, if he was a boasting type who liked showing off - she might be the same. And we could use that, somehow..."

Oz says, "He didnt like beasts in the clue about her and its a cat and she likely has body guards around her. All I know is they are back and trying to cause trouble again"

The squirrel puts his paws together, resting his head on them. "Hmm...If that's the case - if he really didn't like beasts getting in the way - well, swiftness is the best thing to do. If she's like her father, of course. Which she might be." He rubs face, leaning back with yet another sigh. "We have to be quick about what ever we do - and we have to make sure to find where those they captured before doing anything. And commit to it. If not, well." He shakes his head. "I don't want to think what might happen..." John jumps when the bells suddenly sound - one, two, three, four, five, six. Dinner time. He smiles. "Well, I guess we should head down..."

Oz nods "Yes its best to not be late to dinner" He heads that direction slowly.

Last edited by Ol'random (2018-06-19 06:17:01 PM)

I play Atticus, John, Lossow, Terrence, and Spruce
The Long Patrol Landing Page!
Usually on the MUCK Saturdays + Monday & Wednesday evenings if I have the time
Fastest way to reach me is via my Discord: Luke_SkyOtter#1438


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