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#1 2018-06-18 08:38:29 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Keep Hope Alive-Fate Of Marek TP Log

**I spoofed some Slaves and assorted guards, and course there is Melantha. ****

Melantha- Leader of the Black Rose

Stormfang-Fighter in The Black Rose

Tassel-Scout and fighter in Mossflower Defenders

Ace- A slave of The Black Rose, but also a member of Mossflower Defenders

-spoofed assorted slaves and guards


*Grounds of the Black Rose Base ****

Tassel sat alone in the corner of the room, knees held to her chest as she frowned and looked around.

Around her other slaves did some work, mainly helping to build what looked like a stone wall, or repairing one anyways as there was still spaces beasts could go in and out but it was well guarded so it was not like one could escape easily. Guards walked around and there was a couple other slaves resting

Ace walked over and spoke “Hello lass” He said quietly “I ..wouldn't rest too long, but least today they seem a bit less demanding, maybe cause its hot today”

Tassel looked up and sighed “I...I don't want to be here, I want to be home...Anatole must be so worried”

Ace sat down and looked back and forth before speaking quiet;y “ member or friend I am guessing?”

Stormfang walked past and snorted before walking away.

Melantha  soon stood in front of then and sat down mugs of water “Your break is not to be very long, now drink the water as I do not want ill servants or worse...dead ones, dead or ill servants waste money”

Tassel gasped and frowned as she backed up, she seemed unsure of the offered water.

Ace glared at the cat but then slowly nodded “Yes..of course, but it is hot and as you said ill slaves loose you gold and this is this lass first time here...”He frowned, it seemed he took it upon himself to help keep the peace “I with her, please....ok”

Stormfang stayed nearby “You gonna let a woodlander tell ya what to do boss?”

Melantha  took a deep breath “I best see work before too long” She looked at Stormfang “He keeps down riots and keeps the other servants calmer” She then stands and walks off to offer other servants water.

Tassel frowns and lays a paw on her mid section “ my mate. I...had been at the abbey and then was heading home with good news and now...” Tears fall “Now....he will never know...never get the chance to be a father.”

Ace blinks and then his eyes widen “Your with dibbun?” Ok now it was his job to keep this one extra safe “ do not give up, keep hope alive lass tis the best thing you can do. If you lose hope, you looose everything. Our friends will find us, never fear. “He smiles “I am Ace”

Other slaves, or servants as the Black Rose leader likes to call them, take turns to rest and sip some water. Water to keep them cool and hydrated as it is an extra hot day.

Tassel nods and finally does drink her water slowly. She then looks at the hedgehog “Ace?....Wait...Xander has mentioned you...”

Ace smiles “ friend? Yes he is leader of the Mossflower Defenders, he still....looks for me?”

Tassel nods “Yes...I am...was...”No keep the hope as she takes a deep breath “I AM a Mossflower Defender and yes, he doesn't believe you are dead, some do but he does not as he says when he finds your body.....then and only then will he believe you are dead.”

Ace smiles “That is good to hear. Sir Xander will not give up, you will see and they will look for you as well” He then gets serious “I am not sure what goes on, this stoat...this Ormaz as they call him as been fairly quiet lately, in fact he seems to have not been around, least checking on slaves from what I seen...the cat is true leader of this Black Rose and she doesn't talk of him much, some of the Black Rose are more loyal to Ormaz and others more loyal to the cat. But them being quiet lately and sometimes building more of a wall....fixing an old building..for..for what? It concerns me”

Tassel sighs “They are vermin...slavers....who knows what they want or why they do as they do” She wipes away a tear “Anatole most likely has reported me missing by now”

Slaves still work, a break here and there and maybe work is slow today as...even the guards seem to not want to do too much in the heat of the summer sun. They is no worry of escape, least today it seems.

Ace nods “Yes and if more and more beasts....disappear, beasts will start to look into what is going on, good for us and bad for the Black Rose but a way it could be bad for us”

Tassel frowns “How would it be bad...for us?”

“Lass” Ace starts “This..Black Rose do not want stopped...Ormaz for sure, that beast is dangerous and I don't have to see him in action to know that, I seen him a couple times when a slave escaped...he beheaded a badger in front of all the slaves and the Black Rose beasts he enjoyed the trill of it and wanted beasts to know that too. It concerns me. I hope the evil beasts are stopped and stopped soon.”

Tassel frowns “We need...need to escape”

Ace nods “I know that lass and ...I may try to meself, with whoever is brave enough to go with me, but it cant be more than one or two sadly....more would be easily seen, less is best and we could get help to the others here. We just have to wait...wait for the right moment and then get out of here..and bring help and end this...Black Rose and ….hopefully that stoat as well...”

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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