Redwall MUCK Forum

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#1 2018-06-14 07:00:05 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Not The Best Time For A Walk- Black Rose Log

Mossflower woods not to far from Black Rose Base


Melantha- Leader of Black Rose

Stormfang-Fighter in Black Rose

Kakarauri- Archer and Assassin in Black Rose

Falk-Messenger of Black Rose

Tassel- Fighter in Mossflower Defenders


Melantha tail wagged behind her as she was a bit annoyed tonight. She didn't get the lunch she wanted and the tea was watered down so she decided to get her blade and go for a long walk.

Stormfang followed her close by “Are we gonna hunt down some slaves?Rob some beasts?”

“Kill would be most fun” Came a voice soon to show its owner, Kakarauri as she appeared from some tall weeds “I have been in serious need of a good fight or kill lately.”

Melantha just snorted “ No killing as if anything a slave may be nice, I myself would not mind some action, Ormaz has done nothing lately and frankly I am growling restless and tried of due time, what ever Black Rose is my group, not his maybe I will kick his tail out, he can find his own place and his own slaves”

Stormfang frowns “That beast scares me, he is like the beast someone tells storys about to make a dibbun not want to get out of bed cause....oh Ormaz will get ya sort of thing”

Kakarauri smirked “He doesn't scare me. I like him....he killed a badger, beheaded it in front of everyone at the base and let his monitor eat it”

Melantha sighs “Yeah..whats his name..Crayton or something, what his pet or something?”

“I would be careful who ya call pet boss” Stormfang said quietly “Might get ya eaten”

Kakarauri just chuckled and showed her teeth, “My kind of fun. Besides killing is my job I am an assassin after all. The badger tried to escape and Ormaz found and fought it on his own and dragged it back here, its mate died by the river.”

Melantha nodded “I know of the badgers, I was there, the dibbun likely died as thing I dislike is killing a dibbun, unless its needed. I have before yes as one was gonna tell about had to die”

Falk swooped down and landed near the group, the falcon eyeing them as it cleaned dead fish from its claws.

Stormfang eeped a little when the bird showed up and backed away “Oh its just you...”

Tassel was walking in the woods, in deep though as she usually was fairly alert but she had other things on her mind but a smile seemed to show it was not something sad as she smiled . She was close to the den she shared with her mate Anatole.

Kakarauri caught movement and grinned “Some beast is near, very near”

Melantha brought out a blade and scanned the treeline and raised an eyebrow “An otter....its one of those Mossflower Defender beasts....alone”

Stormfang stayed where he was “ we leave it be or?”

Falk finished cleaning his wings and took flight so he could get a birds eye view, any others around or was she truly  alone.

Tassel was alone as she skipped a little and smiled “Wait till Anatole hears the news...he will either faint or be happy.” And not watching where she was going proved bad news as she came to a halt and looked at the vermin now in front of her...”Well.....” Her next word was a cuss word, good thing no dibbuns were around as it slipped out of her mouth before she could stop it.

Melantha tail twitched “Grab her!”

Stormfang lunged forward before the otter could react.

Kakarauri smirked and decided to not use her large blade, no just a dagger to the knee to slow the otter if she ran, she flicked the dagger to its target laughing as she did so.”Got that right woodlander....”

Falk landed and cawed softly before speaking “Otter...alone she is”

Tassel was too close to use her sling and took in a deep breath as the dagger went deep into her knee and she fell backwards, she tried to get up and send a kick to the rat's face with her good leg and then fell forward gasping in pain as she just made the dagger go deeper into her knee.

Stormfang yiped as the foot connected with his snout and drew back with blood dripping from his nose.

Kakarauri grinned and blew an oddly colored power at the otter “ sleep now” She said oddly calmly in her tone of voice. She chuckled at the rat as his blood dripped.

Melantha fur poofed “Oh good grif! Just tie her up and get her to the base and lets get the idiot a healer....”She kicked a rock across the forest flood and stormed off ahead.

Tassel groaned and fell sideways...knocked out and unable to do anything now but  be a captive.

Stormfang held his snout as blood poured “Think tis..broken...”

Kakarauri just tied up the otter and lifted her over her back as she grinned “What if it is, your fault if it is now lets get back”

Melantha would make sure they got back, a healer was found and the otter placed in a cell....this was not the sort of walk she needed but hey a new slave was good she hoped.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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