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#1 2018-04-27 12:25:25 PM

Registered: 2018-03-21
Posts: 102

What Happen?- Mossflower Defenders Log

Misu- Archer and warrior in Mossflower Defenders

Kenya- Seas Otter Dibbun and mischief maker

Zolomon- Archer in Mossflower Defenders

Anatole- Warrior in Mossflower Defenders

Tassel- Warrior in Mossflower Defenders

Xander- Leader of Mossflower Defenders

Where: The woods then the abbey.

Other Info:
First my alt Misu is in the log and then my dibbun Kenya shows up


Misu was getting used to the base, and being outside was a lot better than some infirmary, yeah they had a beast that helped with healing here, but not all the time.

Zolomon went out looking for Xander and frowned slightly having no luck.

Xander was in the training area of the Defenders Base. He had placed boards down to look sort of like one laid a ladder on the ground and was doing some exercises and had been the past 30 minutes. He was just finishing when he saw Zolomon and called out “Zolomon…hey” (Note added: this is ladder exercises … e&ie=UTF-8 )

Misu watched the badger and then seen the hare and waved. She stood slowly and decided to do a couple more simple exercises.

Zolomon watched for a short while and then came over, he has done some of this also, but he also does other things like speed runs ect. “Hey..couple things. I may have a clue on Ace and Ozzy is in the infirm”

Anatole looks over from where he is doing some practice drills in another area of the Defenders Base Training field.

Tassel frowns, “Is de badger ok?”

Xander quickly learns concern “What happen to my Uncle Oz Zolomon?” He may be tried, sweaty and a little out of breath since he did some push-ups, sit ups and even climbed a tree before the ladder exercises. “How bad is he hurt? Or is he ill?”

Zolomon answers “I wasn’t there Xandy, it involved cake and the pond. I think he is ok but he got knocked into the pond cause some cart with cake on it crashed into him is what a couple beasts said. Another said this dibbun sea otter was riding a cart and crashed into him and some mouse dibbun also went into the pond. Ozzy was limping a little and holding his shoulder, and coughing some then if he sank in the pond then…yeah explains coughing. The sea otter dibbun is …well who may or may not have something useful bout Ace”

Xander listens and is still heading to the abbey, besides the feast is soon if he didn’t miss it. “Why would a dibbun know about Ace?”

Misu glances over quietly and just does some sit ups, still listening a little.

Anatole stays where he is, but is ready if needed for action.

Tassel blinks “What…happen again?” Ok she missed something strange, wait cake…thinking of cake “Isn’t the Spring Feast like..soonish?”

Zolomon shrugs as he goes to follow Xander “I am not sure…Friar L asked her about her parents and she said…said “He frowns “I think they got captured, maybe by the same beasts that got Ace cause she remembered me and Ace helping her, she was the dibbun we helped the day before Ace disappeared, Ace had went back out to maybe find some clues and…then he never came back.”

Xander frowns, he knew all this “I know Misu saw something briefly and got attacked, an archer from the vermin group thought they killed her so I am not sure how safe it is for her to be out and about, even though I know she wants to help, but she is also still recovering and I will tell her the same thing I tell other injured members, I need a Defender in tip top shape, at 100%, able to be alert and ready for anything, good or bad…anything. Being injured or tried, even stressed is not good and still be able to do one’s best” He nods to Tassel before heading towards the abbey.

Anatole grins “Spring Feast…hey wait up!

Tassel just sighs and face palms, but she will follow them to the abbey.

Misu had started to follow catching some of this as she cleared her throat “I know to be careful” She said in a mild monotone voice and hmmphs as she brushed past them and muttered something about men these days.

Zolomon tilts his head and watched the otter maid head off and looks at Xander “Did she seem a touch…moody ta ya Xandy?”

Xander just frowned “Let’s just get to the abbey and check on my Uncle Oz and maybe speak to the dibbun, just…let’s not over do it ok, this is a dibbun we are gonna talk to ok.”

===Couple hours later===

Kenya kicked her footpaws back and forth. She now has a small bandage on each knee and one paw to cover scrapes so they heal better. She also been very quiet for most of the day.

Xander carefully walked over “Hello…I am Xander…ummm can, is it ok to talk a little to you?”

Kenya frowned “I is sorry bout Papa Oz…didn’t mean to do it. Didn’t mean to almost make him deaded.”

Xander blinks and frowns “I am not here to talk about that and he is fine, he will be ok he is just resting. I wanted to ask what happen when you got separated from your mom and dad. If you rather not I will go away”

Kenya frowns and looks like she rather not. Then she speaks “Mama said…run so I did away from 2 weasels and this tall cat. She..she grabbed me and threw me at a tree and then the hedgehog was carrying me.” She frowned “The weasel…think it hurt daddy he was on the ground not moving and the other weasel grabbed mama when I ran…but the cat got me and….and I bite her and went against a tree, and it hurt. Then the hedgehog was carrying me when I woke up and brought me here, he said he would try and find mama and dada for me”

Xander starts to walk away and then she speaks and he is all ears, his attention on her only and when she is done he frowns “ It’s possible was …” He stops, “Your mom….they most likely have her somewhere, maybe with my friend Ace as he didn’t come back and another beast saw him grabbed before they was injured themselves.”

Kenya looks away “ Dad is…he got dead didn’t he…” She then rushes forwards and buries her face in Xander’s tunic and sobs, when she is able she gets out “Please fins mommy…find my mama don’t let her get deaded too please…please”

Xander holds her close and sighs, he fights back a couple tears himself “I will try my best. I can’t promise I will find her and save her but I will try my best…ok”

Kenya nods and sniffs. “Can we visit Papa Oz….”

Xander smiles and nods “Sure. I was gonna check on him also.”

“You thinks he is…super mad at me?” Kenya asks, concern in her small voice.

Xander takes her paw, if he is allowed, and starts for the infirm “I..don’t know, I don’t think so I am sure he knows you didn’t do it on purpose.” He has heard some of what happen. ”Maybe we can bring him a snack….my Uncle Zee taught me to make Green tea with honey and there is some strawberry scones in the kitchen…interested?”

Kenya smiles and nods, she goes to pull the badger to the kitchen…tea and scones will be great, she can make sure Papa Oz is ok and tell him she is sorry and tea and scones will help also she is sure of it!


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