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#1 2018-04-06 09:21:21 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Mossflower Defender Meeting At The Firepit- Mossflower Defender's Log

Zolomon-Archer in Mossflower Defenders

Mariposa-Healer in Mossflower Defenders

Misu- Now Archer in Mossflower Defenders

Xander-Leader of Mossflower Defenders

Karth-Archer in Mossflower Defenders

Tassel-Warrior In Mossflower Defenders

Anatole-Warrior in Mossflower Defenders

Chestnut-Cook in Mossflwoer Defenders

Silverwing-Messenger in Mossflower Defenders


RW Abbey: Firepit
This is a small strip of land between the pond and the orchards which is bordered on one side by a portion of the Abbey's southern wall. This particular section, while well built and sturdy, is obviously much, much newer than the sections to either side of it. The ground is clear of almost all grass and weeds, and is somewhat uneven, still bearing deep ruts and impressions that have not yet been worn away by the rain. The center of this area contains a large firepit lined with flagstones and encircled with log benches.

Zolomon did his best to gather who he could for the meeting and sat by the cracking fire as it was still a little cold at night.

Anatole sat quietly and then frowned “So..any grub and why call us all to here?”

Tassel smacks the other otter on the shoulder “This seems serious you can eat later what's going on?”

Silverwing rested close by, she was fine food wise as she just had some fish from the pond. She cleaned a wing with her sharp beck and waited.

Chestnut had come, though if it had to do with fighting he was not a big help, but he still came anyhow. Did he bring food....sadly nope he didn't.

Karth managed to step away from the infirm, just for the meeting and then he would have to go back to the infirm. His left footpaw was bandaged and he had a bit of a limp, thanks to a broken large toe, he slowly sat down and listened to what was about to be said.

Xander came walking down to the fire pit and sat down, he cleared his throat “Thanks for coming...first news so no one worries.....Minsc and Flea now live in a place called Willowbark Abbey...Minsc is their champion in a way or what they call Knight and Protector and Flea decided to live there, Varsha also is to live there and she is learning a lot in the healing arts and I think she will do well”

Mariposa walks into the area and glaces at all the beasts, she knows a couple but not all of them and sits beside the badger”Hello.....friend”

Misu makes her way to the fire pit with some help, she nods her thanks and sits down close to Xander, she stays quiet for now a bandage around her chest, and one on her wrist.

Zolomon just listens, “Couldn't find Flametail..hope she is ok”

Anatole sighs “But food is good...”He waves to the sea otter maid.”Hallo thar lass”

Tassel smiles at Misu and nods a hello “Glad to see you out of the infirm even if its only a short while.”

Chestnut listens quietly as the badger updates them.”So...this about Ace is my guess, he is still missing correct?” He frowns about Flametail “She isn't missing now as well is she....who is next?”

Silverwing is alert as she listens “Silverwings find missing beast...she will look high and now?”

Karth glaces at the sea otter maid briefly as he frowns, his toe hurts a lot and so he is a little grumpy.

Xander puts a paw up “Flametail is on her way to Willowbark...Varsha was a good friend of her's and...well Flametail is gonna live there and I trust she gets there safe and sound. The only others not here are Ferro....but he is in Ferravale at his shop as is my mate and...”He smiles “Daughter....” But on to more serious matters “But I asked Zolomon to get you all here to discuss Ace being missing. Dorarose knows of this news...she will be updated if needed but she is with her daughter at home and...please just let them have some time to themselves...just her close family for now..they...they need the time since it was just a couple days ago we learned of Brother Leon's passing to the dark forest.” He notices Misu and nods “You must be Misu...welcome and....”And then a surprise..”Mariposa?”

The odd looking squirrel nods “Hello....yes...I came with your mate here.”She looks around why do landbeasts stare so much “I...can help a healer and be of help to you”She is better with common tongue now, still has one serious accent but one could get use to it.

Zolomon just waves at the squirrel maid and listens to Xander speak.

Misu nods “Yes....I am Misu. I wish to join your...Defenders of Mossflower, as an archer I am skilled and a skilled tracker as well...and can use throwing daggers. I can climb trees and am a good runner. I seen your hedgehog Ace, he was taken by weasels whom....injured me. I am sorry I failed the mission of rescue and wish for a second chance. I am still recovering but plan to scan the woodlands when I am able.”

Tassel speaks up “You need to fully heal first Misu”

Anatole nods “That's true lass and ya didn't fail a mission....they had some skilled archers we could use archers of our own as well...right sir badger?”

About this time some tea and hot cider is brought, as well as some blackberry scones, toasted wheat bread and some hot....much to any otters dismay....vegetable soup, it may not be hot root but its still very delicious and will warm up a beast and fill there tummy.

Chestnut smiles “Well there is the food and drink, always nice to have” Though he only takes a scone and a cup of tea...what is with this hare he like...hardly eats anything it odd, least for a hare.

Silverwings nods “Silverwings wants fishies as not hunger...waterdrinks yes”

Karth sighs, not hot root but he will eat it still, Redwall Food is good, any Redwall food “I...hate the fact my toe is broken, I am of no use to any beast and it is my own fault...I am sorry sir Xander”

Zolomon gets some tea and soup, a couple scones and bread and sits down again eating and listening and sipping tea.

Xander nods “Misu and Mariposa then welcome to the Mossflower Defenders...the base is close to Ferravale and we can see it later and Marek, whom is an ally and tavern owner of Ferravale has meals at the tavern, no charge to can get one a day there and any others at Redwall or maybe pay a discounted price at the tavern for another meal later in the day. We also have a training ground by the base. I plan to try and get more members as well...archers, fighters and we could use another Healer. Angela helps with healing as well, but more healers are always welcome and I am sure Angela be willing to teach anyone who wants to learn...healer skills and help others improve in them, just ask her...nicely I will add but not for a couple days as she is Dorarose's grandma and so she is Lilymoore's grandma and they need family time to themselves a couple days.” He focuses on Misu “Misu...anything else you remember on these weasels or any other beasts that may have been the ones that have Ace?”He also adds “And Karth....your hurt. I am not upset, please calm down you are still useful to the group and always will be”

Maiposa nods and folds her paws in her lap.

Misu frowns “Sadly not much...I am sorry and any tracks were gone in snow and also rains afterwards the following days.”

Tassel speaks “Me and Anatole was there...well the aftermath and can show you the area he was last seen, where we found Misu hurt.”

Anatole nods “That's right. The night before a dibbun sea otter was found, I think the same beasts that took Ace have the wee lass mom and dad.”

Zolomon frowns “They took a dibbun's parents...that's sad”

Karth shakes his head “Vermin are evil...most vermin species anyways, some are...trustworthy...some I am not sure of in Ferravale. I do trust Marek..others I do not know...well ok I trust the chieftain that's two in the whole village”

Xander nods “And Bandit is ok, as well as any guards around Blisa, and most of the guards. There is also Vojin the head guard whom I will also have help us as he is an ally, Marek is an ally as well as Blisa. We will find Ace and get him home. I will not have a member of my group stay a captive of who ever has him. I also know not to rush into this.”

Silverwing gets her waterdrinks and backs off “Silverwing needs to go...will do fly over before go to nest” She then flies off for the night.

Misu speaks “I distrust any vermin species....I would need to get to know this...Marek, Blisa, and Vojin but I will promise if I meet them to not harm them”

Xander nods “Thanks Misu...”He sighs as he sits down and looks tried, worried and he most likely needs a nap as he has not sleep since he been back, he spent time with his mate, he stood guard over Dorarose and then when Blisa said to rest he decided to check his hut and Mossflower Defender Base instead.

Zolomon is concerned “Xandy...ya ok?”

Tassel tilts her head “You look like your not rested”

Chestnut has been quiet but he does speak now “Yes rest and a good meal is always wise sir...always wise “

Karth frowns, “Sir?”

Mariposa just watches the badger curious but stays where she is for now.

Xander stands, he looks at all of them....yes he planed to sleep and sort of did, yep 1 hour of sleep in the past two days and he drank a couple glasses of water and ate like a little fish, oh and a bite of bread and a sip of tea. “I am...” He then falls forwards, lucky away from the fire pit!

Zolomon is right away there to help his friend “Xandy!”

Anatole is on his foot paws and helps to catch the badger, he nods “New mission....get our leader to the infirm, some soup and bread and get that old mouse maid to make him stay in bed a couple days. Yes go get the old healer and that Brother squirrel whomever.”

Karth would help but...his toe, he does stand and nods “I have to get back to the infirm...I will infirm Angela of this.” The old healer may dislike the sea otter but this is important and he will help to make sure his leader stays put in the infirm a couple days....hey he has nothing else to do with a broken toe and he is stuck ion the infirm as well...this gives him a job!

Tassel frowns “Will he be ok?”

Mariposa stands and checks him over “Lets get him to the infirm and they will help him.”

Chestnut frowns, he is concerned yes and stands to help.

Misu will help as well, “It is best for him to get rest....recover....the meeting could of waited but too late...then I say meeting is done anyways”

Xander grumbles as he is helped to the infirm, this will be interesting and yes the meeting was basically over and now like the whole group will make sure he gets to the infirm. He will eat soup, some bread and about 3 scones and then sleep.

Zolomon will make sure his friend stays to rest and then go update Dorarose, then update Marek as well. He will even let Abbot Benar know some of what he doesn't know yet. Looks like the badger will have all his friends make sure he rests and stays put a couple days...yep round the clock posts by his bed...that's what friends are for after all right?

Last edited by oz (2018-04-06 01:37:51 PM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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