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#1 2018-03-26 07:09:00 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Almost Home-Willowbark Log ICLY HAPPENS MARCH 28TH

****Posted a little early as I know, including me, this week a lot are bussiness or with family IRL for the Easter holiday. For me this is all this week as doing something for Holy Week everyday from Monday March 26th  to Easter Sunday April 1st ***

In Log:

Gorvenalus- Recorder of Redwall Abbey

Karth-Archer in Mossflower Defenders

Xander-Leader of Mossflower Defenders

Rupert- Recorder of Ferravale, Historian and map maker

Various spoofed beasts including ship crew, otters, and Greystone

Log: Where River Moss meets the Sea Coast. These are beasts on way home....Xander,Gorvenalus,Lilymoore,Moonbeam,Karth and Rupert...Those already home is Krisha....those who stayed in Willowbark are Flea,Minsc, and Varsha. Moonbeam will head back to Willowbark  after they get to the abbey. ***

Gorvenalus sat writing, he had done a lot of written during the trip back to Mossflower. Writing some stuff on hos time in Willowbark the past few weeks and how they would be home soon.

Karth was restless and paced back and forth. He had done some exercises like push ups and sit ups and jump jacks, there was only so much to do on a ship after all.

Greystone stepped away from his first mate and over to the sea otter “Would you stop pacing already, where is Xander Winters?”

Xander had just came out of the sleeping quarters and raised a paw “Here sir, what did you did?” He walked over closer to find out. It had been a long trip over water, a lot of water.

Gorvenalus looked over, hoping there was not anything wrong. He closed his journal and sat it down by his chair and slowly stood up ready to go by his friends side if need be.

Karth took a deep breath, he disliked the ships captain but stayed quiet and simply stayed by Xander's side.

Greystone nodded”We are just now approaching the River Moss. So this is where we part ways. Me and me crew go on ta Halyard and you and ya friends go wherever.” He was calm as he said it, no foul mood or anything but he did seem like he would be glad once they were gone and he could move on to do things not involving transporting woodlander places.

Rupert was making sure a group of foxes, a couple stoats and a ferret didn't drop the bell for Feravale” no no...oh seasons careful with that!” He made sure no one was in the way as they brought it off the ship and sat it down on the ground slowly. He inspected it and nodded as he shooed them away and went about cleaning the bell off before covering it once more with the cloth he had over it and looked at a paper he had “Yes, ok...where are those beasts already?” He muttered looking upriver with a sigh.

Xander nodded and then stepped aside for the rabbit, he nodded to Greystone”Thanks for the transport there and back sir” He bowed and then excused himself as he made sure all of the Mossflower Group got their stuff and got off the ship to the shore where the sea and river meet.

Karth didn't bring much to begin with, just his longbow and some arrows and maybe a couple outfits and that was it. Yes he washed them a lot and yet they never faded, least no more than they were already.

Gorvenalus walked calmly off the ship and over to the rabbit “So Rupert, who is to take us to the bridge then? Its like a little under a week from here, correct?”

Rupert nods “Correct and a couple otters that live in the area. They have a small boat but its big enough for the bell and us and strong enough to where the bell won't be a problem, perhaps slow us down by 1...maybe 2 days but that's it. Oh in stead of 5 and a half days we can say 7 days...give or take.”It would end up being almost 6 days travel.

Greystone waited till the group was off the ship, with their stuff and then wasted no time getting on towards Halyard!

Xander made sure Lilymoore, Gorvenalus,Rupert, Karth and Moonbeam was with him. He was a leader after all. He had the urge to run ahead of them, to get home and check on Krisha but he stayed by the groups side, they needed him. He turned and looked them over and spoke “Ok guys, we will be home soon.”

Rupert only went a little ways upriver and was back in about half an hour with the otters and the boat they would use to get to the bridge as the rabbit spoke “Ok...Xander do help also and careful that's a gift for Ferravale.” He says as the bell was carefully placed on the boat.

Karth sighed “Another boat?..Do you have hot root stew?”

The otters shaked their heads, much to the sea otter's horror.

Gorvenalus smiled “Not long my friends. I have missed the abbey and I am sure Friar Lacota will make some Hotroot once we return, only a short few days my friend” He patted the sea otter on the shoulder.

Xander stepped onto the boat last and sat down. “Least there isn't sea sickness on a river, less waves and tossing around I will NOT miss the sea trust me.”

Rupert wrote a couple things down and spoke with the two otters before sitting down finally as the boat started heading on up the river towards the bridge.”And we begin.”

Karth sits down close to Xander and Gorvenalus “Well least we are almost home to which I am glad.”

Gorvenalus smiles “Yes, we will be home soon” He smiles more as he says home, yes Redwall abbey is his home and always will be.

Xander smiles a little “Yes...home. It will be nice I have missed others. I just hope Krisha is ok and....and that she isn't upset with me”

“And why would she be in such a state of  vehement?” And he is stared at as he takes a deep breath and stands, he then goes to the other side of the ship .

“I think he means upset, I am sure.” Karth says quietly “Anyways we are home soon so let us focus on that”

Xander nods “Yeah...” He is concerned but he tries to not let it show as he looks over the railing as some trees pass, “Home a few days...almost home”

Gorvenalus nods as he places a paw on the badger's shoulder “Yes, almost home”

Last edited by oz (2018-03-26 07:11:59 AM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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