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#1 2018-03-19 11:23:57 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Trouble In The Woods

In this log, that happens in Mossflower Woods:

Melantha-Leader of the Black Rose

Ace-Scout in Mossflower Defenders

Tassel-Warrior in Mossflower Defenders

Anatole-Warrior in Mossflower Defenders

Misu-soon to be Archer in Mossflower Defenders

Mariposa- Squirrel maid from the Islands

some spoofed weasels


Misu sat on the tree limb with her longbow over her shoulders. She had just had it fixed and it seems she missed it. She decided on a quick nap up in the tree, out of view as some brown leaves had refused to fall from the tree and so gave good covering.

Ace walked along the path, he was heading to the Defenders Base. His arm was still bandaged as he rubbed it a little since it hurt a little. He grumbled as he has gotten a little turned around and had went left when he should of when right on a path in the woods. He frowns “Guess should have not tried to go alone”

“I would agree as traveling alone is always unwise.” A voice said as a couple weasels stepped onto the path.

Anatole was close to a stream, not too far from the tree Misu was in currently. He was doing a little hunting for crayfish in some thin ice along the stream and seemly doing a good job as he grinned” Hot root tonight dearest, I be finding loads of crayfish or least enough fer 2”

Tassel shakes her head” I am still slightly annoyed at you by the way. “ She frowns briefly “It’s quiet..why is it so quiet?”

Ace backed up and glared at the two weasels “Back off ya vermin pests” He reached for his axe and tensed a little as he drew it, it was his good arm that was injured.

Melantha watches from behind a bush and slips behind the hedgehog slowly, she reaches her blade in case it’s needed.

The two weasels just get into defense positions “Ya don’t look like ya can fight to your full abilities there hedgepig maybe we should take that ax so you don’t like hurt yourself”

Misu opens one eye as she hears voices and snorts. She climbs down and recognizes the two otters “Oh goodie you again and she is right it is too quiet”

Anatole jumps and lays a paw on his slingshot and then grins “Oh hello again lass..Misu right?” He tilts his head and then looks around “Tis is quiet but tis also early morning yet and not many beasts walk about in de winter time.”
Tassel has her sling and a rock out “Not usually this quiet Anatole, maybe we should get out of this area.”

Ace is not too far, downstream from the otters but he is busy fighting weasels, or trying to as he backs up and then swings his axe at one of the weasels.

The first weasel is surprised and gets a good size gash to the chest as he gasps and falls to the snowy ground, the 2nd goes to trip the hedgehog while he still has the axe away from him.

Melantha waits and then throws a rock to the side of the hedgehog, to further distract him. No need to use a blade yet if it’s not needed and she wants him alive and less injured.

Misu studies the area, “Quiet is good at times and other times it is not and this is a not good time”

Ace turns to hear the rock hit the tree, he grips his ax and then feels the weasel trip him and it’s too late to regain his balance, he let his guard down and falls backwards getting dazed briefly. His ax falls from his paws a couple feet away from him.

Melantha only needs a brief moment as she calls out “Take him down!” The remaining weasel jumps forwards to hold him down, as the wildcat kicks the ax away from him and goes to tie his paws behind his back. The injured weasel remains in a slowly increasing pool of blood and coughs as they try to sit up and then stand. They may need a healer and sooner rather than later.

Tassel meanwhile looks to Misu and then Anatole “Should we keep to the stream or head to the road?” The dirt road is a fair ½ mile away west of where they are now.

Anatole shrugs “I am unsure.”

Misu is already climbing a tree to get a better look at the surroundings, her longbow with her as she slowly scans. Not many vermin will think to always look up after all as most beasts are not in trees.

Ace watches as his axe is kicked away and goes to kick the weasel in the face, as he sees the cat he narrows his eyes and does his best to get loose but fails as his paws are tied behind his back “Release me ya ugly feline!”

Melantha fake frowns as she listens “How rude and I was about to get you out of the cold and I can even offer you some healing herbs for that arm….no need for one of my slaves to keep an injury and I am glad my friends didn’t injure you further” She notices the one weasel and shakes her head, “But you did injure one of my friends…oh well that is fine. Maybe a good 2-3 days in a cell alone will teach you a lesson and then you can join the other slaves. I am sorry for this next part but I can’t let you see where you’re going” With that she gets a powder from her pouch and blows it in his face, it’s a sleeping powder and should have him sleeping for close to an hour, just enough time to get him where she wants to take him. She then will stand and look at the weasel still able to do much “Let’s go before he wakes up”

Anatole frowns as he hears a shout”Somebeast may be in trouble and we are part of the Mossflower Defenders so we do not leave a beast behind”

Tassel nods in agreement and points down stream “That way…are you…coming”She looks around for Misu and frowns “Where did Misu go?”

Misu jumps down from the tree shortly afterwards “Yes we go a hedgehog is in dire need of aid” She doesn’t wait on a reply and is already heading down stream. She proves quick on her footpaws.She is soon there and firing off an arrow.

Ace struggles “You are gonna……”He then coughs as the powder hits him and fights to stay awake and then soon the powder does its job and he is deeply asleep.

The weasel that was injured catches movement from the corner of his eyes and coughs, he grunts out as he stumbles in front of the cat “Melantha…LOOK….”And then he is falling forwards, arrow in his side…well it did miss a very surprised cat who growls and grabs the hedgehog as she calls out “Kill it no witnesses!” She is then dashing down the stream, she will leave a couple false trails till she gets to where she was planning to go in the first place.

The weasel still alive grins and flicks a throwing knife at the otter maid. His friend may be dead but bad news for the woodlander, she should have killed him as he is a skilled assassin.

Tassel sighs and quickens her pace, ready for a fight.

Anatole follows as well, “She has the warrior spunk that is fer sure!”

Misu has no time to get another arrow onto the bow as she stops in her tracks and seems in shock as the bow falls from her paws and she falls sideways. The knife is buried in her chest, unknowns to the weasel it somehow, just freaking barely missed her heart and a lung, it’s in the breastbone but the force and shock of being hit did stun her and she will need a healer….quickly if she is to live. The knife may have missed a vital organ but she could still lose a fair amount of blood.

The weasel smiles coldly and follows his master before he is seen, he knows where to meet back up. He believes the otter maid dead.

Tassel makes it to the area and is at Misu’s side right away “Oh no…”

Anatole pants as he frowns “Is she…ya know….”

Mariposa was exploring and watched the going on from a hiding place, she then went to their side. She almost looks like a squirrel from the Gawtribe, but at the same time it’s clear she isn’t, and for sure clear she is not from this area, or even land. She looked at the ottermaid”She needs aid or she will die.” She finds a vial she has and some dock leaves she places around the knife”Do not remove it or bleed out she will.”She goes to try and get Misu to drink a little of the vial, it’s something to help her stay awake and it needed keep her heartrate from not dropping too far.She looks between them”You stand there…go now and get aid the abbey is a little ways south.”

Misu looks at the group of beasts and blinks slowly, she keeps still as she knows the danger of moving too much right now. She takes a couple sips of the vial and breaths a little slower than she should be, but she is alive….hopefully she stays alive.

Tassel nods “I can go. I will bring back a healer!” And she dashes off towards the abbey leaving her mate with the injured Misu and the strange squirrel maid.

Anatole looks at Misu “Stay awake lass tis not good to go to sleep right now”

Misu would nod but everything hurts right now, she wills herself to stay away as any rest could end in a trip to the dark forest and she knows that. She will stay awake till a healer arrives and helps her, she will likely pass out then and enter a faint, but luckily not too deep of one and she will live.

Meanwhile elsewhere Ace awakes up with a groan “Me head….where am I?”

Melantha stands close by, she nods for a couple foxes to hold the hedgehog “My base….”She has one of those red hot branding things, in the shape of a…rose? She walks forwards and goes to press it to his uninjured arm “It will hurt….but only a short while but you see this is how I what beasts belong to me…if you ever escape, which is very rare….you are killed. Sadly we lost a badger recently, not that the one who cared minded….he wanted the cub she was to give birth to, sadly it died as well as since the mother died and there was no signs of the infant….it would of died as well, a sad sad lost…”

Ace glares, he keeps his mouth shut as she mentions the badger. He knows what cub she means and starts to reply to only yell out in pain and takes a few deep breaths “Murdering….vermin….scum….”

Melantha blinks “It was not I that ended the badgers lives…it was others.” She steps back “Welcome to the Black Rose….slave”

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


#2 2018-03-22 01:51:44 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380


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