Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2018-03-15 03:58:02 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Memories of the Past & Dreams of the Future (RWA log)

SCENE:  Gatehouse loft, Redwall Abbey

CHARACTERS:  DoraRose, a female mouse.  Emyuil, a male mouse.

DoraRose is in the Gatehouse loft, and it is a horrible mess!  All the blankets are off the bed and in a pile on the floor.  Clean covers are folded in the middle of the bed.  All the chests are out from under the bed and open, and there are some brooms scattered around on the floor.  The Warrior is sitting on the floor in the middle of the relative chaos, flipping through a book.

Emyuil knocks at the loft door. "Heyo, coming up."  After waiting a moment and not getting any indication that he shouldn't, he opens the door.  "Hey 'rose--Oh.  Um, is this a bad time?" he asks awkwardly, glancing at the disarray of the loft.

DoraRose is usually a neat and orderly person, so this mess would be pretty startling.  Her head jerks up, a blank look replacing the soft, thoughtful one that had adorned it moments before.  "Huh?  Oh, uh, no, you can come in.  Just trying to get some Spring cleaning done early so I won't be doing it when Lily comes back."  She closes the book, sets it on the bed, then grabs a broom.

"Just curious, what were you reading?" Emyuil asks conversationally as he climbs the rest of the way into the room.  "Want help cleaning while we're at it?"

"Sure, thanks!"  Dora hands him a broom and gestures under the bed.  "It's full of dust under there; it's kind of disgusting."  She starts gently sweeping under the bed, not meeting her brother's gaze.  "It's one of Leon's old journals.  From when he first came to Redwall.  When we first met."  She smiles softly, sadly, yet also, oddly, contentedly.

Emyuil nods and begins sweeping from the other side of the bed.  He doesn't really know what to say, so he just lets his sister talk if she wants. If she doesn't, that's fine too.

DoraRose continues to sweep, silent for quite a while.  Most of the dust in in 2 little piles at their sides when she finally says, "I think he loved me first, but it wasn't long until I loved him back."  A heavy sigh escapes her, and she adds, "I miss him so much."  Now she is all sad, her contentedness vanished in a manner reminiscent of mists under the morning sun.

Emyuil nods slowly.  "I understand.  I think.  I mean, I've never really fallen in love, but...I understand what it means to miss somebeast."  He sets down the broom and walks around to where his sister stands, and extends his arms to wrap her up in a bearhug.

DoraRose lets him hug her, the broom dangling from her paw at her side.  She sniffles a little as a couple of tears trace their way down her cheeks.  "This is so hard.  And I have no idea how I'm gonna tell Lily.  How she'll react."

Emyuil nods, his eyes shut tight.  "Should I tell her?" he offers.  "If you can't...if you won't....then I can do it for you."

DoraRose shakes her head, resting it on his chest.  ", I will.  It should be me; I can't let anybeast else do it.  But if.....if you could....if you Nana tell the rest of the group who went to Willowbark....I was gonna walk LilyMoore down to the pond and tell her there, so if you could help Nana tell the rest of them, that would help."

Emyuil nods firmly. "I will see this done.  I swear."  He sighs as well, seeing in his mind's eye the pond beneath the golden glow of the afternoon sun.  "Yeah....that'll be a good place for it, as much as anywhere else.  Out of the way so you don't have beasts gawking."

"Yeah, well, most beasts know to not gawk too much near me.  I think many of the more timid ones are a bit nervous around me."  Dora takes a step back and flexes her left arm.  "Dunno why.  It's not like I have defeated groups on enemies basically on my own before."

Emyuil grins. "Same....same." He runs a paw over his face, feeling the small ridges of his faded scars, less noticeably horrific than they used to be, but still there if one knew where to look for them.

DoraRose smiles.  She is still sad, but she seems to be feeling a little better.  "Hey, you still using that weird herb stuff Nana concocted?  You're looking more handsome; keep it up, and the ladies might start tripping over themselves to get your attention."  She is mostly just joking.....mostly.

Emyuil flushes slightly and stammers a bit--yes, the Half-Rat, the scourge of vermin, the Black Sword of Tuscani, is stammering.  " think so?" There's a lighthearted humor to his voice, but also a hint of...hope?

DoraRose snorts in laughter a tiny bit.  What?  She still enjoys embarrassing her baby brother, what can she say?  "Well, yeah, especially if you keep working on not being so scary and sullen all the time."  She taps him on the chest.  "Just be the Emyuil Streamstone that's still in there, and you'll find Miss Right someday."  She then crosses her arms and says with mock severity, "But they have to pass my tests first."

Emyuil tries his best to keep a straight face at that last declaration, which he manages for all of...about four seconds.  Then he snorts loudly and shortly after he's on the floor laughing.  "Oh wow, that...that reminds me of Nana, that face you were making, that voice..." When he recovers himself, mostly, he stands back up.  "But seriously, thanks for the advice.  I'll keep it in mind."

DoraRose manages to look offended.  "What?  No!  I couldn't /possibly/ be like Nana; she's like a tornado with a stick.  ....then again, when I have my sword out.....  oh, hush you!"  She sticks her nose in the air in mock disdain, then breaks into a grin and goes to ruffle the fur on top of his head backwards.  "You better.  'Cause if you start courting the wrong girl, you both will have /me/ to face before Nana even finds out."

Emyuil smiles, holding his paws up in mock surrender.  "Okay, okay, I get it.  Don't worry. I'll be careful."

DoraRose smiles and goes to hug him again.  "Okay, good."  She grabs a dustpan from a hook on the wall.  "Now to scoop up all this dust and throw it away...."  They'll be busy for a while getting everything back the way it was...

Emyuil returns the hug fiercely, then spends the rest of the day helping her clean things up with no complaint, glad of something to do to keep his paws busy. 


Thanks for reading!


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