Redwall MUCK Forum

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#1 2018-02-14 11:04:46 AM

Karth Riverbark
Registered: 2017-09-15
Posts: 400

Missing Beasts-Willowbark TP Log

In Log:

Karth Riverbark(me)-Archer in Mossflower Defenders

Moonbeam-A Bat and Messgenger of Mossflower Defenders

Minsc-Warrior in Mossflower Defenders and Knight/Champion of Willowbark Abbey

Some spoofed sea lions,seals and two squirrels ?

A spoofed frog from Willowbark Abbey


Karth stayed by the doorway as he waited and seemed to wait a long while before he walked over to a frog and cleared his throat.

The frog jumped a little and looked up “Yes?”

Moonbeam was trying to fly but clearly her wing wasn’t healed up all the way just yet, she went over to Karth “Hello my friend, a good day yes?”

Karth looked at the bat “I am unsure Minsc has yet to return with is…odd”

The frog frowned “Sir Minsc is missing?!..and so is another beast, when was this? How long ago…is a search group needed.”

Moonbeam frowned ”It is unlike him yes as he seems one to always tell us where he is and isn’t Krisha ill? Oh my..I do hope no danger has found him I ever ever so do”

Karth looks concern, he knows his leader and he knows he wouldn’t just wander off and stay gone “A full day almost and into another….I am gonna go look for him.”

The frog decided to follow “Sir you don’t know your way around these lands let me come with you!” Which he seems to do weather the otter wants him to or not.

Moonbeam holds her paws together “Oh dear…oh my…I should tell someone, oh but whom….someone!” She rushes off to find…well someone..

Karth scanned the area as he walked, his longbow over his shoulders as he was rarely, if ever, without it.

The frog frowned “We can maybe check another area good sir or head back.”

Karth looked at thefrog  “Why?...Umm whats your name? I need to find my leader and Minsc is missing, isn’t he a friend of yours as your abbey seems to put him up as someone important.”

“He was…well is our knight, our defender. Champion Sir Minsc. He protects Willowbark so yes he should be found but I do not know where he would be, he did go looking for the badger right? Maybe he found him and they are both heading back soon?”He then replies " name is Ping"

Not too far away is a series of caves, a lot of seals are around and some sea lions as well. They seem to not have noticed the sea otter, but one beast has.

Karth nods as he slows and steps behind a palm tree watching the seals and sea lions closely, he has heard of these creatures before but only saw them out at sea and then was told they were dangerous.

Minsc just happens to pick this time to walk up to one of the sea lions talking to them. It’s not clear what he is saying or if he is in any danger or not, but he is pulled away by another sea lion.

Ping frowns “We should…leave now”

“Too late for that “A voice calls out and a blow dart is sent to the frog, who is knocked out rather quickly and falls to the soft sand.

Karth right away pulls back his longbow, with arrow pointed at the cloaked figure “Take off the hood and stay still otherwise”

The figure shrugs and takes off the hood, but a 2nd figure also has a blow dart and guess who it heads for” As you wish land beast …”Wait she is a strange looking white squirrel maid and she just called him land beast.

Karth rarely lets his guard down, all his attention was focused on the one beast, he should of scanned the area for more….he realizes this when he feels the dart and cusses, his cussing is a bit slurred as he drops the longbow and falls to the sand. He will wake up beside Ping inside a cave, but he will be well guarded by a couple mean looking sea lions who seem to think he is an enemy….well this can’t be good.

What will happen? Where is Xander and Minsc? Find out soon!!!!!

Last edited by Karth Riverbark (2018-02-14 01:39:16 PM)

My spoofs:Atvi...and Alts=
Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri- LP Hare Fighter/Private and Residential Redwall Abbey Hare
Dearil-Archer/Fighter/Assassin in Blackrose


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