Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2018-01-31 12:36:46 PM

Karth Riverbark
Registered: 2017-09-15
Posts: 400

This is...Awkward...-Willowbark TP

**a very short but important role play**

In Log:

Karth Riverbark-Me- Archer of Mossflower Defenders

Xander Winters-Leader of Mossflower Defenders

Gorvenalus- Recorder of Redwall Abbey, and for now Abbot of Willowbark(as he was 8 seasons ago)

-A couple Willowbark beats were spoofed


Karth has looked around and now he goes to find a familiar face. Flea is elsewhere for a change and the otter seems glad for this.

Gorvenalus stands in blue robes but he seems unsure of wearing them, they are like the ones he had when he first came to Redwall in fact as he sighs. This use to be his room, so much has changed...too much. He has laid the tablet on a desk.

Xander watches the beaver, “You ok Brother Gorvenalus....ummm it is brother still correct?"

Karth steps inside, "The last couple days have been, how you say...interesting it seems. I thought this place was destroyed and none survived and yet, a small amount seem to be here”

Gorvenalus looks over "Yes...I am still Brother, I am still Recorder of Redwall Abbey...I just..." He looks around and at the tablet as he frowns" The stones...the hidden area was caved in, there is no way to tell what the tablet says, maybe it was a wasted trip and yet...yet at the same time it’s not, I do not know how beasts are alive, maybe this is all a dream and I am still at the inn. Maybe I am even still in that basted cell and was never rescued..."

He is interrupted by a small cough, it’s the rat Trifakus as he stands there and frowns." You are...tense Abbot, but beasts did survive or well...a pawfull of us." He nods to the others as he walks over to the beaver “You we missed, we...we all thought you and sir Minsc to be...dead, but Sister Elma refused to believe it."

Xander backs up a little "I'm..sorry" He nods a hello to the rat and looks between them " and Karth go elsewhere sir?"

Brother Ulraunt enters and blinks "Recorder of...where?" He just stands there "Sorry it's just....the anniversary's soon" The frog frowns. “Bad timing?"

Karth just watches, he came on the trip to help them and then unexpected events happen.

Gorvenalus smiles sadly "No....and yes I know what day is coming up, how could I not?" He looks at the frog and sits down “And Redwall Abbey, it’s a place Quade tried to also destroy and he failed, me and Minsc came there and I Become their Recorder since their last one was killed by Quade and his troops."

Xander frowns and looks at the floor but stays quiet to let others speak.

Karth asks, "What is coming up? I and Xander can take other beasts elsewhere if it’s something for...just your home, we are but here for support mainly."

Brother Ulraunt answers "You are welcome to stay,’s the anniversary of that...winter Quade tricked us, and we lost 95% of our beasts and...So in memory we light candles and say a few words to honor the lost."

Gorvenalus clears his throat "Yes...." He looks at Xander and Karth and back to the rat and frog "They too have lost beast to Quade or was affected in one way or another, so they can stay and join as they are honored guests." He sighs as he looks at the rat "For now...I will be Abbot again..for now" He then walks out, he needs some air and time to think.

Trifakus frowns "We...upset him."

Xander frowns "No....he is just, it’s a lot to take in and yeah Quade...he killed" He fights back tears "My mother, she was recorder before Gorvenalus, I hope he still plans to be our Recorder..t...that is at Redwall....I am gonna go check on him...excuse me" Yes leave before you bawl in front of strangers.

Karth is left standing there, feeling out of place and it makes him uneasy as he finally speaks in what seems like forever, " Well...I should let you tend to your own business at paw...have a good day" He exits quickly, as to where to go, well he has no clue.

**Hope enjoyed, yeah could be longer but the other people had to get offline but as said its still a role play and still was loged, Karth just ICLY walked around Willowbark and left at least Gorvenalus and Xander alone for a while and told the others to as well **

Last edited by Karth Riverbark (2018-02-01 10:58:54 AM)

My spoofs:Atvi...and Alts=
Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri- LP Hare Fighter/Private and Residential Redwall Abbey Hare
Dearil-Archer/Fighter/Assassin in Blackrose


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