Redwall MUCK Forum

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#1 2018-01-22 12:21:23 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Let's Talk Away From Every Beast Else-Willowbark TP

In Log:

Gorvenalus- Recorder of Redwall Abbey

Minsc-Warrior in Mossflower Defenders

Xander-Leader of Mossflower Defenders

spoofed- Chip and Yasmine

Gorvenalus sipped his tea, it was calming him a little anyways as he sat in the chair. He had asked that He,Minsc, Chip and Yasmine share a room and not be disturbed unless he said otherwise, he let the rest of the group figure out how the other two inn rooms were going to be shared.

Minsc just stared into space it seemed, “Not being possible, it is bad fish coming back for revenge cause we ate it.”

Chip had only been awake a moment or two from his fainting as he slowly blinked, before asking “ Ummm…sir….are you really my father? I mean…he died 8 seasons ago…and so did” He looks from the hamster to the beaver and back again, confused.

Yasmine folds her paws into her lap” This is all….it’s…I am not sure”

Gorvenalus took a deep breath and exhaled before speaking “ 3 other survivors…how? We can answer the how, the why and maybe what happen. Me and Minsc…we saw the abbey burn, we seen many…many die and some even killed in front of us by the beast Quade. Quade took us away like trophies won and made us watch him destroy 4 other settlements, till he got to a place called Redwall Abbey….where he failed, his actions caught up to him and he was defeated and slayed, he is dead. Dead this past season….8 Seasons have passed, maybe a little over 8 seasons now, since the fall of Willowbark Abbey, me and Minsc thinking we were the only ones to live.”

Minsc lets Gorvenalus do a lot of the talking as he stared at Chip, “How? How are you living and breathing in front of my eyes?” He reaches out to touch him as if he will fade and just wake up and still be somewhere on the ship at sea or maybe just in his bed at Redwall….and it was all a dream maybe.

Chip frowns “Umm….” He then backs up not allowing the paw to touch him, “What if..your tricking me…Quade is maybe not dead, he…he stole my father’s blade, a family blade…Willowbark Abbey’s blade.” He looks at his foot paws “Sir..S..Sid…he died helping me and Yasmine, we…we shouldn’t of left, and the storm and….I just wanted to hunt down my father’s..Murderer…the destroyer of..of everything is wh..what Quade is..” Hot tears go down his face.

Yasmine frowns, tears go down her face but she quickly brushes them away. “I..I was 6 seasons and…don’t remember a lot. I forgot some…some scarf I made father and went to get it while Abbot Gorvenalus started the feast, I heard screaming and hid in a chest in the far room but..smoke and fire made me leave and I ran past the little ones room and heard crying…I saw Chip and ..Well grabbed him and tried to leave but..rats and a weasel, and fire..smoke..I ended up in the cellar and a burning barrel fell on top of us, the fire burned my face..mainly my eyes were injured from embers and I..I lost my sight. We were found a couple days later by my father Sid and a couple others.”

Gorvenalus feels tears in his own eyes now “You mean….others besides you…survived?” He looks hopeful, but also unsure of hope…”I remember Sid…I am sorry for your loss Yasmine and I wish I had recognized him sooner than I did, Chip was 2 weeks old….and you Yasmine, I am sorry I didn’t remember you…I…I should have.”

Minsc draws forth Furyblazor “This..blade?” He watches Chip closely and looks at Gorvenalus, then back to Yasmine and Chip. “You are saying….more than You,Chip and Sir Sid survived. How is being possible? You will tell what happen now”

Chip now walks forwards “Furyblazor… is the blade…a drawing was made of it…” He looks at Yasmine on what happen, he was an infant after all.

Yasmine speaks “We…meet at a cave near the shore with what was left of the sea lions and seals, a couple seasons we were there. So 17 beasts, counting me and Chip..out of…” Her ears flatten a little.”2 died of infection and another of depression over lost of loved ones so that left 14 alive, again counting me,Chip…and father”

Gorvenalus listens, a gasp is heard from him”14?” He shakes his head, “Out of 600 beasts…..”     He wants to ask who else survived, he wants to leave and head to the ruins..are they ruins still? Or maybe they are elsewhere, so many thoughts and feelings rush though his head, he is glad to be sitting right now, but he slowly gets up and heads outside “I need a walk….I need some air….I need to think” He stumbles out of the room and into the hallway and slowly down the steps towards the door leading outside, but he feels dizzy from all the sudden news and a light soft groan is heard as he feels his forehead and blacks out.

Xander is luckily walking that direction and quickens his pace to just barely catch Gorvenalus before he hits the floor, “Brother Govenalus!” He checks a pulse and seems panicked, he looks around for help.

Minsc puts the blade away and goes, if allowed, to hug his son tightly. He looks up as he watches Gorvenalus head out of the room and debates on following him, but he will trust he will be ok.

Chip this time allows the hug and gives one of his own “Dad!”

Yasmine manages a smile, she is happy at a reunion, she tilts her head at the door, but stays where she is.

Meanwhile downstairs Gorvenalus remains passed out, his pause is fine but he is a little pale.

Xander frowns and carefully lifts Gorvenalus into his arms and spots a small infirm across the street, he can take him there and let the others know where the beaver and him is, and hopefully find out what happen also.

==Not much else happen as had to go, but this is still a good log and no worries Gorvernalus will be fine…just stress and shock at news===

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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