Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2018-01-09 09:32:49 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

They Left!_ Willowbark TP Log

It was a cold eve but that wasn't  stopping the hamster on his quest as he checked supplies a 3nd time and adjusted his pack and felt the blade at his side, one made for him....but not one truly meant for him, that one was stolen from his father.

" And where do you think your heading young Chip?" Came a voice and it's owner walked in, a tall squirrel well into his mid seasons.

A younger squirrel maid came " Don't be so hard on him father"

" Sir Sid.....and hello Yasmine. Were you still coming as well?"

Sid stiffened " She most certainally is not. Neither of you are, the...,its dangerous past the falls"

" And my father's murderer is out there, most likely tri king others and I would protect your daughter with my life she is  my best friend. I will return with the head of the vile Quade"

An elderly beast came to the door " No one is to say that name...your be peeling turnips for 2 weeks"

Yasmine frowns" I am blind but not helpless and I need to get away,.... You....your too over protective!" And she brushed past the beasts and ran to her room with tears in her eyes.

Chip frowned but was respectfull of the oldest beast in the abbey " Yes Sister Elma" He quietly left, but later he would sneak out.

Sid reached out for his daughter " Yasmine; " He sighed and looked to the abbey elder " She hates me sister Elma....I am just afraid, I lost her mother, her brother. My brother and parents.... I. can't lose her as well"

Elma walked closer " I know, its OK to worry but she needs to learn to do things on her own Sid as you won't be around forever like the seasons, neither will I as we all are one day called to that forever land"

Sid nods as he heads to help with dinner, its afterwards beasts learn the 2 abbey beasts are gone and Sid follows right after them. He catches up and gives in, they can go but with the seasoned warrior with them, how was he to know of the storm, but with his dying breath he got them to a safe place, he  died yes but his daughter and Chip.
...,would live.

***** So that explains the new beasts  in the log :

Last edited by oz (2018-01-10 08:26:32 AM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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