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#1 2017-12-07 04:50:03 PM

Karth Riverbark
Registered: 2017-09-15
Posts: 400

Funeral of Master Healer Brother Leon

In Log:
Vojin Longtail-(me)- Head Guard of Ferravale

Dorarose- Gatekeeper of Redwall

Blisa-Chieftain of Ferravale

Oz Winters-Badgermom of Redwall

Chestnut-Cook for Mossflower Defenders


Zolomon-Archer for Mossflower Defenders

Emyuil- Brother to Dorarose

Bandit-Fox from Ferravale, retired Head Guard of Ferravale

Nightbreath- Seer of Ferravale

Zarok- A good monitor and abbey friend
Ace- Scout in Mossflower Defenders

Assorted spoofed moles,  abbey beasts, Ferravale beasts, sparrows and a few guards

~ ~ ~ ~ LOG ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Today is the day of the funeral of Leon, Master Healer of Redwall Abbey.   

His casket is here in the Open Ground. The lid is open, and his widow, DoraRose, is placing some pine branches around his dead body. There is a bed of pine needles under him, too, stripped from many branches. Clasped in his paws is another pine branch.   

He is wearing his best habit, the surcoat Dora made for him for their anniversary just this year, and his back-up Master Healer's sash that he hardly ever wore.   

The Warrior's face is expressionless, but anyone with eyes to see can tell from her stiff movements that this is (understandably) hard for her. She has turned his ruined sash into a belt, and it's now tied around her waist, over her sword belt. She is wearing her green dress, brown tunic, and blue apron, the outfit she was wearing when she and Leon first met. It's actually THE outfit, much patched and mended, that she had been wearing then. She has her mottled cloak on instead of her green one. Her sword is at her side, but she peace tied it by wrapping a long piece of twine around and around the hilt, the sheath, and the belt. It would take quite a while for her to undo all the knots and wrappings that she did, so it's basically useless right now. But it looks pretty.   

Having placed all the branches into the casket around her husband's body, the Abbey Gatekeeper takes one long look at Leon's face. He looks so peaceful, like he's sleeping.
This is one of the worst days of her life.   

Ace is here. For now waiting for the funeral to start.

Vojin is not sure why he choose to come, he only meet the Master Healer a couple times and maybe Dorarose like once, but he did come and stands quietly off to the side of most here, maybe he feels a little out of place.   

Oz is nearby Dorarose, for now not speaking. Also here is the hare Zolomon frowning, he refered to the mouse as Brother L and wipes away a stray tear.

Far a rat, Patch...he watches from a fair distance of the crowd, he knows what and the reason for it, but whether he should walk over is uncertain just yet.   

DoraRose looks up at the highest peak of the Abbey building. Butterclaw the Sparra is fluttering from up there, coming to honor the father of his best friend. The Warrior's paws curl into fists. Did she do the wrong thing, forbidding Marek from letting the group that's on its way to Willowbark Abbey know about Leon's death? She has no idea.   

Blisa enters through the gate, wearing a black dress with intricate black embroidery along its bottom and the ends of the sleeves, her belt with the buckle of the Chieftain of Ferravale, and her black cloak. All of her bodyguards are also here, wearing their dress uniforms, with black bands wrapped around their upper arms. After surrendering their weapons, the group follows the cat as she walks over to the side of the Head Guard of Ferravale. The white feline nods to him, but for now just pulls her cloak closer around herself and stays silent.

Angela, Brother Rafael, and Brother Nissaya are busy in the Infirmary, but the elderly mouse promised to come when the funeral starts.   

Vojin nods to Blisa"Cheiftain...." He sighs a little as he speaks quietly "I..tried to find him, I honestly did and I..I feel like a failure for failing, where ever that...raven was with him was hidden well"   

Oz tilts his head and walks closer to Dorarose "Will you be ok today?" He knows she shouldn't be alone, not today. He knows how he was, course he missed his own mate's funeral by a few weeks due to injuries and being unconscious, but he knows he should have had company when he was able to, yet he refused it and he hopes Dorarose doesn’t. The hare quietly gets closer to glance at Leon and frowns, he isn’t good at words at a time like this.

And Patch...well for now he stays where he is, a couple guards look at him to make sure he isn’t gonna cause trouble, which of course he isn’t going to today.   

Chestnut is a little late coming as he walks in and stops close by as his ears droop. He has yet to really get to know very many beasts here.

Blisa shrugs, staring at DoraRose. "It's not your fault, and you can't really be expected to find all the missing Abbeybeasts as well as keep up with your work as Head Guard. You didn't fail, Vojin," she adds in a more gentle tone of voice, turning her face so her green eyes are looking into his. "You tried, and I have learned that you only fail when you don't try."   

The Warrior mouse widow takes a deep shuddering breath. "No, I'm not, Oz," she says honestly. "But we have to do this, and....and I can be strong. I....I just kind of wish Lily was here." Her grief can be heard in her voice, and her paws are still fists.

Vojin nods as he looks over at the mouse and back to Blisa "Alright...." He isn’t sure what else to say or if he should speak with the mouse or not, for now he chooses not to.   

Oz listens as Dorarose talks, "I am not sure whom would be best to...speak to her on her return. I am also not sure on her reaction, waiting may be wise as I know a letter wasn’t sent and maybe it a way its best as its uncertain how she would handle it on a trip we are not sure how far it is"   

Chestnut nods to a couple novice, he is here for support maybe he isn’t sure. Maybe he could make something for everyone to eat or is that a good idea at a time like this, yes it would be afterwards but most likely not a good idea as he sits in a chair.
There are Novices putting up chairs for the service. They're almost done.
DoraRose sighs and looks back down at her dead husband's face. "You're right...and I was going to tell her, when...when they get back.....oh, Oz!" she takes in a sharp breath, her face crinkling slightly as the tears start to prick her eyes. "Oh, Oz, I'm....I'm suddenly not sure I can do this..." she whispers.
Blisa nods and looks back at the Warrior, tugging her cloak hood farther past her ears. She has on her silver locket and bone skull necklaces, as always. Her cloak clasp has the design of the Chieftain of Ferravale on it.   

Ferdinand and Clarissa go to grab seats for them, and Valerie goes to find Angela.
Vojin waits to sit down as he looks around the open grounds   

Oz says, "The...death of a mate is hard, or any loved one and family member. It will be days it’s hard to coop and others where it’s a little better. Just let others help you and be there for you Dorarose, trust me it helps a lot and it took me too long to figure that out, like over 8 seasons too long."

Chestnut takes a deep breath and walks over, he glances at Leon and sighs "Didn’t know ya chap, but I am sure your be missed."

DoraRose just nods as she tries to regain her composure. "I...I know....I don't think I could do this without you, Oz. Or anybody else, understand."   

When the hare comes over, the Warrior looks at him and smiles a little tearily. "Yes, he....he is. Thank you."   

Ferdinand has found enough seats, and now he leaves Clarissa to save them as he gets the Chieftain. Nodding, Blisa waves for Vojin to join them. They make their way to the front row, where there are seats for the Head Guard, Blisa, Valerie, and Angela. The other guards will stand nearby at attention in honour of the Abbey leader.   

Valerie and Angela are now slowly making their way down the steps from the Infirmary.   

Vojin goes over to sit where he is needed to sit and waits for things to start. He stays quiet out of respect.   

Oz nods "Yes I do understand..." He stays beside Dorarose for support if she needs it. Zolomon wipes away some more tears and finally....the rat Patch walks up ever so slowly and looks at the Master Healer and frowns, he stays silent.
Chestnut looks at Dorarose "I..I am sorry for your loss lass....I will let ya know the Mossflower Defenders will surely be there fer ya if need, yes some of us are on a trip of some sort, but some of us are still around the area, you only need to call or send for one of us"

DoraRose smiles faintly and nods. "Th...thank you." As Angela and Valerie take their seats, the bells begin to toll, letting everyone one that the funeral is about to start. There's plenty of seats for everyone. The Warrior goes and stands at the head of the casket, her paws folded behind her, here blue eyes gazing straight ahead.   

Angela scowls as she tries to settle in her chair. "I 'ate this weather." She snuggles deeper into her cloak, trying to hide from the slight breeze that's starting to pick up.   

Blisa and her guards are silent and solemn. The Chieftain looks especially sad; she's remembering her fiance who was murdered, and how much she cares about this family.   

This is a hard day for everyone...   

Vojin nods "Not the best weather no...." He leaves it at that, he won’t say because its winter as that would be rude today of all days.   

Oz starts to speak again when Abbot Benar starts to come from the direction of the entry. He has his staff with the little bell on it that rings slightly and walks slowly to the front. He frowns as he speaks, "Today is a sad day...for all of us. We have lost a friend, an order brother, a master healer....he was a father, a husband, and a friend. Would any beast like to share a few words today?"   

Chestnut blinks "I...well I bally well not sure what to say, I didn’t know him, nor meet him...seen him from a distance but I can tell he had many friends and those who cared for him. I say we remember happy and not sad times my friends"   

Ace speaks after a long silence. " I came to know Leon briefly as he helped us Mossflower Defenders sometimes with any needed healing. He...I. Started to see as a friend and will miss him. Goodbye my dear friend."

DoraRose just waits. She and Angela have something planned for in a little bit.   

Blisa stands and walks forward a few paces, then turns so she's facing everyone. "I've known Leon and DoraRose for most of my lifespan. I remember being a prisoner when I was very small of one of these maniacs who is always trying to conquer Mossflower, and Leon and Oz tried to protect me from him. Leon was brave, kind, and intelligent."   

She takes a deep breath and continues: "We are here to honor some beast who deserved to live a full life with his family and friends, but instead his life was cut short. Leon deserved to be Master Healer."   

Turning to look at the casket, the Chieftain of Ferravale ends by saying, "Leon, you were a wonderful beast, and you will be forever missed. I will make sure you are honored in the chronicles of Ferravale history, as you will be here." And with that, she sits down.
Valerie is bawling already, and even Angela is wiping away a few tears.   

Vojin seems to think and then nods as ok he will say a few words as well..." Brother Leon a couple times, he came to Ferravale to check on some herb garden there and to make sure Ferravale had the needed things for the infirm there, I bet he even taught some healers there some things also." He sighs "I..heard he was missing and did my best to look for him, and I didn’t find time." He looks to Dorarose "Please forgive me, I Never did give up on my search." He then steps back and sits down.   

Zarok and Terfil, dressed in their respective habits, join the group, ashes and dirt daubed over their snouts in mourning. They wait patiently to speak, but will not interrupt.

Oz waits to say what he wants to say "I..remember when Leon first came here, he saved a dibbun from drowning that day. He also saved my life some seasons ago as well, when Stormfeather had me captive, if it wasn’t for Leon..I wouldn’t be alive today, he was skilled as a healer even then and just became more and more skilled as the seasons came and went. He will greatly missed."   

The presence of vermin isn't as rare as it used to be here in the abbey, but even so Bandit still continues to stand out simply because he is bandit. Dressed in a black vest and tunic, the tubby ex-head guard fox has been mostly quiet during the whole affair. He was never good with words, not like Wilks was, or Rascal the red fox who is also here, standing off in the corner and staying out of the way.

Nightbreath, uncloaked, but robed, approaches the front of the group, holding his paws folded in his sleeves. "Words cannot convey my sorrow," he begins, sighing. "I knew Leon and DoraRose for many a season, since the latter of the two arrived in Mossflower. I watched their love bloom amidst turmoil and strife throughout the seasons. I watched them grow stronger together. And I am deeply saddened by Leon's departure." He pauses, and gazes straight ahead, giving everybeast the feeling he is staring into their soul. "But it is not over for Leon. Leon is in all of us. As long as we carry his memories forward, he lives inside us all. When the sun rises, it is Leon's smile. When the wind is his breath, his words of love and guidance. Again. Leon's story has no end, any more than the universe has an end. Those who knew him best, who were closest to him, carry his legacy. His body may have died, but his soul endures. He defies darkness in death as he did in life. He is free now, free from pain and suffering, from the burdens of our weary world. And one day..." His voice almost cracks, uncharacteristically. "One day, each of us must go home to join him, one by one. And Leon...Leon will be there, having cleared the way for us. For those that follow. "He lowers his head, and says something in an ancient tongue, the Seer's tongue, unrecognizable by any but himself.  Then, in the common speech, he translates.  "Do not weep because I am gone. Smile, because I was here."   He steps back into the crowd. "Thank you, all, for your time."

The fox , Bandit , draws a sharp breath. He always hated funerals just for this very reason. Stepping forward, he offers a heavy pat on Dorarose's shoulder. The fox is the first to say that he didn't know Leon well. He hardly knew any of the beasts here well anymore. But Dorarose was a fellow warrior, one he had gone to battle alongside more than once. He offers no words, just a gentle squeeze to show that he, like every other beast here, is there for her.   
Oh how he hated funerals...   

Zolomon steps forwards "I will miss..Brother L...Brother Leon. He was a good friend and even though I think he disliked me at times, I STILL seen him as a good friend and he helped me when my leg was badly injured, mean he most likely save lots of lives...." He steps away in tears.

Patch steps forwards and all is looking at the rat as he clears his voice and speaks “Brother Leon .....he was a good healer and a good beast. I aint no good with words but...yeah he will truly be missed and...guess if anyone be needing a shoulder to cry on...they can find me or not find me..don’t have to go now" Yes before he tries a lot.

Zarok pauses, but at a nod from Terfil he steps up into clear view of everybeast. "Leon wasss my uncle. My friend, and Terfil's.  He helped us when we were sick or hurt.  He made time to talk to us when we were lonely. He was a good mate for DoraRossse, an' his hatchlingz are brave and loyal, az he waz." He pauses, and would be blinking back tears if he could produce them.  Terfil squeezes his best friend's tail to encourage him.  "'kay....Terf an' I have a song we found, in the Library. From an ancient book.  We thought we'd sssshare it, for DoraRose, for all of you'z, and mosst of all, for uncle Leon."  They begin in a whisper, Zarok rumbling something in his old tribal language, and then they sing clear into the sky, their rough voices surprisingly melodious.

"Fear no more, the heat o'the ssun,   
Nor the furious winter's rages   
Thou thy worldly tassssk hast done   
Home art gone, and ta'en thy wages   
Golden lads an' girls all must   
As chimney ssweepers come to dusst.   
"Fear no more the frown o the great;.
Thou art past the tyrants sstrrroke   
Care no more to clothe and eat;   
To thee the reed is as the oak:   
The ssscepter, learning, fizzik must   
All follow this, and come to dusssst."   
The lizards go on for a few more stanzas, in their soulful way, before finishing with:   
No exorciser harm thee!   
Nor no witchcraft charm thee!   
Ghost unlaid forbear thee!   
Nothing ill come near thee!   
Quiet consummation have;   
And renownd be thy grave!"   

Lowering their heads, the reptilian youths duck back into the crowd.

Hang it!  DoraRose struggles to not cry as EVERY SINGLE PERSON HERE says something sweet and kind and melancholy and loving and caring.  She bites her lip as a a tear trickles down her cheek.  Smiling slightly at Bandit, she reaches up and squeezes his paw, then gestures for everyone to sit down. 
As Angela comes and stands beside the Warrior, the Abbey Gatekeeper goes to hold the paws of her grandmother and brother.  Taking a deep breath, the 2 female mice start singing in Tuscanian.
It is obviously a funeral dirge, and even those who don't speak that language that is is sad.  And if anyone here even knows a few words, they will recognize that it's the song that beasts sing to loved ones who die a brave death.  It speaks of sunrises and sunsets, as well as courage, respect, and a deep, undying love.  And death, partings, and endings.  But, of course, the beasts who don't speak that language have no idea.  They just know that the tune is heart-wrenchingly sad.
Near the end, DoraRose can't do it anymore, and she releases the other mice's paws and collapses to her knees, sobbing into her paws.  Angela gestures at her grandson to help her finish the song, and then, when it's ended, the old Healer kneels down and just holds her as she weeps.

Vojin starts to go check on the mouse but let’s family do it instead.   

Emyuil knows that it's time, and he stands slowly and joins in, his voice adding an undercurrent of deeper notes to the dirge. Then, when it's just him singing, his voice rings out strong, and loud, singing as he hasn't sung since he and his sister were but Dibbuns. One paw clenches in a white-knuckled fist, nails digging into his palm to keep him focused. He finishes, and before the echoes of the last note fade, he's going to hug DoraRose with all the strength in his body, holding her close to keep her steady.
Benar waits till all has a chance to say something, listens to the songs and all that’s said. He then goes forwards and takes a deep breath saying a small poem said at funerals before pausing a moment, he then sighs " Today we...lay Brother Leon...into the ground, he will watch over us from the dark forest...we must not let this tear us down, Dorarose and her family will need us more than ever now and I hope all of you are there for her, as I will be as my door is always open" He says a few quiet words to Leon before wiping away a tear and stepping away again.

Moles come forward to fill in the grave with dirt, they help lower the casket after its closed. Benar let's anyone else say any last words and a lot do or just cry. Last goodbyes are allowed before the Abbot gets a paw full of dirt and drops it into the grave." From dust we came and to dust we return the shell of our Brother Leon. He dwells in the night forest in eternal peace and one day when our time comes we shall join him....sleep well Brother Leon "' A few tears fall and he sighs as he steps back and others say goodbye and drops dirt into the grave, then the moles fill in the grave with dirt and all beasts head inside for a small simple meal and talk of thier friend and loved one.

Last edited by Karth Riverbark (2017-12-08 08:39:11 AM)

My spoofs:Atvi...and Alts=
Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri- LP Hare Fighter/Private and Residential Redwall Abbey Hare
Dearil-Archer/Fighter/Assassin in Blackrose


#2 2017-12-08 08:43:29 AM

Karth Riverbark
Registered: 2017-09-15
Posts: 400

Re: Funeral of Master Healer Brother Leon

Log done, edited and couple requests added any needed sad song links can be added in comments

My spoofs:Atvi...and Alts=
Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri- LP Hare Fighter/Private and Residential Redwall Abbey Hare
Dearil-Archer/Fighter/Assassin in Blackrose


#3 2017-12-09 01:23:20 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380


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