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#1 2017-11-03 11:10:32 AM

Karth Riverbark
Registered: 2017-09-15
Posts: 400

Congratulations Sir!-Mossflower Defenders Log!

In This Log
Karth Riverbark(me)-Archer and Ranger in Mossflower Defenders

Flea Underwood-(me)- Scout in Mossflower Defenders

Xander Winters-Leader of Mossflower Defenders

Krisha Winters- Badger and wife to Xander

Chestnut- Cook in Mossflower Defenders

Flametail-Member of Mossflower Defenders

Varsha- Member of Mossflower Defenders

Minsc- Warrior and Healer in Mossflower Defenders

Zolomon- Archer hare in Mossflower Defenders

~ ~ ~LOG (At Base of Mossflower Defenders)~ ~ ~

Karth was doing some sit ups, he had some slight trouble and stopped doing 20 of his normal 50, and 10 of 50 pushups. But he was getting stronger again and recovering nicely.

Flea stayed nearby and watched his friend, “I am still thinking of a nice vacation ya know Karth?”

Zolomon enters with a grin and smiled “Ello all…I like ta welcome, fer de first time…well as husband and wife…Mr. and Mrs. Winters!”

Xander enters with a smile, he has a normal tunic on today and looks a little tried, but very happy.

Krisha is beside him, back in her normal outfit as well as she holds Xander’s paw.

Minsc is nearby and waves “Congratulations my friend!”

Flametail frowns “I missed the wedding…did you dance?”

Varsha sighs, “Really…goodness not a hey congrats oh and yeah congrats from me sir”

Chestnut peeks out from the kitchens and smiles “Oh good…thought missed it…I make cake and there is cherry cordial to drink!”

Karth walks over to shake Xander’s paw “Congratulations sir….”

Flea smiles” Celebrate yes! To a fine married couple, to peace and good friends and food.”

Zolomon smiles “Cake…but of course Xandy and Krisha get the first couple slices” Wow he isn’t trying to get a slice first.

Xander smiles “Thanks every beast and thanks for the cake Chestnut.” He goes to get a slice and gives one to Krisha, along with some cordial.

Krisha takes them and nods her thanks before sitting down.

Minsc smiles “I also have more good news, Marek has found someone to help with me and Gorvenalus trip to Willowbark ruins, he only needs to know when we leave and how many and once there how long till head back.”

Karth listens” I could go, and I am sure Flea would love to, also in case an archer is needed….”

Flea nods “I shall go, sounds like an adventure and a chance to see some place new and are you sure your be archer ready too soon my friend?”

Karth sighs “Let’s hope so…I may need to  take it easy but I also need to get back to fighting form as well, it was my chest that was injured not my arms…still need to build up some strength again”

Zolomon nods “Take it easy and yes stay in jolly well shape. I think I will stay here, help watch the base and all that”

Xander eats some cake and listens “Me and Krisha could go, I could have Marek and a couple others be in charge while we are away.”

Krisha smiles “I..I am ok with traveling. Where is Willowbark…how far?”

Flametail gets cake as she just rolls her eyes at Varsha.”Sir?” She speaks to Xander. ”You wanted to learn to dance, I taught you….did you dance, if not maybe now?”

Varsha just snorts of gets cake and cordial and…walks out of the base, she will eat outside…what? She is moody it’s a teen thing.

Chestnut sits down and drinks a little cordial and has a small piece of cake, he never did eat or drink much at meals or snacks but always seemed healthy and just fine.

Zolomon smiles as he stuffs cake in his mouth, he has two large slices “Good stuff….oh yeah”

Karth shakes his head at the hare, well Zolomon…Chestnut is just, well…for a hare odd but this sea otter is fine with an out of place odd hare.

Flea sips some cordial” A vacation, that’s what the trip could be”

Minsc smiles “Thank you my friends for wanting to come along. I am just glad of whoever Marek got to help, is being so very very helpful”

Xander nods “Did he say whom it was?” He blinks at Flametail and smiles “Oh…yeah” He smiles at Krisha as he stands and holds out a paw”Dance?”

Krisha stays quiet and listens as she has a little cordial and a few bites of the cake. She then stops and looks at Xander, she smiles and stands as well”You learned to dance?..Ok let…let’s dance love”

Flametail shakes her head, “whatever Varsha…a trip?” She then watches Xander and Krisha.

Zolomon watches the two badgers and smiles.

Minsc will wait to answer the question later, for now he just wants to relax with friends.

Karth raises an eyebrow at the idea of dancing and shrugs, he looks at Minsc “Me and Flea shall go Minsc, on your mission or trip”

Flea smiles “Yeah..” He watches Xander and Krisha start to dance.

Xander is not perfect at dancing, but he does fairly well and steps on no footpaws, he just missteps once and is not near footpaws, he twirls a couple seconds too late but otherwise for his first time dancing he is doing very well!

Krisha smiles and helps him a little with the dancing and smiles at him. “You’re doing very well Xander…this is good and a nice surprise”

Flametail smiles, she yawns and then stands to find Varsha….yeah she needs a word or two with that feline.

Minsc nods to Karth as he smiles a little, he has been feeling a bit less depressed, and even a little is better than nothing.

Chestnut watches the couple dance and hums softly

Zolomon gets  a 3nd slice of cake, and smiles towards his friend

Karth just watches the badgers dance. He leans back to relax as its one of those take it easy, have food and fellowship with friends day.

Flea is..yep asleep..hey he is allowed a nap!

My spoofs:Atvi...and Alts=
Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri- LP Hare Fighter/Private and Residential Redwall Abbey Hare
Dearil-Archer/Fighter/Assassin in Blackrose


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