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#1 2017-05-03 04:09:30 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

A break from the rain (A Redwall log)

SCENE: Redwall Abbey Open Ground

CHARACTERS: Leon, a male mouse.  Kurt, a male robin.  Henry, a male sparrow.  DoraRose, a female mouse.  Marek, a male stoat.

Leon was able to walk around now, though he hasn't walked too far so far and was now sitting on the steps leading to the infirm jotting down a few things.   

Kurt hopes off and studies the mouse before he clears his throat "Hello to you."  He looks around before his attention is on the mouse again.   

DoraRose comes from the Gatehouse, clothed in a dress for the first time since before the whole mess with Quade started. She is reading in a thick book and is somehow managing to not run into anything. She has yet to notice anybody yet.   

Leon looks at the bird and nods a hello "I see you're out and about, that's good as your feeling better I guess?"   

Kurt says, "Better feeling yes and avoiding eggchicks of the red abbey, they seeming to want to make beasties in color blue all over like the badger yesterday.""   

"Greeting Doraworm!" Says a voice behind the mousewife, "How goes it this fine spring day!"       

DoraRose jumps and whirls around, closing her book with a slap, all at the same time. "OH! Oh, hello. You startled me!" She tries to slip the book into her apron pocket, but it's too big, so she has to just hold it. "Yes, today is a lovely day, isn't it?"   

Leon blinks "Blue?" He thinks the only other badger here is Oz as Xander is elsewhere "Why would Oz be blue?" He smiles when he sees Dorarose "Hello Dora, least its not raining today, that's good may rain later though"

Kurt clears his throat "Eggchicks did it...make bucket of blue stuff fall when he open door, and now he be blue badger....eggchicks are odd here they are" He has a bandage on one wing so he hops around as he cant fly right now.

"Yes, it is a nice day," Says the Henry, wondering if a conversation can die as it starts. "What news is there in the Abbey." The bird bard has a strong smell of mint about him. He glances over to the herbalist and waves a wing.

Leon listens to Kurt hmmms  "Well that's interesting." He stands and walks slowly over to Dorarose and the sparrow and smiles "Seems the dibbuns are creating mischief again as well then that happens sometimes"   

Kurt hops over slowly looking to the others "I am Kurt" He says introducing himself 

The sparrow speaks slowly, a sad light in his eyes. "I have been tending to the wounded sparra as best I could, and I discovered something..." The black-throated bard stares at the ground, "I discovered I am not a healer..." The poet turns his head to the robin. "Hello Kurt, I am Henry the poet, worst healer in Mossflower."

DoraRose shrugs and goes to rest a paw on the sparrow's head. "Not everyone is up to that. I'm sure you'll find something else you can do, and being a bard is nothing to be ashamed of." She goes to give her husband a one-armed hug. "Well, of course they are. What did they do this time?"   

Leon chuckles "Well from what I heard our dibbun caretaker has been dyed blue, sort of hoping to see that later it sounds funny."  He smiles at the sparrow "Maybe practice, there may be a sparra that knows healing I don't know as they tend to keep to themselfs usually"   

Kurt tilts his head, "How is funny?" Then he did remember the badger wasn't hurt, just ....well blue all over fur and clothing, he speaks  "What ever...I not knowing my skills use to be spy...messenger, maybe stay that for abbey or Mossflower defenders ya?" 

The sad sparra turns towards Leon and bows his head. "Please... teach me. One-fifth of the sparra died due to wounds, anther fifth to infection. If I was a healer I could have saved them. Before the battle with Quade you said you could teach me healing. So please, teach me."

DoraRose is failing to avoid giggling. But then henry lets them know about just how bad the Sparra's had it, and her laughter dies. "Oh, my.....they should've been brought to the Infirmary." she then steps back a little to let the Master Healer and sparrow talk.   
DoraRose turns to the robin and adds, "All beasts are welcome, and we are always ready to teach someone new skills." 

Leon frowns " Yes they should of, not taken back to the loft area. I could....oh yeah not an option, umm....may be a way up there to look and I can teach healing skills yes"   

Marek walks slowly from the infirm and stays by the doorway watching the small gathering as he looks to the entryway where the gates are. 

"Maybe they should have," Says Henry, looking towards the trees of Mossflower, "But a sparra would rather die in his own nest then in anywhere else under the sky." He turns back to the master healer. "Yes, I can take you to the loft, there should be some wounded still alive. If anybeast can save them it would be you."

DoraRose looks up at the stoat and waves, but she doesn't smile at him.  She still doesn't really trust him very much, although she does a little more now than she did before this whole Quade thing.  "Are you sure you wanna go up to the loft, Leon?"  She knows how much he hates heights.  "Maybe they would be willing to bring their wounded down here."

Leon remembers the last time he was there, well the roof and grows quiet "I....well..I did learn their language, I them and a couple could help get some herbs and bandages up there, we also need to get some from the woods, river, streams....low on some stuff and some is at the market up the road"   

Marek takes this time to speak "Mr. Leon, I could get some for you at the market place, or Ferravale, perhaps both places and give it to the guard on duty. I did plan on heading back, or send supplies back by a random sparrow or other bird" He still has bandages on, but he is healing "I need to check on my tavern and then speak with someone, who I wish had waited to head off to somewhere I can't go" 

Henry says, "If you're looking for an herb in Mossflower, I can with in the day. If it's rare, I can find it with in the week. And if it's Milk Thistle, I can find it with in the hour."

DoraRose listens. "Maybe you should take Lily up with you; she seems to have made some friends of various birds, so maybe she would be a good help." She gestures at the other 2 beasts. "And I think you should take them up on their offers; if they're going out already, or can find what you need quickly, then perhaps it'd be best to let them do it." She kind of doesn't want her family leaving the Abbey right now......

Leon says, "Luckily what is needed isn't rare and yeah some can be found at the market and Ferravale " He goes to get a list, and there is pictures and descriptions also he gives a list to the sparrow and one to Marek "And Marek just let a bird bring them back, there is a couple birds that are trust worthy at Ferravale could be one of them, or both.""   

Marek takes a list and nods, he guesses this is his ok to head back to Ferravale "Will do Mr. Leon...and thank you for your help with....with healing me when I was injured."  He heads off before any certain beasts can say stop, sides he needs to get back and will send back the herbs ASAP. 

The sparrow takes a quick look at the list and then looks back to the mouse healer. "I will head into Mossflower and gather as much as I can. we might as well start with supplies." He flaps into the air.

DoraRose goes to give her husband a quick hug, watching the other 2 leave.  "Well, I need to head off, too.  I promised I would help give the Dibbuns a bath.....hopefully they won't dye my fur blue."  After offering him a kiss on the cheek, the Warrior heads off to do her dastardly duty of bathtime.

~*Thanks for reading!*~

Last edited by BlisaMarshmellow (2017-05-03 04:10:14 PM)


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