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#1 2017-05-02 09:17:52 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Advise-Defender's Log-ICLY MORNING OF MAY 3ND

Salamandastron: Library
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-
Here lies the collective efforts of a few good, intellectual hares of the mountain. Over the seasons, this room, which was once little more than a storage room, has been converted into a quite functional library, filled with books of all sorts. The room is staggered with bookshelves, all crafted within the mountain, which reach very nearly to the ceiling, with only a foot or two of space above them, in most instances. And, surprisingly, the shelves are basically all full. Apparently, over the seasons, hares have donated books, and books that were previously stored elsewhere have been brought here.

Some books are older than any of the hares alive in the mountain, and, even more, some are nearly as old as the mountain, itself. These sort are usually journals and records - histories of the mountain. In fact, there is an entire section of this, in a corner of the room, which one can only get to by making their way through the maze of bookshelves to that corner, which is quite like a room in and of itself, closed in by walls on two sides and bookshelves on the two others. However, in the center of the main room, there are two tables set, and upon these books like, some open and some closed, despite the efforts of the librarian hare to keep them on the shelves.

Xander looks around the large library, least bigger than the abbeys with much taller shelves. He takes one down and sits down to look at it, a book on herbs it would seem.   

Ciocan steps into the library and nods a hello "Not surprised your in 'ere...your mother enjoyed my library, even let her read some badger scrip readings and lore when she was here for updates, believe was when Abbot Lorimis died."   

Xander turns and nods "Yeah, when she found me sir on the beach in a shipwreck...I never meet Lorimis, I only knew Abbot Benar but I did see pictures of Lorimis."   

Ciocan nods "I have not meet either, I know Benar were 'ere when Sebastian was Badger Lord before me..the abbey was over taken by a Marek and from records he was defeated and the abbey put back in rightful paws, but enough of the past wot be this Mossflower Defenders?"
Xander answers "Defender the weak and help prevent disasters in Mossflower or least do our best to try. The group is small but growing and any good hearted beast can join. My Uncle Zee supported the group a lot and even left some gold and supplies to help build a base. A base was started but was burnt down by Quade, but luckily most supplies were not damaged and a beast in Ferravale is gonna help rebuild it a little ways from the place it was before so it will be a bit closer to Redwall Abbey"   

Ciocan takes a deep breath "Ferravale....I am still uncertain of that place seeing as it’s a vermin village so close to the abbey, but I had talked with Sister Zinnia on it and she updated me from time to time, how they came to Redwall's aid a couple times, still I say use common sense. I do not plan to send any of my hares that way and won’t unless I hear it’s a sudden threat then I will trust me"   

Xander nods "I understand and I see them as not a threat, least at this time. Not all there do get along with woodlanders but most respect them and the abbey beasts. My Uncle Zee lived there and his hut is there, it’s my hut now in fact. I may not spend a lot of time there, but...some. The chieftain is Blisa now, her father Scioto was..killed” He frowns "By a beast that had me as a slave a wildcat named Zurrgg, he was sold a poison to by his brother Jedrick who also bought’s where I was for a good 2 and a half seasons till I was found and rescued and brought home"   

"I heard of that and I am sorry my hares didn’t find you sooner. I know a couple found clues and managed to track this Jedrick down." The Badger Lord states," It appears you have grown well and handled things well for all you seem to have gone through the past 5 seasons since last we meet."   

Xander nods "Yes sir, most likely more than most my age has. Both wildcats..Jedrick and Zurrgg were slayed. I....I still think I struggle a little with anger issues cause of Jedrick but it’s not as often as before. I also tend to almost lose it a couple times in battle when a friend or loved one is in danger...I did lose control a couple times, a time after that I controlled it, just barely."   

Ciocan asks, "Bloodwrath? "   

Xander looks down and finally nods" I know it’s...not something easily controlled and even friends will back off.”   

Ciocan nods "Not easy to control for some no but one can focus energy elsewhere, it may take practice but in battle it is important to stay focus and not lose control, if you feel yourself doing so channel that anger and energy into your weapon. If control is lost...then it is lost, warn those that’s need to stay clear to stay clear but slipping into it can harm you as well, you’re not aware of pain and wounds right away till afterwards and a lot of energy you had is suddenly gone and you feel weak and helpless and will need rest. Yes battling and keeping control and focus can also cause one to tire as one cannot be in battle for hours. Also always wise to try and plan, if your able to."   

Xander says, "I know and I do, one time though Zolomon and me, as well as another in my group had to made a split second decision, Quade was going to behead Benar like right then and there so we had to act fast and we managed to save him and one other, we made it out of the base...barely but alive. There was one death a hare maid named Jasmine and I still blame myself for it and wonder if I am meant to be leader of a group or not"
Ciocan lays a paw on his shoulder, “It’s not easy being leader if one is unused to it, I was not perfect when I first started either but I got better and had advise and help from the hares when I first started out and still listen to their group is clearly much much larger than yours, but large or small advise is the same for either. Though the Long Patrol is a large fighting group and I have generals, corporals and a colonel as well, the one rank under me as well as a couple generals all in charge of small groups in the long patrol, all put together to form one large group."   

Xander blinks "But I though badgers were drawn here by whatever it is cause they were to be here"   

Ciocan says, "Doesn’t mean they are 100% ready Xander, no one ever is."  He smiles "You will do well, you have done well already in fact. You have good friends to help you also and perhaps Abbot Benar as well has his own advice. Advise I will give is always use common sense, think before you act on things, if there is time have a meeting with members and plan, as the group grows get a trusted 2nd in command. I am glad to hear a base is being built, but till its build get with your group and find a place to meet till then, always keep training and alert. Keep an eye out for anything out of place and if it’s found look into it right away. No one is perfect and in my opinion no one ever will be totally perfect, they do their best and learn from mistakes, listen to advise and grow as a group and I don’t mean just by numbers. They grow to trust, to know the others are thar for them, they are friends and they are loyal to the end"
Xander nods as he listens and smiles "Thanks sir."   

Ciocan smiles as well "Ya be welcome Xander....come it’s about lunch time and we can talk more while we eat. "   

Xander goes to follow "I am thinking stay a couple days then head back to Redwall, then follow though with my rebuilding of the Mossflower Defender's base"   

Ciocan nods as they head to the dining hall "Of course and I will make sure you have supplies for the trip back now we let us get to lunch, before my hares leave us nothing" He chuckles and they soon arrive at the mess hall for lunch, looks more like a large feast but this is normal lunch if you’re the long patrol.   

Xander chuckles "Yeah you have like 100s of walking stomachs on legs" He grins as he walks in, gets some food and sits by the badger lord.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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