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#1 2017-04-26 04:18:44 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Torturing Kate ;) (A LP and Salamandastron log)

SCENE: Salamandastron: Common area

Hares: Flint, male.  Kate, female.  Felicity, female.  Monty, male.

Felicity slowly comes into the room, looking like she's just been through war and back. She is covered from head to foot in splotches of paint that look like she's tried to rub them off. Ignoring everything, she wanders over to the fireplace and lays face-down on the hearth, oblivious to the paintbrush stuck to her bum by a wad of drying glue, and the paper streamer she's trailing along because it's stuck to her foot.

Flint is in here on one of the other soft chairs, and it looks like he has fallen asleep. he finally got a day off and slowly opens his eyes as he yawns "Wot?" He asks quietly as the room had been rather empty of beasts and now someone enters.   

"Rough day with the dibbuns I take it?" Says Kate at one of the tables with out looking up from her book. Unlike the majority of the hares here Kate is obviously built for duties other than combat. Being rather heavy set she is dressed in a modest looking set of robes, one paw keeping a book open, the other twirling a fork into a salad next to her.   

Felicity groans pathetically. She is so covered with paint, it's impossible to tell what colour her clothes are. "Cads! Fiends!" she grumbles. "Why did my sistah 'ave to come up with the idea of startin' DAB 'ere?" She softly bonks her forehead on the floor. Food and sleep are both far from her mind; she's be too traumatized. "Why do I even bothah to volunteer ovah there?" 

Flint sits up and offers a smile "Maybe cause ya like the little ones and you get along with them. Can't always be doing fighting and stuff like that, take a day off I am sure you would be able to"

The rotund russet hare at the table snorts in laughter, "See! Thar is yer problem right thar, ye volunteer fer stuff. Make yourself useful and the like. Won't find me volunteering myself to watch dibbuns. I can tell you that much!" Kate reaches for a forkfull of salad, "What poor soul volunteered to watch the dibbuns next?"

Felicity rests her cheek on the floor, wailing, "This is one o' my days off!  I feel bad 'cause Julia is a pawful, so I volunteer, and this stuff 'appens!!"  She flops onto her back and notices the glue brush because it jabs her.  "Yowch!  Those snotty-nosed, slimy-mouthed, bratty little monstahs!!!!" she throws the glue brush at the wall, where it sticks and stays.  She lays back and covers her eyes with a paw.  "Wot?  Y'mean y'don't remembah?"  She then stares strangely at the chubby maid across the room.  "'Tis you, love!  Ya volunteered.  The leveret workahs seemd surprised, but grateful.....although one did mention that y'seemed a tad on the tipsy side, but assured me that they'd make sure y'stuck to y'word...."

Flint blinks and frowns "Now...lass please calm down, you can forgive them I am sure ....right?"

A terrible choking sound comes from the russet hare. Kate seems to be choking after inhaling her fork. She stands up, coughing loudly and beating her chest until she can breath again. "I...I did WOT?" She begins pawing at her own long ears, tying them in knots, "I...I would never! I mean...I'm horrible wid children! Horrible! What monster would let me volunteer to help with them?!"

Felicity looks at her uncle.  "Oh, yeah.....they'll stop bein crazy eventually..." she hops up and goes to help her friend, but the chubby hare is wailing before the Runner can really do much.  Keeping out of reach, she stifles a smile."Per'aps somebeast who 'as a grudge against you?  Oh, come off it, I'm sure you'll do fine.  They'll prob'ly just 'ave you read 'em a book or somethin'.  You'll be fine, wot!"

Flint nods "Maybe I could help" Is that wise or has he signed his doom?

Despite Felicity's attempts at comforting Kate, she can only summon a look of horror. What was she going to do? She just got to the good part in her cheesy romance novel! She couldn't possibly tear herself away to deal with a room filled with miniature hare savages! Maybe...she can get someone to cover for her. Kates eyes dart dangerously towards Flint when he speaks. "Oh RealyYyY~" She says dangerously.

It had been a long day, and the creature that slowly ambles into the common area doesn't resemble a hare somuch as a walking garden plot. Dirt covers his clothing (and the rest of him) from eartip to footpaws, and as he walks he leaves footpaw prints made of mud behind him. Heading over towards the fireplace, the young hare flops himself down on the floor on his back, staring up at the ceiling in resignation. "Ugggghhhhh, if I see another plant again it'll be too soooon..." he groans. Obviously someone hadn't taken a break in awhile; usually Monty isn't quite so complain-y.

Felicity interjects quickly. "Uncle Flint, they'd love to 'ave ya 'elp them, but ya 'ave to let them know what days ye're off so they can arrange things." Turning to the chubby bookworm, she shakes her finger under her nose. "Y'can't get out of it! I will /drag/ y'down there if I 'ave to, wot! I am literally covered in paint and 'ad a glue brush stuck to me bum.....oh, 'ow long 'as /that/ been there?!" she hollers, yanking the streamer off her foot, then hopping around making weird noises because the glue pulled fur out. "I'LL MAKE YA HELP WITH THE DIBBUNS OR SO 'ELP ME I'LL FEED Y'TO A SEA MONSTAH!!" She's never seen a sea monster, mind you; it just sounded good. Unless Kate can come up with a good REASON, she's doomed to her date with the Dibbuns. The dirty hare's entrance go unnoticed for now.

Flint does notice Monty and frowns " Helping with spring planting my guess?"

Monty doesn't turn his head as he hears Flint's question, and he raises a paw in the air. "How'd you guess?" he replies. "Not somuch helping as being right in the thick of it. It -is- my job here, after all." The hare smirks. "Some days I'd much rather be out on patrol and battling vermin instead of battling weeds. At least the vermin tend to stay gone for longer periods of time." He sighs, closing his eyes, and after a few moments it almost seems as if he had fallen asleep. But no, he is just contemplating things, apparently.   

Kate seems to shrink in place, eyes glancing away from Fel, "How BIG of a sea monster?" and the Monty steps inside, poor, poor Monty. "Monty! How would you like to cover, help a hare out? It's indoors! And looks like you need a break about an /easy/ assignment?" 

Felicity goes to grab her friend's shoulders and hiss in her face, "Biggah than this Mountain!" She is lying; the stress of dealing with the leverets has made her temporarily pathological and sadistic. She'll be better tomorrow. "Don't do it, Monty! She just wants to get out of the Dibbun duty she volunteered for! Make her eat the fruits of getting drunk!" She deserves it, the haremaid refrains from adding.

Flint looks between them as he listens, "Well..... I cant help I am busy tomorrow, need to get something from Halyard"   

Monty seems to sense what exactly this 'assignment' might be, and he lifts his head off the floor just enough to give Kate a glare. "I may be young, but I'm not stupid. If it was so easy, you wouldn't be so quick to pawn it off on someone else." After a moment, the hare chuckles as Felicity spoils the surprise. Just as he thought. "Love to help you, buuuut I'm much too busy in the garden. It IS spring, after all, and with spring comes lots and lots of planting. And weeding." He flops back down. "And planting." The hare mutters under his breath, "...and drinking." 

The hare whimpers, looking between Flint and Monty who have abandoned her to her fate, and the horrible hare who is wanting to toss her to a mountain fish! "Ffffffine." She says. There is only one hope she has left.
Do her job so horribly that no one in their right sane mind would let her do it again. She looks to the saucy romance novel she was reading and raises an eyebrow, "You mentioned something about...reading the dibbuns a story eh?"

Felicity smiles grimly.  She followed her friend's gaze and has an idea of what she's thinking.  "Aye.  And I'll make sure to 'elp the caretakers pick out a nice, pretty story book or 2 for y'to read.  And remembah," her voice sinks dangerously, "that my baby sistah will one of the leverets you'll be 'elpin' with, so if y'corrupt 'er, I will /personally/ 'old y'responsible.....and I'll 'ave a long line of parents right behind me, ready to take ovah when I'm done.  Y'ken?" 

Flint stands as he goes to leave the room, he decides he needs something to do...elsewhere in another room

Monty gives another smirk as he stares up at the ceiling. "Oh, and PLEASE keep them out of the garden. The last time they were in there, they made an awful mess and pulled up a bunch of plants that weren't quite ready to be harvested yet." He shakes his head, "I have no idea why the young ones have such a fascination with pulling things out of the ground. When I was their age, I was up super early in the morning, and out in the fields."   

"Poo, spoil my fun why don't you." Kate sticks out her tongue at her fellow hare maiden. "Fine...I can think of a couple of good ol' fashion stories. I recently read this one horror story about this big gnarly wolverine stalking a red furred vixen back to her grandmothers place. I'm sure the leverets would just LOVE that." Kate takes a moment to stand, tucking her book under her arm, "And that is because yer childhood was horrible Monty." She laughs, "Any life that requires you to be up at the crack of dawn to go do farm work is, in me humble opinion, a form of unusual torture. Ya don't even see vermin doing that do ya? O' course...most would force OTHER beasts to do it for them but..." Kate shakes her head. "Don't mind me, I'm off to my doom..." She begins walking for the exit. 

Felicity goes to grab the haremaid's arm.  "Oh, y'read whatevah the caretakahs tell you to!  Don't make them mad; one of them owns a war 'ammah."  Literally.  "She's from the Northlands and is bloody terrifyin'...."  she finally looks at the male hare and blinks.  Wow, he's as filthy as she is, just in a different way.  "Y'may wanna tell the caretakas that.....and I apologize in advance for my sistah, Julia.  She refuses to listen to me because she's a monstah in leveret skin, wot!"

Monty finally pushes himself back up to a sitting position, then back up to his footpaws again. Giving a stretch, he begins to make his way back towards the door. "Welp. Back at it, I suppose. I will see you lot around." To Felicity, the young hare chuckles. "No worries, I understand how it is. When you get a bunch of them together, there's really not much you can really do other than pray. Good day, you two." He gives the others a salute, before heading out the door.

And then Felicity heads off to take a bath and have nothing to do with Dibbuns for the rest of the day!


Thanks for reading!


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