Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2017-04-25 12:05:24 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

The Trip Begins-Defender's Log

Xander leads the way along the river bank, he didn’t stop at Ferravale long as he just needed a few supplies. They could get fish and watercress along the river to help out things as well. And he knew where some wild strawberries were on down the river. He had his armor on  and had his sword at his side.

Zolomon walked alongside him “So find someone named Mack whom is grumpy huh, sounds fun. How do we know Mr. Grumpy is around or friendly?”

Leafeyes tagged along and stayed on the badger’s shoulder, “It will be nice to be along a river, rivers are nice most of the time.”

Xander nods “A ferret, he didn’t say what he looked like so don’t just go fireing arrows unless it’s needed”

Zolomon rolls his eyes “Me? Fire an arrow at a vermin and ask questions later, then again guess would after this week.”

Leafeyes just stays quiet, the tree frog isn’t always much of a talker till she knows what is going on first.

“Ya best leave me alone is wot I says young un’s.” Coming from a small den cut into an old log is one black furred ferret with a headband, “Why you looking for me, go away!”

“Marek sent us” Is the first words out of the badger’s  mouth “ Please we are not here to harm you, we need a boat to the western shore, that’s all and a ride back afterwards.”

Zolomon is on alert right away, but stays somewhat calm as Xander speaks to the ferret.

Leafeyes goes to hide under Xander’s cape and peeks out at the moody ferret, yeah she will just stay out of sight for now till she knows it’s safe.
Mack studies the beasts and folds his arms over his chest “Marek huh…fine you gots a ride but it’s not cheap and I expect something from ya in Halyard”

Xander nods “Thank you sir and what do you need, we have some food supplies, even first aid stuff, I can fish and me and Zolomon here both know some plants that are good food like watercress and maybe berries”

Zolomon just waits and lets them talk.

Mack hmmphs “Get in and there be a rare wine thar I want…good stuff” He motions to come aboard “The sooner we head off the better”

Xander nods his thanks and gets in the boat as he nods to Zolomon “Come on…let’s go”

Zolomon follows and looks around “Hmmm…boat huh, could be ok and tis fast suppose”

Leafeyes peeks out and comes back into “Wow…it floats, how neat”

Mack right away notes the frog “What is that, it best be keep under control those things are usually slimy”

Xander frowns “She is a frog and a friend, her name is Leafeyes”

Zolomon nods “Yeah she is small but nice and a friend ta us, she is a part of our group “

Leafeyes nods quickly “Yes…ummm sir and I am mostly quiet unless I am singing but I won’t sing if you dislike it”

Mack just snorts as the boat starts to move “We are off, next stop western shores”

Xander nods and sits down, he sighs a little as he has a few days to think on just how to put together news and what to mention first once he gets to the badger mountain.

==Well they are off and should arrive at Halyard and Salamandastron ICLY  around May 2nd-5th ==

Last edited by oz (2017-04-25 12:27:04 PM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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