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#1 2017-04-24 02:39:39 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

A Cup Of Tea-Redwall Log

In Log:

Oz-papa Oz and dibbun caretaker of abbey
Xander- Leader of the Mossflower Defenders
Spoffed evil squirels-by Bandit
Spoofed Sister Ginney,  TJ Otter,random other beasts in abbey-Oz

RW Abbey: Cavern Hole
This room is slightly smaller than Great Hall, but still of a size large enough to accommodate  a great number of gathered beasts. A large fireplace is set into one of the walls, and there are a series of small tables and chairs near one end for beasts who are eating late, or simply prefer the smaller tables for their meals. Cushions and blankets have been set in one corner. A short flight of steps leads up to Great Hall, and along the walls of the stairs, going both ways, the word 'Redwall' has been carved into the stone.

Oz sits in his chair having just finished a story with the dibbuns and sending them off to some writing class as he takes a small break from them.   

Xander waits till the dibbuns pass him before he goes over to Oz "Hey Uncle Oz, doing ok today?"   

Oz tilts his head at the voice, he already heard the footpaws as he speaks "I am fine, any news of any more problems after the other day?"   

Xander shakes his head and sits down beside him "None....a couple of Quade's friends were found and a small fight happen but they were defeated. He never got in the abbey as the fight stayed outside and most of his small horde were taken care of by the sparrows, a couple Guisom showed up, some..odd sounding hare helped and of course Mossflower Defenders, oh and Ferravale sneaked up behind the horde. Some ran I know but they aren’t a problem. I plan on going to his old base, this mine tunnel. He had grabbed Angela and a guard said Dora and her brother went to hunt him down but no news since then"   

Oz listens "If you do be careful, it’s possible Quade is dead but till we know for sure it’s best to be careful. All that is known is most of those who worked for him are either dead or left the area, from my understanding he had very few beasts left"   

Xander says, "He had like...less than a dozen beasts left and I would be careful Uncle Oz. Plus before you say something I would take a couple members of the Mossflower Defenders, we are small but slowly growing"
Oz smiles, "It is good your group is growing Xander..."He sighs changing the subject "I seriously need mint tea, perhaps now that it’s a bit safer outside we could get some at the market up the road, it’s open now or even Ferravale but the market is closer"   

Xander stands "I could make some tea. I watched Uncle Zee do it and there may be a small amount of mint that was brought in by someone staying here a couple days...I will go check and be right back!" And he wants something to do anyways, get his mind off things   

Oz starts to say something and then just sighs, he will just wait till he is back
Xander returns shortly afterwards thanking a vole maid as he walks over to Oz and sits a mug down "I made tea..and it has mint and honey in it." It’s also his first time making tea so expect mistakes, not dangerous ones but..well it’s not the best.   

Oz sips the tea and them makes a face as he slowly sits the glass down and coughs, he will be nice and not spit it out. "This is...not tea its hot leaf juice." A frown forms as he stands up "Ok...need to do something...where is Sister Ginny?"   

Xander blinks "That’s what tea is..its leaves and when you put it in water it....well..stuff comes out into the water and then its tea somehow" He tries to explain it, he is not good at it that’s for sure. "why do you need Sister Ginny for?"   

Oz frowns "You have a lot to learn..."Sister Ginny comes "What is it Oz, the dibbuns will be done with writing soon" The badger nods "Could you have Brother Kody help watch them....and a couple novices as me and Xander are going out and should be back this afternoon, a short trip to the market up the road is all" He gets an ok and nods as he turns to Xander "Come with do know the way to the market right?" Oz does he will just need to make sure Xander does to help him there and back. And he is unsure how busy they are, crowds still brother him at times.   

Xander crosses his arms as they talk, then "Umm...yeah slightly off the road on a little path...what going now?" He goes to follow “And why now for?"   

==Along the road and then the Market place north of the abbey, then in the woods slightly before heading back to the Road ==

Oz lets Xander led the way "Because it’s important to know how to make tea, it’s been a skill in my family for seasons and seasons..generations in fact and its time you learned how as I had though Uncle Zee would of taught you and sadly your mother didn’t get time to" He frowns as he remembers Zinnia and clears his throat “First we find mint, and then a couple other teas I like that they usually have about now or if not now in a couple weeks from now. There is different or cold and both have their uniqueness to them"

Xander does keep an eye out for trouble as they walk along and he does his best to listen to his Uncle Oz, "Yeah...different teas, why is it important to know this? Wasn’t most of the family like warriors, bet grandfather didn’t make tea"   

Oz goes to grab Xader's arm, making sure it’s not the injured one "What?!...Zork made tea a lot and yes he was a warrior and a blacksmith, he was a warrior till he became a Brother in the order and he made teas before and after that. Uncle Zee also made tea, a lot more and he was a warrior almost to the day he died. Tea was one thing our adopted father Silverfangs made sure we knew and it became important to our family way, something to pass on to other generations before we go to the dark forest...something that can be passed onto you, that’s if you allow me too" He frowns as he shakes his head and leans on a tree seeing as he still needs a new staff, maybe he is feeling his age right now.   

Xander at first moves the paw away, then he listens as Oz speaks, answering after a quietness "I'm...sorry Uncle Oz I didn’t mean to seem disrespectful, guess just been a lot on my mind and a lot has happen the past 3-4 weeks. This season in fact a lot has happen" He then goes to hug Oz tightly, about the only one anymore he can without fear of hurting them too much.   

Oz allows the hug and returns one of his own and smiles" Your forgiven Xander and yes a lot has happen this season, but things can get back to normal soon. And learning to make teas is not hard, and tea is good for destressing as well. Also goes well with those Oatmeal cookies you know how to make" He smiles at an idea "Maybe some of those with mint tea, we just need to get back before dinner"   

Xander speaks "We can get back by then and almost there now."   

The market isn’t too busy yet as it’s only been open like a week. There is the one beast that has the tea, an herbalist, and some selling pears and other spring fruits and veggies, a stall also has some tunics and odds and ends.   

Oz walked staying close to Xander till he walked near, or where he hoped was someone he knew, a grin formed when he heard a voice, "OZ!" A chuckle and then an otter shows up and walks from his stall to hug the badger "Come to buy tea right...I have mint, apple, and some calming tea as well as this orange bloom  tea very good" He nods to the other Badger "And who are you?"   

Xander smiles and offers his paw to the otter "Xander Winters, Oz is my uncle..and I am guessing you two know each other somehow"   

The otter grins "He keep an eye on me at the abbey, called him Papa Oz then, name be TJ and grew up at the abbey and once was an adult moved to a small hut not far from here" He smiles as Oz mentions tea "Mainly Mint but a little of the others as well, Xander is going to learn the art of tea making." The otter grins "Well now that’s good skill ta have"   

Xander nods "Yeah. Might be fun and its useful to know some other skills. I also can bake cookies and scones and learning pottery, that’s relaxing also"   

Oz gets the tea and pays the needed coins he has, the otter gives him a discount as the otter smiles "Well make some tea and cookies and then work on ya pottery at as you have a nice snack, what better way ta relax"   

Xander looks around as the market interests him but he stays close to his uncle before smiling at the friendly otter "I guess it’s worth a try"   

The otter grins "Of course it is, course it is and ya come back whenever"   

Oz nods as he motions for Xander to head on to the abbey again, the walk back is fairly quiet   

Xander keeps alert as he walks before speaking "He was interesting, guess no major worries around now and that’s good. Umm Uncle Oz you think it be ok if I made a trick to the western shores, I sort of want to visit a couple of the hares I made friends with and...tell Lord Ciocan about mom dying, he'd want to know and there is a boat that would make it a like 1 week trip, then a day or day and a half to the mountain from there. I would make sure all was ok first with a couple beasts and Zolomon may come with me, but we would be back.....stay a day or so and maybe all together a month or little more I be gone as wouldn’t stay just 1-2 day visit"
Oz nods "You could I suppose"   

Xander smiles "Thanks Uncle Oz...sides think he rather know in person...and I could leave in a day or two...see a week on river in the boat...couple days walk after that...stay 1-2 days and then week plus 2 days...give or take and then back”   

Oz nods "Planning is always good. You could always mention any other news, though the Quade thing seems taken care could let him know of Mossflower Defenders"

Xander smiles as he walks along the path, almost back to the dirt road "Of course planning  is good. I think getting out today just to go to the market was...well fun and been a better day than pass few   

Oz stays close as he nods "Yes not be the best few days but that’s the past now" He listens to sounds around them as its mid-day now right after lunch as they walk back towards the abbey, he rarely goes out and this is one of those rare times. “When we get back we can make some mint tea"   

"What a capital idea!" Comes a voice from the tree branches above. High above them a squirrel in a green tunic and wearing a dark mask can be seen sitting upon a heavy tree branch. "But why wait until your get home when you can have tea now?" He whistles. There is a rustling of movement as squirrels seem to materialize out of the woods around them. Including the leader there are 7 in total. Squirrels of all shapes and sizes and colors armed only with quarterstaffs and daggers. Their leader nimbly drops to the ground, drawing a rapier and pointing it the parties way, "Would you like one lump to the head, or two? Or perhaps you would like to forgo lumps all together and just hand us your valuables, yes?" He high fives a squirrel next to him for his sassy remarks.   

Xander frowns as he looks around, He doesn’t draw his blade right now as he just is curious before glaring slightly "And who are you? Some sort of friends of another squirrel I know...who hoping is dead by now"   

Oz listens as the squirrels appear and arches an eyebrow, he knows they are squirrels, "What is going on now?"   

"Oh, we don't like to pass out names here," The leader of the bandits giggles. "Consider us those who like to rob from the rich and give to ourselves." He nods his head to a particularly fat squirrel behind Xander. The beast takes a swing with his quarterstaff at the badgers knee. Two other bandits then launch themselves at the badger with their staffs!   

Xander right way goes to draw his blade and swing at the staff aimed at his knee, he ducks another and one does end up hitting him on the arm but he has his arm guards on so it won’t do too much.   

Oz may be blind but it doesn't mean he can't defend himself as he goes to listen as one of them sneak up behind him as he spins around to punch them unconcious, he hears them drop something and feels around...oh a staff! This will be useful as he stands back up and spins it around, “Not nice to attack beasts and in the day time too"   

Dropping all sense of class or grace the leader of the bandits shows his true colors, giving his beasts the order to, "Crack their skulls!" A trio of staff wielding squirrels attack the warrior badger, using their attacks in unison, one sends his staff towards Xander's head, the other his belly, a third his leg.   

Two squirrels launch themselves at Oz, arming themselves with daggers. They seem to take no pitty in the fact that he is blind... The leader stands off to the side, letting his beasts do his battling for him.   

Xander frowns, why is he fighting Squirrels of all things. Great as he growls as a staff hits his knee and he barely blocks the one to his head. He swings out aiming to slice one of these squirrels...well squirrels  can be evil after all he has learned this cause of Quade, maybe they are Quade's friends.   

Oz swings the staff he has now at the squirrels, he isn’t aiming to kill them just knock them out. He also jumps back a little as one dagger slices his tunic, but no drawn blood this time, but he does almost trip over some tree roots, and that may of been what saved him from a bad cut.   

"Come on! It's just a couple of badgers! One of them is even blind!" Shouts the squirrel leader. One of his minions raises a staff to block the blade and it cuts right through the wood. He hardly manages to yelp before the blade finishes its swing through his muzzle.   

The remaining staff wielders let out a gasp, stunned by their friends sudden departed from this world for only a moment before they resume their attack. "It's the non-blind one I'm worried about!" Shouts the portly beast from before.   

The dagger wielding thieves close in on Oz, hesitant to attack because even though he is blind, he is still a badger. One of them yells out a war cry to bolster his courage before trying to leap upon him!   

Xander narrows his eyes, he goes to swing his blade at one of the squirrels closer to him and beheads the squirrel, he then growls and rushes to pin the leader to the tree "Back...offff" His eyes flash, his voice dangerous "Leave and don't return"   

Oz can still hear them as he spins the staff and knocks two of the beasts out cold, he listens and barely ducks a 3nd one.   

One squirrel goes flying as he is hit in midair. Through pure luck or perhaps skill the second blade wielding beast is knocked in the head with the staff, collapsing instantly. All that is left is the leader and his tubby companion, who is now soaked with the blood of his fellow thief who was beheaded. "And I think on that note it is time to leave." The leader gives the call to retreat but at this point there is only one left to follow him. "You havn't heard the last of me! I'll get you yet!"
Both beasts turn to flee into the woods!   

Xander pants and takes a deep breath to calm down and checks on Oz "You ok Uncle Oz? Are you hurt?"   

Oz shakes his head "I am not hurt..little turned around as to where we are now and who was that anyways?" He frowns as he heads to where Xander is and tosses the staff aside, he walks till he touches Xander's shoulder. “Let’s just get back to the abbey...I seriously need tea now, a nap and the rest of the day off"   

Scurrying away as fast as their feet can carry them the remaining thieves make haste to flee the badgers. Finally they stop a little ways out in the forest. "Ok, lesson learned. I admit that was not the uh, most productive ambush..."   

"Productive? We just lost the entire gang?" The portly squirrel leans forward, paws on both knees, struggling to catch his breath. His fearless leader chuckles, turning to face the abbey in the far, far distance. "We lost only the weak members of our gang. But if recent events have taught us anything it's that any beast can become strong, any beast can lead an army, be they vermin or woodlander. We just need to bide our time. Patience is the key. You will see, soon we will rule this woodland under our fuzzy fists of-" He turns back to his minion, most surprised to find him missing. The bandit leader looks up, and up and up to find the fat bellied squirrel dangling half in and half out of the maw of an adder, his feet still kicking in the air as the serpent devours him in one big GULP.   

"Oh! Ssso ssorry, were you monologing to him? My appologiesss." Tulip chuckles, licking her chops. "Don't will be reunited sssoon..."   

There is a sudden, blood curdling scream that fills the woods. And then silence.   

Xander frowns, ok screams and silence isn’t a good thing as he goes to grab Oz's paw and get the heck on to the road.
Oz allows Xander to lead him and frowns, "Well....something tells me the squirrels ran into something not so good, let us return before....."And it starts pouring down rain "Something else happens" He finishes quietly.   

A small voice speaks "Any way to take me along?" Then a smaller "Please..storms scary" It seems something or someone small has slipped off a tree by the road and landed on Xander, hopefully he won’t panic as if he looks like a small tree frog.   

Xander almost slaps the creature, then if able will try and get them into his paw and take a better look at them, and at the same time get to the abbey. That’s the first part get to the abbey,then see who the heck or what the heck this is   

Oz follows and stays close as it starts to rain harder "Xander...I believe we are close..let’s get inside"   

Leafeyes grips onto his shoulder and frowns best she can, "Ummm please...I mean no harm. I can even be a friend...maybe and get back where?"   

Xander stops in front of "Redwall Abbey...come on Uncle Oz let’s get inside" He decides fine, he will take this frog into the abbey. This is the first time he has seen one, it sort of looks like a miniature toad but less wartly"You’re not a toad...what are you?"   

RW Abbey: Cavern Hole
This room is slightly smaller than Great Hall, but still of a size large enough to accommodate  a great number of gathered beasts. A large fireplace is set into one of the walls, and there are a series of small tables and chairs near one end for beasts who are eating late, or simply prefer the smaller tables for their meals. Cushions and blankets have been set in one corner. A short flight of steps leads up to Great Hall, and along the walls of the stairs, going both ways, the word 'Redwall' has been carved into the stone.

Oz follows Xander inside and to the Cavern Hole ,  he smiles as he is finally where he can walk around and be fine as he puts the tea away "Tea making lesson later, who is our new friend?"   

Leafeyes says, "I am a tree frog...a runt from my family so they didn’t want me...some ferret found me and keep me a while, but then lost me when he got lost in the woods, I lived in the tree by the road but its lonely. I am Leafeyes and...ummm I may look small but not a dibbun...umm almost an adult not just yet" She still has a small stub of a tail, that will go away in time."Friends or foe?"
Xander blinks and sits her on the chair arm "I am Xander Winters and this is my Uncle Oz...I am leader of the Mossflower Defenders."   

Oz smiles, he has a novice put Xander's blade away unless that’s already been done" Yes and welcome to the abbey, perhaps you can live here but that’s up to you"   

Leafeyes looks around the large, to her, building "Big place and Defenders sound neat, like you protect one another. Any room for a small girl like me?"   

Xander had put it away at the gates so no worries, "Well what are your skills?"   

Oz lets the two talk as he gets some mint tea made, he will make it right now and it will take only a short while and he will try and talk the cooks out of some muffins if he can   

Leafeyes says, "I climb good....I can sing I can be a look at maybe"   

Xander says, "We could use a lookout or just a friend we can decide later"   

Oz returns with tea and a couple mugs , he was unsure on how to get the frog some tea..small dibbun cup may work   

Leafeyes isn’t for sure what the tea is as she is curious and takes a small taste and smiles, “This liquid is good!"   

Xander gets some "Its mint tea" He sips it and nods "Lot better than mine turned out but I will try again, with help next time and then I will get it right" He smiles “There is other teas as well"   

Oz smiles as he relaxes and sips his yea, he is glad Xander paid attention earlier. The rest of the day he will just relax, have the rest of the day off, he needs a day off.

Last edited by oz (2017-04-24 02:40:28 PM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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