Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2017-04-19 12:15:36 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

No Information-Quade TP Log

==Patch is in serious need of a healer==

Quade started at the rat and cleared his throat “It’s simple really just answer my question…you been in the abbey how is it’s defenses? How is Ferravale’s defenses? Do answer” He knew the rat couldn’t get far while a fox held him in place before the squirrel.

Patch just looked down at the ground as the fox held him in place. His paw were tied behind his back as he remained silent

Quade sighs and then suddenly slaps the rat across the face making sure his claws he let grow out went across his face.

Patch tenses some and then purposely spits blood at the squirrels face, “Soak ya head in the river…”

Quade face morphed into one of anger and rage as he took his sword and went to slice at the rat’s leg, and then his tail.”Answer me!”

Patch closes his eyes, the slice isn’t too deep but it hurts, as does the black eye and the smaller cuts on his arms and legs and bruises to his face.”Not…talking” The tip of his tail is sliced off and blood seeps out.

Quade forces him to look him in the eyes “Is that your final answer to me? Repeat your reply again, give answers or not give me answers”

Patch closes his eyes and reopens them and just says one word, clear as day ”No..” He then goes silent, the past few days he has not had the best time.

Quade  seems to calm, and then stabs him in the chest with a small dagger hidden under his sleeve. He looks to the gathered horde…175 beasts.”We move out…one way or another the abbey faces its doom today, by sundown death will be happening”

Patch takes a deep intake of air, ohhhh this hurts and it somehow missed any vital organs by mere millimeters, it mainly sank into his breastbone in the center of his chest, he doubled over and fell, while doing so he shut his eyes tightly and held his breath trying to not move.

Quade just took a quick glance at the rat and chuckled as he walked away, he needed to gather all of his group together. ”First the abbey. Then Ferravale or heck why not both at once…it’s do able right?” He smirks, “I know a group of about 30 beasts who hate that chieftain now, usually they stay at the Gull now let’s invite them over there for”

The group nods and awaits orders from their boss, their camp not too far in the woods as they wait, wait for Quade’s orders to attack the abbey.

Patch waits till he is gone and then slowly gets up, his paws still somewhat tied but the rope has some cuts in it from Quade and another’s blade and it’s a little looser as he finds a jagged rock by the ditch, uses it to finish off the ropes and lets them slide to the ground…ouch rope burn on his wrist and sides as he holds some pressure to his worse wound and makes his way to the abbey, fighting the urge to just sit down and rest…as a nap would mean death right now.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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