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#1 2017-04-15 04:08:32 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 208

Walks Are Not Always Simple-LP Log

Flint was walking along the beach on a patrol, it had been quiet lately so he had managed to get a lot of training time in, and now he was on his way back from the village.   

Training. Aata remembers a time when she would train every day with a spear. It kept her slim and in shape. Now days, after a season of travel with her friend Lalia the cook, the otter finds herself leaning against her spear, hunched over with her belly hanging down to her knees. While Aata is gasping for breath Lalia is a slender creature dressed in more civilized garb than her friend. "You going to live there Aata?"   

"Oh shut up." The heavy set beasts replies. Both of them stand under the shade of a tree along the road way.   

Flint looks over at the otters and waves "Hallo thar, nice day in it, finally getting warmer it is"   

The otters pause and turn to the hare. Seeing the long patrol uniform puts them at ease more than it would if they were vermin. "Hey! Good morning! Are you heading to town? Maybe you can help us with our load?" Lalia says happily, pointing to the bundle of fish her heavier set companion is carrying. Aata gasps, "We don't need no help from no hare! I got this just fine. I...just need my second wind is all."   

"Aata, you've had your second wind six times now. It's time to admit you are not getting a seventh."   

"I can carry this just fine!" the otter retorts, a bit wounded sounding.   

Flint looks between them "Well I could go to town maybe, it’s been quiet day so far today."   

"Capital!" Lalia the cooks squeals with delight, picking up the load of fish and shoving them towards the hare. "You are a LIFE saver. I swear I couldn't take another step with all these fish!"
"You...were not even...carrying the fish." Aata whines. Despite her reservations about having someone else do the work for her she doesn't seem to complain when the fish are taken away from her aching back.   

Flint sighs but he does help, “So where is all the fish going anyways? To the market place in town?"   

Lalia nods vigorously. "Mostly. I'm trying to set up a shop here in Halyard. I have a little vender stall and a wok set up on the warf but I plan to make some fine dishes out of these fish." The hare is then subjected to a half hours worth of recipes from the over excited cook. Ranging from simple dishes to extravagant. Aata can almost feel the calories packing on just hearing about some of them.

As the trio move closer to the village there is a disturbance ahead. Out across the beach there are figures in motion. Vermin beasts moving supplies off of a small row boat and into a nearby cave...   

Flint watches the group of vermin, but for now he is helping the otters and listening to the recipes mentioned "Well I am sure that would be nice, you might sell things like that well"
"Oh I hope so." Lalia comments. Aata however slows down, pointing her spear in the direction of the sea vermin. "Should we be worried about that?"   

"Oh come now Aata, just because they are vermin and by the sea doesn't mean they are nefarious. I'm sure it would be ok to leave them to their own devices."   

As they watch a pair of beasts pick up a fox from the boat, slamming him onto his knees while another slams a shovel into his paws. At sword point they force him to start digging.   

"I'm...reasonably sure it is ok to leave them to their own devices...   

Flint raises an eyebrow as he watches what is going on and slows "Odd...but I am unsure wot to do...."
There appear to be six vermin in all, not including the prisoner. Mostly foxes. Those not focused on making the beast dig his own grave appear to be offloading loot and treasure into a small cave, and whistling while they do it. "I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that these are pirates." Aata says, "Ah well, to each their own." And she begins walking down the path to the village.   

"W-wha?" Lalia blinks, "Wait! If their pirates shouldn't we do anything about it? Should we save the poor fox down there?"   

"Let me think on that." Aata says, "hmmmm, no." and continues walking.   

Flint looks at the fox trying to see if he knows them, "We could get a closer look, then not like it’s a bad thing to have a lot of gold and jewels....but where did they get it from is my question"
"Yeah well, that's not my concern. My only concern is getting Lalia to the village safely. Going down there to tangle with possible pirates is definitely NOT something that works towards that goal." Aata says casually. The fox prisoner has apparently finished his hole. Another beast, a fellow fox draws his cutlass. The prisoner falls to his knees, taking a pleading position as the other beast advances on him.   

Flint looks at the otters and sighs, he sits down the fish and draws forth his longbow, gets an arrow and then fires at one of the vermin who looks ready to kill the fox.   


"You by far, are the worst captain in the history of pirate captains." Says the burly red fox standing over his cowering counterpart. Like the beast getting ready to slay him his is a red vulpine, but shorter and squatter and a bit more rounded from a better diet. "But think about all the adventurers we have gone on! You're my first mate! You couldn't lop of yer captian's head could ya?"   

"He does have a point." The grey furred vixen next to them says. Like her captain she has a bit of a softer quality to her figure. "I say we gut him."   

The redfox nods, tail wagging he raises his sword to do just so! "Don't worry captain, you will be guarding your precious treasure. In HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" the fox let's out a high pitched scream as an arrow lodges into his shoulder. He collapses into the freshly dug hole as panic and confusion moves through the vermin. The weasels and ferrets are first to recover, dropping their loot and drawing weapons before dashing across the sand to meet the enemy.   

Flint quickly selects another arrow and fires it at the charging vermin in hopes of hitting one before he has to draw his saber as he rather use the longbow   

"Lalia, run!" Shouts the heavy set otter as she readies her spear. A weasel ahead of them takes an arrow to the chest, falling backward as if hitting a brick wall. The remaining ferrets and weasel reach the party, armed with cutlass's.   

The weasel launches himself at the hare, leaping into the air with a snarl and bringing his sword down at Flint's head while the ferrets focus on Aata.   

Flint barely sidesteps and quickly draws his saber and slices at a ferret's chest and kicks a weasel "Ok...bad idea to pay them attention   

The ferret turns to block the saber with his own blade, as he does the otter brings up the but of her spear against the back of his head. He goes stumbling forward before using her spear to parry a slash from the second ferret. The weasel stumbles a bit, but quickly recovers, coming at Flint with his cutlass again.   

In the distance the vixen can be seen helping the wounded fox out of the hole before their prisoner tackles her.   

Flint gasps and blocks the blade, but a cut from a dagger gets on his upper arm, but not too bad of a cut at least, as he sidesteps another blow and goes to punch one weasel hard in the face   

The otter is pressed backward by the ferret. She spins her spear like a turbine, catching the beasts cutlass and knocking it upward before thrusting her weapon into his middle. The ferret let's out a scream as Aata rams a spear head into his guts.   

The weasel's eyes widen shortly before the blow connects, twisting the weasel's head around and sending his teeth flying. He drops like a heavy sack of potatoes. The remaining ferret glances between both fighters before turning and running for the boat where both foxes seem to be embraced in wrestling match of death.   

Flint pants as he watches the ferret run and then decides to fire off an arrow, just in case the ferret finds friends for revenge   

The ferret reaches the boat right as the arrow reaches him. He makes a gasp as he falls half in, half out of the boat, a deadly shaft lodged in the back of his skull. The vixen and tod hardly notice as they roll about, struggling to get the mastery of the vixen's dagger!   

Flint watches and looks to the otters "The two foxes may just kill each other is my guess"
"Well, I've come this far...might as well find out what this mess is about." Aata then rips her spear from the guts of the ferret, letting him fall onto the ground in a terrible heap of pain. She stabs him once more to put him out of his misery. "You ok here Lalia?"   

Behind them an otter paw reaches up from a nearby bush, giving them the thumbs up. "Alright then...let's go finish this..."   

The beasts mean while seem to be nearing the end of their battle. The vixen ends on top of the tod, dagger raised, "DIE YOU INCOMPETENT FOOL!" She hesitates however, realizing that she now rather alone here on the beach. Where did all her pirates go?   

Flint walks over and looks at the foxes "Ok..wot be going on here hmmm, best answer and best be a good one"   

"Uhhhhhhh..." the grey vixen begins, glancing left and right. There is a dead ferret in boat and her fellow red furred tod is half dead in the hole. Without much warning she turns and tries to flee! The fox she had pinned down kicks out his leg and the vixen trips, falling face first into the sand.   

Flint watches, but has a paw on his saber just in case it's needed. So far it seems it may not be needed   

"Shoot her! The dirty back stabbing fiend! She tried to kill me!" The prisoner points an accusatory paw.   

"Shoot him!" the vixen replies, "Idiot drunk got too much rum in his belly and crashed our ship upon the rocks! Our crew nearly all drowned cause o' him!"   

Aata for her part merely watches the two foxes bicker like dogs.   

Flint sighs “Maybe we should just kill both of ya and be done with it, then makes sure we get the right one...correct?" He looks at the two otters and back to the foxes again   

Well, that certainly shut the beasts up. They both exchange a glance for a long moment, as if communicating what their plan is.   

"ARRRRRRRRGH!" Comes the cry of the wounded tod as he leaps out of the hole, swinging his cutlass at both otter and hare. Taking advantage of the situation the other foxes make a break for it, running in opposite directions.   

Flint right away gets his saber out and goes to slice at the closer fox as they come at him.

Aata helps! Stabbing the pirate tod in the chest as Flint guts him with the saber. The beast let's out a howl, falling backward into the hole, taking the otters spear, and the otter, with him.   

The remaining tod and vixen are both racing away from the party, the vixen running for the cover of woods along the shore, the ex-pirate captain tod struggling to clear a sand dune to escape down the beach. There is only time to go after one of them if the hare were to choose to do so.
Flint decides on the vixen, the one fox is more injured after all. He fires off an arrow and then looks at the other fox, maybe just maybe he has time to try and fire off an arrow at the other fox as well   

The vixen let's out a terrible yelp as an arrow flies over her head before dashing into the woods.   

As for the pirate captain he is almost to safety when suddenly he turns, shaking a fist at the hare, "Aha! Ye lilly livered cotton tail! This will be the day you almost caught Captain J-" The fox's taunt is cut short as an arrow strikes his belly button, digging deep into his fat gut. "Oh blazes..." he says before rolling down the hill on the other side. He comes to a stop, bleeding and in pain. "'s survived worse. It's going to be-" He looks up, finding himself staring up into the eyes of a flock of seagulls. What transpires next is shielded from view but the sound of the foxes screams is short lived at least.   

Aata struggles to pull herself out of the hole. "Didja get them?" She says.   

Flint says, " one of them...sort of, the other got away"   

"Eh, it happens. Uh, Little help?" Aata says, offering a paw to the hare from where she stands in the hole.   

Scurring closer to the party and avoiding the more grizzly bits of carnage Lalia says nervously, " it over? Everything is dead. Does that mean it's over? Also...can we keep their stuff?"

Flint helps the otter out of the hole, and then goes ahead and helps them take the fish to the market place before heading back home, he needs a bath, his arm bandaged and then a nap.

I play
Cota-grandson of Dorarose
Micco-Leader of the Gawtribe


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