Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2017-04-11 07:31:24 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 212

Caught Spying-Quade Tp

Quade was leaning against a tree and relaxing, unseen nearby were some hidden vermin as he stayed alert. But the vermin worked for him.

Rowtag walked up to him and nodded “Marek knows of the death of his woodlander son now.”

Thunderwing had followed the cat and now watched him from a nearby treetop, he then went to fly down for a closer look.

Quade catch movement out of the corner of his eye and flicked his tail as a rain of arrows fired at the eagle, a group of 5 rats hidden in the trees.

Rowtag gets out his bolas and twirls them around as he waits and watches.

Thunderwing was not ready and caught off guard by the arrows as 3 hit him. One in the wing and one in the side, one in the top of a talon as he goes to flap off and almost crashes into a maple tree.

Quade narrows his eyes, ”Rowtag…bring it down”

Rowtag grins and let loose his bolas in a whirl of death.

Thunder felt the bolas wrap around one wing and his talons and tumbled from the sky and onto the ground. He cawed loudly as he looked ready to peck at anything that came close to him.

Quade was no fool “Attack it” As he said this part of his horde came into view. 5 foxes, the rats who fired arrows again at the eagle, some other rats with blades, a couple stoats, martens, and weasels and ferrets, a good 75 beasts. The other 75 at his base.

Rowtag watched from beside the squirrel, his twin blades slowly drawn .

Thunderwing felt the arrows enter his side and one in his chest as he struggled to get untangled and breathed in and out in fear. His wing was broken and had 2 arrows in it, his other wing had an arrow and arrows were elsewhere in his body as blood coated the ground.

Quade walked up and looked at the bird “Well the great eagle…not so great now are you.” He smiled evilly “Your badger leader is next.” He walked to the cat”Finish it off.”

Rowtag grinned and walked towards the eagle and suddenly stabbed forward towards its throat, with both blade, then after a while yanked them forcefully out again.

Thunderwing breathed in and out and was too weak to peck at the cat as the blades entered his throat his eyes started to dull, and when they slide back out, his life slide away as well.

Close by a rat gasped, and quickly backed up and prepared to bolt.

Quade snapped his fingers and the rat and surrounded as he walked up and studied him"Oh if it isn't one of the stripedog's friends."

Patch frowned and then turned to glare at the squirrel "Ya kill me and ya gonna regret it"

Rowtag smirked "Oh it would be fun, right boss?"

Quade rolled his eyes "Oh? I have an idea, you are my guest till I get my paws on Xander Winters...then I shall kill you in front of him...or maybe you watch him die with the Mossflower Defenders...i will decide later, tie him up Rowtag and take away his weapons"

Rowtag happyly does as he is told and goes to drag the rat away.

Patch glares and then starts throwing cuss words of every sort at the squirrel as he is dragged off.

Quade looked to his horde and grinned “15O Strong, maybe small in some ways but there is ways to still win, I have won with less before. We take out the stronger ones one by one….we capture the  Mossflower Defenders leader and let them watch him get slain and then kill them while they are shocked and distracted.  Half can attack Ferravale and the other half the abbey…they will be mine and then I shall slowly destroy them”

What is Quade planning? Will he succeed? Will he fail? Who knows!


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