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#1 2017-04-09 01:10:49 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

A Meeting And News-Missing Abbot AKA Quade TP

Gorvenalus shows up and a couple spoofed guards, the Defenders have a meeting ICLY  at the Firepit and are intrupted towards teh end with rather bad news

RW Abbey:Fire Pit
This is a small strip of land between the pond and the orchards which is bordered on one side by a portion of the Abbey's southern wall. This particular section, while well built and sturdy, is obviously much, much newer than the sections to either side of it. The ground is clear of almost all grass and weeds, and is somewhat uneven, still bearing deep ruts and impressions that have not yet been worn away by the rain. The center of this area contains a large firepit lined with flagstones and encircled with log benches.

Xander stood in front of the Defenders. He was quiet and seems to have made some  oatmeal cookies, oatmeal scones and has some October Ale for all to have with the meeting. A small setup at the fire pit and the badger had asked only Defender members be there if at all possible. He would report all that was discussed with Benar  before bed.

Thunderwing perned his feathers as he sat nearby and had some fish he caught and brought for himself as he waited for the meeting to start.

Gorvenalus sat quietly he had wanted to be in the meeting as well, he sipped some green tea and was even kind enough to make a large pot of it for others if they wanted any.

Dorarose sat quietly and ate some scones, sipped some tea and listened to whatever was about to be said.

Zolomon was a little late but he made his way to the fire pit and sat down slowly. His leg was healing nicely and he nodded a hello to every beast but sat quiet as he seemed happy to just listen, but he wasn’t interested in any food or drink, he was just here for the meeting only.

Edson was here before most others, “So..whats to discuss sir? We do know where his base is, should we attack it?”

Xander shook his head and sat down “No, I know you may think well why not, because he is most likely looking for that to happen, and I rather not have Redwall or Ferravale open to attack cause we were elsewhere.”

Thunderwing caws “Thunderwing see badfur squirrel, gathering more badfurs help him”

Gorvenalus sighs as he clears his voice, “Was Minsc anywhere to be seen? I am worried he will try and fight Quade on his own.”

Edson frowns “Not seen the chap since we were at that creepy hut in Ferravale, I do hope he didn’t go off fighting alone as that’s the worse idea ever. We must stay together in this “

Xander nods “Edson is right and as for Minsc I will try and find him. He slipped out sometime before me and Edson brought Benar home. I also have news, the Guisum are helping us also to fight Quade, they may be a small group by I believe they fight well, and Ferravale has fighters to help us as well. I am hoping Henry can get some sparrows to help us fight Quade.”

Thunderwing tilts his head concerned “Thunderwing can find Minsc..Xanderfriend no go..Thunderwing has sky view yes he does”

Dorarose has mainly listened, ate a scone or two and sipped some tea, all said being keep in her memory.

Zolomon  says “Xandy…bad idea to go off by ya self, please don’t”

Gorvenalus speaks “Your friends are right, no going out alone against Quade, he would use it against you.”

“Then we go together” Said a voice and stepping around all the beasts was a hamster, he smiled and rushed over to hug the beaver “Abbot… ok my  friend.” He has a clean tunic, a new one and what looks like a place to keep a short sword at his side, new boots as well.

Xander smiled as he seen Minsc “I am glad you’re ok Minsc I was worried….where did you go anyways?”

Thunderwing tilted his head and nodded a hello before eating some fish, well one last thing to do and he is glad of it “Thunderwing can still watch for badfurs”

Zolomon grins “Hey Minsc chap, glad to see your alive…good to know, as good news or always better than bad news”

Gorvenalus wraps his friend in a hug “I am glad to see you as well my old friend, you worried me as well. I didn’t want Quade to recapture you”

Minsc smiles “No I avoided him, I also helped in the tavern and earned a little for a new tunic and I found a sword, it’s not the best but will do till I get mine back, Quade is still after us, as this blade I have use to belong to a ferret whim, well will just say he doesn’t need it anymore.”

A guard comes to see the badger and frowns”Umm….I got a disturbing message from a cat with one eye.”

Xander is on high alert and quickly goes to the wall top to look down and glares. “What do you want?”

Rowtag smirks and drops his bag, a mole’s head is in it ”The mole from the tavern, yeah he is a kind of dead” He cackles insanely.

A growl, then silence, then sobbing is heard beside the badger, the source of the despair is a stoat heavily bandaged and most likely shouldn’t even be up on the wall top, a couple guards follow him a few paces and just watch him.

Zolomon had followed and his longbow ready to fire.

Xander starts to reply and jumps at the growl, he looks to his side “Marek?!...Your in…”He takes note of the bandages, and the two guards, and frowns. He glares down at the cat.”Zolomon….”He then takes a deep breath”Never mind just let’s get inside and help Marek back down the steps” Yeah the cat is not worth it as he goes, if allowed, to carry Marek back to the gatehouse as that’s most likely where the guards will want him to go.

Rowtag smirks and walks back to his base.

Marek doesn’t response to being lifted and carried back to the gatehouse, the two guards help escorts him there and stand nearby. But Marek pays no mind, it’s only once he is back inside he shivers and starts sobbing crying himself to sleep.

Zolomon follows Xander and stays beside him “Now what Xandy?”

Xander frowns, he nods to the guards to get what Rowtag dropped and is silent”Tell Thunderwing  to come here”

Minsc walks up and gasps, “I..I talked to him just earlier…if I had known that cat would have been there I would of…could of stopped this”

Zolomon quickly heads off to get the large bird.

Xander shakes his head “And maybe died as well.”

Thunderwing comes and lowers his head in sadness.

Xander writes a note and frowns, it explains what just happen. He even makes sure what Rowtag left is taken back to Ferravale.”Quade had to of done this or Rowtag, must of happen at closing time at the tavern.” He lays a paw on Thunderwing’s head” The note and…make sure she reads the note before she looks in the sack then she may already know unless she hasn’t been at the tavern.”

Minsc frowns as he stays a few paces away.

Thunderwing takes flight and is gone.

Gorvenalus walks up and frowns catching the last few words, he walks on over after the eagle flies off” Quade needs stopped and soon or I fear things will only get worse.”

Not much else happen, everyone went inside the building and was told what had just happen, then most likely all went to bed.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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