Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2017-03-31 05:03:26 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

They Found His Base!-Missing Abbot Log and Defenders Log

RW Abbey: Cavern Hole
This room is slightly smaller than Great Hall, but still of a size large enough to accommodate a great number of gathered beasts. A large fireplace is set into one of the walls, and there are a series of small tables and chairs near one end for beasts who are eating late, or simply prefer the smaller tables for their meals. Cushions and blankets have been set in one corner. A short flight of steps leads up to Great Hall, and along the walls of the stairs, going both ways, the word 'Redwall' has been carved into the stone.

Xander sat at a table with Oatmeal Cookies, as well as some Sugar cookies, October ale and some slightly burnt wheat scones.   

Zolomon enters the room and grins "Food...good food fer a change" He has his side bandaged under his tunic as he sits down and frowns slightly "Hey Xandy..."   

Xander smiles "Glad to see you up and about Zolomon, we are going to find Benar and Marek soon, also someone named Minsc think it was"   

Edson follows the hare soon afterwards and stops as he blinks. Ya burned de scones...."He then shuts up and sits down as he tastes one and shrugs, not bad and gets some ale."So we got a plan or not sir?"   

Xander answers "Working on it..I mean this leadership thing is new to me, Thunderwing is looking for Quade and I do know he has a robin, Quade that is, that acts as I am guessing a spy for him so be careful, robins are rare said careful please"   

Zolomon gets a cookie and nods "Course Xandy....he has Jas by the way, need to find and save her as well. I never forgive me self if something happens to her"
Edson asks, "That’s why we plan, any other news?"   

Xander says, "Well, those vials he had in the cloak Thunderwing got may well be his poisons, and hopefully Angela can figure out a working cure and a mixture of herbs the old beaver mentioned, be used to help also, even if it only helps a little or slows it more"
Zolomon says, "My guess is where ever Quade is, is close has ta be."   

Edson nods as he drinks some October Ale and finishes his scone" He could be in the woods, or by that river where ya seen the one beaver, he say much more?"   

Xander says, "Just some tunnel that collapsed but that there was some other tunnel that looked safer. Now Quade has archers, he has poisons too and is skilled in fighting, plus he is a squirrel so could be in the trees"
Edson says, "so watch the it"
Xander mutters,  "Wait….tunnels like underground?"   

Zolomon hmms? He listens to the badger"Could be underground...or not...don’t know"   

Edson says, "My advice is stay away from tunnels, anything underground is for moles only"   

Xander says, "Yes but if it’s an idea where Benar and Minsc are...we should try and look, the sooner the better I..I just don’t know of any places like that around"   

Zolomon says, "Xandy has a point, we should blooming look and be careful doing it. I say a good sign...well sort of bad, is sudden vermin attacks, may mean we are close"   

Edson says, "I suppose, "But I would wear that armor sir and us as well, rather safe than sorry or dead"   

Xander says, "I plan to, don’t grandfather even has a helmet, well sort of its like chainmail you wear on your head and it covers the neck and shoulders, but not the face...covers back of the head as well, it does fit me..guess my Uncle Zee fixed it up a little...well before he died"   

Zolomon nods "I have bark leather and with me longbow can attack from faraway"
Edson looks to them "I have chainmail vest, not much but it will help some"   

Xander sips October ale as he listens "Good...its protection none the less"   

Edson gets another scone "SO when do we leave?"   

Zolomon looks to Xander for a reply   

Xander looks around and takes a long sip of the ale and coughs roughly, ok got to remember to take that slow, "Umm...let’s see we still have us...Thunderwing, Henry, Lee...somewhere out there. Dorarose." He hmms "Brookshire is too injured and Jasmine is a captive, as is Marek"   

Edson says, "So...7 altogether who can still fight"   

Xander says, "And 2 captive...1 injured"   

Zolomon nods "I am a bit pained but lot better than Brookshire, she got two arrows in her, but she be alive and that’s good"   

Edson says, "So most of the group can fight, good...we need more members"   

Xander says, "I am unsure who else would join, but others are willing to help still"   

Zolomon says, "Well Ferravale has beasts and some others here can fight"   

Edson says, "Any help is good"

Xander nods "Yes...any help is good. that’s true"   

Zolomon says, "You’re doing good Xandy, not ta worry"   

Edson nods "He is right. You’re a good plan and think things out, make sure we know to have protection before we leave, figure out whom is able or not able to fight"   

Xander manages a smile "Thank you both, but it’s still all new to me"   

Zolomon smiles as he stands "I say we jolly well go out now." He places 4 cookies in a pocket, you know for later.   

Edson shakes his head at the hare, course cookies are always needed. He nods "I agree..we get armor, weapons and whatever else is helpful and we head off"   

Xander smiles more"Yes..we meet on the road outside the abbey...2 hours" He says and then stands and heads to get his armor and weapon


Xander led the other Defenders. He has on his armor, as well as the chainmail on his head, neck and shoulders. He also had The Blade Of The Northwind Storms on his back. He keep very alert and scanned the skies, the trees and the road.

Zolomon stayed close by and every so often looked behind them or to the side as they walked. He had his leather armor on and his quiver of arrows, and longbow and a saber at his side” So any idea where to go Xandy?”

Thunderwing stayed close, mainly the air where he circled and kept an eye on the group, as well as an eye out for trouble.

Edson had the chainmail he mentioned and keep his alertness up, “I know of no tunnels in the woods or by the river sir, I wonder if anything is near this, tis like an area that wasn’t too far from Mossflower Defenders base, 3-4 huts in some small abandoned  village maybe”

Xander slowed “Maybe we can look, anything else?”

Kurt flew around nearby and landed on some fallen tree, one that had been on fire a couple days before, he glanced around as if looking for someone.

Zolomon taps Xander on the arm and points to where the robin is quietly

Xander starts to speak and sees the robin and motions for the two to go with him behind a couple trees as he watches the bird.

Thunderwing has seen the robin and stays close, circling once and landing on the top of a tall, tall oak tree and peers down at them from above.

Quade appears as he quietly speaks with the robin and then heads down a path.

Kurt follows his master, saying something back to him.

Edson keeps an eye on the robin as well, his eyes widen and he lays a paw on his sword when he sees Quade.

Xander frowns and holds back a growl, “We follow them” He mouths to the other two, saying it slowly.

Zolomon nods and goes to follow the badger wherever he is heading.

Edson nods once, looks around and skyward and then quietly follows, he keeps alert of trouble or dangers along the way

Thunderwing shifts a little and finds another tree that’s a little less tall, but he still stays well-hidden and quiet best he can.

Xander watches where the squirrel goes and gets as close as he can.

Quade enters an old mine tunnel and is seen with a tall cat

Zolomon tries to get a little closer and frowns, he then goes inside

Rowtag is inside, as is Quade. The mine has a long tunnel one direction and another that becomes a dead end, close to the entry the cat walks away from is a couple side passageways, again dead ends but short enough to hide in and not be seen if one is careful and quiet.

Quade nods to the cat, “Its time, go to the cell and kill Abbot Benar, we take his head to Redwall, then see how they like me, they want to see the true me” He smiles coldly “They will get the true me”

Edson shakes his head at the hare and looks at Xander frowning.

Xander quickly goes  to follow the hare and then grabs Zolomon’s arm “Too…close” He whispers in his ear and then frowns as he pulls him into a side passageway.

Zolomon hears the cat and Quade and then he in this OMG moment he hears  Xander’s voice and  not knowing it’s him right away almost stabs the badger when he is roughly pulled back , he then frowns as he  stops just in time, he whispers “Their gonna kill Benar……” A look of horror on his face.

Xander tenses up and a ton of thoughts go through his head at once, what to do what to do? This is not one of those let’s think this through type thing, they need to act and act quickly!

********************CLIFF HANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*************

What will they do? Will they be too late? Is Benar going to Die? Is Zolomon and Xander going to die?......Your have to wait for part 2!!!!!!  Coming Soon!!!!!!!!!!

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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