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#1 2021-01-23 07:57:25 PM

From: Somewhere by the Mountains
Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 416

Dark Tidings in Ferrevale - 1/23/21

Blisa & Co, a cat + spoofs,
John, a squirrel,
Patch, a rat,
and Texo, a ferret.

Patch had been out for a short while, asking around Ferravale on where a cloaked beast ran off to, out the gate is all he got. He did search a little then made his way back to the tavern.

Though traveling by the trees over the snow was by far a faster method, John had been going slower than he liked. He'd returned to the clearing and searched the hut more thoroughly, finding the ration sack and tucking it into his belt. Perhaps beasts might recognize it. After that he'd kept an eye on the Gull, though he'd dare not enter - that place was crawling with all sorts of unsavory types who'd take none-to-kindly to a squirrel dropping in among them. So at least his path turned him towards Ferravale, a place John had done his best to avoid ever since a particular vermin had taken up residence and later died. The town, being mostly buried, seemed nearly deserted besides the sounds coming from the tavern, so John came there. Brushing snow off his shoulders and ears he makes his entrance as quietly as he can.

Patch is at the main bar area, getting some drinks made as he speaks with a stoat " I don't know Otis...didn't find much and in that snow Redwall is fairly far ta goto."

John takes in the tavern's common room, searching for ANYBEAST other than Patch willing to speak to him, though he does come over to the bar. "Ah'd like it if ye were tae fetch me any meade ye got, Ah would." With the words he places the coin required.

Patch nods and gets the meade and sits it before John before getting the coin. Not too many beasts are in the tavern right now.
No, there isn't many beasts around John realizes as he takes in the room, sipping the drink as he does so. Left with little choice he leans o the counter not facing the rat which in his mind might as well be in cahoots with the murderers and dibbun-nappers, considering Patch's history of being so helpful. "Ye haven' much luck seein' a cat 'round here, have ye? An' a donnae mean h'good chieftess, Ah don'."

With a slow nod, John finally turns to look the rat in the eye. "Tha'may be, tha'may be, bu' this one woulda been passin' through, she would - an' mayhaps with a partner o' sorts." There's a small smile that spreads over the squirrel's face which is anything but friendly, "Ye cannae get many visitors in here... wonderful tavern since th'snowfall, now can ye?"

Speaking of cats, who should come in but the Chieftain?  Blisa stalks across the tavern to the bar, Ferdinand the only bodyguard in her wake.  "I need tea.  Hot tea," the feline grumbles to the rat, huddled down in her sweater and cloak.  Her hat is pulled down over her brows, and her scarf is wrapped around her nose.  What little fur is showing is poofed up in an attempt to keep her warm.  She tucks her mittened paws in her armpits.  Ferdinand smiles at the rat.  "2 cupth of tea, pleathe."  Blisa glances at the squirrel.  "Hello, John.  What bring you out in this inhumane weather?"

Patch gets the tea first as you don't keep the chieftain waiting. He sits the 2 mugs of tea down. "Here.." He then turns to John "No female, was this male wildcat had a scar thats clearly sumthing he got recently, when asked bout it, he took off rather quicklike."

"Scar, ye say? Anything else ye remember from 'im?" John nods to Blisa, doing his best to greet her while preoccupied with the rat's words, "Dark tidings brin' me here, they d'. Ah'm lookin' for a cat an' another beast - who might b' another bloody cat - who took a wee dibbun from th'abbey an’ killed poor Xander." Letting out a sigh the squirrel shakes his head, "Th'wee ones father, actually." 

Blisa accepts her tea and sips it gratefully...until the squirrel says why he's here.  Tea goes spraying everywhere as she chokes.  Setting down her mug and regaining her breath, she slips her mittens off and goes to grab the front of his tunic in one fluid movement.  "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!"  Her nose is mere centimeters away from his.  "If you're lying to me, I swear..."  Ferdinand interrupts.  "Are you thure Xander hath been killed and Oz kidnapped?"

Patch gets himself an ale as he listens to John "Yeah scar...Claimed...who..died?" He was holding a mug, it dropped and broke onto the floor

While getting on in years, John is still a squirrel - and as quick as he can he swats away the paw (and presumably claws) reaching for him, and, if failing that grabs the cat's wrist with as  much force as he can until she lets go, his free paw drawing out his knife as there's not enough room for the sword. His face a snarl, John practically spits the next words. "An' why, pray tell, in hells gates would Ah lie? Yore th'vermin, an' Ah swear tae ye it were vermin tha' killed h'poor badger." He steps back away from the cat, lowering his knife yet still on edge and ready to bolt. "As sure as Ah'm speaking tae ye now, Ah am. Krisha had him buried some days ago."

Patch looks in a daze, he blinks when John looks to threaten Blisa "Ummm...good way snake food." He then looks at two stoats. " charge taven a bit..." Tears start to go down his face as he rushes to his office upstairs, a sob, and door slams shut.

Blisa bares her teeth in an equally vicious grimace.  "For the same reason woodlanders kill vermin for sport and vengeance even when they have done nothing wrong!  Woodlanders and vermin, we're all the same, with the same potential for evil."  The cat sits back on her stool.  "But you have never done that...forgive me."  She then starts digging in her messenger bag, cursing Xander's murderer with some very colourful oaths.  She pulls out her sketchbook and shows him the sketch she made of Zoltar.  "Is this who you're looking for?  He came into the tavern a few days ago, and made a very quick exit once I began asking about the injury on his face."  Ferdinand looks almost as shocked as Patch.

John puts the knife back in his belt, nodding at her apology. He stays standing, tense and ill-at-ease, however. "Ah donnae rightly know." He ignores for now anything that doesn't have to do with Zoltar. "Though he would match up with me suspicions. At th'place were Xander were killed Ah found a two pairs o' booted footprints, an' this sack here, Ah did." He takes the bag out and sets it on the counter. "It's o' the abbey, methinks, as th'cloth is near enough tae their habits. Th' only creature Ah can say with any certainty were at th'place is a healer cat, named Enys-somethin', Ah cannae rightly remember. Ah know she had a partner, an' tha' cat there might well be it."

Blisa shakes her head.  "This wildcat, who said his name is Mitch, is the only cat we've had for a while, other than myself, of course."  The Chieftain rubs her forehead, suddenly looking much older.  She curses again.  "Xander....he was a dear friend, as was old Zee.  And Oz was only just rescued from those accursed slavers..."  She gives the squirrel an inquisitive look.  "Is there anything Ferravale can do to aid you in trying to find Xander's killer?  If I could come with you, I would, but perhaps there is something else we can offer."

"Mitch, eh?" John laughs mirthlessly. "What an odd name..."  The squirrel returns to his mug and downs the contents, especially at the mention of Zee. Friend is not the word he'd use for that badger. "Ah need tae know which way Mitch wen', Ah d'. Xander were me friend as much as yores, an' th'sooner Ah find these cats th'sooner wee Oz'll b'back at th'abbey. Ye sure ye didnae see any other beast 'round Mitch, or know o'any beast who'd seen anything else?"

Blisa shakes her head.  "You could ask the guards.  This 'Mitch' said that he needed supplies, and that he had friends he was traveling with.  Said he had to get to somewhere by a certain date in order to get his gold.  But he didn't really give much helpful information."  Ferdinand sips his tea pensively.  "Once the wildcat wath in the woodth or down to the dirt road, the guardth wouldn't have been able to thee where he went.  He could have gone in any direction once there, possibly even having gone the wrong way at firtht to throw uth off."

John nods, again. "Bu' knowin' which bloody way he wen' would give me a good place tae start lookin' for his trail. Even withou' th'snow Ah know how tae track beasts, an' if he's dragging alon' a wee badger he cannae hide tha'. Ah need tae know where tae look first, though."

Blisa nods and stands.  Drinking the rest of her tea and closing her sketchbook, she bundles back up and heads to the door, stuffing her sketchbook back into her bag.  "Well, let's ask the guards now."  Ferdinand hurries after her, buttoning up his quilted jacket and tugging his hat back on.  "No time like the present!"  The Chieftain leads the way to the gate, not looking back, assuming the squirrel wants his information and so will follow.
"Indeed..." Having not stripped off his winter cloak or boots, John simply follows, picking his way cautiously through the snow.

Blisa leads the way up to the wall top, the guards coming to attention and saluting as she walks by.  More than a few of them show some signs of fear as she passes.  The Head Guard, Ann, is currently up here.  The rat is speaking with one of the lieutenants, getting a report on the activity of the day.  The both salute as the Chieftain stops by them.  "Good afternoon, Chief," Ann says.  "How can we help you?"  The cat tells them what they're needing to know about Zoltar.  The lieutenant bids them to wait a moment as he goes to get an off-duty guard.  Blisa sighs.  "I hope he's sober..."

John notes the fear and the tenseness he's had since the 'disagreement' in the tavern feels mildly justified. In response to Blisa's hope the squirrel merely grunts at first. "Lon' as they can speak Ah donnae care."

The lieutenant returns with a weasel in tow.  This off-duty guard is actually sober, and he looks nervous.  "Y'wanted me, Chief?"  Blisa explains what they're wanting to know about Zoltar.  The weasel nods.  "Aye, I saw 'im, I did.  'E was pushin' an' shovin' beasts outta 'is way as 'e ran out th'gates.  Now that's strange, says I, where's 'e runnin' off to, an' whot's scared 'im so?  So's I watched 'im, I did, an' saw 'im go that way."  He points in the direction the wildcat went.  The cat turns to the squirrel.  "Did you have any more questions for him?"

"Ah d'." The squirrel turns to the weasel. "Were there any other beast he had in tow? Did th'cat look like he had more than enough equipment for himself, did he?" John hold up the pack to illustrate. "Meanin' did he have extra packs or blankets or coats or such things? An' did ye see if he were armed or ready for a fight?"

The weasel snorts derisively.  "'Course 'e 'ad weapons.  Y'd 'ave t'be a fool or an Abbeybeast t'come inta Ferravale wi'out a weapon.  'E was definitely alone, though.  As for all tha' otha stoff...."  Here the weasel pauses, making sure he remembers correctly. "Nah, 'e wasn't ready t'go a'travelin', nought by a long shot, 'e wasn't."  Blisa breaks in here.  "He actually came into the tavern asking for supplies, and he left without accepting any of them.  He said he'd talk to his friends about whether they'd accept my offer of staying here.  They obviously haven't returned."

The squirrel's ears perk up at the news. "He wouldnae accept th'supplies?" John rubs his chin, thinking. "Well, hopefully that means he cannae have gotten far, an' his friends - who Ah think we can safely guess are th'healer cat an' Oz - must b' still somewhat nearby. It'd be th'three o'thems death if they tried settin' out in this weather. If he does return, Ah'd suggest arrestin' him, Ah do. Just in case."

Blisa cocks an eyebrow.  "He left in too much of a hurry after I asked about the wound on his face to worry about supplies."  The weasel looks between them, then adds, "Y'know, ours ain't th'only tavern in these here parts.  I would ask 'round th'Black Gull, I would.  May'ap they've seen 'im 'round there.  May'ap 'e even got supplies there."  The Chieftain scowls darkly.  "He has a valid point.  They tend to not ask as many questions at the Gull as we do here.  Although I must advise you to be very, very careful.  They don't take kindly to woodlanders over there."

"Ah bloody well know tha'." John chuckles, shaking his head. "Ah'd spent nearly a day already slinkin’ 'round there as Ah were none tae keen tae introduce meself tae tha'band o' pleasant fellows, Ah were. Though now Ah suppose Ah have little choice. Th' scar - d'ye have a drawing o' Mitch with it? An' can Ah take it if ye would b'so kind?"

Texo was on his way to the tavern when seeing the chieftain on the walls...well he was curious so wandered over " Ello.....all, a nice eve or maybe not?"

Blisa cocks an eyebrow.  "'Tis the picture I showed you in the tavern.  I already have some copies of it at my house.  Hold on a few minutes and I shall get you one."  She jogs off towards her home, the faithful Ferdinand keeping pace with her.  The lieutenant claps the weasel on the back.  "You did well.  Let us know if you remember anything else."  The weasel nods, salutes, then slinks off, back into the warm barracks.  Ann the rat Head Guard shakes her head.  "I wish these stupid murderers would just crawl off and die.  They're the reason the rest of us vermin have to be careful where we go."  She nods to Texo.  "There's another mudererin' vermin out on the loose.  He may have a young badger captive."  Always short and to the point, Ann is.

As the chieftess runs to fetch the drawing, the squirrels eyes are drawn to the newcomer. "It's damned cold taday, that's what it is." John rubs his paws together, speaking to Texo. "Ye notice anythin' strange abou' a cat callin' himself Mitch? Ah cannae yet say he's th'murderin' type though everythings pointin' that way, it is."

Texo says, "Never heard that name, sorry. Maybe he was passing through? Did...someone in Ferravale get killed?"

Blisa returns shortly and hands a copy of the drawing to the squirrel.  "You can keep it.  I can make more."  She nods to the Architect in greeting.  "No, Xander from Redwall was killed."  Ann shakes her head again.  "I need to get back to my rounds.  Good day, Chief."  The rat walks off, her tread silent, her tracks not as noticeable as those of other beasts.  The lieutenant salutes.  "Need anything more from us, Chief?"  "Not at the moment.  Thank you."  The guards turn back to their duties as the Chieftain goes to lead the squirrel and the Architect to the tavern, Ferdinand close in her wake.  She just assumes they'll follow her.

John takes the offered drawing, nodding slower at the cat's words as he takes in the details and commits them to memory. "Thank ye." The squirrel mutters as he begins to follow them back to the tavern. He's quiet as he studies the drawing.

Texo follows "Xander Winters?...He's dead?"He frowns " I knew his Uncle Zee Winters..he"s de one that helped me get a home here and job"

Blisa nods, sighing.  "Aye, Zee did, didn't he?  Another Winters, dead and gone.  More's the pity, too.  I liked Xander.  And his son is missing, as well, according to John here."  The cat leads them to the bar and orders more tea for herself and Ferdinand.  "I wish we could offer more help, John.  The Winters' clan has seen too much grief."

"Ye've done more than Ah could've hoped for, ye have." John says with a shrug. "Just keep an eye an' an ear out for any news o' this Mitch - an' wee Oz. Ah'll need tae keep searchin' in th'meantime." He's stayed in the tavern doorway, and now he turns to go. "Ah may b'back, Ah may no', Ah dunnae rightly know." The squirrel bows to the creatures inside the tavern. "Fare thee all well till then." And then he is gone.

Blisa waves to the squirrel, then digs paperwork out of her bag.  She'll spend the day in the tavern.  Just to make sure nobody gets in a fight.  This snow is making everyone edgy.  She makes a note to tell the guards to keep a close look out for Zoltar and Oz.  Just in case...

Last edited by Ol'random (2021-01-30 03:43:40 PM)

I play Atticus, John, Lossow, Terrence, and Spruce
The Long Patrol Landing Page!
Usually on the MUCK Saturdays + Monday & Wednesday evenings if I have the time
Fastest way to reach me is via my Discord: Luke_SkyOtter#1438


#2 2021-01-23 10:56:30 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Re: Dark Tidings in Ferrevale - 1/23/21

...Blisa is just a normal cat, not a wildcat... she's just super vicious tongue


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