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#1 2020-07-12 11:22:09 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

A Plan Is Set In Motion -Dibbun Slavers TP LOG

*I have not always had a who on a log for the TP, this one has one as its slightly fewer beasts not like most of them, so some logs will have a who and others not  tongue ***


Ciocan-Badger Lord

Tenzin- Sea Otter and Leader of a Group Agaist Gorax

Leigh-GUOSIM Healer

Keldorn- GUOSIM Warrior/Healer


Keldorn helped make sure the ship was in a slightly better area, it was a little rocky but it was hidden fairly well under some vines that hung over a dropoff area, and there was still a small sandy beach that looked safe, but was it really safe?   

Tenzin had awoken and of course, he awoke to a headache, that didn't help his mood so he was very peeved off! He had found the captain's quarters with help, only it was likely unwise to tell this otter where the captain was.He was beating on the door with his paws and yelling at the attention of...well most of the ship "Open this door ya striped dog! You oversize....." A couple of hares gasped and one tried to pull him to the side to which the otter punched the hare out and went back to pounding on the door with, well good thing no dibbuns are on the ship yet.   

Ciocan opens the door and catches the sea otter's paw before he has a chance to pound again and glares down at the otter, his other paw simply points to a chair as he keeps his eyes focused on the otter, he clears his throat as he listens to the report how the otter knocked out a hare, "Get them to a healer" He will wait till the otter is inside and close the door, but he won't lock it this time.   

Keldorn looks over and starts to walk over to the otter after the ship is safe and getting anchored.He stops at the door and knocks, "Lord...Ciocan sur?" If he is not allowed inside it will be fine.   

Tenzin yanks his paw free and starts cussing again, wow he has some new words.He gets out "I would of torn him apart...ya see the otter fur cloak....and one of YOUR foul hares knocked me out!"   

Ciocan snorts and speaks "Either you shut up and we have a normal chat or I throw you off my ship personally"He looks to the door and " Enter...." But he is once more focused on the sea otter, waiting for his reply as he has time to listen for now.   

Keldorn slips in quietly and closes the door behind him.He steps to the side and frowns as he rather not witness anything too bad here.   

Tenzin makes a fist like he is ready to try, yeah good luck, to knock out the Badger Lord himself.He then sits and folds his arms over his chest and stares at the floor for a good 3o minutes, YES 30 MINUTES, and finally"Sorry for me...short fuse, but Gorax has....he been.."He takes a calming breath"Been in control of this island many seasons, he came here and killed a hamster clan, all but one..Kash and he's..gone"Tears flood now, "He killed many seals, use to be over only like 11 and 4 of them is but babes.The otter fur cloak he wears...he killed my father, who was Skipper..." It's clear where the cloak came from now."All my holt but me and 3 younglings or Dibbuns as you call em'...of those only I survived this far, a failed rescue mission is where I lost me, two friends, Kash found me nearly dead and healed me, taught me to speak seal and I was, guess am now..leader of the small group, about 22 random woodlanders,who stay in de tunnels vowing one day to slay Gorax for what he has done"   

Ciocan listens when the otter finally speaks, he nods "So...Gorax came here it would seem"He frowns "I first meet that wolverine seasons ago, right before I was Badger Lord. He was at a small seaside village me and my mate stopped at."He closes his eyes " Martha was killed by Gorax, I arrived too late to save her. Before she died she had managed to untie 5 dibbuns he had as captives. Me and Gorax fought and I remember thinking him dead before I passed out, woke to find myself in some infirmary and that it was not some bad dream, it was real and my mate Martha was..dead."He shakes his head "And now it seems Gorax is alive and I agree, Gorax needs to be stoped, for good this time."   

Keldorn speaks now "But How? Those monitors and who knows whom else. That Vixen is likely still around as well,we did see her ship"   

Tenzin says, "Crimson Tide....yeah tis not her ship, it's Gorax ship."He looks between them "I have vowed ta kill Gorax as well, I be more than happy to have his head on a pike, we can see who gets to him first Ciocan." He adds "And tunnels"He smiles a bit now "All over under the island, some old and a few new ones...they have a history as once Joseph the Bell Ringer and even a former Badger Lord has been in them"He stands "Care to see..."He exits the room and blinks"Whoa....well see ya found our little hidden cove"

The cove is small as the ship takes up a lot of where the water is, but the vines, that also have light and blue flowers blooming, hang from the edge of a drop off and hide it well! There is a sandy beach, even a small tower made of old ship wood, but it's very steady...seems the woodlander group uses it to keep watch, likely how they seem The Ship of Valor and likely the seals helped, it away, to get the ship to this area.   

Ciocan goes to follow, he takes a couple of hares and Keldorn with him, and leaves a couple of other hares in charge till he gets back.   
Keldorn looks around "This place is nice...I do hope those foul vermin don't find it"   

Tenzin walks along and enters the main opening and smiles a bit as he heads down a couple of tunnels"Stay close" He gets to a sort of cavern of sorts. Its there one sees moles, voles, some mice and a couple of hamsters.He sighs as a few come up to him and he just mutters something and walks away"This is...where we stay"
Leigh looks up when Tenzin enters and her eyes widen at the new guests, she walks over "Who are...."She glances around "Where is Kash? Is he with other guests or are these the only ones?"   

Keldorn steps into the cavern and whoas "This is quite impressive....."He then sees someone he hasn't seen in a long while and even wondered if she was dead, "Leigh?"   

Ciocan looks around in a sort of awe, "Impressive..where did these beasts come from Tenzin?"
Tenzin first replies to the shrew"Kash...Kash is dead, the vermin shot him..down...and no there is others, hares and some other beasts on a ship at the cove."   

Leigh frowns "Kash?" She shakes her head in disbelif...even if she only knew him a short while, she then turns to Keldorn and is just happy to see a friendly face"Keldorn!" She smiles for the first time in weeks, but she is still sad over Kash, she looks at Tenzin "Then who charge of the group if..." Others look to the sea otter now.
Keldorn smiles and gives her a friendly hug"Yes it is me....also on de ship is well as Matilda,Dorarose,Caleb.....sir Xander was as well but he got badly injured and is at Salamandtron resting with his son, we managed to rescue him and slay the beast know as Kurgan"   

Ciocan smiles at Leigh"It is good to see you safe...."And a more serious question "Do you know where Gorax and his beasts have the dibbuns?"   

Leigh smiles when she heads Oswald is here too, she sighs at the badger "I managed to grab one...a ferret dibbun, he is good trust me..sleeping right now, sadly the rest are likely somewhere on the island either in a cell or working on the grounds, they are very closely watched."   

A vole walks up with the only other otter here "Some good news sur"He reports to Tenzin "The vixen was slain, seems the wolverine grew tired of her, her and another fox with her is dead and her rats have joined with the wolverine"
Keldorn listens to all the info, well it's for sure the right island then so they made it, now to just succeed at their mission.   

Tenzin nods and waves the beasts off"Not the vixen or who possible mate was worried about, Gorax is more a threat oh..Lord Gorax as he calls himself, and having extra beasts just makes him more dangerous, but he could care less of rats at his side, or even the lot more dangerous monitors, he will let them kill and he slips away . He has maybe 1 or 2 close beasts who help him,everyone else is just basically there to make sure he doesn't die, he has been known to grow bored and thrown other vermin off a cliff, he threw many woodlanders off...that's where the group came from beasts whom he tried to kill, we couldn't save all of them sadly...but the ones we could, including Leigh here...stay here to one day take the island back from Gorax and his slimy lizards"   

Ciocan sits down and hmmms "Well now you have more help Tenzin, together we can come up with a good plan and these tunnels will help a lot. Do you have any maps ? Marked are on the map to show where tunnels come out at?"   

Leigh sits down "I want to go to the ship"She says, she has to let Oswald know she is alive.   

Keldorn smiles "I can take her there Ciocan and yes a map and plan be very good, take down the foul wolverine so he never rises again"   

Tenzin seems unsure and then nods as he walks over to a small den he uses and walks back with a couple of maps"The triangles mark where a tunnel entry is , hidden from above so your need to listen and carefully peek out, tis hidden with weeds, one with rocks so that one more a spy hole one can't get to anything, a couple ya can....this one shows the front, this the back of teh fortress...this and this one is inside, this and this one is like lookout places only.The tunnels are safe as my moles make sure of that, and a couple tunnels are new...and tunnels lead to the cove, and a couple of other area of the island, like de cliff Gorax likes so much for example" He looks up finally and hmmms "Leigh can go to the ship,you are her friends and she needs to be reunited with you"He smiles "I am happy she found her friends, I only wish others can be as happy and maybe once Gorax is defeated, they can be"
Ciocan nods "Yes..."He looks at the map and listens to where the openings are and tunnnels are "We need to strike soon, perhaps at nightfall, use the cover of darkness to help us, do you know where on the base is the area they keep the slaves and the area where the vermin may stay as well?"   

Keldorn stays off to the side, still impressed with the small cavern they were in.   

Leigh listens quietly before speaking "I can also help, and there is a couple of others here, that are healers if healers are needed."   

Tenzin says, "I would say, healers are always needed Leigh, maybe after Gorax is defeated those who want to stay here can, others can go with you Ciocan...maybe even me" He is no leader really, "I could leave Copper in charge"The only other sea otter steps up "Me...but"
Tenzin just smiles "You would make a better leader than me my friend, but we can discuss that later, first, we need to defeat Ormaz and get the evil off this island"He shows the map again "Also the seals will help, they are down this small tunnel here, in a sort of area that has an underground pool of sorts, they go in and out that way and also talk to us....well me and Copper now, at the cove."

Ciocan says, "Healers are always useful, there is some among my hares here also"He looks at the maps again, "Tenzin could you come back to the ship as well...also any idea where Gorax would keep a captive thats not a young one?"

Leigh says, "The seals are very nice"

Keldorn frowns, he remembered the retreat, all but Felcity got back to the ship.
Tenzin frowns "The hare maid? I don't know, Gorax has a rather bad habit of not keeping beasts older than dibbun age, unless he thinks he can..break them, those he can't me, or ones he grows tried of,he kills or attempts to, off his cliff, been some already dead and some not dead, those not dead we saved like half of them and they recovered and joined, has no name its just a group of former slaves wanting to see Gorax downfall and end. Many likely won't really stay here, but I think some...may just to make sure no evil coems again."   

Ciocan nods as he stands, he takes the maps and starts to head back to the ship, if anyone wants to follow they can.
Leigh is following for sure, "We need to let the dibbuns know I am alive somehow,is there a way to do that?"   

Keldorn shrugs as they head back to the ship "Prehaps lass, but not sure how.May be wise ta stay on the ship as if Gorax thinks your dead....may be unwise to show him your not"   

Tenzin chuckles "Gorax is gonna see a lot of slaves he attempted to murder be alive, but maybe the ship is lot should keep a couple of healers on the ship and have others that can fight join in on the fight on the grounds and in the fortress, the more seriously injured can be tended to right away, the less serious can be helped to the ship after being tended to briefly enough by healers inside and outside the base,we can even tend to injured in the cavern my friends call home right now, we have supplies...yes we steal them off the vermin, or save them off a ship or two that Gorax has crashed, so far he only crashed a couple, a couple of other ships we sent off, and they gave us some of their supplies before left.We even took all the supplies from that Crimson Tide,not like they plan to leave any time soon now"He smirks "Let the supplies go ta us I say and not to worry, your ship won't be raided,your friends and it seems the ones Kash said would come to finally defeat Gorax"   

Keldorn says, "We want to try that is for sure friend"   

Leigh smiles when they get to the ship and looks around for someone, but decides she can find them later.   

Ciocan nods as he listens and gets back the ship."Now we plan my friends, we defeat Felicity, save the dibbuns and free all the other slaves as well, we rid the island 100% of all evil beasts on it and we don't leave till all this happens"And he is deadly serious.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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