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#1 2017-03-21 07:04:00 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 212

Quade Gets Revenge -Missing Abbot TP

**happens ICLY after THIS log=  **

*** This happens over the day Wednesday (March 22nd)..maybe starting like before or after breakfast as he went straight to his base after looking for Xander a couple hours, then went to look for him again and finds Brookshire the ferret who he tricks into helping him and it ends sometime in the night time hours of Wednesday  (March 22) ***

Underground Prison
This is a small prison cell, large enough to fit several beasts. A light comes in from an unknown source above, but the area still gives the feel of dark, damp and death, as if it is meant to extinguish all hope. Whatever beast finds themselves trapped here, is likely to meet their demise within these exact same walls.
Captives are: Minsc, Benar, Lilymoore, Marek, and Gorvenalus

Quade was NOT having the best day, and it had just barely begun as he stormed over to the captives and narrowed his eyes as he looked in." I am going to make sure you all have as bad a day as I have had!”
Gorvenalus frowns as he has been awake for the past hour "Quade we all have good and bad days, no need to shout about it."   

Minsc is awaken as he opens his eyes and looks over at the squirrel and sits up, He chuckles "Quade is having a bad day finally, bout time"   

Quade narrows his eyes and yells behind him to his horde beasts" Bring me that novice!" He glares at the hamster" Not a good time Minsc, trust me..I lost my 2nd in command and I say a death for a death"   

Gorvenalus frowns, he has seen the squirrel like this before, " calm down. You know you cannot expect things to always go your way, you have to fail at least sometime" He stays calm best he can.   

Minsc shakes his head “Is no good talking to the crazy squirrel. So how you lose Bolt...he get smart and say I quit?"   

Quade eyes flash battle light, "A stripedog killed him, they killed my 2nd in command and I will make him pay." He then looks over at a couple rats who have some novice who Quade tricked, a very scared looking mouse, "This is Novice Ted..very helpful in the kitchens and oh so trusting of me to help me find my called dear friend Xander, who didn’t find but no matter. I still get to kill someone!" He then slits the novice throat and drops them to the floor dead, "Now the very dead Novice Ted!"   

Gorvenalus gasps and covers his mouth with his paw. He feels tears form even if he didn’t know the mouse.   

Minsc looks ready to strangle the squirrel, "Your be the one who is very dead as doornail pretty soon Quade, mark my words"   

Quade says, "Like I care...That beast is one of many whom will die soon and I do have a replacement..Rowtag is my new 2nd in command and unlike Bolt he will make sure all targets are dead, then I suppose it’s not like Bolt could of went inside the abbey...but no matter the blind fool can't do much and he is recovering from a displaced shoulder..just as painful to put back in place as to get out of place or so I heard"
Gorvenalus says, "Quade you need to stop this madness"   

Minsc sits down by the wall "Like telling him that is going to do any good, he don't care"   

Quade smiles coldly "Your right Minsc...I don’t care what others say and I have already injured their Master Healer...made it look like an accident, see he fell down the stairs trying to be in a hurry to go somewhere and wasn’t careful at all, course he will be unconcious for a few days thanks to this" He shows the vile and places it back in His cloak," Same for that vixen, but unlike the Master Healer she is in a lot worse shape and might die."   

Minsc says, "You are insane beast Quade"       

Gorvenalus says, "These beasts are not fools and will find you out in time"   

Quade grins "Thank you for noticing Minsc I have worked on it for seasons, and trust me Abbot Gorvenalus....they won’t, I am their friend, even though my plans were slightly messed up in saving the tavern...that’s fine, that’s fine...that was fixed" He smiles "I am so proud of myself...see one of their warriors who I was thinking a threat could very well be seen as a failure, and I do believe even if somehow they don’t see him as such...he sees himself as such now"   

Minsc shakes his head "You get a kick out of it...don't you? Making a beast feel like he or she failed, as said your insane. I hope their friends talk to them."   

Gorvenalus frowns deeply as he looks at the floor.   

Quade watches the old beaver and smirks "See...that’s what I enjoy, the look of fading hope, the look of defeat. The too far lost to even cry look cause it’s useless to cry and they know it...I aim to get the stripdog to this level"   

Minsc frowns as he looks at his abbot "Abbot...please don't let this fool get to you, you were telling me not to long ago to have faith and hope, to never let it fade"   

Gorvenalus sits down where he is and says nothing, it’s like he is letting his age finally catch up to him.
Quade smirks, " Oh he knows...." He looks at Minsc "I bet he dies long before you do and there won’t be any healing supplies tossed inside unlike I did for the stoat, that was a onetime thing"   

Minsc grows worried and then glares hate at the squirrel, , "I hope YOU die soon Quade and that I am there to watch it happen"   

Gorvenalus sighs, "Do not argue  with him my friend, I wish to not see more violence today"   

Quade grins " nice he wishes to not see violence...well none today old fool so ya lucky but there will be more in the days to come, trust me and I plan to murder a stripdog myself...keep him thinking he is the cause of some recent pain, oh he ruined any hope of finding Benar or Lilymoore it’s so so sad and then what does he do....oh he runs off." He smirks "I enjoyed the tears and placing some blame and the fact I kicked him out of the Defenders cause...I am leader and can do whatever I want..whenever I want and I want him to suffer...then his defenses and alertness are down and then I kill him or I have my horde wound him badly and let him lie dying for a few hours and I come along, tell him all I have done...oh he will feel ashamed for not seeing it earlier and then...I kill him and I will enjoy it"   

Minsc says, "I am hoping you fail, this is badger we speak of...much stronger than you or most beast"   

Gorvenalus just frowns, he is not in a mood to talk to any beast right now and barely listens.
Quade chuckles "He is young and seems to think low of himself...his mother and one of his Uncles is dead, the other uncle was almost killed....should of been killed but another thing to fix....or lie to the boy, there is ways to do this and such fun ways but making him think that by killing Bolt, who posed as the leader of my horde....that he ruined any rescue of captives and he let the rest of the horde escape...3 beasts oh there is much more that 3 and they will find that out soon. He also has no one to truly train him, not that he might need much but he has yet to control some anger issues...again yes they were triggered since Bolt told him he was the cause of his mother’s death...oh well that’s Bolt's fault not mine"   

Minsc says, "You will one day that’s soon or not"   

Quade smirks "Maybe, but not if I can help I have a stripedog to find....and his will and hope to break down" He then walks off.   

Minsc watches the squirrel leave and mutters "Good riddance.." He then goes to sit by the old beaver "Abbot..."   

Gorvenalus just frowns and keeps his focus on the floor, he finally speaks "History repeats itself...again...Quade is even more insane now that he was’s hopeless...hopeless" The word hopeless is repeated a few times before he falls into a unpeaceful sleep.   

Minsc stays by the old beaver's side, very worried before falling asleep beside him

=Later in the woods=

Quade looked to be in a foul mood, he looked past the point of being peeved. Yes he injured someone and that helped some but he wanted someone else to feel pain.

Well it's a good thing the beast isn't alone! Not for long at least. Coming up the road from the south there is sight of a traveler. A lone ferret of brown fur with a tan underbelly that hangs over her belt and hips. The heavy set creature pays no mind to Quade as she approaches with her walking stick and conical straw hat. She is too busy lost in draining her cantina of what is presumably least until one gets close enough to smell the wine inside...

Quade stops and watches the ferret come closer and rolls his eyes, and then he smirks as an idea comes to mind and he walks over "Brookshire..where you been?"

As if noticing the beast for the first time Brookshire’s eyes go wide at being recognized...and then wider as she chokes on her wine. One coughing fit later the beast stumbles backward, walking stick held at the ready, being held like a sword, "I don't know what you are talking about! I was nowhere near that robbery...or fire...or robbery and fire and if the monks really didn't want me to impersonate them then they shouldn't have left the robes in places so easy to..." She pauses, "Wait...don't I know you?"

Quade nods "Quade and I need you to do something for me. See I am leader of the Defenders now since Marek has become missing...or passed on to the dark forest"

"Mossflower...defenders?" Brook blinks. "Ohhhhhh, riiiiiiiiiight, yeah, about that. I swear there is a perfectly good reason why I took so long to get back from that assignment, heheheh, I'm sure Marek won't be TOO angry to...wait, he's, missing?" The staff comes down and the beast leans heavily against it, "Since when has Marek been missing?

Quade nods, "You know what all will be forgiven if you go into the abbey and get me something, simple really...I need the blind badger's staff"

Brookshire raises an eyebrow, leaning heavily into her own staff, crossing her limbs over the top of it as she asks, "Brookshire? redeemed? That sounds nice...buuuuuuuuuut, why do you need a blind badgers staff? You know us vermin ain't entirely welcome thar in the abbey. I mean, sure, they let you in all friendly like but if you take something of theirs they...heh. Well, you know the stories..."

Quade takes a deep breath and exhales again, "Its...fine...seee I want’s a surprise please get it" He digs in his pocket and tosses her a coin pouch, if she opens it there is 10 gold.

The squirrel offers the beast the one thing she can't refuse. Money. "Well then, one staff coming right up. I've been wanting to head back to Redwall anyway. I missed their honey oats and pies." Brookshire chuckles. Tipping her hat to Quade she scampers off heading towards the famous abbey...

=A few hours later, in the woods=

It's almost night fall by the time Brookshire returns. Her gait is slow and slightly staggering back and forth as she works her way down the road. Her belly, swollen and taught with a gluttonous meal reveals the reason it took her so long to return. "Qua- (HIC)" Brookshire hiccups with glee. "QUADE! I found yer staff!" She says, waving a familiar staff over her head. One that is not her own....

Quade glares and then motions for one of the foxes to get it, points to the ground and glares at the Ferret "Took long enough..."He flicks his tail and the fox uses his axe and....well he chops the staff in two. Quade then draws his blade and looks at the ferret, "Now should I ask something else or send you away?"

The ferret cringes as the staff is broken in two. It's one thing to steal a blind badgers staff, quite another to break it into pieces. "Well, then, my job here is down. I think I will just let you get on with your-" her voice trails off as the squirrel draws his blade. It's a very sobering sight. Gulping slightly the ferret laughs, "Q-question? Wh-what kind of question?" She says, taking a step away from Quade.

Quade grins, he so wants to kill the ferret, but at the last moment he slices the fox who eyes go wide and falls over dead..he smirks "You get to live, long as you DONT tell what happen today" Yeah let’s get fox blood on the staff,  he is insane right? He then looks at the ferret "For if you say a word...your die and I have I need to find Xander and..."He smiles coldly "Tell him how Oz went looking for him and meet a horrible death and how it’s his fault for running away as he right?"

Brookshire by now is merely staring, mouth agape as her fur and clothes are covered in foxy juices. He just...killed him. His own beast right in front of her for no good reason. "Fun? Yes! Very fun! Fun fun fun!" She points over her shoulder with her thumb, "I'll just get right on that and...and tell him that. Fun! R-right?" With a  nervous grin the beast begins to slowly back away from the squirrel until she turns and breaks into a full sprint run. For such a heavy beast Brookshire finds no end of energy to take her away from here...

Quade narrows his eyes, he decides the ferret will most likely hide for the squirrel wants to find the badger first. He motions for the other fox who quickly obeys, to get the staff pieces and he heads up the road, he has a plan. He gets to a clearing and leans on a tree.

Rowtag walks up to him, “Feeling better boss?”

Quade grins “Yes I am, by the way congrats your my new 2nd in command. Stay close and watch how I…slowly take down Xander Winters..did you find him?”

Rowtag nods “Yes he is down the stream…should I kill him?”

Quade shakes his head “No….not yet, see first I want to educate him on loss and pain, make him suffer and slowly feel worthless, to lose hope, make him wish he was dead, see a cunning foe doesn’t attack the body or the mind..well maybe in a way the mind, but the heart, and I don’t mean physically…no mentally”

Rowtag smirks “Oh I get it now…but how?”

Quade answers “He already believes that in killing Bolt he lost any chance to find Benar and Lilymoore…well I will cause him more pain, hopelessness….see the broken staff, the bits of cloth, the blood…this is a lie but I can make it seem so truthful…Oz went out with me to find him after he run off, me and Oz got attacked and…oh dear me the vermin broke the staff and slayed Oz, if..if only he had not left the abbey then Oz wouldn’t of been out with me to look for him on the first place so its Xander fault he died….then Xander will think it’s his fault an abbey beast…a family member…supposedly died and the fake proof, that Oz may not use his staff all the time but lately he does…yeah may have some issues, oh well see I have no clue where the staff is and by the time I get back…I won’t know” He smirks and walks off.. ”Meet me at the base in a couple hours”

Rowtag nods and walks to the base.

Xander is by a campfire, he has caught some fish and stayed here, he can go back in the morning, that’s the plan.

Quade finds him and jumps down from the tree ”Xander…t…there you are” His voice sounds shakie

Xander jumps and then frowns “What do ya want Quade.”

Quade frowns, OH it sounds so real, “Me and Oz were looking for you…and…” He shows a familiar staff, broken in two and stained with blood and some brown and green cloth on it..”I’m sorry”

Xander quickly is at Quade’s side “Uncle Oz’s staff..where is he?!”

Quade looks away “The fox..killed him, but I slayed the fox…but it broke the staff and,…and I was too late..I told him I would find you but he said he wanted to help….he wanted to find you”

Xander feels tears flood down his face “No….NO!!” He drops to his knees and starts to sob

Quade watches and hides a smirk, “If only you hadn’t run off like you did then…the Oz may still be alive..he’s dead cause of you, oh Xander what have you caused first losing us a chance to find Benar and Lilymoore and now…this and Brother Leon was not able to help, Brother Leon had a freak accident, he slipped and fell down the steps and is in a faint…see he was going to go out and help find you as well, bandage the wound on your leg but in his rush he tripped…fell down the stairs and poor Dorarose is so upset, she most likely never wants to talk to you again and what do others in the abbey think I wonder…”

Xander frowns deeply , his leg is a little swollen but he did use his headband as a bandage and did find a small amount of comfrey, an herb for healing. He lays down by the campfire and sniffs, unable to stop the tears.

Quade just walks away, “I should get back…”  He smirks he will leave the badger alone in his depression, his plan is going perfectly, just perfectly.

**Yeah Quade is totally evil. He lied to Xander about Oz since Oz is very much alive..he will just find he can’t find his staff, gee where is it I wander tongue **

Last edited by The_Brony_Marek (2017-03-22 05:08:56 AM)


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