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#1 2017-03-16 09:41:15 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

A Deadly Mistake-Missing Abbot Log

**Another tale of the captives, Gorvenalus my beaver alt is here, enjoy***

Underground Prison

This is a small prison cell, large enough to fit several beasts. A light comes in from an unknown source above, but the area still gives the feel of dark, damp and death, as if it is meant to extinguish all hope. Whatever beast finds themselves trapped here, is likely to meet their demise within these exact same walls.

Minsc is sitting in his corner, whats new though as he does this a lot lately

Abbot Benar is asleep, and nearby him is Lilymoore also asleep right now and staying curled up beside Benar.
Gorvenalus wakes up and makes his way over to his friend "Minsc...what is wrong my friend?"   

Minsc looks at the beaver as if he is insane "Whats wrong....we are still trapped and Quade is slowly at it again. And this Benar seems to have Hope but I know there isn’t any, Hope is just something in stories for dibbuns"   

Gorvenalus sits beside his friend "There is always Hope, it may be small but it never fully is put out"   

Minsc groans "It’s gone...ok. It’s nothing but dark and has been for a long time, We thought we had him and he tricked us, I just don’t know why he even keeps us alive"   

Gorvenalus says, "And without the night there would be no stars Minsc"   

Minsc says, "Stars have nothing to do with this and you know what it’s been a long LONG while since I have seen them too, let alone the sunshine. We been here how long long?"   

Gorvenalus says, "There is still hope my friend....there is..."He frowns, maybe he is finally losing his as well but he won't show it around his friend, "You know I have known you since you were a dibbun and when parents first came to my home, you are strong and I believe in you."   

Minsc frowns "You don’t totally believe it either, do you? Be honest with me"   

Gorvenalus says, "I ..don't know. Then what does an old beast know and I have not keep track of time here, nor the my age would rather not"   

Minsc sighs "That’s why we have to try an escape again"   

Gorvenalus says, "We have tried and failed I do know this and it’s not like if we did we would get very far, it would be best if you managed and left me here, but take the squirrel and mouse maid with you."

Minsc frowns “I would never leave you behind Abbot....never, if I had to somehow carry you"   

Gorvenalus smiles faintly "I would only slow you down my friend"   

Minsc says, "’s me and you both or neither of us, I am not losing anyone else in my life"   

Gorvenalus says, "Life doesn’t go on forever, we all have a day when we will die weather from illness, or injury, old age or whatever death has planned, it will happen no matter what we do....yes we can slow it and sometimes stop it but when it’s a beast time...its their time"
Minsc just goes to the other side of the room and sits down facing the wall, it’s clear this talk is over.   

The quiet is briefly disturbed when a new guest is tossed in, an unconcious stoat, Marek Redthorn. Also tossed in is a very small, barely enough, first aid kit of sorts and then footpaws leaving.

Gorvenalus  goes to Marek right away and frowns, tending to him best he can with what little he has been given.

==4 days later==

Marek wake briefly only to find himself in some sort of cell and then passed back out, he awoke again to get a better look at where he was and held back a growl from deep within him as he slowly stood feeling a little unsteady.   

Gorvenalus says, "Easy child, you have been unconcious for almost 4 days’ time." A voice, soon to be revived to be a really old beaver in a robe, but not like any from Mossflower."   

Minsc looks over "Well guess he is alive, not that it matters much in this place."   

Marek slowly looks to the source of the voice "I am far from being a child. I am Marek Redthorn and whomever is the cause of this will soon meet death" His voice is serious, he coughs and leans against the wall. His weapons gone and any other items he had such as lock picks or things in pockets.   

Minsc manages a weak chuckle "Good luck with that, he has managed to trick beasts fairly well so far, I just see history repeating its self in this land like it did in my lands"   

Gorvenalus frowns "Now Minsc my friend, please..."He walks over to check on Marek "I am Abbot Gorvenalus. I will not say welcome as no one would feel so in this place of darkness.   

Quade shows up and smirks “That would be me..Hello Marek it’s a pleasure to see you finally awake and so...weak. By the way do not worry the Defenders will be well taken care of" He smiles coldly "By Me"

Marek growls and looks ready to rip the squirrels throat out “Quade....." The name said in a cold hate.."I swear I will make your very VERY sorry you did this, your days are numbered Quade."   

Minsc backs up slightly, it’s clear he dislikes the squirrel and he rather not stand next to the stoat who most likely is ready to kill someone any second.   

Gorvenalus remains calm as he shakes his head "Quade, you only bring yourself trouble and sadness. You bring pain to others and it will only bounce back to you two fold or even more, maybe not anytime soon but one day in the near or far off future"   

Bolt enters and grins before bowing to Quade, “Any orders today boss?"   

The squirrel just smiles, his day will not be ruined as he speaks to the fox "Prepare to take over the tavern of Ferravale. Take Rowtag"
Marek glares, his voice full of hate "You have made a very deadly mistake Quade. I will have pleasure in ending your life and the fox's life as well. I WILL get out of here and you better be able to run faster than you ever have in your life"   

Minsc stays seated by the wall and listens, he has heard beasts threaten Quade, he has himself, but in the end he failed, he failed to stop Quade and he been trapped for so long he lost count of the days, weeks...months even.   

Gorvenalus sighs as he goes to sit by the hamster and fold his paws in his lap, the abbot has kept track of time best he could, but even his soul is now beginning to lose its hope of ever seeing daylight again.   

Bolt grins "Oh I can run fast, remember when I got your little mouse friend, you lost and I won that race." He then bows to Quade "With pleasure boss. I will take half the group and the rest can remain here. Others still join your cause as we speak and maybe some not so loyal to Ferravale will join as well, the chieftain has angered some by changing the rules a wood pidgion, it may be a small amount but it’s still less on their side and more on our side boss."   

The squirrel nods "Go Bolt and of course I will come play the hero and save the out the fake leader and the vermin, some will die yes but not all of them"   

Marek narrowed his eyes "I repeat you made a mistake Quade"   

Minsc is curious "Doesn’t look like he made one, but I am curious what mistake would that be Marek that Quade has made. From what I can tell he makes few"   

Gorvenalus says, "Not all beasts are perfect Minsc, all beast have strengths and weaknesses "   

Bolt rolls his eyes and smirks "Yeah what would that be...Quade has won and all you and Mossflower has lost. We have your abbot, we have killed a couple of your beasts, Quade took over your precious Mossflower Defenders and one by one will send them to the dark forest, more beast will die and the only two that knows about this...let’s see the badger maid is in the dark forest and the vixen soon will be, if she isn’t already" He laughs and starts to head down the hall to do his boss's orders.   

Quade holds up a paw "Wait Bolt, I want an answer from Marek for trust me I rare...rarely makes mistakes and when I DO I fix them"
Marek says, "Oh, big, big mistake, really huge. Didn't anyone ever tell you there's one thing you never put in a trap, if you're smart, if you value your continued existence, if you have any plans about seeing tomorrow, there's one thing you never, ever put in a trap."   

Minsc stands and walks over, curious but also being careful "Whats that?"   

Gorvenalus watches and listens from where he is, curious but looking unsure as the darkness and lack of hope of this place has finally seeped in.   

Bolt says, "That’s funny...I am shaking in my fur"   

Quade just smirks and motions Bolt to head out and turns his back on the captives and heads on down the hall himself
Marek says one simple word as Quade leaves, his eyes flash briefly a bright red , "Me...." His tone cold, hard hate as he takes a deep breath and releases and his eyes turn back to normal, but he still has the look, the look of a beast determined to win no matter the cost.

Last edited by oz (2017-03-16 09:42:39 AM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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