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#1 2017-03-15 12:12:30 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

He Got The Hare To Do Chores...Sort Of-Redwall Log

Oz-Papa Oz and dibbun caretaker of abbey
Zolomon-Archer hare in Mossflower Defenders

RW Abbey:Infirmary
Several beds are lined against the red sandstone walls of the Abbey's Infirmary. An examination table, separated from the rest of the room by hanging blankets, rests against the far wall.  Tucked into a small alcove is a sizeable workbench with various containers for mixing and preparing medicinal compounds.  Against another wall is a desk for use by the Infirmary Keeper.  A curtained off alcove behind the desk hides a locked door to the Infirmary's supplies and linens.

Oz is sitting up in bed and sighs, he listens to see if any other beast is here or awake   

Zolomon is here, seeing the badger awake he walks the rest of the way in sitting down a tray of lunch" Soup, some salad, a couple rolls, a piece of apple pie and some juice to drink as I know you don’t drink Ale."   

Oz hears him enter and nods "Thanks, but I don’t need that much lunch" He manages a small chuckle and eats a little of all the items and sips his juice " alcoholic seems to...let’s just say disagree with me"   

Zolomon nods "That’s fine Ozzy. I was talking to Xandy earlier and he seemed most worried about you, told him to not worry and I could help you to your room if you so desire"   

Oz eats a little more food, ok maybe he is more hungry that he thought as he listens to the hare" Just so he doesn’t go off somewhere trying to hunt any vermin down. I do not wish to hear of more beasts hurt...or worse" He drinks some more juice and frowns a little.   

Zolomon says, "I won’t let Xandy wander off, so don't ya worry Ozzy. I am his best friend and he listens to me. I got him to eat breakfast after all"

Oz nods "That is good. Stress is slowly getting to all of us. A beast was killed and others missing, we may lose another beast soon...I do not know"   

Zolomon frowns "Who might die?"   

Oz says, "Rayen...from what heard she isn’t getting any better, maybe not any worse but still. She was attacked and luckily Takeo found her and tended to some of her wounds and made a campfire till you and Xander came by and helped each other back to the abbey"

Zolomon shivers "Oh yeah...the monitor..I bally well carried Rayen and Takeo got Xandy after Xandy passed out, it could of been worse" He rubs his cheek as the claw mark is still healing, "A lot worse, we could of all been monitor chow"   

Oz sighs as he does finish the food and speaks "True, luckily things worked out help me to my room then?"   

Zolomon nods and looks around, where is that staff, he shrugs and just goes to help the badger best he can "I don’t see ya staff, sorry but I can led you to your room all the same"   

Oz allows the help "Staff may be in my room, left it there before...well before was injured" He gets to his room and sits , the staff is sitting by the wall where he usually keeps it.   

RW Abbey:Badger Mother’s Room
The room you enter is rather neat and almost spartanly furnished, quite a visual contrast if you entered from the cluttered Dibbun's room adjacent.  The warm red of the sandstone walls is the primary motif, broken in only a few places.  There's a small leaded glass window for light, a bed (rather massive, which might give one a hint at it's occupant) with a coverlet of brightly dyed and woven cloth and a small table with a chair; this is holding a small pile of books and papers, a candle in it's holder and a couple odd Dibbun toys that ended up there somehow.  The only real ornament in the room is a middle sized, carefully framed parchment: a charcoal and ink drawing of some group or family of badgers.

Zolomon picks up the staff and lays it by Oz "Found what can ya still do with the healing shoulder?"   

Oz says, "I can still do my dibbun classes I do, just in here, I can still walk around as long as my arm is in a sling , not today though it still hurts fairly bad"

Zolomon says, "I could see if the healers have something for pain and bring it back in here"   

Oz smiles "Would you Zolomon, it would be helpful"   

Zolomon salutes and heads back to the hallway, he returns a short time later with some of that tea the healers had "Here ya are"   

Oz accepts it and drinks it slowly "Thank you Zolomon, you’re a good help at the abbey...even if you do get into mischief sometimes, you are helpful"   

Zolomon frowns but then grows curious "So..I AM helpful?"   

Oz says, "Yes you are. Your young yet and still learning. You know some helping in other places in the abbey may be good for you and also staying away from the kitchens be wise too"
Zolomon frowns "But food is good and us hares use a lot of energy don’t ya know"   

Oz says, "Well maybe use it elsewhere, or find something you can snack on and keep with you throughout the day."   

Zolomon says, "I...well will try. I could grab an extra rice cake or two..three and keep in a pocket, maybe get an apple"

Oz asks, "See, that could work and you’re not raiding the kitchens, also some simple things like nuts maybe, I am sure you go on patrol also with the Defenders correct?”

Zolomon says, "Yes....I do. I think Quade been doing most of the patrolling but no one found any clues yet, like none"   

Oz says, "I am unsure of Quade, least for now"   

Zolomon says, "He hasn't been too rude lately...and he been or says been looking over the woods for clues and trying to find a cave he found had nothing"   

Oz says, "Well he told me Magramba needed to speak to me, but he wasn’t where he said he was to he could of left that’s true, but still." He sighs "Then maybe it’s the stress, stress can make one look for a beast to blame or just be over worried."

Zolomon says, "Ya were not over worried and sides you have this odd way of knowing things it seems.....when a beast enters a room and who it is, it’s sort of neat"
Oz arches an eyebrow "I have learned my way around the abbey top to bottom every corner and it’s my job to know voices and footpaws...scents of beasts around me, it may take me a couple days to learn a new beasts voice and such, but once I do I don’t forget. Also tone of voice can show emotions both good or bad and sometimes hidden ones or...just ones that seem off. The walltops were too quiet and if one wanted to talk to me they would of walked towards me and no one scents either so I started to head down and...well the arrow and falling backwards. I was told by martin to wear the bark leather vest, the book I just happen to forget was in a front pocket of the winter cloak I have...luckily I guess"   

Zolomon says, "I do say always wise ta listen to old martin"   

Oz says, "Yes always good. He comes in times of need, like now. His messages are not always clear...sometimes they are very clear. Other times it’s a riddle to solve"

Zolomon says, "so when he told ya to wear the bark leather vest....that was clear right?"   

Oz says, "Not...fully clear. More a...he is in my room...where the vest in your brother’s I ask why? And he just repeats it louder and disappears and I wake breakfast and then decide ok I will wear it, then find the reason later when that archer tried to kill me"
Zolomon says, "I think I would of freaked out, we must be dealing with a skilled beast or some assassin beast, then they would be skilled...duhhhh"   

Oz says, "But if there is an assassin out there they need found and...well..found"   

Zolomon says, "An assassin for the Assassin"   

Oz says, "Yes something like that"
Zolomon says, "I would say me but....well it’s harder than it seems. Yes I can shot a fly from 300 yards , but its seeing a target and they not see you and this ...whoever they be is skilled and maybe more so than me."
Oz says, "I do agree with that and you need to be careful, I don’t think Xander wants to lose his best friend to some crazy beast"   

Zolomon nods "I know and I stay alert and try to make sure I know whats around me. It is hard at times when a lot is going on, like in big battles or even small ones"   

Oz says, "That’s true, I have not had to fight beasts often. I am not a fighter and never was. I can use a staff very well, I am strong but not as strong as most badgers are....goes back to when I was a dibbun and got affected by a very deadly poison, a very pretty flower that grows in the northlands like 2 weeks out of the whole year or 4 seasons, 4 seasons in a year...anyways got it on my paws...that got on some cookies I ate...skinned by knee and had wiped my paws on I almost died and would of if my brother wasn’t right there when I started having reactions, we had a skilled healer a wolf named Silverfangs and he knew the antidote..oddly enough the roots of the same plant were an antidote and the flower part was the poison. I recovered but it made me a lot weaker than most badgers. I am still stronger than some here, but there are ones stronger than me Xander for example and a couple others"

Zolomon blinks "Whoa...well a history lesson...some flower in the northlands is bad"   

Oz says, "just can look at it just don’t touch, course one could wash their paws really well, but may still get a little ill and there are lots of flowers a short bit of time that are just fine."

Zolomon nods, “Just pays to know what plants are good or bad"   

Oz says, "Yes and info is in the library and Leon has a book, Anglea I think is making one"   

Zolomon says, "Helpful. Now I do know what mushrooms are good and bad. I can find wild onions and greens also"
Oz says, "A good skill for travelers, do you happen to know what mint looks like...peppermint?"   

Zolomon nods "Yes...and it grows or starts to in like soon'”
Oz says, "Maybe you could find some when your outside, just a little till some grows in the abbey herb gardens, but then there isn’t always enough there as its used as a healing herb as well as tea, and sometimes sweets"
Zolomon says, "Mint is ok sometimes"   

Oz says, "Each beast likes or dislikes different things"   

Zolomon says, "Like carrots...beasts assume I LIKE them...I hate carrots"   

Oz chuckles “Well as said different likes and dislikes for everyone"   

Zolomon grins "Got someone to chuckle today, laugher is good for all that brings ya down, and it helps one feel better"   

Oz smiles "That is true...helps lessen stress as well"
Zolomon says, "Stress is surely something one doesn’t need right bally now"
Oz says, "Also very very true"
Zolomon decides to get the mug and plate "I can get these to the kitchens, just drop them off and leave"   

Oz says, "You could help wash dishes, dry them also. Even just a small amount and more than what you have there....maybe a couple dozen, it will help lessen whats needed to wash and dry by others as chores still need done no matter what happens in and out of the abbey"   

Zolomon sighs and then grumbles, ok fine "Ok...I will do a couple dozen dishes and this mug and plate, I will also dry them afterwards"   

Oz nods "Good Zolomon, they will like the help trust me"
Zolomon asks, "Will they really?"   

Oz says, "Yes they will really"   

Zolomon says, "Ok but I won’t bally well cook.....unless ya all want burnt food"   

Oz says, "No one said anything on cooking, just the 2 dozen washed and dried dishes"   

Zolomon nods "Alright, I can and will do that, only that"   

Oz nods, well it’s a start at least maybe the badger can get the hare to do other things, small jobs and maybe bigger ones later   

Zolomon may or may not but least he is willing to try and starting small is best for him   

Oz yawns "I should rest for a couple hours, my dibbuns will be done with classes soon and will most likely visit me and trust me it’s wise to let them or you could have troubles....they are a bit...well..hard to say no to with something like that."   

Zolomon nods “Got ya...let dibbuns see Oz, no problem Ozzy" He then heads out to....yep wash those couple dozen dishes and he  does, and dries them, and then he leaves the kitchen area alone for the rest of the day.   

Oz waves to the hare and then gets maybe an hour’s nap in before his room is invaded by dibbuns.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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