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#1 2019-11-14 08:48:39 PM

From: Somewhere by the Mountains
Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 416

Erg the Blog-Slayer, Round V: Nursemaid - LP 11/14/19

Erg (Dom) & Konner (myself), hares.

A day and night had passed since Dom...or Erg, as he now calls himself...had discovered Konner dangling from one of his traps, and the large hare had no choice but to knock him out to keep him quiet. He hadn't known of the ordeal the poor young hare had gone through before literally stumbling upon Erg's residence, and in all honesty, he really had no clue how absolutely unnerving his appearance had become, and so Konner's reaction upon his approach had been more than justified. Still, what was done was done, and Erg had brought Konner back to the small cave in which he now made his home. The large hare had tended to the other Patroller's injuries to the best of his abilities...he'd learned a bit of healing skill during his training while growing up, and so he'd finally been able to put said skills to use, using the resources he'd had on hand. It was a bit crude and not exactly the neatest of work, but it sufficed for what needed to be done. Upon waking, Konner finds himself on a bed of moss, which was much nicer to lie on than the stone floor. There is a blanket covering him, and he'd been positioned close enough to the fire so that its warmth is felt, but far away enough so that he doesn't, y'know...catch on fire. His broken leg had been splinted, his wounds tended to and cleaned, and there is a bowl and a mug sitting within the smaller hare's view, both of them steaming with some type of liquid. The mug smells like tea, and the bowl seems to be some type of soup or stew. It doesn't smell entirely terrible, and it's food. Erg is nowhere to be found, but Blorg...the toad skeleton Erg had positioned near the fire...sits nearby, his hollow-eyed gaze staring down at Konner's still form. He'd been positioned in a way so that it appears he is watching over Konner.

It's to that ghastly sight Konner finally wakes to - the injured hare has been drifting in and out of wakefulness for some time. The way his eyes seem to drift from one side to another and how his mouth opens only to say nonsense, its clear he's running a fever, especially by the heat coming from him. However, now, with the pale guardian leaning over him he comes to with a start, throwing the blanket off (towards the fire, no less) in his panic as he yelps rather loudly despite his sickness. Rolling quickly out of the makeshift bed, he manages to get upright, swaying from side to side as he takes in his surroundings before blackness crowds his vision and he slumps back to the bed, but not before remembering the sight of his 'rescuer' (captor might be a better word, the hare thinks rather grimly) in full toad-blood getup coming towards him through the marsh in the dying light, an image that is likely to stay with Konner for the rest of his days. He moans as he hits the moss padding, a paw rubbing his forehead as his eyes open once again. "Wot in th'blazes..."

Luckily for Konner, the thrown blanket happens to fly just over the smaller-sized fire, avoiding the flames and landing just on the other side, in a pile. It seems the hare had woken up during Erg's designated hunting time, hence his absence, and so the only sounds heard aside from Konner's baffled words are the crickets chirping just outside, and the subtle crackling of the fire. There is the occasional rustling of leaves, bubbling of swamp and breaking of sticks outside the cavern, but it is more than likely the local wildlife making their way through the area, as well as the normal sounds of the marsh. Konner has no way of knowing this really, so in his current state, any suspicious noise would likely make him jumpy. Still, the bowl of food and the drink still sit positioned near where Konner had been placed, appearing to be relatively fresh still judging by the steam rising from both. In the bowl, it appears to be a type of broth, with some type of vegetables floating in it. Oddly enough, there is also a small bowl and mug sitting positioned near Blorg as well. Huh.

His eyes fall on the bowl, narrowing. Konner isn't the most cynical of hares, of course, but in his current predicament with what he's seen the past weeks; well, let's just say he's skeptical of the offered food, at the very least. So he hare opts to remain were he is (especially with he pain shooting through his leg that's still in the a splint - reinforced and cleaned now) and look around. Surely he could use something for defense if that monster came back. "E'en wore 'are ears like some sortah trophy, wot..." Doing all that he can to void looking at the toad bones, his eyes settle on a rock. "Tha'll work..."

It seems while he'd been out, Erg had also been searching for a particular type of herb that would help to bring down Konnor's fever. The hare had been successful at both his ventures, a smaller toad carried over his shoulder, the herbs carried in a small pouch on his belt as he trudges his way through the marsh, back in the direction of the cave. Konner can likely hear the heavy footfalls approaching, especially due to the general quiet, and it definitely is a little on the unnerving side. Soon enough, the mouth of the cave darkens as a large, imposing presence appears there, and the body of the slain toad is tossed down a short distance away from both Konner and the fire. Erg's eyes scan the cave, and he notes the blanket lying on the ground as well as Konner lying there, awake now. The large hare's eyes narrow, and he points a paw at the bowl. "Eat!" His voice is commanding, and it echoes around the cave in the process. Making his way further in, Erg goes about his business, beginning to prepare the fever-reducing broth using a small stone. Removing the herbs and placing them on a flat rock, he begins to crush them into a powder, his back towards Konner as he does so. "...not nursemaid," he grumbles to himself as he works.

Konner had crawled half way to the rock when the big hare came in. He freezes, eyes darting back to the bowl when he hears the command, and twists to sit upright, setting his bad leg straight out. He gives what he believes is an easy smile (in reality its a grimace) and leans back against a large stone, trying to appear relaxed even as the stench of toad reaches his nose. "Wot? Daresay ya' a sight fo' sore eyes, eh?" Plan foiled, for now, the injured hare makes his slow way back to the moss bed and grabs the bowl, holding it up. "So, wot's in this anyhow? Tryin' t'fatten me up 'efore ya eat me, wot?"

Dominik smirks to himself as he listens to the injured hare, the larger hare working quietly for a few moments as he smashes up the herbs. Reaching over, he grabs a nearby flagon of water, pouring the herbs in before pouring the water in. He mixes it up with a stick, swirling it around til the concoction is well mixed. The offered question is ignored for the time being, as Erg finally turns and brings the mug over to Konner. He sets it down rather forcefully beside him. "Drink. Bring down fever." He gives Konner a glare for a moment, before he turns to attend to other business, tromping across the cave. Finally, his comment is addressed, in a low, rumbly tone. "If vanted to eat, vould have done so. Is not toad. Too bony." That last part was more than likely a terrible attempt at a joke. Or was it?
"Food is food. Do not vant to vaste," he repeats, it still sounding like a command.

Either way, Konner responds with a laugh that sounds more like a bird dying, forced as all getout. "Righto!" He looks down at the mug, still holding the bowl. "Right away, wot." Scrunching his eyes closed, he takes a tentative sip from the bowl, then, after smacking his lips, he finishes it in one or two goes - he hasn't had a proper meal in at least three days after all. "So... this, well, toad, wot?" Setting the bowl down even as he picks up the mug, he peers down into the liquid. "Dare I say this smells like th'death."

Dominik gives a satisfied nod as Konner finally finishes what's in the was basically a broth with a few vegetables Erg had found out in the marshes...various types of carrot and onion, as well as a leafy thing or two. All in all it was certainly palatable. The herb-drink, however, is a different story. Hey, they always say the things that taste the worst are the best for you, so... "If not drink, vil know vat death smell like." Perhaps that sounded a little more threatening than Erg intended. Still, it was true...fevers are not things to mess with, especially out in the middle of a swamp. "Drink." He points at the mug and gives Konner a scowl. "Sooner is better, sooner can leave." The large hare makes his way back over in the direction of the fire. He gives a smile in the direction of the toad skeleton. Obviously, the food and drink still remain near it, however, Erg seems to see things differently. "Blorg finish food before you. Is shame. Is slow eater...."

"Well, I think I already know wot bloomin' death smells like!" Konner wrinkles his nose - whether at the dead toad or medicine is hard to tell. But he complies, pinching his snout closed and taking a deep gulp. Making a face, he takes more. "Bah. Can't say ya cookin's th'greatest, wot." Complaints aside, he does finish the medicine as quick as he can. "Sooner I'm better, eh?" He wiggles his splinted leg. "Sorry t'tell ya tha'll be longer than ya expect." Setting the mug down, he leans back turning his head to the skeleton and not asking who Blorg is. Despite reclining the hare is clearly tense. "So, if'n ya'not gonna eat me, why are ya helpin' me? Ya've got 'are ears, an' a 'are tail, wot, so I'd assume ya're an 'are like me, eh?"

Dominik reaches down and removes the bowl and the mug from in front of Blorg, and the hare takes it back over towards the back of the cave where he'd put together the medicine. Setting them down on the rock shelf there, he mutters softly to himself; he is fully aware of the fact that he'd likely have the company of his chatty hare for awhile due to his leg...after all, he can't just send him back out into the swamp. Despite everything that's happened, he is still a Patrol hare at heart. He doesn't answer the question at first, busying himself with...just trying to look busy, it seems. Perhaps he is trying to avoid conversation, it was certainly a lot easier when his guest was unconscious. Heading back over towards the fire, he reaches down and picks up the toad skeleton, setting him in a different location on the other side of Konner. Finally, he grumbles..."Cannot leave hare out to die. Vould not be right do." He lifts his gaze and rests it on Konner. "Is not hare, like you. Is Erg. Toad-slayer."

Konner chuckles despite everything, covering his eyes with his forearm as he lies on his back. "Rrriiight. Whateveh ya say." The chatty hare decides to give up on conversation for a bit, as this 'Erg' has clearly lost his marbles (to him, at least), and instead turns on his side to stare at the bones. He reaches out a paw to prod the skeleton, pushing it gently away from him. "Already 'ave enough nightmares already, wot - don' need ya to add t'them."

Dominik's eyes narrow as Konner reaches out to touch Blorg. His tone hardens immediately as he gives the other hare a glare. "No. Do not touch," he warns. "Blorg vil move...ven Blorg vants to move." His arms fold across his broad chest, as he stares at Konner with that unnerving stare. It is pretty obvious that the imposing hare has a couple of screws loose, for sure, but in general he seems to be relatively harmless, in the current context of things. Once it is clear to him that Konner understands, he relaxes a little. "Is...sorry. Blorg...has been through things. Is...a little nervous...around strangers." Erg slowly rises from his seat, and begins to fuss about the place again, his back turning to Konner. The other hare can clearly see the empty sword-sheath that remains there, something that Dom had never removed at all, even having left his sword behind at the mountain. "Vil let sleep. Is needed, has been through a lot. good."

Ears flattening to the back of his head, Konner jerks away from 'Blorg', panic in his eyes. However, that gives way to something else as he hears the apology and subsequent explanation. "Oh. Sure he is." He looks back at the skeleton, barely restraining a laugh. "Sure he is." With that out of the way, the hare adjusts himself to fit more comfortably on the moss bed to gaze up at the stone ceiling with a sigh. "Sleep is good, ya say? Well, probably won' find any argument 'ere, wot."

Dominik gives Konner a glance back over his shoulder, giving him another stare, before he turns back towards the dead toad he had brought in when he'd arrived. It more than likely would be a good time for Konner to try and sleep now, as the large hare grabs a sharp stone and begins to, er...'process' the body of the toad, cutting into it with a disturbingly practiced ease. He'd spent most of his time out here doing this, and so it comes quite easily to him. Luckily, Erg is facing away from Konner and the fire, so not much of it can really be seen. It is pretty obvious what is happening though, as the smell isn't really the best, either. "Leg vas hurt very bad. Infected vounds. Fever. If not get caught in Erg trap, vould not have survived..." he states, rather bluntly.

"Oh, I knew tha', wot." Konner says from were he lies, still staring upwards. The repugnant smell from the toad causes him to gag a bit, but he holds it in. Sleep might be best for now, but the hare is going to have some trouble - the noise the toad body makes and the stench coming off it are distracting, to say the least. "So, well, Erg," Konner starts quietly, trying to take his mind off what is being done, "Ya accent, wot - think I knew a 'are, er, well, toad-slayer, who had one like ya, back at th'mountain..."

Dominik continues his work quietly for a little while, Konner's words going unanswered in this timeframe. Judging by his grim expression, however, the large hare certainly heard him. Perhaps he is thinking over his answer...perhaps he isn't exactly sure how to respond. Finally, after a long, tense stretch, Erg finally turns around. The front of the hare is spattered with pale yellow toad-blood, and he had freshened up the marks covering both his eyes. In his paws, he carries pieces of the toad's flesh, and he grabs a nearby sharp stick. Poking it through one of the pieces, he sets it over the fire to cook. "There are many vith accent, come from same places..." he replies, hesitantly. " not only vun." He turns back away again to retrieve the rest of the dissected toad, a troubled expression crossing his scarred features.

The non-toad blood covered hare nods. "Oh. Righto." The tone of his voice sounds unconvinced. Konner wasn't aware of many of the hares who were around him when he was at the mountain on account of him not caring all that much, but he had heard - and seen - who he suspect 'Erg' is in action before. Paw covering his nose, the injured hare looks disgusted by both sight and sniff of the other hare. "Doesn' th'bloody smell get t'ya, wot?"

After awhile, the smell of the meat cooking makes the cave smell marginally at least smells like some type of legitimate food. To the question, Erg tilts his head as he peers down at Konner with a look of curiosity. "...vat smell?" he asks, the hare either having become noseblind to it all, or...perhaps he really doesn't care. He'd been here on his own for awhile, and hadn't ever expected to have any visitors. He stares at the other hare, and Konner has the opportunity to get a better look at him being that he is fully illuminated by the fire. His torn and dirtied uniform is quite obvious, despite being quite filthy and mussed at this point, and he likely couldn't deny where he'd come from, as much as he tries. He more than likely just doesn't wish to discuss it. "Sleep," he repeats. "Erg...has things to do. Vil bring more food ven avake."

"Well, alright then." Konner mutters, closing his eyes. The smell is a lost cause. "I think when I go back ya should tag alon'." The hare is trying to accept his situation and doing his best to ignore the his surroundings. Soon, it pays off - he's drifting into sleep, breathing much more regularly.

Dominik makes sure to remove his food from the fire so it doesn't burn; he stares down at Konner, watching the other hare until he finally drifts off into sleep. "No," he mutters softly. "Dom is fine here. Vil stay." Lingering only another moment, the large hare finally ducks back out into the oncoming night, leaving the sleeping Konner with Blorg to watch over him.

Last edited by Ol'random (2019-11-15 10:45:07 AM)

I play Atticus, John, Lossow, Terrence, and Spruce
The Long Patrol Landing Page!
Usually on the MUCK Saturdays + Monday & Wednesday evenings if I have the time
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