Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2019-09-11 08:58:33 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Well Tonight Wasn't Fun at All-Redwall Log


Gorvenalus- Recorder of Redwall Abbey

Matilda-Champion of Redwall Abbey

Ewan-Redwall Residential LP Hare and Fighter/Private in Long Patrol

Spoofed Squirrelmaid and Spoofed squirrel Dibbun


Ewan was rarely out too late but he had promised to grab a couple things on a list while he was at the market getting a couple things he wanted, lucky he found the candied walnuts he liked and a couple rare spices at the market for the abbey kitchens and was on his way back.

It might be best to hurry up too as some clouds have worsened and grown dark now and thunder sounds and lightning strikes close by the hare, not too close but close enough but it luckily does not damage anything

Ewan gasps and a frown forms as he adjusts his pack and quickened his pace, a storm is something he surely does not need right now.

And it starts pouring after another thunderbolt and as it to make matters worse..there is two weasels in the road who wait and when the hare is close jump to either side of him.

“Ok bunny just had over anything valuable”

“Just drop de pack and go away..have a swell day and all that”

Ewan looks between them and frowns”I rather not fight..fighting is you two should find a new hobby”

The weasels look shocked and just look to one another and one chuckles “A new hobby he says Moe..”

“Yeah Scartail, hee hee…..but we likes ta rob  passbyes tis fun and we gets free stuff.”

The rain is still pouring and there is still thunder and lightning in the sky.

Ewan sighs and draws his saber but he doesn't swing it yet, he rather not unless he has to.

The two weasels grin and then draw their own blades and attack the hare.

Ewan is no push over or easy target as he sidesteps and slices at one weasel’s shoulder and goes to trip the other one with his footpaw.

One weasel, Moe screams in pain when the saber cuts into his shoulder.

Scartail is tripped and rolls into the nearby ditch...leaving just Moe who gulps and  runs into the grasslands...well that was easy.

Ewan sighs and puts away the saber, a frown forms and he goes to get the rest of the way to the abbey.

Then as if to make the night worse..there is a cry for help coming from a tree, it’s a small squirrel dibbun that sees Ewan  and rushges down to pull on his pants leg “mama needs help...Mama need help..” He will clearly led him to where Mama is.

Ewan of course follows, rain or no rain a beat needs help.

The dibbun leads him to a hurt squirrel maid, she is still alive and unconscious, likely a broken arm and some cuts to her legs, otherwise she is ok but needs a healer. The walk was up a slight grassy hill.

Ewan frowns and nods, he goes to gently pick her up and nods, “We can get her to the abbey down the hill...let's go.”

The dibbun nods and rushes towards the brick building, as one can see the road and the abbey from's a little slippery though.

Ewan frowns and tries to walk carefully and his footpaws hits a slick spot, he holds the squirrel close and yeps as he tumbles and rolls, and somehow manages to keep the squirrel’s mother safe and sort of shielded , one yelp of pain as his foot slams into a tree stump and the same footpaw also hit whatever hole by where he slide down, what fun!...NOT!

The dibbun eyes widen, he got out of the way and then ran, slide himself and bumped into Ewan and...giggled, he giggles ...”Gain...gain…”

“ footpaw….”Ewan frowns as he can not stand and pain just shoots up to his knee as he frowns, he checks on the squirrelmaid

The squirrel maid is ok, lucky but she is a bit more awake now and groans, she frowns a little..”PJ…”

PJ must be the dibbun cause he goes to her about the same time.

Ewan frowns “I..can’t stand, my footpaw..might be broken..”

Seems the hare has more luck after a few moments as a familiar voice”Ewan...are you ok?” Its Matilda to the rescue. As she shines a landread at him, a couple otters are here and a couple mice from the abbey…

Gorvenalus is also here and steps forwards “I can tend to Ewan...back at the abbey, Matilda can you get the squirrel maid and someone get the dibbun please”

Ewan frowns “Brother Gorvenlus. So happy ta blooming see ya...think my footpaw is broken” Its clearly seriously swollen and bruised as is his knee.
The squirrel maid smiles “ name is Kate and this is PJ my son…”

Matilda smiles and nods, she will make sure they all get to the abbey safe and sound.

Gorvenalus nods and lifts the hare up “Lets get your footpaw tended to by Angela and she can check on our guests as well...let's get on back inside the abbey...get dried off, get a hot meal and some injuries tended to and then some nice sleep”

They all get to the abbey, get checked on by a healer and have a late dinner, and of course...needed sleep.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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