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#1 2017-02-28 11:15:40 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Your Have Company Soon SO Cheer Up

My beaver character finally gets into a role play!

Rayen-Mate to Flicktail
Quade- Warrior squirrel in the Defenders
Gorvenalus -Beaver and foemer Abbot of a now burned down village


==Somewhere in the woods==

Quade was in a tree and watching the road below him. Many things on his mind as he liked to sit in the trees and think.

Rayen walked along the path, she knew not to go too close to where the dibbuns were as her ears went flat on her head.

Quade looked down at the fox and looked over towards where a couple rats and a fox was as he flicked his tail a couple times.

Bolt nearby gets behind Rayen and quickly goes to make sure her arms stay at her side, “Elllo Rayen, boss wants ta chat so come along quietly or this won’t go well.”

Rayen gasps and starts to kick behind her till she hears Bolt and snarls a little, “Talk about what?”

Quade moves into the woods and sits on a tree stump, he looks at his nails as if bored.

Bolt just leads Rayen into the woods and pushes her forwards.

Quade looks at the foxes and clears his throat “Hello, nice day to relax I say isn’t it? No birds to mess it up it seems”

Rayen just glares, “ You have peeved off a badger, not wise”

Bolt seems a little worried now but tries to not show it

“Correction, you peeved off a badger my dear vixen” The squirrel smirks “Course he won’t find out unless you mess up…now the thing I wanted to talk of, one…me and you found the camp where the dibbuns are and we can report to…guess Marek and whoever else..whatever, then my bigger plan finally comes into play and for that better planning. I have learned Benar will be needing clay from the river and of course he won’t go alone that be..foolish, me and you can go with him”

Rayen frowns and then arches an eyebrow, “What does Benar have to do with your plans?”

Quade smirks “Well my captives and no not the dibbuns as a couple others need some company, they are so lonely and need a new friend, that and it causes panic if the abbot is missing or maybe thought dead, but I have not figured out how to make someone appear dead when they are not and course a beast to frame and not to worry dear it won’t be you oh no I have a much better beast in mind whom … is already questioned”

Bolt scratches an ear “Ya want de abbot boss…wouldn’t that start like a major problem?”

Rayen pales and frowns as her ears flatten “Why do you want Benar, that would attract a lot of attention and they would figure out it was you”

Quade smiles “No they wouldn’t cause I would help –look- for him. Beasts trust me and I have done this before and am good at it…any other beast with him can be knocked out or….killed If need be”

Bolt grins “Can I kill someone boss…please”

Rayen frowns “I..I don’t know if I want to help with this”

Quade looks serious “That’s your choice Rayen but it be a bad day…for you…if a certain badger found out who killed the sea gull” He turns to Bolt ”We will see my friend”

Bolt grins wider and watches Rayen.

Rayen frowns “Fine I will help you”

Quade nods “Good choice, now let’s go check on my captives, the ones who Abbot Benar can soon befriend” He leds the way to another , very well hidden hideout…a hideout that is hidden so well it looks nothing like some horrible place.

Underground Prison
This is a small prison cell, large enough to fit several beasts. A light comes in from an unknown source above, but the area still gives the feel of dark, damp and death, as if it is meant to extinguish all hope. Whatever beast finds themselves trapped here, is likely to meet their demise within these exact same walls.

Quade walks in and smiles “Greetings Abbot Gorvenalus and Minsc I have news.”

Rayen walked in and looked around as her ears flattened and the whole place made her uneasy.

Bolt just looked bored and leans against a wall fiddling with his daggers.

Gorvenalus looked at the squirrel and just frowned “And what news is that Quade?”

Minsc stays in his corner, looking past hopelessness and just sort of stares at the wall. His once golden fur is dusty and his tunic torn and stained.

Quade smiles “Your have company soon, another Abbot what do you think of that Father Gorvenalus? Oh and this is my new member….Rayen, course she still needs some training yet but so far…so good and will soon help me with my new plans” He walks over to the hamster “Oh Minsc are we still so depressed…cheer up your have a new friend…maybe two soon”

Minsc just frowns and says nothing, he is silent and its clear he hasn’t spoken in a long time and looks far from ever smiling again in his life.

Rayen looks at Minsc curious “What sort of woodlander is he…he is a woodlander right?”

“ Minsc is a hamster child and why have you joined Quade you, you don’t seem the type to carry out evil deeds.” Abbot Gorvenalus speaks quietly, with a calmness much like any Abbot.

Bolt yawns “I am gonna go get some lunch, see ya” And he disappears .

Quade rolls his eyes ‘Please that is her decision, not yours Abbot Gorvenalus..I do hope you’re doing well today, maybe try and get Minsc to cheer up…hmmm?”

Rayen keeps quiet, the place just makes her uneasy and its clear she rather be elsewhere, “Can I leave now?”

Gorvenalus studies the vixen and then answers the squirrel “ I am doing well, but I do wish you would stop your madness Quade…we…we were friends once you know”

Quade chuckles coldly “We were never friends, it was a lie and you and the whole village fell for it and others are falling for it as I speak…Quade the hero, I will find and help rescue dibbuns soon, course it’s my  fault they are where they are, oh I won’t kill them, I will kill them later once my plans come more into action. That’s where your future company comes in, an abbot like ya self. You two should get along great” He smiles and nods to Rayen “After you feed the captives, then you can leave.” He then exits himself

Rayen looks away from the Abbot and focuses on the floor. She sighs and goes to get something for them to eat, she isn’t sure what and is gone an hour before she is able to get back with some fish stew and a roll, and a couple mugs of simple water.

Minsc just stares at the food and quietly eats once he has it, well least he eats and drinks some water.

Gorvenalus nods his thanks before speaking “So..Rayen was it, you seem troubled and clearly not like the rest of this horde”

Rayen just shrugs as she stays seated, she looks near ready to …..cry?

Gorvenalus walks closer “What is it child? You may be a vixen but something is different with you, and you seem to not want to be here, yet you seem to work for Quade” He studies her closely “ Your reactions seem to tell one story and at the same time try to show a different story, now tell an old Abbot what is in your heart, yours seems to not follow Quade’s thinking.”

Rayen just frowns, “I…I am part of his horde and..and I do regret it, I killed a sea gull yesterday and hiding  things from others..from my mate feels so…so…..” Tears flow and she lets them as she tries to fight back a sob.

Gorvenalus lays a paw on her arm, “Child?” He speaks calmly and waits in understanding.

Rayen just leans agasit the beaver and lets out a couple choked sobs and coughs before standing “I..I need to get home, you and…the hamster I hope enjoyed lunch as I think you were to have something else… good day” She quickly leaves and gets back to the abbey, she will only come back if she feels she needs to or if she is told to.

Gorvenalus lets her go and sits back down, he looks worried for her and glances over at the hamster and sighs. He finishes his meal and lays down to sleep and think on the events of the morning.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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