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#1 2019-02-09 06:35:00 PM

Karth Riverbark
Registered: 2017-09-15
Posts: 400

Looks Like A Road Trip-Redwall Log


Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri-Me- LP Private/Fighter/ and RW Abbey Resident LP Hare

Sinway Riverpike-Redwall Brother

Abbot Benar- Abbot of Redwall


Ewan is watching dibbuns play in the open ground quietly. it was snowing earlier but has stopped for now.

Benar walks out of the bell tower and over to Ewan "How is our resident hare doing. fine I hope" He smiles"I was helping get measurements for replacing some wood in the bell tower, hoping to be gone in a few weeks"

Ewan nods "It should be nice..winter almost over or least think it is. I wonder how the long patrol is think all is well?"

Ewan says, "I am sure they are doing well."

Benar smiles "They are fine I am sure, do not worry Ewan."He sits down on a bench by the bell tower, "Likely training hard and protecting the shores"

Ewan nods, "I..sort of miss the western shores a that odd? I mean I wouldn't stay. just visit..maybe update and bring back updates or maybe its boring there too"

Benar chuckles, "I have a feeling it's not boring with the Long Patrol. I am sure if anything major went on we would get a letter"

Ewan shrugs"Maybe. ..Maybe I will visit, let his Lordship know how I am..stay a few days then come back. I am better..don't have those flashback dreams...ummm as much"

Benar says, "Bad dreams are never fun, as for a visit that's up to you, not me I just need to know if you do go or if anyone tags along""

Ewan frowns "Yeah...some things can..bring them back, maybe I will visit, I could even bring letters back or take letters"

Benar nods"Maybe..."He thinks and sighs as he replies"I do know one whom wanted to go to the western shores as well, maybe you two can go together...Sinway wanted to maybe go"

Ewan grows curious "Why did he want to go? He dosnt really know anyone there...does he?..I know Xander does "

Benar sighs "I think to get away awhile after.."He shakes his head "It may do him some good and I am afraid he will just walk off on his own. If someone was with him it would help me feel a lot better"

Ewan ears droop as he frowns, a more recent flashback came to mind of going into cabin and...seeing someone dead, he disliked it and likely would as it just brought back another day it almost happen and they barely avoided it."I..I go..he can come too"

Benar frowns and lays a paw on his arm "Ewan...are you ok?"

Ewan gulped and blinked a few times "I..."He looks around the abbot, that's right he was there."I..yeah I am ok just."He frowns as he speaks " But..I was just making a quick visit, I could mention the bell tower and how some things are being rebuilt in Ferravale and even bout camp willow"

Benar pats him on the shoulder" Not too much to report but I can send a letter with you, maybe seeing some friends will be good"

Ewan nods "Letters are..are good and I can bring any back as well..maybe they would like a visit, or not like one....only a couple were real good friends"

Sinway walks up coming from the direction of the main gate "Hello Father Benar hello Ewan."

Benar smiles "I am sure they missed you and be happy to see you for a few days time"He nods to Sinway"Hello Brother Sinway"

Ewan waves as he listens to Benar and smiles "I..may go soon I remember the way as I can go on a path once and remember and I know how to avoid the tree rats group if they are around still...they were around somewhat before"

Sinway looks over towards the pond before back to Benar "Just got back from Camp Willow, left early this morning before sunrise and didn't stay long, they will send a otter to take care of the pond in me place come spring."

Benar nods"That is good to have someone watch the pond while your away, till then...t=some others can keep an eye on it for thin ice"He looks at Ewan "Yes please avoid trouble, if beasts are gonna make a long trip I want them back in one piece...please"

Ewan nods "I understand...if helps I know how to use a saber just not many places to practice"

Sinway looks over to Ewan "So are ye headin' to the western shores as well Ewan?"

Ewan says, "I..had thought of it...yeah I am going see how things are, then come back...supposed to give updates round spring but early is ok too""

Benar listens as he looks between them and sighs "I rather not have beasts heading out different times.....and it seems your both wanting to go so travel together and help each other get back safe...please I don't need bad news"

Sinway smiles to Benar "Everything will be fine Benar, this isn't the first time I have made this trip." He looks at Ewan "We will leave when ever ye feel like leavin', don't want to rush ye Ewan."

Ewan nods"'s ok we can leave...not today, tomorrow or day after."He looks at Benar as if wandering it that's ok.

Benar nods "Its, tomorrow is fine I can even send a sparrow to let Lord Ciocan and them know to keep an eye out for you. I can make sure you both have some needed supplies and maybe you can get other supplies at Ferravale if needed, maybe the Gusium have a boat or the otters maybe, river travel would be faster even in winter...the current is still strong in the middle of the river"

Sinway nods "Yes trevelin' by boat would be best, and would save us a great deal of time." He starts to think "Guess I'll need to get some stuff ready travelin' cloak, a couple of change of clothes, think I'll keep me habit on though, ye be surprised how many vermin tend to not mess with a member of the abbey order."

Ewan says, "Some respect the abbey beasts...and your have me, in not many mess with Long Patrol hares either"He smiles a little. not that he is the best in a fight but who says they have to fight."

Benar smiles "Fine then...some supplies, changes of clothing and warm cloaks,,,and a notice sent back when you get there, I am sure they will like a visit and can send back any news from the area"

Sinway nods "don't worry father, everything will be fine, still cold yet, vermin don't act up so much in the cold."

Benar says, "That's...true a good bit dislike I said you both can head out in the morning if you wish and have safe travels I trust..try not to be away too long though""

Ewan says, "I don't think we will be away..too long, maybe back by summer?"

Sinway nods "aye, that was me plan anyways, there be only one reason why i stay longer but i don't think it be the right summer fer it."

Benar asks, "alright and right Summer for what?"

Ewan looks at Sinway and then Benar and shrugs "Not much happens on the western shores, it's probably quiet most likely"

Sinway smiles "Hullabaloo mates, every fourth summer otters follow the streams and rivers to the shore and have one big party." He slaps his tail onto the ground as otters tend to do when they get excited "Tis only the best party a otter can attend, normally last all summer, there feasten, swimmin in the sea, games and bonfires every night."

Benar says, "Sounds fun, well if there is one your have to send word your staying longer as I would not want to worry if didn't see you back till after summer"

Ewan says, "I can stay longer if he does and keep an eye on him, if needed"

Sinway gives a playful shove "Trouble, any vermin who decides to cause trouble when every otter this side of the great sea would be around. That would be one foolish group of vermin." He then looks over to Benar "Ohh tis a lot of fun, i got to attend one on the Green Isle."

Benar nods "Well maybe some fun will be good for you if there is one, even if there is not you and Ewan can find something to do I am sure, if you excuse me I need to see about your supplies, talk to you again soon"

Ewan nods "Ok Benar....have a good night"

Sinway nods and waves as Benar goes before turnin' to Ewan "Well mate, guess we be travel companions eh." He smiles being filled with that thrill one gets right before they set off on a adventure "I'm goin' to get some stuff ready to go when do ye want to set off before sunrise?"

Ewan nods "Before sunrise is good...not sure how good a traveling companion I am and boats are good...just so I don't fall off it"

Sinway chuckles "If ye do, ill haul ye out, i be a otter after all." With that he turns towards the abbey "Best get yer stuff ready and get sleep mate, tis goin' to be a early mornin"

Ewan nods"I don't have...much and sleep is good or any trip

Sinway nods and starts to head towards the abbey "well good night."

Last edited by Karth Riverbark (2019-02-09 10:15:34 PM)

My spoofs:Atvi...and Alts=
Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri- LP Hare Fighter/Private and Residential Redwall Abbey Hare
Dearil-Archer/Fighter/Assassin in Blackrose


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