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#1 2019-01-20 02:55:47 PM

Karth Riverbark
Registered: 2017-09-15
Posts: 400

The Good News And The Not So Good News-Redwall Log/ Defenders Log

***My dibbun vole Atvi   is in this log, maybe I will bring him back...he has ICLY been around of course , just not roled played him in a while..but He is in this log! ***


Ewan-Me-LP hare of Redwall Abbey,Also a fighter and Private of LP

Atvi-Me- A troubled Teen/dibbunish vole who may become a novice...maybe..Big Maybe

Rigel-Archer in Mossflower Defenders

Jaxson- Archer in Mossflower Defenders

Xander- Leader of the Mossflower_Defenders

Kenya-Spoofed with permission by me- Redwall Novice (Shows up briefly in the log)

Brother Rick-  Old Squirrel  and Brother in Redwall Abbey,Spoofed by Oz

Canowicakte – Archer and Cook in Mossflower Defenders

-Some spoofs of a squirrel and mouse from The Woodlands Traveling Show.  A ferret Bandit at a campfire and Also spoofed is Sister Carmel, a mouse maid Sister of Redwall Abbey....


It took a few intense talking to but Aric finally gave in and stayed behind at the abbey, there was no since in him going out and making his cough worse, he been in the cold a bit too much and they knew he wouldn't stay with them he go off to who knows where, get lost in the woods and they would have to go find him as well..all but one mouse and one squirrel stayed to, well make sure he stayed put while they and some volunteers looked for Luna and whim ever else was caught in the storm.

Rigel looked around “Snow as far as the eyes can be seeing my friends..”His foot paw finds ice and he falls onto his behind as he frowns “Ice is not a favorite thing of mine, will be being glad of it going away and not returning for a while again.”

Canowicakte chuckles as they walk around “Never in me life would I think I be calling a fox funny, wot..always grew up being told vermin beasts are pure evil...seems mama was wrong”

Xander nods “Yes not all vermin beasts are evil, some are...well wont say good hearted but they respect the abbey and us, as well as Ferravale but at the same time I would not advise someone to walk into Ferravale thinking they are 100% safe, your not...yes they do..mostly respect woodlanders but not always..there is some that will if given the chance and think the chieftain won't find out will rob a beast, not heard of anyone getting killed though” He looks around, this time he has his blade as before he didn't. “So any idea where we need to look?”

The squirrel points “The clearing is where the cart should be.”A mouse agrees “Yes it's where we left it...some supplies we have for the shows, and a small amount of food left”

Jaxson snorts, why did he come along he wasn't sure..”We also need to tend to my home, my home is gone..”

Rigel frowns “First we find the wee dibbun, for she is lost and maybe crying and being the scared...not so good and why be living in tree that was doing the leaning anyways...seems odd say...asking fer de....bad luck?”

Canowicakte nods “I agree we find Luna first and then see what else is needing done. We can venture back and I can make some hot veggie soup to warm us all up.”

Not too far off is a squirrel, an old squirrel in the robes of a Redwall Brother..Its Brother Rick! He looks a bit confused as he is muttering to himself. He had went out with a couple novices, and another order beast to check on a family of voles when the storm came.

Xander frowns “I may go on to Ferravale after this, I need to check on Ferro and Krisha...”He then sees the squirrel and races over “Brother Rick!”

Meanwhile not too far is a hare, Ewan as he frowns “My ears are are my toes...should of not volunteered for this I hate snow.”

A faint crying is heard, upon closer inspection it's a beaver, it's Luna! She wanders away from a small campfire when she heard the hare's voice. She likely should of stayed by the campfire but it's not the best campfire really.

Ewan stops and follows the sound and kneels down “ should come to me, come here..are you alone?”

Luna goes willingly into the hare's arms and hugs him, she shakes her head and points to the campfire...beside it is another beast, a ferret who just looks at the hare and nods as if to show he is not a threat.”She can go with you now...and no I didn't harm her, she sort of walked into my campsite so I let her stay....I may be a bandit but I don't harm dibbuns.”The beaver goes to hug the ferret whom just seems shocked and nods “Yeah yeah...go with de longears trust me ya better off...”The dibbun seems to get the idea and goes to take the hare's paw and smiles at him.

Ewan just nods back and looks to Luna “Ok..let's find the others they will be happy to see you...or should be.”

Back with the search party, lucky not far from Ewan at all, Brother Rick stumbles into Xander's arms and shivers “ It..It wasn't...that far.....then the storm h...hit, we were stuck there....Atvi slipped out and she went after him.....she wanted to tag along and check on the voles....didn't think...happen so fast..”

Rigel looks concerned “What be the happening of too fast?”

Jaxson frowns as he listens 'Maybe we should get Brother Rick to the abbey he isn't looking to well, think the cold has gotten to him and what family would live in the woods in winter time...they insane?”

Canowicakte speaks “Some live in cabins in the woods and not think too much of it...have nice fire places and warmth, homes on the ground my friend not in a leaning tree of...well...” He was gonna say leaning tree of doom but decided against it.

The squirrel frowns as does the mouse and then notice the hare and rush over “It's Luna he has Luna!”

Ewan stops and nods to the others “She was with this ferret, seems he had a campfire by some overhang or something....she isn't harmed, can we go back to the abbey now?”

Xander looks relived Luna is found and seemingly ok...but is someone else lost in this...”Who Brother Rick? Who checked on Atvi and is Atvi and his family they need escorted to the abbey?”

Rick Opens his eyes as Xander holds him and shivers a little from the cold wind...”Atvi is...ok...his grandmother is not...Sister Carmel is with him...but...I'm so sorry...Novice...”But he passes out before he can say novice who.

Luna smiles at the squirrel and mouse from The Woodlands Traveling Show and seems happy they are there.

Rigel frowns “Who is..Novice we speak of and why the sorry saying?”

Canowicakte looks to Xander “Where is the house at?” He is ready to go find out and quickly.

Jaxson just stays where he is, ready to face vermin, ready to face..what ever it is that's the threat..if there is one.

Xander frowns and carefully hands Brother Rick off to Rigel “Get to the abbey with the others..Ewan with me!” He quickly goes down a path, the small hut is not far at all and it will take 10 minutes to get there,maybe less running.

Ewan nods and looks at the others “Well ya heard him, go to the abbey we will meet you there” After making sure the others go to the abbey he follows Xander to the small hut.

The hut is fairly smallish but enough room where 4-5 beasts can visit and eat....there sits Atvi who looks like he cried himself to sleep, and Sister Carmel the mouse maid as she blinks when beasts appear she frowns and looks to the still figure of an otter maid laying on a guest cot.”Atvi fell in the creek...the ice broke and...she jumped in after and Rick found then both half a mile down the creek....Atvi  was barely alive...but....”

The otter maid on the cot near Novice Kenya.

Xander frowns, he walks forwards to check on Atvi first and then Kenya “Need blankets, we can wrap them both in them and get them to the abbey..healers can tend to them.” He looks at the old vole maid on the other side of the room and frowns “His grandmother can be buried in our graveyard.”

Ewan ears droop as he walks in slowly, he gets a bad feeling as he looks around “We should..leave.....we should...go”He sounds uneasy.

The mouse Sister frowns, “I agree....”She frowns more and a worried “Brother Rick...he ...he went to get help..”

When a pulse is taken on the young otter...sadly none is found....she's....gone.

Xander speaks “He found us..he is with some other beasts from the travelers and Defenders, he is safe...”He slowly moves his paw away and frowns down at Kenya and looks to Ewan “Ewan....take Atvi and make sure Sister Carmel gets back to the abbey...”He looks to the old vole that was Atvi grandma and sighs....

Atvi is semi away and coughs, yeah a healer would be good if he is to survive.

The abbey sister nods as she wraps warm blankets around Atvi “I..have him..Ewan can get his grandma.....”She looks to the otter and Xander as she frowns.

Xander takes a deep breath and picks up Kenya “I..I have her...let's get back to the abbey.” He can check on Ferro,Northstar and Krisha later.

Ewan frowns and will lead the way back down the path and to the abbey. The dibbun was found, but other news will not be as good, in fact far from good.

Last edited by Karth Riverbark (2019-01-21 09:42:43 AM)

My spoofs:Atvi...and Alts=
Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri- LP Hare Fighter/Private and Residential Redwall Abbey Hare
Dearil-Archer/Fighter/Assassin in Blackrose


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