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#1 2019-01-10 06:57:02 PM

Rudolfo And Alts
Registered: 2018-11-03
Posts: 77

Talk Of fixing Bells-Redwall Log


Jaxson- Archer in Mossflower Defenders

Xander-Leader of Mossflower Defenders

Dorarose-Warrior in Mossflower Defenders

Benar- Abbot of Redwall Abbey

Gorvenalus- Recorder of Redwall Abbey


Jaxson steps inside the room and shakes his head "Too blooming cold outside, dislike cold....stupid tree house" Yes he is grumpy....

Xander followed the squirrel as he sighs "You know....could always stay at the abbey, even if it's just till warm weather"

Benar is sat by the fire, curled up in a large comfortable arm chair and with a thick blanket over his legs and his large book in his lap. He looks up at the sound of people coming in and smiles, "Jaxson, Xander hello there."

Jaxson rolls his eyes "Yeah and what about me home...I like that tree, it just isn't great in winter heat wise" He nods a hello to the Abbot.

Xander sighs, "It will likely be ok..I think"He waves "Hi Benar...I was trying to tell Jaxson to stay here maybe and not his tree house during the cold months, he would be a lot warmer here"

Benar asks, "Why are we talking about a tree?" He peers at the other two, "I mean tree houses are nice enough, mother's one was lovely when i was little but I have to admit I don't think I'd enjoy living in a tree in winter any more."

Jaxson sits down "Cause...mine is cold..windy in winter and so walked here and missed lunch or ...some of lunch anyways." He decides to just forget it for now,"Winter needs to hurry up and go away"

Xander just sits down....slightly away from the other two beasts.

Benar asks, "Well you are most welcome to stay with us Jaxson, maybe when the weather clears in Spring I can have the carpenter have a look at your tree house? We can probably tighten it up a bit to keep the weather out.""

Jaxson shrugs "Tis...not the best house, but tis home..rain never got in much, just the window got messed up not like windows are easy to fix...I mean few work with glass ya know"

Benar says, "Well we have people here who can help with that Jaxson, we have to have someone who can work on glass here at the abbey, or we'd never get the stained glass fixed"

Jaxson seems surprised "Think they can work with just normal, no designs glass...I mean I could be here till Spring."Ok he is a little less grumpy now, "I could do something to keep a room till then...don't know..chores of some sort?"

Benar says, "Well if you can bring me the measurements of your window I am sure we can get a glass pane made up in a week or so Jaxson, and everyone is asked to help pull their weight around the abbey. So any help you give us is most welcome."

Jaxson says, "I don't have many skills besides archery and tracking....I can sort of cook and am good at fishing"He looks around "I""

Benar says, "Well sewing is always useful, we always need someone who can use a needle to help us out around the place"

Jaxson says, " don't find it odd sewing is a skill of mine? Usually like..females or..well guess healers...usually sew things."

Benar says, "I can sew, I know many beasts who can sew male and female and some people who can't. I am just glad to have another person around who can help us."

Jaxson chuckles, being warmer he is in a good mood finally "Well I could sew..maybe repair some sheets or towels, blankets perhaps...what ever needs sewed."

Benar says, "It is mostly clothing and the odd drape or tablecloth that needs fixing here."

Jaxson says, "I be glad to help best I can, may as well while I am here. I also once tried that takes a while"

Benar says, "Knitting is an acquired skill, I am not very good at it myself"

Jaxson says, "Yeah I tried to make a scarf....ended up fine then at the end it messed up and seemed to be two sewed together sort of."

Benar says, "Hehe that tis ok last time I tried it i just ended up with a ball of tangled yarn that was frankly just a mess"

Jaxson nods "I guess all have their own talents and what good or not good at"

Benar exclaims, "Indeed! We all have our own talents, my major one is pottery"

Jaxson asks, "Pottery? Well another useful skill to have..making cups and bowls and such for the kitchens"

Benar says, "Indeed and you would be totally surprised how often I have to replace them, something is always being broken"

Jaxson says, "Let me guess.....novice washing dishes or least trying to wash dishes ?"

Benar says, "Dibbuns knocking things off the table, washing dishes, things falling off the side"

Jaxson nods as he listens "Never did understand how pottery works"He shrugs "Just gonna stick with what I know how ta do"

Benar says, "Clay is just a type of rock," He smiles, "It solidifies under heat, bake all the water out of it and it solidifies."

Jaxson hmms "Sounds..interesting"He yawns "I rather stay by the fireplace....maybe hear stories or sleep even"

Benar says, "Well the the fireplace is warm and that's why I have a blanket down here," He picks up the poker and leans out of his chair to stir the fire, "I have been enjoying a quiet day off my feet"

A quiet day off one's feet. How nice. DoraRose Strongheart hasn't let herself have one for about a month for no good reason. She comes into the Hole now, wrapped in her cloak and scarf and mittens and hat. True, she hasn't been on wall duty this whole time, but from volunteering with the Dibbuns and classes to helping in the kitchen, this mouse has kept herself busy. She walks over to the fireplace, sits down, and starts unlacing her boots. "My toes are frozen! Why did that leveret have to lose a book out in the snow? How'd he even get outside, anyway, that's what I'd like to know...."

Benar asks, "Dibbuns will always get where they shouldn't be," The abbot says to Dora, "Now sit down my dear and tell me what is with all this rushing around? You haven't stopped in weeks, don't think I haven't noticed."

DoraRose is sitting and unlacing her boots to get her toes into the nice warmth of the room. "I'm just helping my home. I like working with the Dibbuns and in their classes, and I love to cook. It relaxes me. I haven't spent all my time on the walls. And I've made time for family, too," she adds, anticipating another comment. "I wouldn't suggest asking my grandmother about it, though. The cold has made her grumpy. Er.....grumpier than usual." Finally done with her task, the Warrior tucks her feet underneath her and covers them with her skirt, trying to warm herself up.

Benar leans back in his chair, "Fair enough, if you like helping so much you can come join me in the kiln tomorrow if you like? I could do with a helping hand and some company out side in the warm."

Jaxson seemed to have, or did..fall asleep and now he opens his eyes and wakes up with a yawn, "Oh..hello there...lass"

This earns him a half-smile, half-surprised look. "Outside in the warm....only in a kiln or a smithy when it's Winter." Looking at her paws, DoraRose adds, "I'm not sure how good I'd be at pottery, Benar. Although if it's anything like baking, perhaps I'll do better than I think." Smiling at the other squirrel, the mouse removes her scarf and hat. "Hello. 'Tis dreadfully cold out, wouldn't you say?"

Benar says, "I'll do the clay shaping, you can put things in and out of the kiln for me," He smiles, "Also I need some help getting Matthias out of the bell tower... I was hoping I could appeal to your good senses to help me plan a good and safe way to lower it down."

Jaxson looks over "Get a bell down? First make sure no one be afraid of heights..maybe have squirrels help or someone strong if it's heavy, is it heavy?"

DoraRose smiles. "That I can most certainly do. Kilns may be much hotter than the ovens in the kitchen, but an oven is still an oven, and I know my way around ovens." When the lowering of Matthias is mentioned, she raises her eyebrow slightly. "I would say many pulleys, ropes, and a thick layer of straw in the floor, just in case it slips...and to make settling it down just less stressful all around. Then nobeast will have to worry overmuch about scratching the finish. And yes, it is quite heavy, so each rope would have a team of beasts on it. Why does it need to be pulled down? Oh, is this the thing you talked to Lily about? She didn't explain the situation very well. Nana threatened her with some tonics and kind of ruined the moment." The old Healer is a very grumpy person.

Benar shakes his head, "Angela is very grumpy, I think she is still grumpy with me, and that pretty much lines up with what I was thinking and good idea Jaxson, we really should limit who goes up high to people used to heights," He frowns into the fire, "As for what is wrong, the wooden yoke it is hanging off has split, it is holding itself together for now but we need to take the whole thing down and replace it."

Jaxson sits up and hmmms"So how does one get it down safe and unbroken and then back up again?"He is curious and thinks "Maybe ask one or more of the ones who placed it there in the first place? Or wait..its likely be there like..seasons ...duhhh"

DoraRose stifles a snort. "The beasts who built the belltower have been dead for countless seasons, unfortunately, as have the beasts who cast our bells. I wish we could ask them....perhaps it's worth looking in the Abbey records to see if they wrote down how they got it up there in the first place." Pursing her lips, she thinks for a moment. "Do we have any wood to replace it with? If not, perhaps Ferravale has or can help us get some. They're building a bell tower of their own, so that might be worth considering. Lily has, as far as I can tell, no fear of heights and an almost squirrel-like talent for climbing. I can show her how to set up the pulleys." She makes no comment about her grandmother for now. It's safe to assume the old mouse is mad at everyone for no reason of theirs.

Benar smiles, "We can actually talk to the squirrel who was involved in putting the bells back up there, after the earthquake it took us quite some time to rebuild the tower, as getting the correct stone took awhile," He grins, "I helped organize putting the bells back up there. As for wood yes we have more then enough wood DoraRose, the nice thing about Mossflower being outside is we always have enough wood."

Jaxson chuckles, yes a good mood as naps can do that for a beast, "Can I help sir Abbot, I would like to and I am fairly strong...sort of have to be being an archer. And heights don't freak me out like it might some"

Gorvenalus walks in from the main room and smiles as he sees beasts gathered "Hello friends..relaxing today it would seem, this winter has been fairly good to us so far"

DoraRose blinks. "Oh! ....oh, yeah, the Abbey did survive an earthquake, didn't it? Long before my time." She waves to the beaver as he enters. "Yeah, I decided getting mobbed by wailing Dibbuns and tracking through the snow looking for a lost book was enough for one day. Come, have a seat." She gestures at an empty chair near them and the fireplace. "I have the book in the Gatehouse with some towels. It got kinda wet, but the binding and cover look okay, and there wasn't any ink running, so hopefully it'll dry out and be just fine."

Benar smiles at Jaxson, "Well I would love to have your help Jaxson, a strong squirrel around when we are lowering a bell will be a blessing," he nods, "Earthquake was before my time, took us my entire childhood to rebuild the bell tower... those things are complicated and difficult to build. But we did it, and I am sure Gorvenalus here will want to record our taking a bell down"

Jaxson nods "So..when are we doing this, as guessing both bells are needed for different events, so the bell can't be down too long is me guess"

Gorvenalus smiles "Yes something to take record of indeed."He goes to sit down and smiles"And always nice to spend time with friends by a warm fireplace"

DoraRose also asks, "Yes, when will we be bringing down the bell? Should we bring down Methuselah, as well, just for general cleaning and such? The sooner we get this down, the better, I'm sure."

Benar says, "I'd like to only take one down at a time, the bells are our primary warning system for the Woodlands so having both of them out of action would not be sensible. And I was thinking in a week or so? I know it'll be cold but the longer we leave it the more chance of there being a disaster"

Jaxson says, "Yeah not something we want to a week or sooner maybe, but then that's up to the abbot"

Gorvenalus says, "No..we don't need anything bad to happen. I am sure we can gather beasts to help bring it down, do whats needed and then get it back up""

DoraRose nods. "I was slightly concerned about the wear on Methuselah's yoke, but you're right. I'm not sure Lily could pound a log as well as she can ring the bells, and that wouldn't be as loud, anyway. I would suggest that when we're finished with Matthias, we take a good look at the other bell and see how it's faring."

Benar says, "I agree with you Dora, we'll have all the scaffolding and pullet equipment up we may as well take advantage of it to bring Methuselah down as well and check his wood work over too."

Jaxson asks, "So one down at a time then? Or both down?"

Gorvenalus thinks quietly "Do we have beasts good at the Scaffolding? And pullies and such? There is the architect in Ferravale if one is needed that maybe could help, not sure how to get a hold of him"

DoraRose nods. "Aye, I can always visit Ferravale and ask Blisa if she can spare her architect for a day or 2. Since Marek's gone, I'm okay being a go-between on occasions." She stretches out, her boots on the floor and her feet encased in red socks. "So we pull Matthias down for a few days, then pull Methuselah down once we're done with the first one. Right?"

Benar says, "We have our own carpenters here in the abbey and I know enough about pulleys and such from last time we did anything with the bells. But if anyone from Ferravale offers to help I won't say no." He points upwards, "As for scaffolding we have lots of pre-made scaffolding stored in the attic, it is the sort of thing we try not to throw away." He then looks at Jaxson and shakes his head, "Matthias first, we'll fix him up and then re-hang it and then move on to Methuselah. We should be able to get them both fixed up in plenty of time."

Jaxson nods"Sounds good...and as said I will help as well, maybe see if know of anyone else to help."He hmms "You know...badgers are strong and we do have for holding ropes to lower down bell maybe"He shrugs "Unless...not as needed was just thinking strong beasts "

Gorvenalus says, "I am unsure how Benar wants to do this, I will tend to recording the event and either way looks to be happening a few days after the feast happens as we are having the Winter Feast very soon now""

DoraRose nods and just listens. She has offered all the advice she had, so now she's just content to sit by the fire and listen as the discussion continues. She'll say more if she thinks of something else.

Benar curls his legs around him under his blanket and smiles, "Well it sounds like we have a plan then, if you can mention it to Blisa and see if they can send anyone to help they would be welcome. But we shouldn't need their equipment just extra bodies to help move stuff"

Jaxson listens and stands "I can see if I can find anyone too...maybe Xander or Rigel..or both"He grins he has a beast "I bet this hare we meet on the road be willing to help"Yes put the annoying hare to work"I shall return in time for dinner..."He goes to get his cloak as it is cold outside.

Gorvenalus nods "And the weather will hopefully not be too bad that day or other days. We can even have hot cider to pass out afterwards, or maybe soup after the bell is down to warm us up"

DoraRose finally is feeling warm enough to take off her cloak, which she does, spreading it on her lap as a blanket. "I'll travel to Ferravale in the next few days, then. I'm sure they'll be some beasts who'd like to come help us. I may take Lily along with me. She could use a mini-vacation."

Benar says, "Thank you Dora that would be very useful, take care on the road to Ferravale however" He settles lower in his chair and smiles, "Well I am glad we were able to talk out a plan for the bells they have been worrying me"

Gorvenalus nods "We can also make sure no one goes into the bell tower in not needed, that could help some as well."

DoraRose smiles. "My pleasure. And don't worry about us. I'll take my sword and either my ax or my hammer. I can take care of us, especially since the roads have been quiet for a while." Nodding, she adds to the beaver's statement: "Yes, we don't want to risk Matthias falling on anybeast. I doubt that'll happen, but it can't hurt to be cautious about it. I'll let Lily know to be on the lookout for anything dangerous like that. She should be fine." The Warrior is obviously not worried about this. She figures her daughter can get away before anything weird happens.

Benar says, "I already removed the rope from Matthias the other day, but keeping unnecessary people out of there would be a good idea. The cold weather and any ice that forms could make the damage to the wood work worse."

Jaxson slips back in and listens quietly.

Gorvenalus frowns "That is true, if we feel it's needed we can just be extra careful or get the bell down sooner if needed, we shall see"

DoraRose nods. "I'll let the guards know to stop anybeast from going in there who shouldn't. They seem to know who all of the beasts involved with the bells are better than I do, so that'll help, too."

Benar says, "Yes there aren't many beasts that go in the bell tower after all, but when word of this gets out I bet some dibbuns or the DaB decide to go investigate so please be extra vigilant about them please"

DoraRose scowls slightly. "That DAB........they tried to drop pudding down my shirt, the little insects! Lily can somehow get them to sort of behave. But still." Sighing, she adds, "I'll do what I can. At least with the snow it's harder for them to move quickly, what with their short little legs. Does the Belltower have a lock on the door? I don't believe I've ever noticed." She glances at the now-dozing beaver. Guess today is a good day for naps all around.

Benar says, "They tend to be a little terrified of me I'll admit, I'm not proud of it but I'll take it, they can be little horrors at the best of times."

DoraRose smiles slightly, letting her question slide. "My grandmother scares them so badly, I wouldn't be surprised if they have nightmares about her. One of the moles got sick once, though, and she was surprisingly gentle with him while he was in the Infirmary. Guess every beast can surprise us, huh?"

Benar says, "Well Angela tends to be pretty caring when you are in her care and doing as you're told," He shakes his head, "Last time I had a cold she hounded me to stay in bed, she was not happy I got up to go to a council meeting. Anyway," He stands up and folds up his blanket, "I should get back to my office."

DoraRose waves to the Abbot. "Have a good day! See you at dinner." And she settles down in her chair and pulls a book out of her pocket. Maybe today would be a good day for her to rest, too....

Jaxson waves and decides to go take a nap, he waves a bye to whomever is there and, yep nap is indeed a afternoon to rest, least till it's dinner time and this time HE get's the last slice of pie, mahahhahahahahahah.

My Alts: 
Rudolfo-LP Hare Private and Fighter
Jarvis-Camp Willow Otter


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