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#1 2019-01-07 11:50:19 AM

Registered: 2018-06-28
Posts: 61

They Left A Calling Card-LP and Blackrose Log


Tarsa- Sargeant in LP,Fighter

Taz- 2nd in command of the Blackrose

Melantha- Leader of the Blackrose

Spoofs of ferrets and a couple LP privates


Tarsa snorted, why did she decide to check on this, she could be at home telling off privates and recruits. She could be making them do extra push ups but she decided to listen to the hamster maid who said those slavers were still alive and so she choose to check, and brought along 2 hares to help her out. They looked around, asked questions and got nothing much so she decided it was a waste of time. Muttering she snorted "Just go back to the mountain, I will catch up later I seriously need an ale right now" She got a nod as the other two hares walked off.

Taz watched from nearby. He grinned as he chuckled and stepped out from hiding "Having issues with those under your command? I know the feeling all too well being a 2nd in command and all."He grins and keeps his ID hidden under his cloak.

Tarsa tenses a little, that way as she slowly turns and draws her saber out "Who are you and what do you want, I am not in the mood this morning, trust me"

Taz smiles coldly " before dear hare maid."He moves closer and looks at the saber "How cute...she has a weapon, so do I.."He draws out twin blades " well as, seems you dismissed your help and I thought the Long Patrol was..skilled fighters"5-6 ferrets come to stand beside the marten and await orders.

Melantha is also here as she slips from where the rocks are, "It's one of those officer types. She was at the old base."Its the leader of the Blackrose, she looks at the hare maid and back to Taz" This is not a good thing if she tells the others the Blackrose is still around."

Tarsa narrows her eyes at the group of vermin " know wot your fools to think you can have a slaver ring so close to the Long Patrol and if your plans are to capture me...yeah that will be stupid, they will look for me..Zolomon will do all he can to look for me."

Taz smirks "I didn't say we would capture you my dear."He takes off is hood to show who he is, his purplish eyes seem to draw in the very soul.."Zolomon...hmmms the one with the longbow, oh I do wish to play games with him again one day but not too not..too soon my dear."He says something in some other language, it's clear it must mean surround the hare as that's what the ferrets do, weapons drawn."This is a fun game we have right here."

Melantha ears go flat as she hisses at the name of the other hare "He stabbed me, he tried to KILL me."She then smiles slowly at an idea "Taz...I say we leave that hare a gift, it's been a while since I been able to truly show how to not mess with the Blackrose. A little..tradition my father Blackfur had, as well as my grandfather Quickclaw  had."

Tarsa keeps an eye on the vermin, her weapon still drawn. As she sees the marten her eyes's that creepy eyes  marten from before, her ears droop as she stares at him, finding in hard to look away from those creepy creepy eyes as the grip on her weapon becomes tighter till the whites of her knuckles show.

Taz smiles as he walks closer keeping that eye contact "You..fear me..fear is a great powerful foe, one to find hard to flee hide from. We all fear something deep down, one can say they have no fear but that's a lie..all fear something, all have a weakness."He is close enough to touch her check and does, unless she moves away " Fear is always around. But I can release one from ever dealing with...fear in their life"

Melantha watches the marten, ok he gives her the creeps and she is letting him be 2nd in command of the Blackrose. She stays silent and watches him.

Tarsa frowns, she does try to turn away but....just those eyes are just hard to look away from. She whimpers slightly and the grip on her weapon lessens a little as she tries to speak but can't find her voice.

Taz grins"Yes..fear...fear is...wonderful but it pains a beast so. Here I will help..clam your nerves and your quickly beating heart." It's a quick step back, a stab forwards with one blade to the chest, the other a deep slice to the throat. There may be time to somehow block or avoid fatal injury but not too likely, he is a skilled Assassin after all, a master of power over others once he looks into their eyes and has their full attention.

Tarsa snaps out of the trace........too late as she feels pain as the blade enters her chest, a shocked look and then the blade slices into her throat and she falls to the sand by the tall rocks. She is alive a little less than a minute before her life leaves her and she goes limp never to stand again.

Melantha makes a  note to never cross Taz or make him moody or become an enemy. She watches and smirks "Well...this is indeed..a win, and now"She slips from her pocket a black colored rose and drops it on the body of the hare maid, "Calling card of the Blackrose and one I want to start again doing when a death happens from our paws."Yes she wants others to know when the Blackrose is the cause of a death."Now..let's leave, I am sure they will look for her later and rather not be around when they do, even though I would LOVE to see the look on that one hare's face finding his love slain..but let's head back we have much work to do."

Taz nods "We do indeed."He grins and makes sure no paw prints are left behind as they leave the area. He even has another victory of finding the two hares that was with her not too far off...being privates they are quickly caught and any signs of them being taken captive is erased. One thing that helps is a bit of a breezy day on the sea coast. The marten grins, "Two new....friends to help with the new base..wonderful, wonderful indeed. The Blackrose..welcomes you"


A short time later there is someone on the beach whom slows when they see the hare and frowns as they take a pulse...none. They stand and go to report what they found to a couple LP hares they saw in Halyard. The hamster is thanked for bring the sad news and for pointing out where the hare maid the sad task of telling others the news.

Last edited by Ximena (2019-01-07 03:42:38 PM)

My Alts
Ximena- Hamster- Slave(Rarely Connected)
Aella- Shrew-Log -A-Log of The Guosim 
Tarsa-Hare-Drill Sargeant in LP and Fighter


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