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#1 2019-01-05 03:28:07 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Info Given

Right after this log

Patch frowns as he quickly heads over to the hares "You..longears need to be more quiet, that..that marten is bad bad news"He frowns "Seriously thinking of going back ta Mossflower now weather Stripy has that tavern yet or not..heck I could help in de Black Gull or something"

The Corporal blinks. The Recruit and the Private look at her for direction. "Um.....alright, we'll try t'be more quiet." Felicity grabs a nearby chair and drags it over to their table for 3. It'll be a little crowded, but that'll be fine. "Sit down, please. So you're from Mossflowah, wot? Is that marten from back there, too? I've 'eard some reports 'bout 'im. That 'e's, y'know.....a slavah." She has dropped her voice to a whisper, and now she cocks an eyebrow.

Patch sits down, he doesn't like the hares but hey this is important as he looks around and gulps, back to them "He..he tattoo proves it...thorns and details and all."He looks worried " blasted group never fully dies and if they are 'ere ya hares and Lord Stripe have a problem"

The Recruit opens his mouth, then jumps as the Corporal kicks him under the table. "Lesson 47: Learn t'let y'superiah do the talkin', Recruit." Turning back to the rat, she nods. "Aye, slavahs are always a problem, laddie buck. I thought we 'ad killed the leadah cat while rescuin' some Patrollahs durin' a recent raid, but if they nevah truly fully die away, then I wouldn't be a bit surprised if the bloody monstah managed to escape somehow. D'y' 'ave any details y'can tell us t'make trackin' them down easiah? Even if y'don't, any information might 'elp us stop 'em." Hey, he's a rat who's obviously uncomfortable around the Long Patrol, yet is warning them about a possible threat. She'll take as much of this as he will offer.

Patch frowns "I don't know...they all have that blasted rose tattoo all black and vines..thorns and that marten is creepy as...yeah totally creepy and his eyes be like purpleish or something"

Felicity nods as the Private buys them all some more to eat. They're hares, what do you expect? After the scones and jam are brought, the Corporal grabs one and starts smearing cherry jam all over it. "Be careful 'round 'im. I 'ear 'e may be able to hypnotize beasts who look 'im in the eye, but as far as I know, that rumor is unconfirmed." Actually, it's basically guaranteed, but she's not going to let the rat know that. "'Ave a scone, if 'ylike. D'y'know anythin' about 'ow they usually catch their slaves or 'ow they attack, or defend their base?"

Patch says, "The one based...burned down but they clearly moved and are clearly recruiting beasts...and he wanted me to join of COURSE I am clearly not..I am not That badly wanting a job or coin""

Felicity nods as she takes a bite out of her scone. " I said earlier, not all 'ares absolutely 'ate vermin. Per'aps y'could earn coin by bein' an informant. Anyway.....'ow well d'y'think they'll do at recruitin' beasts? I wondah 'ow long it'll take afore they 'ave an army we'll 'ave to be seriously worried about..."

Patch shrugs "I got no clue and I don't know if I should try and follow him either. He said his..boss so maybe that feline survived somehow...yeah she truly is a cat of 9 lives I guess...2nd time one tried ta off her and she didn't die"

Felicity shakes her head. "I would advise against followin' 'im unless ye're gonna pretend to join to get more information. It could end in yer death." "Why should we trust him? He's a rat, filthy vermin! Why should we care? Let him go off an--OW!" The Recruit's predjudiced complaint is cut short as the Corporal and the Private both hit him on the head. "Lesson 48: Always give beasts a chance," the Runner growls. "Lesson 49: Don't question the authority o' y'superiah officah like that, 'specially in front o' othah beasts. An' Lesson 50: Don't voice y'suspicions o' beasts where they can 'ear you. Congratulations, not only did y'learn 3 lessons from a single incident, but y' 'ave gotten up to 50 in th' span o' 4 hours. /Aftah/ sayin' y'wouldn't be able to learn /anythin'/ in a vermin village. Y'owe the 3 of us drinks an' food now, y'nitwit."

Patch normally is not one to ...give advice without some form of pay, right now its cause he is freaked out and hates the Blackrose...and the next few words cause he feels this recruit is a loser and...well its not like the hares need to lose anyone "Ya should listten to de superior officer type...sides...say certain things in front of some vermin ya get stabbed and then ya dead and some won't care..."Ok rude but hey free advise as he looks back to Felicity, "I don't plan ta go near de crazy purple eyed stoat, he even sounded insane said me answer was life or death...this rat likes his lief so he be leaving this evening not coming back to this crazy place that stoat be crazy enogh to likely try and kill hares or your badger."


Felicity kicks the Recruit again as he opens his mouth to argue with the rat. "Aye, listen to 'im, y'little fruitcake. And go buy me some bread to go --POLITELY." As the Recruit stands and sullenly heads to the counter, digging money out of his pocket, the Private apologizes to the rat for the other hare's atrocious behavior. The Corporal nods. "Aye.....I 'ope 'e learns 'is lesson before we meet some vermin that would actually kill 'im." Nodding at the rat's answer, she adds, "That sounds like a good plan. 'E probably is insane. I'll make sure to let my superiah officahs know to keep a look out for 'im an' othahs who 'ave that tattoo.

Patch says, "They...also mark their slaves with a lot more simple tattoo...a simple outline of a rose in black ink no thorns or fancy blooming of the rose, no vines or leaves or no coloring in...tis to mark whats thier's I do know that much from when they tried to have a base in mossflower...yeah that failed""

Felicity nods. "I've seen that. One of our Patrollahs is actually a formah slave of theirs, rescued during that siege in Mossflowah. I 'ope they keep up that markin' o' their slaves -- 'twould make it easiah to tell if a beast that's wanderin' around is a part of the that willingly or unwillingly."

Patch says, "They..usually don't let their slaves I said not staying around to meet up with Mr. Creepy in the morning, that's a dangerous thing and I don't work with slavers..never did and never will" Yet he will steal and lie at times."Need anything else or can I go...3 weeks travel to Mossflower and tis snowy thar now""

The Corporal shrugs as the irritated Recruit comes back, toting a large loaf of fresh bread. "Y'can go, an' thanks for y'time an' information. Stay safe an' warm, Mistah Rat, and give DoraRose a greetin' from Felicity, won't you?" Yes, this hare knows the Abbey Gatekeeper. Joy! The Private also nods. "We'll keep on th' lookout for these slavahs. Don't worry, th'Patrol won't rest until they're defeated."

Patch nods as he just exits, he is SOOOOOOOOOOO outta here and away, far away as he can get from the western shores, in fact he will head off before nightfall as to cover more ground..or sand..what ever it is!

Last edited by oz (2019-01-05 03:28:47 PM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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