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#1 2021-10-23 07:53:50 PM

Mother Krisha
Registered: 2019-05-04
Posts: 504

The best morning ever...not-LP LOG

The Quartermaster has had a rather pleasant morning, all things considered - the mountain was mostly deserted during the first hour he awoke beyond the early risers (which thankfully included one of the cooks), and the opportunity to work by himself without probable distractions was something the older hare /reveled/ in.

By the time Terrence interrupted this with lidded eyes and clutching a steaming mug the Quartermaster was nearly finished. Several tables in the hall had been set up and upon them the full equipment packs for each of the hares in the company. The two noncommissioned officers didn't speak much as they went over the final checks while the rest of the hares arrived because a: The Quartermaster preferred the quiet and b: Terrence made a /terrible/ conversation partner while groggy.    Oct 23, 2021 at 6:42 p.m.
Velm had gotten back into the routine of things and was up early today. He made sure the infirm was gonna be running well while he was away.One helpful thing was the fact most of the hares were fully reovered now from events in Halyard, one Private was still recovering from a broken leg, it was healed but there was still some making sure the private was fit enough to be back on full time duty,maybe in a couple weeks but not just yet...better safe than sorry.He nods to Terrence "Hallo Sargeant."   
Zywie came down the hall slowly.She had been on a small simple mission before,this was the first major one she would be in.For now she was just quiet as she waited for any orders.   
Gregorian was a terrible morning beast but fortunately for all he'd already been up for an hour. In that time he'd finished some paperwork to leave the forge in capable paws, stopped by the infirmary as required under some conditions that had been put in place when he came out of retirement, said goodbye to his very sleepy daughter, leaving her in the care of his sister and finally he turned up in the hall. He doesn't say a word at first, his priorities meaning he grabs something to eat and some tea before he even attempts to deal with the world.   
Donica makes her way to where hares are gathering, she gives a quick salute to those she needs to and stands ready for what is needed next.   
Varus was up before dawn. In truth, he's always been an early riser, even before he lost his memory, so getting up early for this trip was no great trouble. He steps out into the passage, with Olivia following. "G' mornin', Greg. Don't think I've evah seen y' up this early, wot."   
Terrence gives a slightly sluggish salute aimed at both the Captain - and through force of habit - the Major. He doesn't even attempt to correct his 'mistake', instead turning back to his mug and directing hares to their packs - all in alphabetical order. "Pvt. Donica, you're here." He taps the table with a staff, moving down the line till at last: "Pvt. Zywie, 'ere."    Oct 23, 2021 at 7:06 p.m.
The Quartermaster grins as he bounds over to Greg, Varus, and Olivia, to says with exaggerated enthusiasm, "Well, good morning captain, maj - /sergeant/! Everything's in good shape today, I'd say. Greg, you got the lead table, at the end there -" He points "-And the lieutenant and sergeant's, got the table at the other end, with the master-sergeant's stuff."   
He waves a paw at Terrence who is slowly picking at his bag at the end.   
Velm nods as he gets his pack and other items he needs ."Hopefully this goes well." He helps make sure others get to where they need to be and grab the correct packs.   
Zywie gets to where she is told to go and places the pack on, a small surprised grunt at the weight but she signed up for this and can do this.   
"Mornings are the work of hell beasts" Greg grumbles back at Varus' greeting. He gets up when he has to, he's never particularly happy about it but he's known to be grumpy most of the day anyway. He throws a lazy salute back at Terrence before the quartermaster appears bringing the dreaded enthusiasm with him. Greg stares back dispassionately for a moment...before taking a deep breath to steel himself to the world of conversations and heading for his indicated pack as he talks "Good. Enough supplies already packed?" He didn't know why he asked or why he was also going to check the bag's contents the other hare never gave him reason to doubt their work but it was force of habit.   
Varus blinks at the quartermaster. "Lad, 'ave y' taken leave o' yahr senses? I'm a Leftenant, don't y' remember?" Olivia looks up. "Heaven help me," she mutters.   
Donica ajusts her pack and walks over to Velm, a small smile"You...doing ok?" It seems she has forgiven him.   
Felicity has had a much rougher morning than Greg has. She had snuggled her sister all last night, just like she does every night she's in the Mountain. She had already warned Julia that she'd be leaving in the morning. But during the night, the leveret had developed a fever and stuffy nose. It had been a somewhat sleepless night for all of them. Then morning brought the necessity of leaving, and Julia's attitude plummeted lower than the catacombs of Salamandastron. Felicity had to take her to the Infirmary and reluctantly leave her as the leveret cried and fussed and wailed. Felicity now slips into the room, late, grumpy, and very sad. She walks over and gets her breakfast, trying not to cry. She hates leaving her sister like that...   
The Quartermaster knows full well how much hate the captain has for the early hours, and got the reaction he expected. His grin grows wider. "Lovely morning, sir!" "Lieutenant, eh?" The quartermaster throws up his arms, "Quite the promotion from yesterday, wot. And please, /lieutenant/, don't you be calling me 'lad,' I've got a season on you at least."   
"Hopefully all does go well, lieutenant" Terrence echos Velm in a tired mutter as he passes, wandering rather aimlessly down the line with the vague goal of doing yet another brief check of things. "Zywie, there should be the medical pack in there- can't do much about weight," He says, apologetically, "But a spear can act as a walking stick."   
And then the Sergeant arrives - prompting Terrence to point at the front table were Greg's and Velm's things are. "Pack's there."   

Velm nods "I am fine Private"He speaks to Donica.He is quiet a while and asks "Are you...doing well?"They still had barely talked since he been back,just briefly spoken a few morments last week.   
Zywie waits for any orders as final supplies and stuff is given out and she stays alert and listening.   
Gregorian grumbles some undecipherable words at the quartermaster's lovely morning. He disagrees. Not passionately disagreeing, it's too early for that and he can't be bothered to argue. Plus the other hare is clearly enjoying this. He sighs quietly at Varus' promotion but no comment on that, he just gets to work checking his pack. After confirming everything is there and adding a couple of personal things he brought with him Greg finally shoulders it, playing with the straps to get it comfortable "Do we have everyone and does everyone know wot they're doin'?" he finally calls out to the group after a minute.   
Varus harrumps. "Yesterday? I 'ave no idea wot yahr talkin' about. I was promoted a season an' a half ago, don't yah remembah? Tha' nasty business wi' th' searats attackin' Redwall Abbey?" True to form, he's recalling an expedition from AGES ago when he was still a young hare. Without another word he goes to pick up his pack, and Olivia does likewise, just shaking her head.   
Donica first paid attention to Greg and nodded, she had her orders on what she needed to do, and then turned to Velm "I.."A small smile "I am better and thank you for caring...we can talk some later after we get settled at the camp"   
Apparently being late to the party is a common theme today. Cole saunters in, grumbling about how awful it is to be up this early and why do they have to march off this early in the morning and what's /wrong/ with everyone?? He grabs his breakfast, hikes his pack onto his back, and grumpily munches down and follows directions. At least he's obeying without argument, he's just complaining.   
Felicity is actually unaware of anybody talking to her. Terrence didn't actually say her name, so his words didn't get through the swirling thoughts in her mind. She slumps into a seat, bolting down her food and not really realizing everyone else is practically ready to march off. Mornings are legit the worst, especially when you have to abandon your baby sister in the Infirmary when she feels like crap.    Oct 23, 2021 at 8:01 p.m.
"To be fair to myself," The quartermaster replies dryly, "I was safe and comfortably here during /that/ business, as is the usual." In truth he barely remembered the time, though that doesn't stop the grin from returning. "And I'll be safe and warm here again, wot!" He calls as the captain grumbles to the front, his job almost done. "Good luck out there, you lot! Enjoy the cold and damp autumn dawn!"   
Being in the very back, Terrence waits a beat for anyone to speak up - and when the errant Cole finally arrives, the withering glare sent the private's way makes it all too clear the lateness had been noted. "I'd say we are, sah! Seems we're ready on this end!"   
The quartermaster stops in front of Felicity. "You know, sergeant, that's my chair." He points to the front by the captain. "Your pack can be found there, and I'd be moving quick if I were you. Greg's in a lovely mood, and the major's promoted himself again- a lieutenant, now."   
Velm smiles a little, then clears his throat as it's time to be serious and make sure all goes well and so far half the group is...moody."If all goes well, we should make goo time,this mission is imporant to figure out wot de heck we are even dealing with and to try our best to help Halyard some."   
Gregorian turns his attention back to Varus for a second with a squint. Greg lost his leg when pirates attacked Redwall, he wasn't sure if that was the same battle. Redwall got attacked a lot. After a second of thought he decided he didn't really want to know but it made him a little distracted. He snaps back out of it after a moment when the quartermaster tells them to enjoy the autumn weather. Greg's face sinks in his lack of amusement and doesn't change as he's said to be in a mood "Yah not as funny as yah think yah are mate" he says dryly. He means nothing by it really, they've both been around the patrol a long time and he's only joking. He nods his head to the group "Finish yah food quick, soonah we're out soonah we get there"   

Varus shoulders his pack, and grabs a bite to eat. He otherwise seems far more chipper than everybeast else, though. "Right y' are, Greg. We'll make good time, wot?" He slaps the other hare's shoulder. "We c'n talk about good times on th' way there, eh?"   
Donica just waits for the group to start the march already but doesnt show herself getting a little tried of waiting to start, the march is a good one to get to the camp right outside Halyard.   
Felicity finally realizes others are talking, and she flushes slightly as the Quartermaster chides her. "Sorry, Sah. Thank you, Sah -- I've got a lot on m'mind." She hurries and shoulders her pack, finishing her food as she stands there. She kind of side eyes Varus and the Quartermaster. "I wondah 'ow a body c'n be so /'appy/ so early in th'day, wot?" she mutters to Greg, scowling slightly.   
"Funny, you say? Well I've been simply speaking the truth, captain." The quartermaster replies without missing a beat, already moving down the hall. "Now get out of here so I can put these tables back in the mess, or the kitchen staff will be up in arms." He ignores Felicity's comment.   
"Captain, sah," Terrence calls from the end, hearing only bits and pieces of the exchange, "We're ready to move out - on your word!"   
Velm just, well he waits, his mood is ok this morning, even if not everyone is cheerful.He tilts his head to look at Varus, well thats a good sigh that the...well Major? feeling better he decides as he ajusts the pck and stands ready to start this trip before anyone else gets moody or grumpy.   
Gregorian raises an eyebrow down at Varus when his shoulder is slapped "...Which good times were yah thinking of?" he finally replies before glancing at Olivia and pausing before he gives her a nod "Glad tah have yah along" he says before looking at the group. His ear twitches at Felicity's mutter and there's a faint trace of a smile before he mutters back "Terrible affliction. Sleepin' makes them delusional" He mutters back before raising his voice to the group after Terrence says they're ready "Alright troops, fall in and march out, keep yah eyes open and on the alert"   
Varus looks at Gregorian nonplussed. "Why, all the ol' times. Y' know, back when everybody was a green recruit. Anyway..." He looks over at Olivia, who had caught Greg's nod. "Ah, well, it takes me back," she murmurs. "I guess it takes us both back..."   
Donica keeps in line where she is supposed to be and stays very alert, she even looks up sometimes just in case as there is a couple seagulls around this morning once they do get outside the mountin.   
Felicity snorts slightly to hide a snigger at Greg's reply, then lets the whole line pass her before she joins in at the back. "COLE! I'M KEEPIN' M'EYE ON Y', LADDIE BUCK! KEEP IN LINE!!" Some of the lower-ranking hares who are staying behind are probably glad the Sergeant is leaving on this Patrol -- she can't yell at them when she's not around! The Runner leaves her empty breakfast things on a table inside, and she keeps alert outside the Mountain, not just on Cole and the other hares, but on their surroundings, too.   
With captain and sergeant's commands, the hares lurch forward, with Terrence taking up the rear. The master-sergeant leaves several paces between him and the hare in front of him, keeping an eye out for any stragglers. Outside the mountain, the sun hasn't quite shown itself over the eastern horizon, but the clouds above are grey and the light was enough to see clearly. It was cold, as was to be expected.   
Velm was fine with the cold as it wasn't too bad, it would be worse in a few weeks . He stightened up and keep a steady march as they slowly headed to the campsite that had been piked to stop at. He did grumble once on the way when he about trip cause some fool dug a boot size hole into the sand or maybe something, either way it was annoying but onwards he went, the moring couldn't get worse.And then it did, a light cold rain...yeah.   
Gregorian takes up a spot to one side of the group, marching along and scanning the land as they leave the mountain. The seagulls he doesn't trust and they get a long stare from him as he's talking to Varus "The old days like when we'd march out at the break of dawn on some mission with barely time for a second breakfast?" some things didn't change. Some things of course did. Greg's limp is worse in the morning and the cold but the spear he's carrying helps and he adjusts his collar to block out some of the cold wind. He glances back at the group when Felicity yells at Cole but it looks like a preemptive warning this time.    Oct 23, 2021 at 9:06 p.m.
Varus smiles at Greg, who seems to be like the only hare besides his wife he actually remembers. "Aye! Breathe in that sea air, wot! Let's get a mahchin' song goin', boys! Just like the old days!"   
Donica keeps an eye on the path, the sands,the sky and sighs softly.Hopefully the sea gulls will leave soon, didn't sea gulls away for winter. She only trusts one sea gull and she hasn't see him around for a few weeks.   
Felicity would ask Greg to downvote Varus' much-too-cheery suggestion to sing, but then she notices some of the Privates ruining the formation and decides she needs to correct the situation. "GET BACK IN LINE! WHERE D'Y'THINK Y'ARE, A DAISY PICKIN'?!" The Sergeant gets her pack off her back, pulls out her hat, mittens, and scarf to add to her quilted jacket (she wasn't anticipating it to be quite this cold this early in the season), puts them on, and puts her pack back on her back without breaking stride. A couple lower ranking hares stare at her, and she chews them out, too. "EYES FRONT! THIS AIN'T A PICNIC! Y'SUPPOSED T'BE KEEPIN' AN EYE OUT FOH THREATS, NOT GAWKIN' AT ME!!"   

Gregorian figures it makes sense Varus doesn't recall the younger lot but knows him, he was at least around back then even if the lose of his leg did make Greg retire for a while. He looks back at Varus, an eyebrow raised at the suggestion of singing. There was a time when Greg was a recruit he enjoyed the marching songs but the majority of his grumpiness started after he got the pegleg "...If yah wish tah" he says after a long pause before he glances back at the group and all the yelling.   
This march is also boring and long and a couple Privates in the back are up to no good. Nothing too terrable just kicking sand, poking sand with thier spears and pocking..maybe shells ever so often. It is soon found out it's not shells, its small sand crabs they go to put down the backs of a couple other privates who then scream "AHHHHHHHH ITS ATTACKING US!" Another gasps and tumbles fall...its a domino effect of falling privates as the two that got the sand crabs down thier back serious panic and the two that caused it? They just laugh insanely at the...joke."hahahahah....oh no heheheheh"   
Donica almost trips and glares back at the others,"Wot de...." She checks on this..attck...."Its just little sand colored crabs,they live on the beach....morons..."Yeah now she is grumpy and goes back to where she was.   
Varus nods to his comrade-in-arms, and he turns, to address the lower ranks. "Alrigh', y' bloody lot!" he roars, not least after the privates display their shocking lack of professionalism. "Get up on yahr bloody feet an' get t' marchin', NOW! In time wi' this song, y' laggards!" For a moment, the original Major Varus is back, in full force, as he lays into the poor privates with all he's got. "ON YAHR FEET! LET'S GO!" And then he starts the song, "O it's hard and dry when the sun is high, an' dust is in yahr throat! When th' rain falls down, near fit t' drown, It soaks righ' through yahr coat! But th' 'ares o' th' Long Patrol, mah lads, Stout 'earts they walk wi' me, o'er 'ill an' plain an' back again, To th' shores o' th' wide blue sea!"   
Felicity just about loses it. "WHOT ON EAHTH IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" She yanks on the ears of the miscreants. "You're goin' on full report when we make camp! 'TIS LATRINE DUTY FOH Y'LUCKY DUCKS, EH, WOT! AN' TH'REST O' YOU, Y' 'EARD PRIVATE DONICA, THEY'RE JUST CRABS, NOW GET MARCHIN'!!!" She lets Varus chew them out, glaring at all and sundry. "Now sing, y'lucky blaggahds! Y'wanted t'be on a daisy pickin', well, 'ere ya go!" She starts singing along, still glaring. "Through mud an' mire, to a warm campfire..."   
Donica will jion in the singing after a while, she has to learn it first and it makes her mood a little better the rest of the march.   
Gregorian's ears suddenly shoot up and his paw goes to one of his hammers as he turns only to see the hares are being attacked by tiny crabs. He also looks angry but everyone is yelling at and telling them off already so he shoots them a long steady glare before leaving it at that as the singing starts "Bloody idiots. We live on a beach, have they not seen crabs before?" he mutters to Olivia since she's closest while Varus is busy yelling as only an officer can. His ears twitch at the song after a few seconds and he mutters again "Hell, I haven't heard that one in a while" he does not however join in the singing right away.   
The older doe sighs. "I think the recruits get more and more green with every passing season," she says to Gregorian. "Either that, or I'm getting older. Our youngest, Verbena, just promoted to Private a couple months ago... She's decided to be a healer, however, so she's not coming with us. Our next youngest, Lucius, is eyeing a Corporal promotion sometime soon, I wager. Adrian is... Well... I do miss him. And our eldest..." She trails off. Varus, meanwhile, continues the next stanza, "...I'll trek wi' you, ol' friend, O'er lea an' dale in a roarin' gale, Righ' to our journey's end!"    Oct 23, 2021 at 10:11 p.m.
"Aye the hares of the Long Patrol, my lads, love friendship more than gold. We'll treck long days and share hard ways, good comrades brave and bold!" The 2 prankster Privates look subdued. Felicity has rescued the remaining sand crabs from the shirts of the prank victims and gently sets them on the ground. "Y'prob'ly scahed the daylights outta those poor little crabs. You 2 ought t'be ashamed o' y'selves, wot." The Sergeant scans the rest of the group, then glances around at their surroundings. "Turnin' out t'be a lovely day so fah."   
Gregorian grunts his agreement to Olivia "I think it's both" the recruits somehow got younger and younger while they all got older "They grow up so fast. I sometimes wondah wot Grace will end up doin', if she'll be a healah like her mothah or somethin' else but mostly I just end up just wishin' she'd stay like this for a while longah" he glances at her when she trails off after mentioning her eldest. He knows what that probably means, he doesn't need to ask "Mm" he nods at Varus, changing the subject "At the pace he's promotin' himself he might be back tah the present before long"   
Olivia nods her head. "I hope so... I've been showing him old medals, and papers from his career. Each bit seems to jog a new piece of his memory. But the doc says he may never recall what happened the day Halyard was attacked. Said it was a miracle he survived the head wound at all..."   
The sun is in the sky, heralding the new, brisk Autumn day. It's probably about 10 in the morning. The town of Halyard has come into view, and Felicity points it out. "Sah, 'Alyahd ahead. Where should we 'ead t'make camp?" The mood of the marchers seems to lighten some as they realize they're almost at their destination. An indistinguishable voice calls out from the Patrol hopefully. "When we make camp, can we have second breakfast?"   
"I'll take any miracles as they come. Maybe this whole thing will jog somethin' else but there are worse things than forgettin' a day" Greg mutters back as off up the beach the group marches until Halyard comes in to view "Outside of town, off the beach. Somewhere quiet. I want a safe spot for retreat" he answers the question of where to set up camp. Normally he'd just stay in Halyard when he came to the town but he wasn't sure what things were going to be like. He frowns at the question of second breakfast "We're on rations" that would be a no. Though it shouldn't be hard to resupply in town or from the mountain he'd prefer if they didn't eat through everything before they knew how hostile things were.   
Varus oversees the younger hares to make sure they get camp set up proper. Olivia had managed to finagle a private tent for herself and her husband, so eventually she retire there to rest for awhile. She hasn't done this much marching in ages.    Oct 23, 2021 at 11:01 p.m.
Felicity, too, oversees the setting up of tents, haranguing the hapless Privates who obviously weren't paying attention to this part of the training. Soon the tents are up, the latrines are being seen to by the 2 pranksters, the cooks are working on setting up their area. Everything is going well. Felicity just hopes it stays that way.   
Gregorian has a couple of hares scout around the immediate surroundings, sets some guards and gets his own tent set up. Discussions between officers would no doubt decide what needed to be done first and by who but as the cooks get to work the early morning start at least settles in to if not a second breakfast then at least brunch.


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