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#1 2021-08-15 06:28:15 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Summer of Homecomming - Redwall Feast log

The tables have been sit and all is ready for the feast. Some have already sat down and others will soon join as well. The abbot smiles from his chair ,The group that went with the GUOSIM, and the GUOSIM got back late last night and should be entering soon. Benar smiles as he has a surprise for them as well.

Vonda sits down at a table and smiles wide.Her first feast at Redwall and she is excited about it."This is gonna be great, I can't wait."   

Zolomon chuckles,"Oh..I am sure ya can Vonda,maybe we can tell them the news..or wait, I mean thar be better news to share as well."   

Lacota is busy in the kitchen, of course, making sure final preparations are being attended to.

The Dibbuns are waiting on the adults to herd them into Great Hall. Dochas is helping Gracie the gosling keep her blanket from getting trampled. LilyMoore is volunteering with them -- she missed them while she was on the river trip. DoraRose and her brother Emyuil have tricked Angela into coming to the feast, and they're out on the lawn, listening to her rants and dodging her staff. Butterclaw has saved seats for his friends, and he's anxiously awaiting their arrival in the hall. Zarok the monitor lizard and Terfil the newt are wearing their best robes, showing that they're part of the Order of Redwall. The duo is helping as servers today.   

Benar smiles as the GUOSIM and the ones who are with them arrive. Once more is seated he stands,he quietly speaks to an elder who nods and heads off,the abbot smiles"I do hope the trip along the river was good,I am glad your all home safe and sound." He waits a morment "Today is our Summer Feast, but I can not start yet when beasts are missing from my feast."   
Vonda tilts her head, she glaces around but she doesn't really know many here yet as she speaks quietly to Zolomon"Someone is missing?"   

Leigh enters carrying her newborn son and sits beside her mate Oswald, she smiles and waits for the feast to start.
Zolomon shrugs, he just sits quietly for now,he waves at Leigh as she enters the room and then focuses once more on the abbot.   

Gorvenalus writes down in his log book, he blinks at the mention of someone being missing but decides to wait to see whom it could be as it seems most are here at least or it appears to be.

A  trio of otters slip into the Great Hall, and take their place at one of the tables.

Lacota, meanwhile, peers out through the door, waiting to bring out the big Welcome Home cake.

Chestnut is even here with some Sparra as a place was made for them to join as well.

The Dibbuns are led to their place, and they sit mostly quietly, although they do fidget a bit. Angela finally enters the hall and sits down, her grandmice joining her just as the Abbot starts talking. Butterclaw makes sure DoraRose is between him and the Healer. Dochas hushes a couple of her fellow DABers so she can hear the Abbot better.   

Benar looks towards the kitchens as he smiles, then looks to the others.The elder who went out comes back in and nods to the Abbot as he smiles"Well, our special guests are here. As some know, some do not know, Lt. Elbio,Mother Krisha and Caleb went on a bit of a mission but are now back home."He nods to the door.   
Elbio walks in as 4 others are behind him.He has made sure they all got back safe and sound.He salutes the Abbot"Abbot Benar.."He smiles and steps aside .   

Krisha walks in and smiles to all the beasts here.She Makes sure Darian and Caleb are close.They left Orel at Ferravale. She smiles happy to be back as well as have her son back.   

Oz peeks from behind Krisha and Elbio. He is taller, about 3 seasons older now so it makes sense. He steps more into view and smiles at everyone.
Zolomon grins, yes he knew they were back, but he didn't let on that he knew.   
Vonda chuckles,a smile forms on her face."I say this feast is likely one of the best ones maybe"   

Lacota nods to his novices, and they roll out a tray with an impressively large cake into the Great Hall. [Welcome Home Travelers] is marked on the cake.   

Sinway slips in , a little late but he is here.

Benar smiles as he looks over the room, he has everyone bow their heads for a small prayer and nods" Summer of the Homecoming,"He gives the ok to start, to bring in anything else and sits down.   

Vonda smiles at the badger cub.She is glad he is home but is gonna let others greet him first.   

The Dibbuns had greeted Krisha and Oz when they had returned, but they still cheer and wave excitedly. DoraRose gasps when she sees Oz, happy tears threatening to spill down her cheeks. LilyMoore joins the Dibbuns in their jubilation, although she's a bit more controlled than they are. She and the other Dibbun helpers barely manage to quite the little ones down for the prayer, and then the Dibbuns are calling for the badgers to sit with them the moment the Abbot says the feast has begun.   

Lee the otter listens to the prayer, and he nods his head. His two children fall silent, as well, though they look over at Oz.
Leigh smiles as she looks over." This is very good news indeed"   

Elbio nods and greets some beasts as he then gets some salad, a piece of pie and some October ale before sitting down.

Log-alog helps get a couple plates for Oswald and Leigh so they can reman sitting and then gets his own plate.   

Krisha sits down after getting some salad, a little fish and some tea.She can get cake later She sits near the dibbuns and smiles as she watches them.   

Benar goes to get his own plate of food as well, nodding to a few beasts and soon sitting down to eat his food.   

Gorvenalus writes down the summer feast name and smiles. He stands and first stops to welcome Oz home before going to get some food.
Zolomon grins, truely a hare and being glad he did not miss THIS feast.He piles food onto a large plate and chuckles happlyly as he sits down beside Vonda."" He speaks in between bites full of food.   
Vonda rolls her eyes and gives him a playful shove,"A little later dear.Let them focus on the cub first, he was missing for a while and now is finally back home"   

Dochas hops up onto the back of the Badger Mother's chair. "Everybeast seems so happy that Ozzie's back!" Gracie shyly joins a group of Dibbuns waving at Oz and telling him to sit with them. DoraRose gets up and approaches Oz as LilyMoore tries to get Dochas back in her seat (Lily fails). "Oz, welcome back," the Gatekeeper says, offering him a hug. "I was so worried about you. I am so thankful you're home safely once again, dear one."
Benar enjoys his meal before going to chat with some beasts around the room.   

Oz smiles, "I glad back too" He talks more now as well and allows any hugs and returns some as well.
Krisha smiles "Yeah, it's a lot happier at the Abbey with Oz back,I was happy to find him and get him home where he belongs."
Lacota eventually exits the kitchen, and stands off to the side, watching the goings-on. Looks like every beast is enjoying themselves.   

Elbio greets some beasts as welll and then decides to chat with the Log-a-Log a while.   
Gorvenalus smiles, enjoying some October ale and some food. He will have a lot to write about this eve and in the morning.
Zolomon grins"I say Vonda..lets give other big...good news..hmm?"
Vonda smiles"Perhaps...ok fine."She chuckles a little, she likes the abbey and the feast, she is glad everyone is happy and that a lot of good seems to have happen in the last few weeks.
Dochas finally scampers off the back of the Badger Mother's chair...but not to get in her own seat. She darts across the room and scurries under tables, trying to get to Oz before anyone notices where she is. Dora leaves Oz to the other beasts greeting him and heads towards Krisha. "I bet this is a relief." Lily volunteers

Butterclaw to go look for Dochas while she tries to comfort a mouse Dibbun who fell out of her chair. The sparrow is not amused by this turn of events. Angela smiles slightly, then suddenly smacks Emyuil with her staff. "I still don't want t'be 'ere," she grumbles at him as he rubs his head.   

Benar smiles, he greeting Oz and them when they got back. She nods to Lacota "I believe this has been a very lovely feast Lacota, so many good things to celebrate this season."   

Zolomon decides to stand and clears his throat "Hallo all..umm.."He smiles a bit, still not fully back to being..well himself but a lot closer than he was. "I.."He offers Vonda his paw to help her stand."Me and Vonda would like to mention some news."He smiles more and looks at Vonda.   

Vonda chuckles, she blinks when he puts out his paw but stands up beside him resting her head on his shoulder as he speaks, she then smiles and nods as she speaks "Me and Zolomon are engaged to be married, it will be sometime early autumn,most likely here in the abbey."   
Gorvenalus smiles as he updates his notes for his journal entry later."Congrats."

Meanwhile Oz just is busy being hugged, but manages to get a cookie and something to drink.
Lacota nods to the Abbot. "It looks like we'll be in for a peaceful autumn," He remarks to the other squirrel. "It's nice to have everyone home again." As he talks, he starts to help slice the big cake.   

Krisha smiles"Congrats you too.."She sighs and has Oz sit by her so he can get a plate of food, she will still let him greet the beasts.   

Dochas wrinkles her nose. Marriage? Yucky, mushy grown up stuff. She goes to tug on Oz's clothes when he gets near the table to grab the cookie. "Psst, Ozzie. I can help you escape an' get food. Wanna come? They can all hug ya after you eat." Dora and Lily cheer for the hares' news. Angela even manages to smile!
Benar nods "Yes, I will be glad for some peace. The harvest looks like it should be good this year."   

Oz seems unsure but then he smiles,he was told to get some other food and sit down after all and later he can catch up on some mischief he has missed out on.

Zolomon smiles and sits down,"Life is good."He says quietly   

Vonda says, "I think so too Zolomon and you seem better than you were a few weeks ago, I am glad."
Krisha starts to tell Oz to sit but lets him go have time with the dibbuns,she knows he will eat and likely tire himself out for sleep later.She stands up to get some cake before sitting down again to quietly enjoy the rest of the evening   

Lacota is already thinking up an elaborate wedding feast. "Congratulations, you."   
Dochas goes to lead Oz to the Dibbuns' table, if he's following her. She's already plotting the shenanigans they could get up to with a badger to help them. DoraRose gets some cake for herself and her family. Butterclaw lands on the floor and peers under tables, looking for the DAB Ringleader. She in turn scurries and keeps out of his line of sight...for now.
Benar smiles, he goes to mingle with the rest of the beasts in the hall before enjoying a large slice of cake himself.   
Krisha keeps an eye on the dibbuns, she does let them have cake, she lets them stay up a little later, probably she runs off the extra sugar in the play room before bedtime.   

Lee waves to DoraRose from across the room. "Hello," he calls out. Lacota meanwhile has returned to his work in the kitchen.
Vonda smiles as she looks around the abbey, she looks at Zolomon"Get me and you some cake...please"   

Zolomon nods as he gets up to do so,soon returning with the cake pieces for him and her. Oz hangs out with the dibbuns till its bedtime and Gorvenalus smiles, a small yawn as he writes down some quick notes in his journal so he remembers what to write of later in the recorder logs as he will likely go to bed early tonight.   

Dochas suddenly APPEARS beside the beaver. "Whatcha doin'?" DoraRose waves to the otter and heads over to him. "Hello, Lee. Such wonderful news, isn't it?"

Gorvenalus smiles,"I write down things to remember for the abbey records."
Dochas nods, then scurries away as Butterclaw finds her! The Dibbuns don't argue when it's bedtime -- they're just happy the Badger Mother is back. The feast winds down and eventually comes to a close as everyone heads to bed. It's been a long and lovely day.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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