Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2021-06-01 09:58:17 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Mission Snacks A Success

Oz had wandered into the kitchens, the mountain had been fairly busy the last couple days. So only a couple hares to watch over any dibbuns.

Kelp was already in the kitchens,seeing Oz he smiled and walked over"Hey ya think theys have any snacks around?"

Julia has taken advantage of the lack of adult supervision and hastened to make good her escape!  Sneaking through the corridors, she darts into the kitchen and, unless they move, runs smack-bang into the 2 Dibbuns already in here!

Oz starts to say something when Julia runs into him and he tumbles backwards, blinks a couple times,then frowns a little.He is still somewhat jumpy, more so knowing Zoltar is...well so close by.

Kelp steps backwards and chuckles "It's a hare...but a small one." It clear he has not been out and about the guest room he and Vonda has, or least hardly out at all.

Julia rolls as she and the badger tumble to the floor. Hopping back up, she brushes off her skirts and checks on her doll. "Goodness sakes, I didn't realize y'2 were in 'ere, wot!" She smiles. "I'm Julia, an' I 'scaped th'grown ups! I lead th'DAB, an' I'm 'ere foh fun! Whot's y'names, an' wot're y'doin' in 'ere?"

Oz smiles"Me....I been here..before."Course he was younger but he remembers."Looking fer..cookies"

Kelp grins"I am Kelp and my big sister is Vonda, she is a hare....but ma and pa had adopted her."He then frowns,his holt wa gone now.

Julia nods. "M'mum an' da an' big brothah were murdered by pirates when I was nought but a babe. M'big sistah Felicity raised me." She says that as if she's no longer a child, which is ridiculous because she is. She suddenly realizes who the badger is and goes to give him a giant hug. "Ozzie?? Is tha' /really/ you??"

Oz smiles at the hug and nods"Is me.."He is taller now and has a couple small braids by one ear.He looks down a morment, then looks up smiling a little as he needs to try and be less sad,and less worried.

Kelp mms"You knows each other...neato"He chuckles as he scans the room for snacks, cookies or..well something.'All de grown ups be busy makin' sure the bad beasts stay outside..even my sister is helping a little..when she not being sad"

Julia goes to grab their paws and lead them through the kitchen to some doors in the back.  "C'mon, I know where th'/best/ cookies an' things are, wot!  Why would Vonda be sad?"  She peers around counters and trolleys.

Oz lets himself be led into the other room"Where..going?We gonna get in trouble?"

Kelp follows "Cause..she misses Zolomon...I think she likes him and he has this really cool longbow too, though he is a bit moody"

Julia, unaware of all the drama surrounding Zolomon, scowls.  "Dunno where 'e is!  I know m'sistah misses 'im, too.  But she doesn't /like him/ like him.  They're just friends, " she quickly adds.  "Felicity /like/ likes Terrence," she adds, unaware of the drama going on there, too.  "An' we'll only get in trouble if we get caught, so le's be careful t'not get caught, wot!"  She leads them to the pantry and opens the door, beckoning them to enter -- and hurry!  Before an adult shows up!
pose quicly goes inside and looks to see if Kelp is following them inside as well.

Oz quickly goes inside and looks to see if Kelp is following them inside.

Kelp does go inside as well, "Wow..thar a lot of stuffs here, we could have a feast of snacks!"

Julia grins and nods as she silently closes the door behind them.  "Aye, we could, but w'need t'be /careful/."  She says quietly.  "Only take a little bit from each jar oh box.  Then 'twon't look suspicious when they check latah."  She demonstrates by taking just a handful of nuts and a cookie from their respective containers, putting the lids back on when she was through.

Kelp gets a cookie and looks around"They shoulds make hotroot some time, that is good stuffs"

Oz looks around, he gets an apple,a cookie and finds some candy chestnuts and giggles.

Julia finishes what she had and gets some candied fruit.  Looking around, she tries to think of what else in here tastes good.  "May'ap if we don't get caught, we c'n go t'th'cellahs next an' try some drinks," she whispers slyly.

Oz tilts his head"Drinks..could be bads. Vermin gave me...something yuckie once and throat hurt afterwards alla day"

Kelp shrugs as he gets another cookie and a pawful of fruit."Maybe they has.....fizz drink, like berry juice?"

Julia shakes her head.  "That's why y' 'ave /me/.  I c'n /read/, an' I know which drinks are good foh Dibbuns."  She grabs a biscuit, then goes to lead them to where the drinks are in the other storage room.  "'M thirsty.  Le's get somethin' t'drink /now/ an' then we c'n come back.  We c'n look foh fizzy fruit drinks while we're at it, wot!"  Still no adults in sight.

Oz nods,he grabs another apple and follows her as he looks around, how are they getting away with this , oh well.
Kelp says, "A fruity drink be real goods...they be the best. after the bad beasts go away I notta sure where gonna go....Vonda use live here as a dibbun"

How, indeed.  Maybe all the adults are busy with fortifications while some foods slowly bake?  That would explain the smells and the lack of adults.  But that also means they need to hurry before anyone comes back.  Julia lets them into where the drinks are kept and starts reading labels.  "May'ap y'could live 'ere....or find Zol'mn an' live somewhere wi' 'im.  Oooh, 'ey, I found blackberry fizz!  I love this!"  Fortunately for the Dibbuns, this little keg already has been tapped, so all they have to do is get cups and fill them up from the spout.

Oz smiles,he looks around for cups, the adults might not notice cups missing right away, could assume they are somewhere to be washed as there is still chores to do.He will help find the cups and then follow to wherever they sneak off to next.

Kelp is having fun, sneaking around is fun and meeting other dibbuns is fun as well.He will be carefull as they walk around the mountain, and any proove they ate anything...won't be around,anything they take or drink is safely hid, in their stomachs!

Julia shows them to put the cups in a pile of already-dirty dishes, then she leads them off to play in a classroom that has lots of toys and art supplies in it. They can rejoin the other Dibbuns when it's time for dinner..

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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