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#1 2017-07-14 10:38:42 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 208

It's Not Your Fault-Redwall Log

Leon-Master Healer
Caleb-Cook in training and rank 2 novice, mate to Cynthia
Cynthia- Singer and Dancer, Mate to Caleb
Xander-Leader of Mossflower Defenders

== I logged this, but Leon doesn’t show up right away, he shows up a little into it….. ==

RW Abbey:Kitchen
This is a long, narrow room with five large fireplaces set into one wall, and two equally large wood burning iron stoves set against the opposite wall. Several small, rectangular tables rest in here, but there are no chairs available. The rest of the wallspace is taken up by an entire array of shelves, cupboards, and counters which hold the day-to-day cooking supplies and utensils. The kitchen is clean and well maintained, and more recent efforts have been made toward organization of the cooking ware.
On the wall just right of the door leading into Great Hall is a neatly penned chart, which lists the names of beasts assigned to cooking duty as well as the dates and times they are scheduled. A small note above the chart urges residents to volunteer for at least a slot or two a week.
The light from the windows is bright and cheerful. This room is rather warm due to the ovens being used, and at times can get quite uncomfortable.

Xander was in the kitchen, the only thing he knew how to make was cookies and Oatmeal ones at that, today he was trying to make something different and he wanted to get his mind off earlier today.

Cynthia walked into the kitchen and seeing Xander walks over to him “Hey…not seen you try and make cookies for a while”

Xander blinks and spins around “I….oh..well least your inside Redwall, by the way don’t go out today you’re not needed at the tavern, Patch and Angelo have it covered.” He gets out a batch of the cookies and sets them down, he had made a couple different kinds and one set had cooled and this one had yet to cool down.

Cynthia frowned as she takes one of the cooled down cookies to sample, she takes a bite and tilts her head, “Why is that and who is Angelo?”

“ Angelo is a  ferret who helps in the tavern sometimes and..because…ok there is someone who wants to mousenap you and I have an idea who but I don’t know and these vermin who work for whoever this boss is, who wants you for an exchange…well they have Krisha and I am supposed to and NO I won’t do this no worries, supposed to bring you somewhere at sundown to exchange you for Krisha”  Xander then takes a couple breaths as he said that all in one long sentence without a breath.

Cynthia frowns as she takes a couple more bites of the cookie…”Someone wanted me…D..Drake maybe?” She then coughs and gasps a little as if the cookie bit went down the wrong way and gets a concerned look on her face.

Xander frowns as he reassures her “I don’t know and your safe…you’re ok as long as you stay inside the abbey as plans are being made…least hope and all …you ok?” He gets a glass of water and offers it to her.

Caleb walks into the kitchens about this time, dropping off some lettuce he has just picked.

Cynthia frowns “W..What is in the cookie?” She tries to stay calm, and she doesn’t notice Caleb walking it.

Xander holds the glass “Well the ones just made are Oatmeal and strawberry…the other ones are Oatmeal with walnuts  and both have a like cream cheese center.”

Cynthia gets a panicked look, and even more so when she has trouble breathing “alr..allergic to walnuts….”

Caleb looks over and his eyes widen “Cynthia?!” He then heads into the great hall “ Get her fresh air….mustard seed and make drink…gonna get dad!” He isn’t gone long before he finds the Master Healer.

Xander right away finds mustard seed and is not sure how much to add to water, he adds a little to make a like gross soupy mixture and helps the mouse maid drink it and gets her towards the breezeway. Worry in his eyes as this is not something he planned, he had not meant to hurt her and had he known he of warned her to not sample them. He takes her just barely into the breezeway for fresh air.

Cynthia shivers, gasps and drinks maybe a little over 1/3 of that mixture and then throws up most of what she ate..the cookie and breakfast and coughs a couple times. She takes a couple breaths, it’s only slightly better.

Leon rushes ahead of his son and is there in time to see the mouse maid throw up, “Hold her up a little on your lap…”He already has out a clean cloth to try and wipe off her tongue and inside her mouth some and has an herbal mixture, a little to drink and some to breath in slowly just under her nose. “Cynthia…..breath slowly and try and be calm”

Caleb stays off to the side worried.

Xander holds her long enough to help and then lays her on a bench and quickly heads further onto the grounds, clearly upset over this.

Cynthia coughs but drinks whats needed and manages to start breathing a little more normally as the herbs help, she coughs a couple times and frowns “Stomach and throat…hurts”

Leon sighs and looks to where the badger ran off, he nods to Caleb “She should be ok son…stay with her and then get her to the cottage to rest…achally the infirm is better, just in case may be best she is inside the abbey main building with this..trouble maker around. Caleb frowns as Leon gives a quick update and Caleb nods as the Master Healer heads off to find Xander.

RW Abbey: Late Rose Garden
The Rose garden offers solitude and peace from every-day life of the abbey.  A feeling of tranquility is presented through the roses and the open area that seems to flow over everything around.
Buds stud the plants along with greenery that shows through the last remnants of icicles that simplly /won't/ leave.  The last vestige of the winter snow has long since melted from the trainquil little spot -- seeing as it's a popular place for young couples it's no wonder that the new carpet of grass under foot is now trampled flat.  As it matures it will come back, but for now, it can remain flat. The little buds are already showing their colors, even a few of the early-bloomers beginning to come out and open up.  A lovely place to represent spring, no?

Xander is in the rose garden…crying?

Leon walks over slowly “Xander?..Its ok, Cynthia is fine, a little rest and then some simple food for dinner and should be ok by tomorrow.”

Xander frowns “It’s my fault…same as Krisha being a captive, it’s my fault, I failed in my promise to protect Krisha and…and I didn’t know Cynthia was allergic to walnuts…she could of died and been my fault….I keep failing today” Tears go down his face.

Leon lays a paw on his arm “None of this is your fault and you have not failed, you only fail if you give up and don’t care and you clearly care for your friends. You didn’t know what was going to happen today… one knows what will happen before it happens, yeah sometimes but unexpected things seem to come around anyways. I didn’t know Dorarose would be going out to….well fight, but she has her brother with her.”

“Fight?” Xander frowns “My fault also…I..I don’t know what ta do…the stoat said if I followed he kill Krisha but he may anyways and he wanted Cynthia and there is no way in all of Mossflower I would give them her…I…I feel lost”

Leon sighs “Again not your fault…Dorarose chose to go on her own, no one forced her to go and its ok to let others help, sometimes its best that way. I bet Ferro will help also…you need to stay here, you’re not in any shape to think straight…sorry but it’s the truth”

Xander sighs, he has to agree he is a mess right now..emotions and dust covered now, a rose petal is even in his fur. ”Still…’s hard to..get mind off things when…worse things seem to happen.”

Leon sits down by the badger “Talking helps…I won’t say he day will get better…it may or it may not, Cynthia is fine now, you helped her ok…you did and she is safe in the abbey. As for Krisha…well I know Dora and her brother, and Ferro most likely is there and all of them are good fighters and smart enough to be careful in this situation and I am sure that they have a good plan on how to make it all turn out for the best, they may not be back today…maybe tomorrow or the next day but I am sure a message will be sent on results and where everyone is…” He hears the bell for lunch and looks at Xander “Lunch?”

Xander wipes away his tears and nods as he stands.

Leon smiles a little and he then heads to lunch and he will make sure Xander tags along and eats lunch and gets some water, maybe even make him take a nap on the infirm so he can be better watched, heck get the abbot to order him to stay inside, yeah that’s a good idea.

Last edited by Leon (2017-07-15 09:17:36 AM)

I play
Cota-grandson of Dorarose
Micco-Leader of the Gawtribe


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