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#1 2020-11-24 05:38:33 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Time Off Request-LP LOG

== Got on as Ciocan and chated with Lt Velm and General Quinten ==


Ciocan- Badger Lord

Quinten- General, Recorder in LP

Velm- LT. and Healer in LP


Ciocan is sitting at his desk looking over papers, he nods to a hare and smiles "Very good we are ready for the next coming seasons with supplies..also see if we can get some update on how things are in Halyard, I have not heard much lately of the village" A nod and the hare exits the room

Velm slips in and clears his throat "Sur?" He walks over and salutes,then stands at attention as he waits on a reply, he knows the badger is likely busy.
Ciocan looks up and smiles as he lays aside another paper "Lt Velm, good to see you? How are you doing since you have returned to us?" He gives the hare his attention now. "I do hope all is well"   

Velm replies "Well enough..sur...achally"He sighs "I been thinking of, time off...a trip and if it's no I understand, I just feel..I need..."He sighs again as he has found it hard to focus much and sits down in a chair "I am sorry sur just some stress issues...dealing with"   
Ciocan asks, "Stress is not good and wot is going on Velm? Feel free to talk I have time,as for time long and where?"   
Velm frowns, "Mossflower..I..I just need to.."He shakes his head as he leans back in the chair " I still have no clue wot happen..not all of it and others have said to just let myself forget but it's stressful to and I feel going to Mossflower will ease my mind sur. I perhaps could stay at the abbey till Elbio gets thar...take whoever is with him back ta here as I assume he won't travel alone " He adds "I don't have to either if you deem it..wrong to go on a trip alone"   
Ciocan listens and nods "I am not sure who yet will go with Elbio...someone..maybe a group of 2-3 hares."He closes his eyes as he thinks and opens them again " Alright, you can take this trip Velm....if it helps. A clear nonstressed mind would be good to have.You could even take a letter or two for me"He then smiles "You can take someone with you, her name is Joanna and she has family in Mossflower...she used to be in the patrol but saddly left after.well after we got back from helping the abbey against Ormaz and his horde. She was a private and has family in Mossflower and has been wanting to go back to them the past couple of seasons but I told her it was unsafe to go alone..I know she be safe with you"   
Velm manages a smile "I can take her back..of course sur. I am assuming she lives somewhere in Halyard housing?"   
Ciocan stands "Yes..."He frowns "Her mate was killed in some fight in the village a couple weeks ago. He was not in the patrol so I would like to make sure she gets to her family farm safe in Mossflower" He walks over to where a couple of letters are and hands them to Velm, he then writes a quick letter himself "I will send word to Joana with Rufus..that bird needs to get out more instead of just staying in that nest of his and grumbping at the hares"He chuckles a little and looks at Velm"You can leave in the morning the letter I am sending will tell her your coming and to be ready. I will make sure also you and her have enough supplies. Its a 3 week trip to Mossflower and the abbey and you can stay till spring and return with the couple hares I will send with Elbio."He hands velm a paper with an address on it on where the hare maid lives.   
Velm gets the letters and nods, he also looks at the address "A couple letters to the abbey I am guessing?"   
Ciocan says, " Yes  one for the abbot and one Zolomon wanted to send to Xander"
Velm nods as he stands, salutes and gets ready for his trip after breakfast in the morning   
Ciocan watches the hare and nods "Be careful on your trip Lt Velm ."   
Velm nods as he stops by the doorway "I plan to be careful and will make sure to get Private Joana to her family's farm. I know Halyard can be....well"He shrugs, he has mixed feeling of the place seeing as it seems worse off than few seasons ago.   
Quinten is approaching the door to the Badger Lords room and slows as he spots Velm on his way out, "Velm good day," he glances past him, "My Lord," He salutes, "You are off someplace Velm?"   
Ciocan nods to Quinten "The Lt is taking a trip to Mossflower soon. We will need to make sure he and 1 other has some supplies in the morning"   
Velm stops and backs up a little.He starts to reply when Quinten does and nods "Yes sure."   
Quinten says, "Oh that is useful," He reaches into a pocket and removes an envelope, "I was going to ask one of my bird friends to deliver this. But if you are going to Mossflower could you deliver this letter to a young leveret called Ciana who is in the care of the abbey? It is from Elbio, saves my friend having to risk the winter weather in the mountains." He glances at Ciocan and nods, "I'll see the Lieutenant here has all the supplies he needs for a trip to Mossflower."   
Ciocan nods "That is good and hopefully your get there before winter weather hits, you should though"   
Velm gets the letter and nods "I will make sure she gets it and any other messages ,
Quinten says, "Thank you Lieutenant, that would be much appreciated," He nods past the younger hare to place a folder on Ciocan's desk, "Some papers I could do with you to sign sir, trade orders, bills, that sort of thing."   
Velm salutes and heads out, he does need to get ready for the morning as it will be a long trip but he hopes a good one.   
Ciocan watches the Lt head off and looiks at the folder "Of course, I believe we are good with supplies..least don't know of anything we need we?"   
Quinten says, "We need some more cloth for uniforms, but there is an order in with the clothier in halyard, so we should have some in plenty of time sir, if you can sign the papers"   
Ciocan chuckles as he looks over the papers. He signs what is needed after looking over them "Its good to know things are slowly getting back to normal. We still need to fix a couple divisions, look into a possible promotion but nothing too major right now. "   
Quinten says, "Well let me know if you need me to interview or work with anyone you have in mind for a promotion," He frowns, ears canting back, "I think quite a few of our youngsters have a lot of potential but need a bit more educating before being promoted.""   
Ciocan nods "Domink was mentioned for a possible promotion, we will have to see though"   
Quinten says, "Well have them drop by my office, I'd like to talk with them and make a judgemnt on their abilities as well. If you don't mind sir, I do like to try and stay abreast of everyone.""   
Ciocan says, "I will have someone let Prvate Domink know you wish to speak to him"   
Quinten says, "Thank you sir," Quinten picked up the signed papers and tucked them away, "I'll leave you to get on with your day sir. Unless there was anything else?"   
Ciocan nods "That is all for now Quinten"

==The next morning ==

Velm was ready to head out and was surprised when the haremaid was at the entry to the Mt waiting on him.

Ciocan came out and smiled "I see your both ready, I have supplies for you both..have a safe trip"He watched the two shares till they were mere dots on the shore nd then headed inside. He slowed as he looked at the sea and hmms softly,he then shook his head and went on inside.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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