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#1 2020-10-17 09:12:39 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Injury In The Kitchens-Redwall Log


Gorvenalus- Recorder of Redwall

Xander-Novice in Redwall


Xander sat on a chair as he peeled some beets and potatoes for the meal that night, the moles wanted the famouDeeper 'n Ever Turnip 'n Tater 'n Beetroot Pie, so the badger had the job of peeling the needed items. He was done with the carrots and beets and had moved on to potatoes, finishing one and tossing it into the large pot.   

Gorvenalus walked in to get some tea, he always liked tea when he was working in his office. "Lets there is the mint" He glances at Xander and decided to have another novice start the pot of water for the tea.   

Xander sighs, he then frowned as his paw was shaking slightly but after a short minute or two, it stopped. So he went back to peeling the last of the potatoes, another would slice up the beets, carrots, and potatoes for the pie. He had yet to notice the Recorder.
Gorvenalus smiled as he got a tea bag and placed it in a mug, he waited till the pot started to make a ready sound,  and then carefully poured the water into the mug.

Xander looked to see how many potatoes he had, 4 it seemed, he sighed and picked up one to start peeling when his paw shook rather badly and he ended up not carefully peeling the potato and instead cut the paw holding the potato, he gasped and dropped the potato as it rolled away and grabbed the now bleeding paw, sadly with his shaking paw so it didn't really help much. A novice nearby gasped and backed away unsure what to do, luckily the ruined potato, and any blood, only went on the floor, not into the basin where the peeled potatoes were.   

Gorvenalus quickly walked over "Let me see your paw Xander, in fact, let's go to the wash area and clean it up some...come along" He will gently go to move Xander's paw so he can himself hold any needed pressure.   

Xander frowns but slowly stands and allows the beaver to help, his right paw still shakes as he frowns but stays silent for now, but it's clear his left paw, the one that was cut, hurts a lot.
Gorvenalus leads him to where the paw can be washed and examines it closely, the beaver has with him a small pouch with some bandages and a simple herbal mixture when needed, he hmmms "This will need maybe 2-3 stitches, we can go to the infirm no need to find Angela, I can help"   

Xander nods "Sounds...good."He frowns as they go to the infirm "My paw hasn't shaken much, usually when used it a lot...I did wash dishes after breakfast, and then peeled carrots, beets and almost all the potatoes for the Deeper 'n Ever Turnip 'n Tater 'n Beetroot Pie...there is still 3 potatoes....left"   

Gorvenalus nods as he gets them to the infirm and goes to stitch up the paw "It's fine and accidents can happen, you just have to be careful, luckily the wound is not deep, it could have been worse. And I am sure another novice can slice the ingredients up, it will be fine"   

Xander frowns "But...wot can I still do with a bandaged paw." He tenses up once as its sewed, "My paw usually sort of numb but also like little sharp pins are lightly touching it, I..I don't know how to describe it, but I only had the 3-4 potatoes left to peel so was trying to get those done before...well before my paw sharted shaking"He looks at it as it has stopped now but it still is clearly numb feeling.   

Gorvenalus nods "Well maybe stop and take a short break just let the order beast your helping know. And you can still do some things, you could still help Matilda in the cellar some, you can sweep and mop, dust maybe. You could help watch dibbuns, maybe take notes to someone even, your paw should heal in a couple of weeks, maybe 3"   

Xander nods "I did promise Matilda I help make a couple of ales with her this afternoon" He looks at the bandaged paw and sighs, his other paw he opens and shuts trying to get feeling back "Guess gonna have ta put up with some after effects of that poison that ferret gave me and even the injuries still bother me some like my hip and upper right leg"He gives a small sad chuckle, "My whole right side hates me suppose"   

Gorvenalus pats the badger on the arm"Your be fine, think of it this way could of last your whole leg and from what I was almost did. There was a lot of damage to nerves and muscle in the right hip and leg, even your right shoulder a little."   

Xander says, "I know" He frowns "Just..tis annoying is all"   

Gorvenalus says, "Yes some things are no fun, but are lucky. I found out some things about the poison you had in your system..your the only one to have survived it, now maybe it was due to some quick thinking of the healer from the Long Patrol, I don't know....or whoever gave the Badger Lord the message, perhaps Martin or one of the former Badger Lords...either way that also helped save your life and your friends getting you where you needed to be and when you needed to be there ,to be saved.... you are a very lucky beast, it would have indeed been sad news to hear of your death when the dibbuns and other friends got back"
Xander nods as he gently rubs his paw "I..I know and I am glad for it, I mean I could have just went inside the gates, I..will admit...almost did but as Martin said I was still needed, but sitting in this odd...slightly cold mist was just...very odd and sort of frightening at the same time"   

Gorvenalus listens and then speaks to a healer who disappears but returns with the mug of tea Gorvenalus had and an extra mug. The recorder sits it by Xander "Here, some mint tea"He adds a little willow bark in Xander's "For pain, drink this and get some rest. You can help with something after dinner"
Xander carefully sips the tea "Thanks I not supposed to do something this afternoon?"   

Gorvenalus nods "Yes, help me with finding some old recipes and dusting the Book binding room...that room needs serious dusting, mainly my fault for...well not doing much in the room the past" He chuckles "Season and a half.....yes since right after the dibbuns were taken so yes the room needs, Abbot Benar and I couldn't find the key when he got into this clean everything top to bottom mood. The key was later found behind a bookshelf" He smiles "A couple of days ago when I was dusting"   

Xander nods "I...see..maybe I could help tomorrow if allowed?" He will wait on a response as he knows it's not fully up to him where he helps.   

Gorvenalus hmmms "You know...sure why not" He smiles " I can have a couple of novices tend to dusting and putting away some scrolls this afternoon for me, and they are to help me go over supply lists, you can help with...the book binding room tomorrow "   

Xander smiles a little "Ok, sounds good."   

Gorvenalus drinks tea and smiles "Good then, I shall see you tomorrow morning after breakfast and will let Benar know I found my helper and it will be done tomorrow"   

Xander yawns a little "Yeah, sounds like a long day but likely won't be too bad....right?"   

Gorvenalus smiles "Go ahead and get some rest Xander, it will be ok and your paw needs a rest anyway.Maybe you can help Angela some today as she is down a helper, Novice Susian needed to tend to some family issue and Susian family lives in the grasslands"   

Xander blinks "Why is her family in the grasslands and she lives at the abbey?"
Gorvenalus shrugs "I am unsure but her family seems fine with her being here, they just like the grasslands but maybe here for winter, I do not know yet" He smiles "For now rest and we can speak after dinner"

Xander "Alright...wot bout my paw?"

Gorvenalus speaks "Angela can look at it later, now as I said see you at or after dinner"He smiles "Nap now"

Xander smiles in return "Alright" He then gets cozy and takes a much needed nap.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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