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#1 2020-07-04 07:00:24 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Thoughts on The Past-LP And Dibbun Slavers TP LOG

It is a beautiful, clear day, with nary a cloud in the sky, a good strong wind, and no land in sight. The ship is rocking and very gently bucking in it's normal way, which most of the creatures on board have gotten used to.
DoraRose has finally been released from the stupid sling! However, she's been told to not lift anything heavy for a few more days. Which means she can't do most of her exercises or practice with her axe. So instead she is practicing with the bastard sword she borrowed from the Salamandastron armory. She weaves and twirls and spins, moving the sword with practiced ease and grace. She is obviously a complete expert with this sword. There is a cup of anti-seasickness tea near her, and the Healers would tell anyone that it's the mouse's 3rd cup of the day. She is going to do her training, and no nausea is going to stop her!   

Felicity is stuck with the Privates. Again. "STOP WATCHIN' MS. DORAROSE AN' GET BACK T'Y'TRAININ'!!" She bellows at the hapless hares she's trying to get to go through their exercises. Many of them are obviously in awe of the Abbey Gatekeeper, who is pointedly ignoring them. The Sergeant is about **this** close to giving them a whipping. "PAY ATTENTION AN' MARCH!!"   
Donica is sitting up on the main deck and looks over when she hears the shouting, well it's not towards her so she is not worried. She has finally gotten use to the movement of the ship and is glad of this as sea sickness is most annoying.   

"March where..." Konner mutters under his breath even as he falls in step with the other privates. He's been having a rough time on board since the rumors from the other privates that Dom hasn't forgotten their time together in the swamp and probably is planning Konner's murder, and as such he's been doing everything in his power to avoid the big arctic hare.   

Terrence, meanwhile, is standing by the bow leaning lazily against the railing and ropes - there's very little to do currently besides drilling and since Felicity is handling that he's left with a break (for now). "COME ON!" The sergeant heckles the privates, "PUT YOUR BACK INTO IT! /You too Harolds,] that turn was bloody sloppy!"
Ciocan steps slowly out of the captain's quarters, he glances at where someone else is currently at the wheel and walks over to a railing look off at the sea quietly   

"Comp'ny, 'alt!!" Once they're stopped, Felicity marches to Konner and gets all up in his face. "Whot was tha' y'said, laddie buck? Couldn't quite 'ear y', wot!" DoraRose continues her dance of sorts with the sword, blue eyes half closed, a hum forming in her throat. She does a spectacular twist that is very complicated and very hard and she makes look as easy as can be, which causes some of the Privates to forget to pay attention to what the Sergeant is saying. The mouse twirls the sword around her paw, then sheaths it at her hip, breathing lightly and smiling. She grabs her tea and finishes it in 1 go!   

Donica smiles, she is gonna enjoy her day, "Least the sea is calm, i like it when it's calm and peaceful"She glaces at the water "Kind of nice and pretty in a way"   

Rufus is finally able to fly and has been doing so the past couple days! Free to soar and glide in the air, he lands on top of the crow nest, not suppose gull nest and looks around, a yawn as its clear, sunny and no troubles.
Konner straightens up, saying, "Nothing, sah!" It's clear he's nervous now, but still.
Terrence watches the exchange with a rather amused expression. "Think he said something about how small the deck is, eh?"

Ciocan listens as it seems a couple of privates are in trouble, he keeps his glace on the sea as it is a calm day and he knows soon enough it will be far from calm once they get to the island, he frowns a bit in thought.   

Felicity raises an eyebrow in suspicion. "Oh, nothin' at all? Y'do realize tha' lyin' t'an officah is a pretty dangerous trick, right? Wise beasts try t'not do tha'." Her ears twitch at what her fellow Sergeant said, but she waits to see how the Private chooses to respond. DoraRose watches this for a moment, then waves up at the gull and crosses the deck to join the badger. "It's a lovely day when my doesn't feel as if my stomach has forgotten how to be silent."   

Rufus stays where he is and watches beasts from his perch, he is happy where he is for the time being.   

The colour in Konner's face drains. "Uh, yessah. I undahstand I just said, uh," The next words a mumbled, "March, well, where..." He repeats. "Meaning we don't 'ave much room..."   

Technically, Konner is in Terrence's unit, but since the other sergeant is dealing with the hapless private the bespectacled hare decides to stay out of it for now as he has found in the past days of traveling he actually /enjoys/ being out on the sea.   
Ciocan nods as Dorarose appears next to him and speaks quietly "Yes, a.....lovely day suppose the sea is in a good mood" He keeps his eyes on the sea, not paying attention to much else.   

Felicity's ears twitch again. "Aye, we don't, but we also 'ave n' choice since we're on a mission t'rescue a bunch o' innocent Dibbuns from slavery an' death. So we 'ave t'make due wi' whot we've got. Besides, when it comes t'drills and exercises, 'tisn't th'destination tha's so important as whot y'do t'get thah." She straightens and adds, "An' unless Sergeant Terrence disagrees, when we're done 'ere y'on deck swabbin' duty -- not because y'questioned whot th'purpose o' the exercise is, but because y'lied t'me. Dis'onesty is unacceptable. Undahstood?"

DoraRose glances at the badger's face. "You alright? You seem a bit...I don't know, melancholy, I guess. Is something wrong?"   

"I don't disagree, by the by!" Terrence shouts over even as Konner's face falls. "Yes sah." The private mutters, accepting his fate.   

Ciocan shrugs " I am fine, its a nice day today.." Yes he oddy..quite.   

Felicity nods. "'Lright, then. Now all y'lot -- DROP AN' GIMME 50!" As they drop to give her 50 push ups (THE AGONY), she joins them, keeping a steady pace as she proves she's not just asking them to do something ridiculous. Doing the exercises with her trainees is something she has always done, and she' not about to start now. DoraRose frowns. "Well...okay. You just seem really quiet, Ciocan. I know we don't know each other very well, but this doesn't seem like you."   

"So, Sergeant Felicity," Terrence says in a bright tone as he pauses in front of her and the other hares doing the exercise on the deck. "I'm going to go find Greenhill and Reuenthal to have them keep an eye on ouh deah Konnah here, as they're a spot more reliable than him, least fo'h now." He nods to the private with a raised brow. "And more truthful as well - they certainly won't let him forget, leastways not fo'h a season at least." With a laugh the sergeant disappears below deck.   

Ciocan nods."JUSt thinking is all" He sighs," Been a while sinxe been on long it..seems"   

As Felicity continues to lead the Privates in their exercises, DoraRose listens to the badger. She senses sadness in him, but she understands it can be really hard to share about it. So instead she just slowly nods. "Sometimes it's hard to return to the place of your old life. It often has too many painful memories and reminders of sorrow. Like how I want to go back to my homeland of Tuscani, but it's so hard, I can't really bring myself to do so. I saw my sister murdered, my parents are both dead, and the house that was in my family for generations burned to the ground. I'm not sure I could face all those memories."   

Ciocan nods, " Likely not no..." He frowns as he stands there a while and shakes his head as sunset happens, he would watch this and usually he would just go inside, tonight he watches as he seems to remember and tears go down his face now. He then just heads to his quarters rather quickly.
Noting the tears, DoraRose becomes very concerned. "Ciocan? Do you need to talk?" But then he's headed indoors. The mouse looks quickly over at the Sergeant, who has just finished the push-ups. Felicity sees and acts quickly. "Comp'ny, dismiss! Look t'y'weapons. Konnah, remembah, y' 'ave deck swabbin' duty foh lyin'." She heads to the mouse, who informs her of everything that they talked about, then the hare walks over to the Captains quarters. "Ciocan? Are y'alright, Sah?" the hare asks as she gently knocks on the door.   

Ciocan forgot to lock the door, but yes he did shut it as he stumbles over to a chair by his cot and sits in it, he lets tears fall now and makes a fist dlaming it to the nightstand, it causes a mug to fall over....and break, " No..." He frowns and looks at the broken bits and leans back in his chair allowing himself to...cry, not too loud but someone by the door could hear it.   

Being a hare, Felicity has better hearing than some, and so she can tell he's crying. She opens the door and slips in, closing it behind her. "Sah? Whot's wrong? Y'c'n tell me." She goes to sit beside him on the cot and rest a paw on his arm, ready to listen, no matter how stressed she may be herself. She is going to be a good friend.   

Ciocan doesn't reply right off or tell her to leave." Martha...loved the sea, she...gave me that mug...she..." All other thoughts lost for now as he just openly sobs now and will likely stop,but only cause he..cried himself to sleep.

Felicity will stay with him, not saying anything. Once he's asleep, she will try to tuck him in and make sure he's comfortable before she leaves. But there is a thought in her mind: Who was Martha?

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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