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#1 2020-07-03 04:28:23 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Hidden Friends?-Dibbun Slavers LOG


Kash-Old Hamster Healer and Seer (Spoofed)

Tenzin-Sea Otter Warrior/Healer

Leigh-Healer in GUOSIM


It had been a day since the Crimson Tide had come to the island, oh it's been there before a couple of times , once in winter in fact and before that the Summer, seemed it liked to show up either in Summer or Winter and the vermin would find some supplies missing and likely do what they usually did...blame one another.   

Kash was awake, and watching as the sunrise happen and then backed back into the tunnel, there were many tunnels, the moles even made a couple of new ones, fixed an old one and closed in other old ones too dangerous to use He had a small little cavern he stayed in, usually left alone unless an injured beast was found or maybe someone injured in a fight or raid, he then went to where they had a small sort of infirmary area.
Leigh slowly was waking up and opened her eyes,a frown as she was not sure where she was, the last she remembered she was tossed off a cliff and there was the sea water.   

Tenzin was here and spoke softly "Hey..lass, your safe if ya wondering."   

Kash walked in "Is she awake now?" He gave a smile and a nod"I am Kash..and you are?"   

Leigh starts to sit up but felt dizzy so laid down "Leigh...I..I have to get back or...least "She frowns "The dibbun, he has them and they need help...we need to free them please"   

Tenzin frowns "I would love to but...its impossible, Gorax has his lizards and who knows what else, and right now that vixen with the rats and ferrets."   

Kash checks on the shrew maid " Your not the only one wanted someone freed child, trust me"And he can get away with calling most child, he is ancient himself." Gorax days are numbered when the..hammer is in place and past faces seen"
Leigh tilts her head "Faces of the past...hammer?" She is confused as she sits up and rubs her shoulder, she also notices banages on her wrists, and one on her leg.   

Tenzin shrugs "He...Kash is a seer...heck I could find a hammer and love to use it on these vermin..."He chuckles and goes on as he sees her look at bandages "Yes your shoulder was dislocated, back in place now Leigh, also the chains and ropes cut into your wrists some, that will heal soon too, the leg was scraped, your lucky the seals found you, also lucky you didn't hit any of the rocks...we only manage to save maybe 1/3 of those Gorax deems as...well useless, too full of fire and spunk or someone does something wrong...its over the cliff and into the tide as it comes in...see it drags you to the sea"He sighs "Some dibbuns been killed, a..friend of mine shortly after I was tossed down here...she ...died"He looks down, the friend must of been very special to him.   

Kash frowns and shakes his head as he stands and heads to his chambers "If I am needed Tenzin you know where I am"   

Leigh watches the hamster head off and looks at the sea otter "Thank you for....saved me"She frowns " So...others are here, how long has Gorax been doing this?"
Tenzin nods to the hamster and turns to Leigh "A long time...he hires beasts to get...youngins..or dibbuns as you call them, he purposely seeks young beasts or beasts who have lost hope of some sort and breaks them, very few beasts fight back...I was one, never did break down or bow to his high and mightly Gorax, he wears a cloak made of..otter fur, wears his silk outfits and robes.....well one day he is gonna pay, I just have no clue when"   

Leigh says, "Maybe soon...I am sure my friends are coming to find us,I heard the vermin on the ship speak of how some beasts chased Mistclaw to the new ship before she...well got away"

Tenzin asks, "Guessing Mistclaw is the vixen on the ship yesterday right?" He shrugs "And the sea is a large place, unless they knew a for sure way its likely they won't find this place, the only ships that come are selling slaves to Gorax...there was one ship full of moles, they all died...another before I was here was passing threw, Kash had the sail away and luckily Gorax didn't see it...sea creatures even avoid this, an island of death as they call it, good name too"
Leigh blinks "We are still....on the island?" She glaces around now more confushed "Where...excally am I?"   

"Tunnels...under and around this island, "Kash said as he returned"Been here a long time they have, moles we have here made new ones, made sure others are safe and even got rid of unsafe ones...we use them to spy on Gorax and his slavers, we tried to free some slaves once couple seasons ended badly, luckily the slavers never found out where they came from,they figured a shipwreck I suppose...but beasts either died or became slaves"   

Tenzin frowns, he nods to the shrew "We are safe here , we have still spyed some...its how we knew of a new ship of slaves"   

Leigh frowns as she listens "Dibbuns from Redwall and Mossflower and not sure where some otters came from, think a holt up shore some on Western shores"   

Kash sighs and sits down"Gorax, he needs stoped before it's too late to stop him"   

Tenzin says, "Never too late to stop evil Kash, trust me, I know the seals would love to sink one of his ships"
Leigh asks, "But what if slaves were on board?"   

Tenzin nods "One reason we don't..."   

Kash shakes his head "Let us , for now just rest"He smiles "Leigh still needs rest and time to recover, being on a slave ship is not good "
Leigh crosses her arms over her chest "I don't need rest I need to get those dibbuns free...I am a GUOSIM shrew.."She yawns as maybe she does need rest, a frown as she decides to leans back and get cozy again, she fights some but sleep does overtake her after a brief moment or two.

Tenzin hmmms "Whats a GUOSIM?" He then shrugs as he covers her back up and looks to Kash "Never heard of it"   

Kash strokes his beard and thinks "Interesting indeed....but for now you're on guard duty child, now go we can ask our friend more after rest."He relaxes himself after Tenzin goes on guard duty and closes his eyes "The future is becoming less hazy, hope but also...pain, light but also..darkness..."

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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