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#1 2020-06-25 11:30:53 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

A Visit To Halyard-LP LOG


Zolomon- Sargeant, Archer, Runner in the LP

Koda- Private and Assitant to Quinten at Home Guard of LP

Quinten- General, Recorder and Librarian

Keifer- Private and Healer in the LP


Salamandastron: Library
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Salamandastron *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-
Here lies the collective efforts of a few good, intellectual hares of the mountain. Over the seasons, this room, which was once little more than a storage room, has been converted into a quite functional library, filled with books of all sorts. The room is staggered with bookshelves, all crafted within the mountain, which reach very nearly to the ceiling, with only a foot or two of space above them, in most instances. And, surprisingly, the shelves are basically all full. Apparently, over the seasons, hares have donated books, and books that were previously stored elsewhere have been brought here.
Some books are older than any of the hares alive in the mountain, and, even more, some are nearly as old as the mountain, itself. These sort are usually journals and records - histories of the mountain. In fact, there is an entire section of this, in a corner of the room, which one can only get to by making their way through the maze of bookshelves to that corner, which is quite like a room in and of itself, closed in by walls on two sides and bookshelves on the two others. However, in the center of the main room, there are two tables set, and upon these books like, some open and some closed, despite the efforts of the librarian hare to keep them on the shelves.

Koda is sitting quietly at a table looking at one of the shorter books, he sighs....he missed a day of stuff as he stayed in his room but now he has ventured out, he still a black eye, that's healing and still a bit of a sore jaw but he is out and about, catching up on his lessons in the library.He frowns why was history always so boring.
Zolomon heard some of what happen the other day as he walks in to return a book, he notices Koda and walks over to him"Hallo doin' ok today?"   

Quinten is sitting at his desk working, his ears perk up as he hears Zolomon's voice but for now he decides to stay put and listen to what his new attache has to say.   

Koda frowns, "I'm....ok..sur" His ears flatten a little as he looks up as if to make sure no one else is around or least certain hares aren't."I'm...catching up on lessons"
Zolomon nods as he sits in front of him and gives a small frown "I heard Cole and Slaw...mainly Slaw....caused trouble couple days ago...and Old Major Pete..."He chuckles a little, though it's not clear if Slaw ended up cleaning that whole room with a small brush or not but news of it spread as some thought it funny, some it seemed to make want to avoid trouble, there was also a report of a missing dibbun till they found it with no other than Pete and then that got talked about.   

Quinten remains at his desk, he turns a page in the report he is reading, he trusts Zolomon to help Koda out if there is trouble. It doesn't do for someone of his rank to stick their oar in direclty unless it is a real emergency to avoid anyone being singled out for favoritism.
Koda frowns "Slaw...knocked me out, I...don't know wot happen after that, I'm...sorry." He avoided others the next couple days, for the most part.   

Zolomon nods "I heard he knocked someone out, not who though...but I am sure he got a good lecture" He looks around the room and sighs "slightly borning around here now, need ta things ta do sides of course training and for some lessons and stuff"   

Quinten frowns, he had not heard that... but again, best if he doesn't stick his oar in. Sounds like it got dealt with, he does stand up now and make a show of scraping his chair back loudly. He then makes a show of moving around putting on his uniform jacket and such so they can see his silhouette through the glass. Handy thing about his office is the little window above the door he leaves ever so slightly open so he can eavesdrop on people outside without them noticing.   

Koda frowns "Other stuff ta do..."He looks over at the door and sits up better now and glances back at Zolomon.
Zolomon shrugs "I don't....something, maybe I could go ta Halyard."He then finally notices Quinten and watches the door, but then relaxes as well he hasn't done anything to be in trouble, not for a long while.   

The door to the office opens and the General strolls out buttoning up the last few buttons on his jacket, "Ah Koda, good day, how are things? Any messages? And Sargeant good day, I trust all is well?"   

Koda stands and salutes the General "All is well today sur, just catching up since I had to take a day off...sur, no messages right now either."   

Zolomon does salute also but he remains sitting down"Its a jolly good day sur just relaxing and debating on taking a walk ta Halyard the rest of the day"   

Quinten says, "A trip to Halyard sounds like a sensible thing," He glances at Koda and then goes back into his office and returns with a folder of papers, "Take Koda with you, drop this off at the bakery and then have a day out to enjoy yourselves."

Koda blinks and smiles "Go to Halyard sur?"He has never been there but has heard it...well interesting just not to go alone.
Zolomon looks at the papers, "Papers to..Halyard? I never knew we had anyone there we talked to much, that hares visited and we at times patrolled, just not as much as before fer wot ever reason"   

Quinten smiles, "There are people we buy supplies off when we can't source everything ourselves. My contact works and runs the bakery, old hare call Heather, used to be a patroller back in the day. Drop those papers off with her, she'll source what we need and arrange for it to be sent down to the mountain."

Koda listens as the general speaks, visiting the seaside town sounds neat to him.   

Zolomon nods, a salute "We can do this sur...and I will make sure Koda stays close and we both will be back by this evening sur"
Quinten nods and smiles, "Well have a good time, I am sure Zolomon will show you all the fun places around Halyard to visit. I will see you both when you get back," He raises a hand and heads out to go do whatever it is he needs to take care of
Koda nods, he looks at Zolomon "'s not...dangerous thar is it sur? I have heard tales of some issues but also that's"
Zolomon waves and stands collecting the folder "It can be but ya will be with me lad....ok lets go....ummm ya know how ta wield a weapon right Koda?"   

Koda nods "I can sue a dirk....I mean I need practice but I can use it fairly well."He goes to follow the Sargeant out the door.   

Halyard Tavern: Main Room
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Halyard Tavern ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Warmly lit by torches along the walls and lanterns set upon the many tables
scattered around the room, the main room of the Halyard Tavern is an often-
populated area. One corner of the tavern is taken up by a stage, about a
foot or two higher than the rest of the floor, where live entertainment
performs, while circular tables, both large and small, are set up in front
of the stage, spreading out into the center of the room. Meanwhile, around
the perimeter of the tavern, booths are set, and, of course, the obligatory
bar rests against the far wall, a bartender or barmaid always on duty.

Zolomon arrives to the tavern after the dropped off the papers off at the bakery with the hare maid Q mentioned and now was at the tavern "And now chaps we enjoy the day, it shall be a good day"   

Koda looks around curious and blinks"This place is kind of"He frowns a little " So woodlanders and...vermin?" And he and the Sargeant are in uniform too so he is unsure as they go to find a place to sit.   

Keifer was in uniform and none too happy "Why? Why did ya talk me into this Sargeant...I should of stayed at the mountain its ...quieter thar and I don't need lead around thar."He has been in Halyard before, well before the accident that lead to him being blind, he was a recruit then now he is a private.   

Zolomon smiles "Ya needed to get out Keifer, ya needed a break and not to worry I will get you and Koda back safe and sound to the jolly mountain...sides I have this feeling General Q is up ta something, he doesn't usually let one have a jolly day off that often, let's enjoy taday and its not even lunch yet, as I think it may be a while till get another day off."

Koda frowns as Zolomon rattles off his nick name, he wouldn't dare do nick names but guesses maybe cause of ..rank? He looks around "I never been in Halyard at all, or a tavern even, this place is sort of....well interesting"   

Keifer folds his arms over his chest as he finds a chair and sits "Hmmphs...likely not changed one bit the past couple seasons...loud and...smells odd....though the food is, its ok they do have good fish stew"   

Zolomon grins as he orders some food and drinks,"Oh and de fish stew..."He chuckles "Your be fine K...relax, ya know how to relax right chap?"   

Koda just keeps looking around and smiles "So how often do we like...get a day off? And when do we need to come back for I wonder?"
Keifer speaks "They bring them ta us...we just have hares come and get them to take into the mountain"He is relaxing some but he is also a little nervous, being unable to see its...well...makes one unsure.   

Zolomon nods "Yes Old Q knows wot he is doin'...he will get contacted on a day....some hares will wait outside de mt. and pick up the supplies and take em inside."   

Koda says, "I think I like Halyard, it's...neat and so unlike the mountain"
Keifer says, "Halyard can be dangerous also this is a ..calmer day suppose but also no coming alone, trust me thar a reason"
Zolomon nods "Yes it can be bad...fights have happen"He smiles as the food and drinks arrive and makes sure Keifer has his drink and stew.   

Koda smiles and starts to eat his food and sip his drink, he smiles "The food here is good....I mean its good at home too"   

Keifer rolls his eyes and nods his thanks for the stew "I should get those supplies for the infirm while I am here"   

Zolomon smiles "I could get em for ya real quick K..wot ya needing, hmmms I could also go back to the bakery and grab me pal Xandy is Xandy anyways K?"   

Koda is curious too"The badger in the infirm? I spoke to him once....he seemed sad at being in there"   

Keifer grumbles "Not..K...oh never mind....they may have it ready as I sent a runner to tell them"Then he did need someone to get it and a sargenat be better than some random private, least he hopes the runner told them.
Zolomon nods and heads off. leaving the two hares on their own for maybe a half hour before returning with a couple packs "All here ya and Koda doing ok?" He smiles "I even found this chocolate and honey muffin for Xandy to try, and a cherry scone for each of us!" He hands them out, his is...well he ate his already.
Koda smiles as he tastes the scone after he gets it and nods "Its nice...and good maybe needs more icing but its good"   

Keifer nods, he trusts the beast who he gave the message and list too" Good...ummm thanks Sargeant" He nibbles the scone and speaks "And your friend...Xander...yeah he is a bit depressed and I have no clue how to cheer him up"

Zolomon folds his arms over his chest as he thinks, he eats a little more food and sips an ale, then smiles "I know! General Q can get Xandy his own room...cozier than the infirm....even the beds for long term. We can help him to it I bet Q be fine with the idea and we can vistt more...right?"

Koda hmmms "But he can't walk....I mean we can get some hares to help him to a room or find a wheeled chair...wait is there one for a badger?"   

Keifer hmmms "He could have his own room I mean he is past the point of his life being in danger now, he still has a lot of recovering to do but most of that is special exercise and...well a healer can change bandages in a room I suppose....sure why not, sides it could maybe cheer him some. ..and General Q could get a room together I am sure and a healer could check on him daily, as for a wheeled chair...for a badger? Ummm I don't know...he s a normal size, unlike his Lordship whom is...well very much taller than the normal badger is....maybe General Quinten knows"   

Zolomon smiles "Thanks K...lets get back and see if General Q can do that...we can still have a day off...but I want to surprise Xandy by tonight if we can" He will just bring any leftovers back with him to the mountain and him and Koda can help carry the supplies for the infirm"Let's head back chaps!" He will lead the way home and then go find General Q!

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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