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#1 2020-05-21 05:17:09 PM

Mother Krisha
Registered: 2019-05-04
Posts: 504

Time Alone..-Redwall Abbey/Dibbun Slavers LOG


Krisa- Badger mother

Gaheris-Skipper of the Otters

Benar-Abbot of Redwall

Rick-Brother/Elder of Redall Abbey,he is a squirrel-Spoofed by Krisha


Krisha is usually not one to avoid beasts but the past week, more the last couple days she has avoided beasts, even the Abbot himself. She doesn't have a fire going right now just sitting on one of the logs here with a long stick making circles in the dirt. It looks like she been crying and on top of that seriously lacking in sleep.She sits at the fire pit.
The otters had arrived! All eleven of them including the Skipper. It wasn't exactly an army but they had to come when they heard what happened and it was all they could spare. Having sent the others inside to find themselves a place to sleep and eat the Skipper is instead to work and doing a quick once around the grounds to check on the current situation. He's passing through the orchards when he spots the badger and instead heads for the firepit "'ey..." he pauses, asking if she's alright or what's wrong would be stupid "Can I 'elp?" he asks instead.   

Krisha turns to look at the otter, she manages a hello to him but it's a quiet one. She lays the stick beside her and speaks " I am ...just sitting here, I'm usually..."She sighs.most of her time is with the dibbuns or classes and even if she has novice classes she has asked others to do them right now.
Gaheris comes up to the edge of the firepit and nods slowly "Aye, y're the badgermother, I know wha' y'should be doin'..." he's been to enough feasts the know some folks "Y'll do it again. I don't know who y'got chasin' after 'em already but they'll brin' 'em back...and if they need more 'elp we'll 'appily march out after 'em"

Krisha feels the tears again, not too many as she cried a lot earlier, she clears her throat."Champion and some others went to try and find them, they hopefully found the right direction but we have yet to know, we just have to wait"   

Gaheris stares at the firepit because honestly he's not sure what to do with crying maids "Yer champion's a good one, she'll not stop until they've found 'em...'ard t'do but y'just got t'keep faith tha' they'll do it"   

Krisha nods "I..I know...just..."She shakes her head "I just feel like I should of known something was gonna happen.....that...the savers even took my son...took all the dibbuns"She stops and remembers "Well almost, there is this one goose dibbun...she was on the pond hiding from the DAB."   

Gaheris' jaw tightens as the whole thing makes him angry but he can't vent that anger here "...I'm sorry fer yer son...Slavers are the worst f'em...Tha' goose must be scared stiff with all her friends off"
Krisha nods "I have yet to her, but then again likely not good to . Likely should just try a normal day but its far from a normal day and even Xander is gone, he went with them to hunt down the slavers"   

Gaheris tilts his head and finally looks at her again "A dibbun gets scared, 'elpin' 'em when nothin's normal fer either f'y'seems like a good start t'me...I mean, I ain't carin' for the dibbuns back 'ome and I don't 'ave me own but y'never might 'elp y'too. Rebuildin' after disaster is somethin' I do know an' sometimes bein' able t'do somethin' t'elp someone else 'elps with the 'opeless feelin'...If y'catch me drift?"   

Krisha nods "Ther isn't any dibbuns missing from CampWillow is there?" She is wondering if the abbey is the only place that has missing dibbuns"   

Gaheris shakes his head "We hid the camp after it was near enough destroyed last...we don't 'ave many dibbuns t'take truth be told" a fact he looks a bit sad about but he continues with another shake of his head "We've 'eard a bit from the woods but it might not even be the same vermin at work"   

Krisha says, "Its a vixen and a ferret, its all I know and they had clearly been watching the abbey.They tricked a hare into"She frowns "Drugging beasts...I dont know why a ahre would help them, unless he was forced too, they scared him into it I think and he was gonna turn on them and thats why the slavers killed him too"
Gaheris frowns deeply at the news that a hare was helping them "Hmm. Not every woodlander is a good beast. We've dealt with evil 'ares before..." he pauses to think before sighing heavily "But if 'e weren't bad t'start with we're talkin' slavers 'ere. Could be anythin' from threatenin' 'is life t'threatenin' 'is family"
Krisha frowns, "He..did act sad and never talked much.He was helping me and a couple novices, Sister Anna and.."She frowns at the last name "Sister Ginney"   
Gaheris doesn't know what happened to Sister Ginney so he doesn't notice the frown this time "Y'may never know wha' drove 'im t'elp 'im and there's no changin' it...'opefully it won't be long before yer champion gets back with 'em all. Until there I think we're just 'ere t'back up yer guards"   

Krisha says, "We have guards...Benar called for GOUSIM and...Camp Willow too"
Gaheris raises his paw in kind a wave "Aye, tha's us. Skipper of Camp Willow...the others are inside settlin' in"   

Krisha manages a small smile.."Thank you for...coming to help we might end up needing it.With the champion and other strong beasts away that is"   

Gaheris provides a little smile back "Ah, y'know, the abbey calls f'elp we ain't goin' t'ignore it...Y'll be alrigh' 'ere though. Doesn't seem like a plan t'take the dibbuns and then attack y'all anyway"

Krisha says, "No, but others might attack but hopefully not"   

Gaheris dismisses the idea with a wave of his paw as he doesn't know what had been predicted "Ah, y'got t'be really unlucky t'get two groups f'vermin tryin' things at the same time"   

Krisha says, "True...the ones who took the dibbuns, they just took them and left..didnt attck or..."She wipes away a tear "They killed sister ginney likely cause she ..walked in on them, I remember she has said she be back later in the night and she missed the cookies and juice"

Gaheris's frown is back with the news that they killed a sister "Hm. I'm sorry t'ear tha'...I'm sure she were brave and would 'ave stopped 'em if she could...Place like this doesn't deserve things like this t'appen t' where does"   

Krisha says, "No it doesnt but it happen and and they hid any paths left too like they...palned it all"   

They clearly did plan it" the Skipper shakes his head and sighs heavily "Planned it well t'get this far. The smarter vermins are the worst t'deal with"   
Krisha fronwns "I just hope...they dibbuns are found, the search parties must of found something or they be back by now so...good sign I think or least hope so"   

Gaheris makes a little expression of agreement "Y'got a point, the longer they're gone, the more sure y'can be they've found somethin' t'follow. I'm sure they'll find a way t'get word back t'y'all somehow when they can"   

Krisha nods "Martin is with them...I never saw him yet, least I dont think I have in any dream"
Gaheris glances back at the abbey building. He's never seen the ghost either but he knows the old stories well "Ah, well 'e'll guide 'em right then. There's no where any vermin can 'ide tha' ghost can't follow 'em there..." another quick look around and he starts to move again "I better finish me walk around and then see where we're needed anyway"   

Krisha nods as she slowly stands, "I should get dinner probably"Then back to avoiding beasts she decides, least for now.She slips into the kitchen to get some salad,cheese, fruits and some coridal to drink.She walks quietly to the entry and quickly back towards the firepit.

Its there she would see Benar, paws folded in his habit "Krisha..." He sounds tried as he starts to walk towards her" You have been avoiding beasts the last couple days."

Krisha frowns, she backs up a little and doesn't say anything,she just heads to the open ground,she can go the long way around, she needs to be alone"I'm...I'm...sorry" She says and quickly walks off, to hide...again.

Benar frowns, the elder beside him starts to follow the badger till a gentle paw stops him "No Rick....leave her be, she will talk to us when she is ready...come let's go inside"

Rick nods and follows Benar back inside the abbot building

Krisha sits down by the wall, along side some vines sort of hidden, and its shady here.She eats dinner and falls asleep...least its a good clear night sky, she will be fine here tonight and a guard did see her but the guard will just keep that to themself.


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